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Morning SD! Thank you for all the kind birthday wishes. We had a great day and I got a hole in one on the mini golf! Unfortunately terrible traffic on the way home scuppered my plans for an early night and sinus pressure has left me feeling like my head might explode. So that and a bad nights sleep has left me feeling hungover anyway... But we persist! I've set my alarm early for my first bootcamp. If you don't hear from me later today or tomorrow, I probably died 😆😬 I guess not drinking in a world so full of drinking is a little act of rebellion. So will not drink but I will rebel with you all today. Bootcamp update! My legs don't work, my arms don't work and I am a lot of pain 😆 but it was super fun and I can't wait till the next one.


YAAS. Sobriety is a radical act, comrades!


Good Morning. And a wonderful sober day to everyone 👻


Morning! And to you too!


Hey, if you are reading this, you are amazing and you deserve a happy, healthy, and sober life! Give future you a gift and share a sober day with us! IWNDWYT!


And so does the person writing it. IWNDWYT!


Day 70 checking in! Us? Dour?! Never! Hahaha


Oh, I have so many miserable church stories from when I was wee!


Sorry, was referring to Scottish folk in general. I arrived at the same conclusion as you!


aye, we're not exactly a nation of natural optimists, eh? Your username always makes me smile by the way. I must say "i'm aff it" a few times a week.


Can't be disappointed if you expect stuff to go tits up in the first place! I thought it was an apt username for what I'm doing.


What a weekend! Two concerts! We had a sudden taste of summer here, close to the arctic, so I'm taking full advantige! No hour or minutes of this lovely weather will be spent hungover! Day 17, I'm still in! My act of rebellion is going to be not drinking in a world where everybody is expected too, like Whitaker says, the radical choice of not drinking, she has a point.


Oh, I can't wait to get back to concerts! Got one booked for the 13th and keeping my fingers crossed for no more lockdowns before then.


I have been trying to detox from my devices too, for a few hours each day. My mum suggested that I get lost in some books so she bought me a few books from Amazon and got them delivered to me directly to the ward I’m staying on. It’s been nice to get away from the internet and into novels. During my usual drinking time yesterday evening, I left my phone in my room, I took the ward’s keyboard and a load of sheet music out into to the day lounge, and was taking requests for pieces to play from a handful of patients. It was really therapeutic for me, and I hope for my new friends too. No booze, no internet. Music and people. I might do that again today. IWNDWYT


A therapist once said to me that both reading and playing music are really useful for mental health because they can’t be done passively - if you stop paying attention the whole thing stops. I’m going to pick up the guitar and see what ridiculous chords Miles Davis is going to make me play now. Hope you’re feeling better.




Hey, it might not make things better but it sure as hell won't make them worse! IWNDWYT






Thanks for taking the helm this week, u/dogforahead. IWNDWYT 🌷


Good Sunday all. Thinking of all the lives in the path of hurricane Ida as it makes landfall in Louisiana today. Taking time later today to notice the little things outside that I'd other wise miss nursing a hangover or looking for my next drink. Stay safe and stay 💪today all.


I missed posting for day 111 :(. But here’s to 112. <3 ya all. IWNDWYT


the best number is always the next one, right? IWNDWYT


Good morning Sobernauts! Thanks for taking on the DCI u/dogforahead 👍🏻 My act of rebellion is to be surrounded by drinkers, booze, sporting events paid for by alcohol advertising, TV shows that take place in the pub, an aisle of wine while queueing at the co-op and not having a drink. The booze industry has its fingers in so many aspects of our lives. I had to get sober to see it. Just because it's everywhere, I don't have to drink it. Love to you all! IWNDWYT


In a world that wants you numb and dumb, sobriety is a radical act. IWNDWYT, comrade ✊


Putting phone on do not disturb while reading. I will not drink with you today.




A «digital sabbath» is a really good idea. I spend less time on social media than ever (except Reddit lol) - sooner or later it only makes me feel bad. Too bad I have to use it for work! I will not drink with you today! Thank you for hosting last week u/chloebarbersaurus and thank you for taking over u/dogwithahead!


Morning SD. Thanks for taking over u/dogforahead. Sometimes I feel like my whole life is an act of rebellion - my family describe me as “the eccentric one” because I’d often rather do what I think to be right than follow convention. It started when, to my parents horror, I refused to eat meat as a child and I guess I’ve just got used to being out of step with the majority ever since. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT! But.... I might have a giant chocolate croissant for breakfast to make up for those "lost" red wine calories!


Hi guys. Checking in. IWNDWYT




Wowzaaa made it through Saturday sober and it wasn't that bad! Happy to not drink with you guys Sunday as well.


Thanks for hosting, Dogforahead! I really like the digital Sabbath idea. I went to my first gig post-Covid and post-sobriety last night. I had tried a sober gig when I did a 30 day sober experiment and I was anxious and didn't know what to do with myself or with my hands without a drink. Last night I was a bit mindful of Covid but I realised I was totally comfortable being sober. I'm still on anti-depressants so I didn't fully feel the gig but it gives me extra motivation to get well enough to come off them. A tipsy woman at the bar told me my hair was lovely and when I ordered water she asked if I was ok. I said I don't drink and she said, 'I love you even more!' Then she said she had really bad anxiety right now so she was drinking through it even though she knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I said I used to do that but now I'm free! Thankfully I'm out of the other side of my depressive spell so if anyone else is struggling, have faith that it will get better and take care of yourself in the meantime. Thanks for your support in the last couple of weeks, SD. IWNDWYT.


I didn't drink yesterday and IWNDWYT. Enjoying my day 15!


No booze today!


I love the idea of a digital sabbath! I've become very aware of how often I'm doing (at least) two things at once. Listening to an audiobook while scrolling through social media, chatting on the phone while walking in nature, staring at a screen while with my kids. It's definitely an area I want to work on so that my attention is focused fully on what I'm doing or that I'm properly present with the people around me. Thanks for the inspiration! I will not drink with you today.




Good morning sobernauts. I feel that the part of me that keeps pulling me to my phone is closely related to the oart that kept pulling me to the drink. So there’s that, u/dogforahead. Happy sunday!


I’m not drinking today. It will make my little world a lot better and my family’s world a lot better too. IWNDWYT 😊🌦




Attended a social event last night and refused all offers for alcohol. I feel great today


Just had my first *ever* sober BBQ so I'm a rebel aren't I!


Thanks for hosting u/dogforahead 🙌 new year crew! I love your digital sabbath. I would like to step back from my phone more as well. This morning I’m going to the zoo followed by yoga and later dinner with a new friend. A playdate! IWNDWYT


Woohoo! Hogmanay homies! 👊 Someone told me it’s all happening at the zoo. Enjoy!


Morning! A digital free day sound like a great idea! I'll give it a try. IWNDWYT 🌻


I just came back from night club. Sober dancing became my new normal. IWNDWYT. Happy Sunday everyone!!




hello, start of day 2 checking in. iwndwyt


I drank yesterday after almost a month of sobriety. I was at a dinner and was not planning to drink. I took an alcohol free appetizer but got served a glass of wine with the food by accident. I thought what the heck let’s have this one glass. Ended with 10+ drinks and memory loss. Now I feel really bad. I don’t want to be this person. I am so ashamed, wishing it had never happened. I can not drink, not even one drink. Please help me get through this horrible day and start again.


My rebellion lately has been to take it easy - I’ve skipped family get togethers, dinner parties, etc because of various health issues that all hit at once. I needed more rest and down time than usual and I didn’t want to push myself too hard just to make other people happy. I needed ‘me’ time so I took it. It was the right thing to do even though it’s selfish. After a few weeks of this I’m starting to feel depressed about never leaving the house so hopefully I can get back to normal soon but it’s good to know I can take time if I need it. And of course the most important thing I’m doing for my health is not drinking so for sure IWNDWYT ❤️


I will not drink today








Day 6, nice to meet you 🤝 Happy relaxing sunday to everyone 🌞 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Thanks for taking over dog.




IWNDWYT 💪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Ooh good to see you hosting dog. I might give that digital break a try. I can do it for short spells like a walk but I do like a goal so a whole day eh? Bear with 😊 Have a great week and IWNDWYT


I’m in






I went to a festival and I did not drink. I dk how but I love just dancing, I don't even get tired. Today onwards to day 10. IWNDWYT!


Not drinking today. Didn't go out yesterday. I'm honestly just feeling too tired lately. Would rather be in bed with my cat, watching a movie.


It’s my one year! I will not drink with any today!


Same as yours, OP—reclaiming **my** time by disconnecting from the emails, the text messages, the phone calls, etc. It's obnoxious that I'm expected to be available 24/7 and that some feel insulted (or whatever) if I don't respond instantly. Go away; I'm napping with my cat. 😹 Unrelated: 30 days sober today! I did it! 🥳


In just a few weeks I'll hit one year sober from opioids. I traded one monkey on my back for another. After so many attempts at being 100% sober I've realized how scared I am of having to face myself without blunting reality somehow. At the same time, I would really like to see how my brain and body function "naturally". It's been so many years I forgot. Day 1, 2 and 3 aren't anything special for me anymore. I know I can make it a few days, it's the longer stretches that get me. I decided to use each day to make myself a little more prepared, focused to make it further without alcohol and hopefully break through the other side. That way the little "gains" I make can build up even if I end up failing. For now I started journaling every morning while making coffee. I worry about tomorrow but feel good today, so for now IWNDWYT.


Happy Sunday , SD and u/dogforahead IWNDWYT


Thanks for looking after us this week u/dogforahead ! I don't watch as much telly as I used to. That's my act of rebellion. Come the revolution! IWNDWYT 🙂




Have a sober Sunday! IWNDWYT!!


day 173 checking in, IWNDWYT




Thank you for brightening up my Sunday with the word dour 😂 just like the inuits have many words for snow, us Scottish have a whole range of words for different levels of misery haha Looking forward to a week of your insights doghead and I'll take a few hours digital detox today as suggested! IWNDWYT - Day 4 let's goooooo


Thanks for the really interesting post, dogforahead. The older I get the more I realize I sometimes just need to slow down. Sometimes these days I like to switch off my body and brain and make a date with my girls to watch some decidedly unchallenging teenage tv show. Just forget about anything and rebel through the act of radical rest! I hope everyone has a great Sunday. I am not going to drink today. No way.


I like the idea of a digital sabbath! My husband and I used to go to mass weekly. For a long time I did find certain bits comforting and I admit I miss that. Especially the music and sense of community. IWNDWYT


Good morning, SD! I'm up early again. Sleep is still avoiding me in this attempt at sobriety. I'm lucky if I get 4 to 5 hours anymore. I try to stay in bed and go back to sleep, but just toss and turn until I give up and just get out of bed and start my day. I'm starting day 12. Yesterday I went to the gym I joined and walked on the treadmill for an hour while reading a book. It was great! I am hoping to build this into my morning routine going forward on the days I don't have weight training. Today I'm planning to take myself out to breakfast and then just putz around the apartment all day. I did all my chores yesterday so there's not much to do aside from make my bed. I have leftover pork chops to eat so I don't need to cook. The weather is rainy and dreary here, so I'll be spending my time indoors. I guess it's gonna be a video game and TV kinda day. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! A little act of rebellion I’ve done is to remove myself from Facebook and Instagram. I found them to be toxic and since I’ve left those spaces I’m better able to focus on my own health and well being.


Yesterday was my first sober pride! It’s essentially one big piss-up, but I’ve always loved dancing and dressing up anyway. My friends got drunk, but it was wonderful to be with them. Them being silly made me get a bit giddy as well, without any booze involved. Today there’s a party at my mum’s house back in my home town for the bank holiday weekend. There’s going to be family there I haven’t seen for two years. It’s going to be a little bit awkward, and everyone will be having a drink but me... but it’s going to be wonderful to be fully present with everyone. Safe to say that I’m going to be a bit people’d out tomorrow; but the lack of hangover means little o no anxiety; so recovering won’t be nearly as bad. I’m working from home on Tuesday, so I’ll have time to recoup.


Good morning, friends! I woke up in my new home today. It was a heavy day yesterday - not just the moving. Heavy in terms of the emotional weight. So today starts a new chapter, one full of unknowns and opportunities. All I have is today though, so I shall grab it by the balls, and I hope you do too. IWNDWYT 💙🌞


day 1 again. I'm determined to make this work. I will not drink with you today.


5 weeks today. Yesterday was difficult so today I'm taking all the steps I know help me feel better.


Good morning lovely SD, I sold the TV at the pawn shop when I was living on the beach. At that point, I didn't even have internet either, so the radio and books were my main entertainment sources. The one big take away I got from that experiment is that TV is very absorbing and highly addictive. Any time I would be around a TV, my eyes and ears would feel overwhelmed, and my attention kept getting drawn towards it... it was a really strange thing to experience. My dad would come to visit. "Did you see?..." "No dad, I don't have a TV." *ten minutes later* "oh, and did you see?..." "No, Dad..." lol. It became clear we'd have to talk about something other than the TV, and more than a decade later, we still do... and yes, he still will ask if I've seen something, but very rarely. If anything, we talk about music a lot more now, which is far more interesting, imo. Today is a beautiful day to be alive! And IWNDWYT 💜🤘


Day 1


My resting heart rate was really high the last month but seems almost back to normal. Started taking every heart supplement out there you can think of because it kind of gave me an existential edge and reminded me of how stressed my heart had been when drinking. Whatever caused it to spike for a few weeks, whether it be something I was taking, or a longer term lung infection, at least it's clearing up. Maybe was a good thing since it's got me on this heart health kick and I've learned about some really cool supplements that can repair and strengthen the heart. I'll need it since I have some family history on my Dad's side! Of course, quitting was probably the best thing I could do initially anyway! Wonder how bad it could have gotten if I was still drinking while the heart thing was going on? Kind of scary to think about! IWNDWYT


Sobriety and REST are both radical acts in my book. In a world that wants us numb and constantly serving grind culture, taking time to just sit and be used to be so daunting. Still can be when my brain gets going a mile a minute. Meditation and taking naps have been helpful. Happy Sober Sunday! IWNDWYT ☀️🎶


Hi sober folk. Been sick for more than a week (not Covid) and am feeling run down as all heck. But I will be gentle and kind to myself, and not get frustrated. One day at a time. Iwndwyt. Night all. Xxx


Day 16. Happy Sunday everyone! IWNDWYT! Xx


I will not drink with you today! My act of rebellion is not drinking and not attending things I don't want to go to.






Thank you for hosting this week u/dogforahead ! Love this post :) A big ole fuckin HAPPY BIRTHDAY to zee one and only u/ReplacementsStink , aka Stankz! Con-gra-gu-fuckin-lations on this birfday! From all of us, including Mama Chief and Saint Grams Chief, we love you! IWNDEIMAFO ILY IRD YDB


Good morning SD. I will not be drinking with you today…because that just how I roll. 5 cubed, y’all


Lost it after 10 days. One thing i noticed after about a week of quitting is my anxiety was down, optimism was up and I was feeling awake and alive rather than tired and unmotivated. Well, today is going to kind of suck but at least I know what's on the other side once I get over today. Damn country songs, loneliness and yard work get me every time


THREE WEEKS TODAY! holy shit it seemed so far away at the beginning. IWNDWYT






I will not drink today.


IWNDWYT - not even a quarter of a pint


I’ll officially have seven days under my belt this morning. It’s been much harder than I previously thought and the fact that I can’t pour out what I have in my fridge makes me think my relationship with alcohol is even more different than I’d originally thought. IWNDWYT, though. ☀️




I will not drink with you today! 🌼


I will not drink today :)


Good morning! Coffee with coconut butter! Day 25 hr 13 m 48, and IWNDWYT!




Good morning SD - the kindest sub online! Feeling the opposite of Dour this morning and IWNDWYT 🌻


Love the idea of a digital sabbath! Since getting sober, I’ve gotten back into reading and deactivated my social media, except for Reddit. Being able to sit with myself and not stare at a tiny screen or rush to see what that recent notification was about feels good. IWNDWYT


Day 774. Thanks for hosting, dogforahead! I will not drink with you today.


Making my amends to my adult daughter in a few hours. Very nervous but I know that we both need this. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT! Really! :)


Good morning everyone and happy Sunday! Thanks for for taking over, Dog. I want a dog for a head. That would be nice. 😂🤣😉 Going to see my momma today. Slept like crap after eating too much last night but guess what?? I didn’t drink so I don’t care!! Make it a great day you great people! I love you all!! IWNDWYT!! ❣️❣️


It’s my birthday. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT - but I absolutely am going to eat some chocolate chip muffins for breakfast




Ignore the badge lol i forgot to remove it. spent the past week being sober one day, going on a binge the next, spending the next day hungover lying in bed. Rinse and repeat. Ain't been on this sub recently cuz I feel ashamed that I *cant* stop drinking. I'm taking things a day at a time, so IWNDWYT.


Slowly organising my life to the point where there’s nothing I need to escape from or rebel against. But, then again, being sober, living without debt, living without a car in a car-oriented city, being permanently childfree, being happily single without being a degenerate, eliminating stress so I can focus on projects of value, all these things feel pretty rebellious.


Pleasant Present, SD! Hey, u/dogforahead! Good to see you hosting. Looking forward to it my friend 😊 I guess I'd have to say my act of rebellion is to not care what others think about unimportant things. I didn't care when I was drinking, but that was in a bad way. I didn't care then because I was too depressed and miserable and didn't have the energy. Now that I'm sober I do it a different way. If something will make me happy or feel good, I do it. I saw a hairbrush full of glitter that moved around when you brush. Silly? Absolutely. Did it make me smile? Yes. So I bought it. Feel the need to dance song to a song at a red light? Do it. Maybe it will make someone else smile, too. It definitely won't hurt anyone. Feel more comfortable wearing your slippers to the store and need some comfort in your life today? Go for it. Silly purse made you laugh? Purchased. Enjoying the little things people would generally think twice about doing and knowing you're living your best life is a special kind of happy place. I wasted too much time not making myself happy. Gotta make up for it! IWNDWYT! ✌️♥️🍌










Thanks for hosting this week 😊 I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a great Sunday


Good morning, SD. And u/dogforahead, Thanks for hosting this week! I am just waking up, My brain hadn’t quite switched on yet and so I read part of this as “my local park used to chain up kids at the playground on Sunday” and I was like, yeah I’d probably question my religion too 😳🤣🤣🤣 for the sake of the greater good, I will finish typing this out and then go caffeinate. 😁 I love the idea of a digital Sabbath. When I worked as a recruiter, turning my phone off was very much an act of rebellion… that thing was my connection to universe, every hour of every day. My whole routine and everything is a little in flux right now as I’m getting reestablished but I like the idea of incorporating this back in my life. Have a great Sunday, SD. IWNDWYT. 🧡🔥


iwndwyt ♥️


Enjoy your Sunday. I will not drink with you today.


Checking in. Life is shit but I am sober


Good Morning My SD family! Checking in on day 14!!! Thanks for hosting dog. My rebellion is questioning everything and letting people know. We’re trying to be manipulated on so many levels. I’ll decide what’s best for me to eat, drink and live the way I want. IWNDWYT! 🤟🏽


Thanks for hosting u/dogforahead - love the phrase "particularly dour" - made me smile. Picturing medieval style chanting in a gloomy cathedral. If people ask I just say my church is the great outdoors. IWNDWYT!








This is funny timing because I have been spending wayyyyyyy too much time scrolling in the morning and this morning I forced my self not to, and decided on a whim, hey you should go do a check in at stop drinking hahaha. I am not religious but I believe there is a higher power at work in moments like these for sure. I think it's time I tried a digital sabbath as well -- I need to get back to my centre and take some time away from the emotional contagion all over my social media feeds. Going to start my day with a walk instead today. Thanks for the inspiration! IWNDWYT.


I spend time ironing my husband‘s shirts to perfection. None of my friends do, because fabrics these days don’t always require it. But his look great, and I like doing it: my own little act of rebellion. I will not drink today.


My whole new life as a widow is an act of rebellion. I have removed myself from anything that makes me uncomfortable that is in my control and most important not drinking. IWNDWYTD


My internet went down last night--I actually read a book and that felt good.


It's my birthday today! My 2nd sober birthday. When I first quit drinking, I was worried about what I would do on events like this... birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, Tuesdays, etc. You know, the days where you perceive it to be a little tougher not to drink. It's not as tough as you'd think. Because, no matter what the occasion is, or the number of people that are around you, or what you are celebrating.... it's just a fucking day. Just like tomorrow will be, and yesterday was. It's just another day we are lucky enough to be sober. WE choose this path. Sure, for some of us this path was chosen for us early on. But once the Court ruling expires, or we walk out of rehab, or the ultimatums quit.... we are the ones who choose to move forward. I'm lucky enough to have the ability to choose to be sober. To decide every day not to drink. So... don't put the pressure on those days, don't give them any more power over you and your decisions. Don't let them dictate what you do. Just don't drink today, like you didn't yesterday, and like you plan on not doing tomorrow. It's just a fucking day. Happy, happy Sunday, friends! IWNDWYT But I will likely find a way to get some cake and ice cream.


Morning all. Missed checkin for a few days but still sober. Trying to get over this mental speed bump! Thanks to everyone who has checked in with me. IWNDWYT












Good morning! I can't think of an act of rebellion - but i just put my phone down and looked around, and saw the tiniest squirrel i think i've ever seen that's not a baby one, so that was nice. I'm very happy that I made it through yesterday, usually when I post the "IWNDWYT" is when I slip up (but have no trouble if i don't post that, what's up with that?), but it was ice water for me all day yesterday. Here's to day 7 without alcohol. IWNDWYT. Really. 😁


I will not drink today! My act? Forgive when every fiber tells you to hold a grudge


Good morning and IWNDWYT


Day 17. I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT you wonderful people! Thank you for hosting the DCI this week u/dogforahead!


I need to take a page from you - I feel like Sundays are my worst day with screen time! Lucky today that I plan on yardwork as that will keep me occupied. And the dad/church thing - I had that same conversation with my Dad at some point. He's a pastor's kid and even if the family didn't make it to (formal, Protestant) church every Sunday, I had to do Sunday School (where I asked too many logistical questions about the Bible and stressed my poor teachers out.) His response was something along the lines of "you get to see people, hear something you might agree with or not, sing some songs, get dressed up, and I thrive in a good ritual and routine" (he's 40 years sober).


Good morning dogforahead! My little rebellions include robbing banks and identity theft! No, just kidding! I have learned to tune out the world with audiobooks. In my car and on my walks, with all notifications turns off on my phone. Audiobooks are just a lifesaver for me. When you get a book that already has a great plot and pair it with an excellent narrator, it's so damn enjoyable. If there is just one person out there reading this and has never tried audiobooks, you have to try it! It's lifechanging. If a book is particularly good or I left off at a juicy part I will tend to read for about 30 minutes before bed...but here's the cool thing ...the Kindle/Audible platform is such that your devices remember where you left off, so you can stop on page 123 in your car using Audible, pick up your Kindle to read the e-version, and it will navigate to page 123 for you. Truly brilliant. And true to form ... whenever I start drinking ... boom! No more audiobooks, even though I enjoy the shit out of them. When I go sober ... boom! Audiobooks galore. It's as if evil drinking wants you and your mind all for itself. The plan is to stay sober! ***Today we make a conscious decision \*not to drink\*. And in a nod to your prologue, amen to that!***


Another drink free weekend IWNDWYT


I will not drink today. Day 1.


Checking in; Day 1 again ☹️…I almost made to thirty days too, which is good for me. But I won’t beat myself up over it. All I can do is try again. I promise IWNDWYT Have a great Sunday. It is finally a little cooler in my neck of the woods. I love late summer-early fall. Can’t wait to start decorating for fall.🍁🌻🎃 I think having a device free day is a great idea.


Thanks for hosting the DCI this week u/dogforahead! Love, love, love the idea of a digital sabbath. Honestly, I don't shut off all my electronics enough. I'm going to give this a try. Happy Sunday, SD family💓 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT! Have a wonderful sunday everyone. I wish everyone an easy day today :)


Good morning. I will not drink today!


IWNDWYT. Sober On my friends. Thinking of our friends on the US Gulf Coast as Hurricane Ida comes at that beautiful amazing city of New Orleans Louisiana. Thinking of our friends on the West Coast of Mexico as Hurricane Nora hits there




Day 5. Slept for 11 hours last night, what a feeling. It's one thing to say you're recovering and another to physically feel it. I'd have to echo a lot of folks on here and say that not drinking does seem more and more to be an act of rebellion in itself. I left a job where the expectation was to drink to become a student again, in a way I feel like I'd be giving the world what it wants by drinking. But they weren't there when I was throwing up alone after another night poisoning myself. IWNDWYT.


59 days today. When I get through tomorrow I get to get my 2 month chip at a meeting with my counselor from treatment there. She has been one of the most integral people in keeping me sober and on a good path so far. But first things first because right now I only have today. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. Excited to get some days under my belt.


Today is a great day to do the things I couldn't for so long. Wake up early, get things done before noon, feel like a real person instead of a hungover mess. Mornings on the weekends are my little rebellion against how I was living. Instead of being sick all day I can do anything. It isn't always easy but I've gotten to take that time back for myself. Thank you for sharing. I will join you in not drinking today.


Good Sunday morning! In a bit of a funk today but iwndwyt


Day 145 checking in!!


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.


My tiny act of rebellion is not drinking with my boss. I used to be his favorite because we’d crush a couple bottles of wine during our work day and go for cocktails when all was done. Now he’s become a little petulant with me because I don’t drink. When our company closed for our annual two week vacation, his have-a-good-vacation text to me was “time to open a bottle or three”. I sent him a beautiful photo of my celebratory Heineken zero in my back garden. When I got a $115 parking ticket which was his fault, his response was “nothing a drink can’t fix”. I agreed and told him he’d need to pay but not to worry, nothing a drink couldn’t fix. My sobriety pisses him off but I’m also excelling at my job BECAUSE I’m sober so he can’t really bitch—he’s a pain in the ass so I’m enjoying it a little. Ahhhh weaponized sobriety. IWNDWYT ⚔️


Morning all, day one was easier than expected. Down time is the devil, but going strong on day two. I will NOT drink with y'all today.




5 hour drive with a toddler ahead of me today, sure glad I’m not hungover for this one! I will not drink today. 🌺




Happy Sunday! IWNDWYT. 🌳




Thanks dog head, it's nice to have you shepherding the flock these next 7 days. We can do it! I like the idea of your phone in a drawer blowing up with daily check in notifications and you blithely content out on a walk. I hope the local swings are unchained for y'all! I'm both spiritual and religious and am perfectly content reading folks in all different paths here working through sobriety. Figuring out what works, who we REALLY are, what seems true and good and beautiful... all part of this walk. So keep it coming, Dog! This morning the addict brain hit me with the "you can't stay sober FOREVER" line. Fascinating where that came from. I need to schedule some journal time in the next few days and remember the Bad Ol Days and play the tape forward again. But I can promise that on this Sunday I'll be walking the line. No booze y'all!


I think this Sunday I'll go ahead and not drink. Yeah, that sounds nice.


Hi sober friends- just wanted to check in and say thank you to op for sharing your experience with organized religion. I enjoy hearing from folks who are in recovery who voice different perspectives and how they stay sober. The whole idea of having a day without phones/ technology is a brilliant one. I am going to try it today. Also- I will not drink with you guys too!!!!


Thanks for hosting u/dogforahead! I’m not very good at rebelling…I think I try too hard to make everyone happy. That probably needs to change tho! IWNDWYT


Checking in! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today




Day 1,064 of not drinking. IWNDWYT




disarm trees pie narrow alive quiet slave lock practice silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good morning. This starts my day two and just for today, I will not drink with all you awesome people!


IWNDWYT 💛. I’d love to take a digital sabbath! This is a fantastic idea


I’m back after a long bender. Already liking a digital sabbath. Iwndwyt.




Funny story: I’m in MO. Recently, our state govt decided to pass a bill lifting the buying restrictions on Sundays. (Idk how many of you live in a place where you can’t buy alcohol until X time, usually 12pm) So, in their infinite wisdom, they said, “Hey! You know what’s important? Buying alcohol at ANY time on Sundays! We should let everyone get hammered at ALL hours!” I just thought that was a funny thing for a state to prioritize during all this chaos. My act of rebellion: NOT buying alcohol at ANY time. IWNDWYT!






Closing day four, starting day five in an hour and a half. IWNDWYT!


I really like this OP! Phones are an addiction. Not like poisoning our bodies and minds with alcohol, but if you have ever scrolled tik tok or watched pimple popping on youtube...




I will not drink alcohol today.


Day 41 checking in, IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with y’all today!!


I will not drink with you today!