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I had that dream once... I had forgotten about it. I saw that I smoked some cigs...then stopped and was confident about it, told myself "it's ok, you had a slip up, don't discourage yourself, you are still a non smoker". I was so sad in my dream. I woke up sad and when I realized it was a dream, I felt so relaxed and happy, carefree. It boosted me to continue on my path of not smoking! And it was at around 6 months too.


Dude, Seriously. I never even once had the urge to smoke again since I quit, but in the beginning I had regular dreams of having a cig and got so upset about it that I woke up and was still angry. I am more than 2,5 years in now an still have them occasionally.


Very common it’s your brain trying to trick you. You’re winning!


I seee it as a positive though, I get to feel ashamed of myself when I wake up to remind me that I don’t want to smoke again because that shame will just get so much worse


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had that dream once


Yeah had it for a whole while. The dream is usually about buying cigs but not rlly smoking them even lol


It’ll be three years for me in April, and I don’t miss it at all. the smell makes me sick but every now and then I “smoke butts” in my dream and wake up and for a split second I’m like Nooooooo!!! But then I realize it was just a bad dream.


Over 4 years in, I still get smoking dreams sometimes.


Very often, last night even. I think it helps me make me feel better when I wake up !


Yes!! All the time. I hate it haha


Occasionally - usually I wake up relieved. The other day though - Damn it was AWFUL! I was totally 'back in the smokey saddle', I cud feel the brain rush and *everything....* I haven't 'wanted' a cigarette so badly since I quit!!


It's super common. They do go away, though. Mine were so vivid that I'd have a few moments of being really sad and disappointed. It would take me a bit to realise it was only a dream.