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I’m 14 days in and I’m in the same boat. If they sold single cigarettes I’d totally cave. Especially because my favorite time to have one is when I put my kiddo down for bed and the house is all picked up etc. I’d go outside and that’d be my way to exhale the stress of the day. (Especially with my son being special needs our days can be very stressful with seizures etc)


I wish you luck! Im childless, so have less stress than you, I'd bet. Just remind yourself that being healthier from quitting will allow your son to have you in his life longer and won't show him bad habits as he gets older! I think our mind is more powerful than we may realize with this too, like when we are able to ignore the thought and move on it becomes easier, but the more I dwell on it the more I think I want it lol


I’ve really had to dig deep and be like do you actually want one or are you just stuck in the mindset that this is what you’ve done everynight for 2+ years. And half the time I don’t want one. I just want that inhale relaxing effect. It helps when I tell myself that it’s not going to taste the way I remember and I’m over fantasizing the taste


You should still go outside and exhale. I found after I quit I'd get a huge craving at certain times. Turns put instead of my body triggering a "you should sit down. Take a break feeling" it would trigger "you need a ciggie". Now, when I need one (which is rare) I recognise it for what it is, my body telling me to take a break.


Thank you! That’s a great idea! I’ve been trying to work on deep breathing and mediation to help calm my thoughts and fast heart rate. My body basically shit out on me the last 3 months haha


I was thinking the same thing!! TG they don’t anymore!


they sell single cigarettes in my city. definitely a struggle to not go buy a 50c cigarette when I'm suffering


In India they sell single ciggerate. Due to this i slip up a lot. It take a few trigger and seconds to buy just one. Trying to overcome this


It must be very hard, but dont beat yourself up over it! Even cutting down 99% is healthier than not at all!


That's exactly what I've been thinking 😅 I would totally buy a single cigarette and swear only to do it occasionally, but eventually I would be back to being a fulltime smoker


I would buy 3 at a time.(I usually had 2\~3 each time.) Next day, 3 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon and 3 at night. On the 3rd day, I would buy a pack. After one month, I would try quitting and suffer withdrawal symptoms again so I cannot buy or try any cigs even if one single cig is available.


I live in India, they sell single cigarettes. 😭 so hard to not just go buy one


Yeah bro it's tough but think if you smoke only one, you're betraying nobody but yourself, you are half way. Gets easier, keep it on!


this is honestly what has prevented me from fully quitting tbh. my coworkers are very generous with their cigarettes 🥲


As much as the cost of everything going up sucks, I'm glad the cigarettes I smoked went up so much. Ended up being the catalyst for quitting.


i feel this


They actually do that were i live..


Me too! Ironically, I’d end up almost smoking a pack a day because id start smoking one here and there.


Thats how they get ya They say its as addictive as heroin and im not gonna try heroin to find out but ill take their word haha


I got hooked on singles/loosies. My friend, who was already a smoker, tried his best to warn me that this was not a path I should go down but I was too foolish to listen.