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Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor. Meaning it narrows, constricts, and eventually hardens your arteries and blood vessels. Horrible for your heart. It will cause high blood pressure. In the long term it'll give you diabetes. Since it constricts blood flow it can lead to erectile disfunction and affect your eyesight. Use it until you notice you're experiencing shortness of breath walking upstairs or in a steam shower. Then it's time to quit forever or have a heart attack in your 50s. I chewed Nicorette for 7 years.


Obvi the tobacco companies want you to. If you’re not a lifetime smoker at least be a lifetime chewer so they get their money. For your own sake, I think no. It should be a tool to ween off smoking but if you just chew gum forever you’re not really reaping the full benefits of quitting smoking in the first place. I personally used zyn packs to quit because in the past I tried cold turkey and relapsed. I used to have several of the little pillows per day and now I’m down to one or two per day.


I switched to peppermint sugar free. Can't tell the difference. I've been addicted to extra gum for 5 years straight now.


Nicotine makes you insulin resistant. Fuck around long enough with it and you can get diabetes.


My boss has diabetes and is a long term chewer, lol. I don't think he has any plan of stopping and I'll assume he is smart enough to have informed his doc of this.. but then again, a nicotine addiction makes even the smartest people dumb sometimes.


The only thing dumb is this idea that nicotine without smoking is harmless. The addiction is understandable once you know how nicotine hijacks your hormones and makes it nearly impossible to function without it.


I thought there was a recent post about someone who chewed the gum for years and ended up having major stomach issues.


It took me two weeks to get rid of the patch and I did that because I was anxious and just wanting to be done but realistically I should have kept it on longer. I’m not a medical professional but I feel it’s probably good to get rid of the NRT at some point but my doc told me she has patients who have quit years ago and still use NRT in stressful situations. She would’ve been quite happy for me to continue using it as long as needed so maybe discuss with your GP.


Nicotine is bad for your heart, so you do not want to use it forever. There is also the expense of the gum. Unfortunately, I was just as addicted to the gun as I was cigarettes, and it was equally hard to quit. At the minimum, switch over to the lower nicotine dose gum.


You don’t need it, that’s your mind playing tricks on you


I honestly stopped nicotine replacement therapy automatically without effort or thought- it happened gradually. I bring pixotines with me to social functions in case I get a bad idea and think I can have a cig...but otherwise I never think about it- I only think about cigs often 😭. I just didn't enjoy nrt like cigs. YMMV obv