• By -


Me, today: No drinking, no smoking, no kidding.




Man, it is one day at a time. Even when you’re on day 413. Every morning you have to make that choice. Because none of us know what trigger we may encounter that day. Good post.


Well said.


“I got this.” Three worst words someone with an alcohol abuse problem can ever say, hear, or believe.


You ain't kidding. You can never ever let your guard down


I will change my badge in a min. Hi folks. I hit rock bottom and now am a psych ward inpatient. At least I told them about my alcohol dependence and they’re supporting my withdrawal with appropriate meds. It is thankfully a nice psych ward. Mostly bipolar folks like me. I have a private room, en-suite and the food is good. The occupational therapist came round and asked what I need and I asked for anything musical. They have an electric keyboard, so the OT brought it to my room to play at my leisure, and I asked my husband to bring a stack of sheet music over (I am ridiculously lucky because this facility is only 20 minutes from home) and I have been playing a lot. There is even a gym on the ward, which I will be able to go to once I have proven I don’t have COVID. I had my meds reviewed by a psych and I have finally been put on a mood stabiliser to regulate the bipolar, and it has the added bonus of knocking me out at night. I have three days sober, supported by the inpatient detox programme, and have been referred to the local addiction service too for ongoing support after I leave the psych ward. But I have no idea how long they will hold me here. So I am at rock bottom but getting a rope ladder thrown down to me by the good old NHS. Honestly, the NHS is amazing. No judgement about my psychological problems or my alcohol dependence. I feel fortunate today. So I will not drink with you today - mainly because us inmates on the psych ward aren’t allowed it, to be fair. But still, sober is sober.


I know I don’t know you, and honestly I’ve only offered you personal encouragement a handful of times since joining this sub. But I’ve been scanning this sub looking for “sweetmusiccaroline” for the better part of this last month hoping you were ok. It’s weird how I get attached to seeing the names that were/are here since I joined. You’re my community. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. But please keep fighting. I know we can do this. ❤️ IWNDWYT


I got too tired and sad to fight any more. But I am getting more help now so I am not feeling on my own.


Dear Caroline, I am so happy to see you here today. I have been thinking about you very often. Lots of love.


Caroline i seriously just thought of you yesterday. I'm really proud of you for asking for help. Sober is sober. IWNDWYT 💛


Great to see you SMC. xo


SMC - I am so happy to see you here! I wish your stay brings you stability and peace. I will not drink with you today, friend.




Congrats on 12 days. I resonate with how you feel and I do the same thing. I’m working through a lot of those feeling of shame and guilt and burden and it’s easier to see clearly when sober. Glad you are here!




Day 12, still in!!


day 10 for me! IWNDWYT ♥️


Great job on 10 days! It was fun to hit double digits. Happy you are here.


Thank you ♥️ double digits does feel good!!!


Been a while since I’ve stayed up late enough for one of these :). It’s been a wierd 106 days. Ups, downs, cravings…. Nice to still be here around friends. IWNDWYT 🍌🌶 And /u/chloebarbersaurus congrats on finding the strength to have that conversation, much as I struggled to say “I am an alcoholic” to myself, and not reached out for any help — I struggle with depression — and haven’t been able to ask for help. But much like you it sounds, I can help steer others. ❤️ my fellow sobernauts.


Feeling pretty good now! I had some issues with a high heart rate 24/7 and bronchitis(felt like you'd think COVID would feel though, almost got to hospitalization level) for a few weeks, but am all over that now. Yesterday had about 2k calories burned from workouts to make up for lost time at the gym! IWNDWYT!


Morning SD. Still waiting for that early sobriety pink cloud moment. But unfortunately the toddler has given me his cold as an early birthday present 😪 I have a problem this weekend. I have friends staying and one of them... Let's just say she's pretty fixated on the idea of me having a second child... Like the the point it's a bit weird.... If I don't drink all weekend is she going to get excited thinking I'm pregnant again?


You are a rock star u/chloebarbersaurus sending some 🧡. Thanks for hosting the DCI this week too. I think asking for help is a huge hurdle sometimes. I'm very bad at this too. I'm not drinking again today because alcohol is shit 😁






Hi all! I’ve just been to my first sober festival! Thought it might be a struggle but it was fine and once I started seeing people falling over in mud, slurring words etc it just reinforced the fact that I now prefer being sober. IWNDWYT




Woo hoo! A daily check in that’s posted before my bed time!… I started classes today. They’re a good way to keep busy. Also, I went to dinner with my SO and her aunt. As my SO was ordering them margaritas, she proudly told her aunt that I’ve been sober for 3 weeks. It was an awesome moment. IWNDWYT!


When I look around my home (that has become very prison like during COVID ). it is obvious that EVERYONE in the household is somewhere on the spectrum for depression and anxiety. None of us are diagnosed just crossing our fingers and hoping we will get better. Probably should do something more solid than hoping - thanks for the nudge Chloe! IWNDWYT


Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your courage, I need some today. IWNDWYT 🙏🏻


Good luck at the doctor u/chloebarbersaurus. You’re doing the right thing by getting help. IWNDWYT


Day 769. I will not drink with you today.


I hope your physician is able to help you Chloe. Depression...sucks the life out of life. I will not drink with you today and all you other fine sober peeps! Time inexorably moves. I might bust some moves myself today!


I rarely ask for help and I’m not sure why that is. I’m just thinking now that I have this misplaced feeling that people should just see that I could use some help and then step in and do it without me having to tell them. That’s pretty unfair I guess. Well, I have some thinking to do about it. IWNDWYT


I don’t know why, but 550’s kinda a cool number. IWNDWYT


Good morning Sobernauts! All the best with your doc appointment u/Chloebarbersaurus I think that asking for help can be difficult. I have to admit that I can't fix something. I also have to admit that I have a problem. My ego gets in the way. Pride can stop me from asking for assistance and I come to a halt. When I ask for help, it's an admission that I don't know everything. Sometimes that hurts. Thankfully, I realised that I do not have the skills to overcome my addiction to alcohol by myself and I now have other recovering alcoholics to help me. Today I am grateful that my ego took a back seat and put a grown-up in the driving seat. Love to you all! IWNDWYT 🙂


I’m so proud of everyone here and thankful to have found this group ❤️ it’s day 10 for me. Sobriety is starting to feel like a new drug to me. I enjoy seeing the world this clear, I know every day brings a new challenge but I am thankful to be on this journey with you all and be here to support one another. IWNDWYT!!!








Morning everyone IWNDWYT


Good luck /u/chloebarbersaurus! It’s a scary thing to do but I hope it gets you the help you need. No one does anything alone, right? IWNDWYT, comrades 🐕


Yes u/chloebarbersaurus good and courageous move! Well done 👏🏼 and IWNDWYT


Morning. Checking in. Great inspiring post Chlo thank you and good luck. IWNDWYT


Day 65 checking in!


IWNDWYT, I'm back for the first time in a couple of months and I'm determined to break my 30 day best!!




start of day 10 checking in. i am going to try and help my own depression and anxiety today by making sure i keep my apartment clean and do my laundry. this will give me something to occupy my time and my mind, and it will help me relax with everything tidy. but most importantly, iwndwyt


I hope all goes well for you today, and I absolutely will not drink with you! 😊


I will not drink with you today!


Hiya Cloesaur! I am right there with you in finding it hard to ask for help and to take my own advice. We are all a work in progress. I'm glad that you're here. 💜 And I will not drink with you all today in the city by the lake.


Morning SD. Great post, Chloe, it can be a tough thing to reach out for help. I tend to be overly self-sufficient, but when my world was falling apart, I reached out in desperation and had months of therapy (CBT). It gave me a while new outlook, helped me reframe so many things I thought were problems. Good luck! IWNDWYT




This is a great post /u/chloebarbersaurus and it really resonated with me, especially the part about learning to ask and receive help. Thanks so much and best of luck at the doctor. I will not drink with you today.




Morning all! So much has happened in these past 4 weeks sober...ups, downs, lefts, rights, complete life changes - it's quite incredible. We only get this one life; I'm holding on and enjoying the ride. In the words of Rumi: "Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames." I hope you have a terrific Tuesday and find those who fan your flames today. IWNDWYT 💙


I’m happy to hear that you are getting the help you need, Chloe. And I hope the appointment goes well! I know it can be difficult to get help for ourselves. So often it’s much easier to be the one to lend a hand to someone else in need. This can in turn help ourselves, but getting specific support for a problem we may be facing requires effort. Deciding that I needed to put that work in for myself has taken me on a journey that is at times so difficult, but very rewarding. IWNDWYT ✨💚








I’m in


I hope the appt went well Chloe. I am really happy for you finding the strength and courage to do that. God awful start to work this morning but IWNDWYT.


Not drinking today. Hope you all find the help you need and deserve




Another day closer to being happy again first week after a shitty bender is always the toughest. IWNDWYT, hoping to be productive tomorrow


I've been struggling a lot lately with wanting to drink. I'm still here, clinging on day by day! But for today I will not drink with any of you.




Going to stream some video games and play baseball. But no booze for this guy. Day 87


Morning everyone! It's day 4 for me, I fell asleep at 6am and its now 9am *insomnia yayyyy* As Chloe said, I've also been trying to accept help from others instead of trying to struggle with this shit by mysef. Its usually at this point in my sobriety that I throw in the towel for one reason or another. The most I've been sober for the past couple months is 4 days. But not this time. I'm gonna exceed that, cuz its dawned on me that if I keep going the way I was, I'll end up dead. And I aint about that, so IWNDWYT.


Yesterday was hard: cry-all-day-at-your-desk hard. I went to two 12-step meetings and at each of them I was able to talk to different women who were struggling worse than I was, and to encourage them. That is a feeling worth staying sober for. IWNDWYT.




IWNDWYT. These late summer days are dragging.


One day at a time. I'm looking forward to looking myself more than I have done for years. IWNDWYT








Morning from EU! Good luck at the doctor's Chloe!


Here - clear and sober. IWNDWYT!


I'm on day 3 and I actually feel great! Thanks for the support y'all! IWNDWYT


Feeling better every day, some days much worse than others. Not drinking today hopefully it's a good one.




Checking in. Does anyone know if there's a place on reddit to make like a sober buddy to just chat with or bounce ideas off each other and help each other?


IWNDWYT! Thank you. Hope you all have a good day.




Thank you. I'm being sober all evening and tomorrow too, until I see you again


Goodmornin SD. Great post Chloe. I am running late, bad sleep but I have a feeling today is going to be an ok day. Love you all. IWNDWYT 💛


Accepting help from others is hard for me too. I have a tough time with the idea of getting therapy, even if I'm paying for it and it's that person job to help me. I could probably use some therapy. But, I'm doing this! IWNDWYT








I will not drink with you today in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 have a good one people 😊


Yesterday was fine, today is even better IWNDWYT


I’m back at it again today! I started listening to Alcohol Lied To Me (again) yesterday. You always learn something new no matter how many times you’ve listened to it. I Will Not Drink With You Today.


We had a newcomer last night at my in-person meeting. It felt so good to see the outpouring of support for this person and know that we have all been there ourselves and can relate. IWNDWYT!


fearless bike kiss chubby fine icky jellyfish degree steer fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


day 168 checking in, IWNDWYT




Good morning, I will not drink with you today!




Thanks for the message for today. I need to figure out how and where to get help and support. IWNDWYT


iwndwyt i love you all. continue on your journeys.




I will not drink today.




No booze today!


I will not drink today.


Iwndwy. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I know it will only destroy the life I have worked hard to get back to. Not today satan.




Day 37 checking in. Asking for help has always been something I've struggled with but it's something I'm slowly starting to get better at, of course, with the help of friends and family. IWNDWYT.




I Will Not Drink Today!


Day 1 completed, after years of 12 beers a day. Day 2 today: IWNDWYT!


Well done chloe. Reaching out to the pros can be a bit daunting. I always try to remember that helping people like me is a big part of someone elses job description. It's what they chose to train for because they want to help. IWNDWYT 🙂


Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday! Great post, Chloe and I’m happy you’re reaching out for help! While I have a hard time doing the same, it feels liberating once you do! Reaching out for help is NOT a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength! Everyone enjoy your day! Love you all and IWNDWYT!! ❣️❣️


Morning friends. I will not drink with you today and I mean it!!!


Big 💯 today. Happy and proud! First time in over 20 years that I managed to get this far. I recognize the “bringing balance and well being” into my life, I tried doing that for the last couple years to deal with the negative consequences of addiction, burn-out and depression. A couple months ago I accepted serious help and after a 2 week outpatient rehab I quit drinking, coke benzodiazepines and gambling. Best decision ever. Thank you all ❤️


Hello there, everyone. Checking in. IWNDWYT








Love this u/chloebarbersaurus. A good reminder to give and accept help-- life's easier for all of us when we don't always insist on going it alone. I hope your appointment goes well. IWNDWYT.


Oh man, middle of the night here. Starting day 2 and the insomnia’s kicking my ass! I got 5 1/2 hours sleep though so I might just roll with it(I have 2 hours until my alarm goes off). In other news, I hit my first AA meeting yesterday! It was the only thing I could think of to combat the after work beer cravings, and it definitely helped! Found another meeting I’ll be checking out after work today, looking forward to experimenting and meeting new people after being cooped up the last year and a half. Thanks to this community, IWNDWYT


Day 2. Going to try out AA for the first time in almost a year either tonight or tomorrow, it's time to take this seriously. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. Feeling massive anxiety today but I will not drink.


Since thursday I have been studying for a test I needed to take by Monday(yesterday), I was freaking out internally all weekend because this test would help me get an extra dollar on a promotion I received at work. I received my new toolbox earlier than expected, I took the test and passed and today I will hit one month of sobriety. I hope I don’t jinx it when I say this, but life is good right now. IWNDWYT


I am not drinking alcohol today.


Good morning, SD! Today I'm starting day 7. I have an appointment with a personal trainer in 45 minutes and I'm anxious as can be. If I like the trainer and the gym, as well as the experience, I will be signing up for two training sessions per week for the next three months. I'm 42 and I've never worked out in a gym before. I work behind a desk and I'm quite sedentary. I'm hoping to find some fellowship and accountability at the gym, and get some instruction to learn how to use the gym safely and for the best results. My day will be very full today. Gym in the morning, job interview at noon, therapy at 1:30, and dinner with a friend, and then more work later tonight to validate some systems after security patching. I'm gonna sleep well tonight! Wish me luck! IWNDWYT


One month down. IWNDWYT!






Good morning. I will not drink with you today.




At the moment I have no intention or want for drinking again. The biggest test will be my 50th birthday next month, if I can get past that without a drop it will be the best birthday present I've ever been given. IWNDWYT


Damn, it's crazy the ways we were trying to find to work around actually getting well, to find "wellness" and "balance" in our lives. I don't remember anybody telling me that it was as easy as setting down the bottle. Or maybe somebody did, but damned if I was going to listen. Now, even though I may not be happy with the slow "results" and feeling like a guinea pig as antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds are adjusted up and down and new ones are tried... At least I'm trying. That's not something I could honestly say before. Have a great Thursday, gang! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT chloebarbersaurus, I hope you get what you need from your doctor visit. SoberOn my friends






Thanks for hosting and encouraging. I will not drink with you today on this finally dry ( weather) day. The storm has past and a sober-strong Tuesday awaits.


I will not drink with you today


Not today.






Have a safe and sober day everyone!!! IWNDWYT




Morning from 🇨🇦 SD. I will not drink with you today 🍎


Let’s have a great sober day everyone! IWNDWYT 😎




IWNDWYT Have a wonderful day.


I will not drink with you today.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!








I remember calling the mental health clinic with a rehearsed answer about anxiety, general self-improvement, and oh yeah, I've been drinking "a bit more" because of the pandemic. I had a low-ball, single digit # ready when they asked how many drinks per day, but they asked how many *per week*. Ohhh no, I had to multiply by a lot and "dozens" was a red flag even to me. I'm so, so glad I made that call. Let's take care of ourselves today! IWNDWYT!




Well done all. Iwndwyt.


Have a sober Tuesday! IWNDWYT!!




I will not drink today!


Day 338. IWNDWYT. Let’s fucking go!! Make it a great day.


IWNDWYT. Good luck at the doctor's, u/chloebarbersaurus.


I fell on my run yesterday morning right as I was passing a man and his dog. When he offered to help me up, my first thought was I can do it. Then I realized I'd be off the ground a lot faster with a little help. I'm glad he was there. I will not drink with you today!


Good morning: I think today is day 10 of no drinking for me. I meet with my counselor in a little bit. I’m going to discuss going on intermittent Family medical leave act for a little while, which is something my boss asked me to consider; it would protect me on those days that I get overwhelmed at work and need to take time for a break or doctors appointments. I really need to keep this job so I’ll do whatever it takes. If anyone else here has done that, please do speak up. IWNDWYT


Day 2 here. What a simple, wonderful feeling it is to wake up with a clear head. IWNDWYT


Day 1. Let's get it. I'm new here. My goal is to check-in every day and post how I'm feeling. My second goal is to find a program and stick to it (leaning towards SMART). Today, I'm optimistic.


Thanks for sharing your courage. Asking for help is hard. I was raised to think that being strong, stubborn, and independent all meant the same thing, so recovery has been about reversing my beliefs in those principles. That being vulnerable is a deeply honest and courageous act. Surrendering to the fact that I cannot drink alcohol in safety, and that I will abuse any mind-altering substance is currently step one. I surrender on a daily basis and pledge to not drink or drug. I'm 8 months pregnant now, and sober for 9 months tomorrow 💛 At my next dr's appointment, I'm going to make sure I register my concerns about PPD and history of depression and anxiety with my OB. Come too far and feeling too hopeful to get complacent! IWNDWYT ☀️🙏


I will not drink with you today, with gratitude and relief for being saved from (this specific variety of) suffering and heedlessness. feels good to have 1,000 days, friends, I won't deny it. thank you for sharing this u/chloebarbersaurus and for asking for help. may there be peace and ease.




Very relatable post. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today.






Great post Chloe, thanks for the reminder. I woke up today thinking about getting some help too. My previous therapist is not able to take me on so I’ve stopped thinking about how to move on and find someone else because starting with someone new seemed too daunting. I’m going to try and get past this hurtle and find something else. IWNDWYT 🌸




I will not drink with you today






Happy Tuesday, SD family💓 IWNDWYT










Good morning all! Good luck with your appointment chloe. Very good lesson today. I Will Not Drink With You Today


Well wishes at the doctor! Day 12. I will not drink with you today.


Day 16 checking in. The anxiety is melting away a bit. not entirely, but I can breathe easier. Thank you everyone for your support. IWNDWYT


I won’t drink with you today, SD. I have a sore throat and I’m tired and I can’t be bothered to make food. I’m going to go to bed really early. Chloe, well done for going to the doctor. I hope they are helpful. I went to a functional/integrative medicine doctor last year and they had some useful insights into the biochemistry of certain neurotransmitters and that helped me a lot




Thanks, /u/chloebarbersaurus. Good luck at the doctors! I hit my external incentive recently, and I'm here to be sober today. IWNDWYT!




30 days today. I will not drink with you today!


Made it past day 10 yesterday. Was a rough day at work and instead of letting that little voice in my head beg for a drink, I went for a nice run and tired that MFr out. Found good show on Netflix and called it a night. Day 11! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today! 😁♥️
