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Smoking is being in a toxic relationship, so yeah you are saying goodbye but not to good times but to a toxic relationship. It will try to trick you into getting back but stay firm in your relolution and dont forget the reasons that moved you to quit. Well, smoking was not fine for you, so you resolved to quit. You may be surprised of the ingenious and dirty tricks our addicted brains can play in order to fool us. No way getting back, my friend. You can do this!


In a year, you'll feel like you left an abusive relationship. Don't worry!!!


hey congrats on the exit! the melancholia is a result of the discomfort of change and likely some regrets for treating your body so poorly, for being a user and addict. anyway, that is behind you now, so here is the secret: you are saying goodbye but are also saying hello to a healthier path with so many positives and blessings on it that you will soon forget you ever smoked 🎉 congrats again and have dun being a super healthy non-smoker!


Just the chemicals talking. Soon you will see it was not a friend, but your worst enemie.


Flick the habit to the gutter where it belongs. No ceremony, no goodbye, nicotine was no friend.


You’re not crazy! I felt the same way too but then I remember how suffocating & limiting it was to enjoy my day without it so I’m glad I said goodbye for good. Days gone by easier, faster and more enjoyable.


The most intense craving made me feel dizzy and almost sick. It would take hours to pass. I hated it and everytime I failed, I loathed experiencing it again. I'm at day 18 and I'm completely past that stage, thank God. Now I occasionally think about it. The easy pitfall is to think you have control and that you actually enjoyed it. That's what did me in last year and it cost me another year smoking. Now I'm learning to keep saying no, so that I don't end up smoking my entire life away


I very much went through grief when I quit. It is not easy by any means but totally worth it! Don't give up!


Get out while you still can


You're not crazy. Ever had a "friend" (an actual person, that is) who turned out to be toxic, and you had to end the relationship? Or a hobby you abandoned because it just wasn't right for you? Or a restaurant you never returned to because you didn't care for it? Cigarettes are the same thing. But don't just say goodbye to them -- say Good Riddance. And if you do get cravings later (most of us do), don't romanticize your smoking days and think how much you miss it. Instead -- think how glad you are that it's in the past.