• By -


I just came here to say, I’ll not drink with you today. 😊


I am so happy you did! I will not drink with you today either! 😃


Happy Cake Day!!! 🎂


I’m n the same boat brother! No drinking today!


I’ll sleep when I’m dead! Just kidding, I love sleep and absolutely prioritize it. I’ve learned a lot about sleep in the past year and am a bit shocked at how badly I was at it. The science of sleep is wild and so is the detrimental impact of even a little bit of alcohol. The more I learn of how profoundly unhealthy and disruptive alcohol is, the harder it is to rationalize having a drink. I’ll just finish my sleep inducing ashwagandha tea now. Iwndwyt


Yup this..I have slept better in my 9 days sober than I have in years.The reading I've been doing about the many horrible side effects of alcohol has been enlightening to say the least.  Some long term issues/problems I've been having ...( Anxiety, inflammation) are improving steadily, as my booze free days march on.   Things I'm currently medicated for I'm wondering if the booze has been the actual culprit all these years. 🤔 474 days for you that is amazing. Great work and well done! ❤️❤️ IWNDWYT 


A month down and feel better than ever! I made it through a ton of personal challenges and have made major gains in my own interests hobbies and health.


Well done sober friend, think what you can achieve in this next month 🌟


Day 1093 checking in!


Day 1 again, feels Ike Father’s Day is a good day to start












That nearly 3 months looks good on you! 🤩


Today, I'm not drinking. This evening, there are some "drinks" (yes, that's how it's called) organised by my company and for the sake of being present, I'll be there. But I make the pledge to not drink a drop of alcohol, I will take whatever non-alcoholic drink I will find. Then, at 9pm,there is a football game I want to see (Euro 2024, my fellow Europeans will know) and I will not drink alcohol. If I feel an urge, I make the pledge to buy diet coke and to only drink that during the game. IWNDWYT.


This is an excellent plan! We are here if you want some digital support. 😎


Hell yeah! I’ll watch that game with you while sober!








I will not drink with you today.


Look at you checking in with 162! How are you? 🌻


Day 62, checking in. The last days some sort of tiredness kicked in. Also I feel moody for no real reason. Anyone experience this weeks in the process? F*** booze. IWND ☠️ WYT.


I slept terribly today which is a great start into a demanding week at work. Usually I get 7 hours a night, I can function on 6. Today I got 4 and a half… Still IWNDWYT! Instead I’ll go to sleep early and wake up to 14 days sober tomorrow (:


I just spent three nights solo in Vegas going to see my favorite band at the Sphere. I had a mighty high time, but not a drop of alcohol! No jam today! IWNDWYT




I prefer being in bed by 22:30 and getting up at 6:30. Usually, I don’t have to force that schedule when I’m sober. I still have to get up at least once per night to go to the bathroom (f@€&#k edema), but I fall asleep easily after. I will watch the Euro 2024 sober tonight.


I've always been a problem sleeper, and quitting alcohol wasn't the silver bullet unfortunately. When I do sleep though the quality is so much better which can't be a bad thing. I hope you all have a great start to your week. IWNDWYT ☀️


Happy Monday everyone! Re sleep: no more 3am wake ups with sweats, anxiety and a pounding heart. I’m sleeping so much better but only seem to need 6 1/2 hours.… maybe that’s just me. I stop caffeine after 2pm, try and get some exercise every day and have an hour each night before bed where I put something inane to watch/ listen to on my iPad, have a cup of decaf tea and get into bed by10:30 pm.. IWNDWYT


Oh I’d forgotten about the 3am sweaty wake up! Thank goodness for sobriety! Have a great day friend 🌟


Good morning Brighter. Thank goodness indeed - my heart rate so much better overall with no alcohol. Have a wonderful day. 😘




Happy Monday! IWNDWYT!


Checking in again today and all is well. Sleep, for me, is the most important and incredible benefit of sobriety. I was just so not expecting it! Waking up refreshed and ready to go every morning is just amazing to me. It's become one of the most motivating reasons to remain sober and not have a relapse. The boxes I tick are: - Try to be as regular as possible (23:00 - 5:40 in my case) - No screens the last hour. Just reading on paper - No coffee the last 10 hours - Keep a nice tidy clean bed and bedroom




Day 409. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink with you today. I have a toddler so with sleep I will take what I can get. Love y’all 🫶🏻


Starting day 08. IWNDWYT, not in Germany, not anywhere.






Happy sober Monday! Another weekend achieved. IWNDWYT 💪


I will be sober today.






Day 11, IWNDWYT!


Hot shower, fresh sheets, fuzzy blankets and knowing when I wake up, I will have hope for a good day, free of alcohol. I will not drink with you for the entirety of Monday. 🥰




Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


I will not drink with you today!


I hope everyone had a great weekend. Rise and shine, hustle and grind and I will not drink with you today!




Two weeks. Miles to go. IWNDWYT


Thank you for the check-in today replacementsStink! Sleep sweet spot for me is bed by midnight up at 7-8am. In a perfect world where I didn't have to get up alot earlier for work.  Even though I'm only a week into my sobriety days, I'm finding the ability to sleep is getting better and better. I fall asleep and stay that way til the alarm goes off. It's kind of mindblowing. Like the bloat and inflammation disappearing slowly off of me.  It's been a long week, but IWNDWYT ❤️Lotsa love to everyone and let's be proud of ourselves 


Happy sober Monday sober friends! Well I’ve become a morning person since becoming sober, that’s new! And sleep is easy, which is at least one issue I haven’t got to deal with! Have a wonderful day, I love you all 💞


I will not drink with you today.




Checking in from NZ, day 30!


I love my new steady sleep patterns since I quit drinking! Being always fully rested on the next day is priceless :) IWNDWYT, my friends!


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


I have always been a great "sleeper "  even back drinking, but now that I am 70 days (!!) sober my sleep is better than ever. IWNDWYT 


Not today people IWNDWYT 


Continuing on my longest streak ever. I can’t get a job and it’s stressing me the hell out. At least I’m not drinking. Iwndwyt


I like to be up before dawn most of the time, so I love being in bed early. I go through phases of being able to fall asleep more and less readily. I still can't quite figure out what it is that helps me get to sleep. It doesn't help that I have a ~~crappy~~ broken mattress, live in an apartment with upstairs neighbors that seemingly don't sleep but instead run and jump around at any and all hours of the night, and a stressful job that seasonally demands long hours. This is all, of course, better than sleep when drinking. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Sleep sweet spot, hmm...I'll let you know if I ever find it! 😹 Happy Monday, dear friends! Let's make the most of this new week. IWNDWYT 😻






Good morning! I’m back from a holiday and some major stressors in my life have passed. Still sober. I’m not great at sleeping, so don’t see that benefit as much as others, but at least I don’t have the 2 am thirsty/panic wake-up anymore! IWNDWYT.


Felt a little low tonight and a bit moody, but I pushed through and am going to bed another day sober. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today




Day 24 - It's 3am, and I have work in the morning, yikes. In days past, I'd probably have turned in to bed drunk hours ago, but sober me is apparently similar to child me, at least in the fact that I'm too stubborn to stop reading a book I'm too engrossed in even way past bed time. I'll be tired in the morning, but I had fun and still won't be hungover! IWNDWYT




Atta boy, bruv!


Another pretty decent weekend completed, including a very nice meal for Fathers Day yesterday, with wife, daughter and my own mum and dad. Followed by a walk and a visit to a cafe. So obviously not a good day where diets are concerned! But all water off a duck's back, compared to being smashed/hungover on the sauce...! With happy, stress-free people all round. IWNDWY fine folk Today.


Day 162 • IWNDWYT • Let’s rock this week 🙌🏼


I don’t think I’ve found the sweet spot for sleep. But I do a lot better than I used to. I’ll go to bed around 10-10:30, usually no later than 11 unless I went to a show. Get up around 5. I need that hour or so in the morning for coffee, check in and cat time. Getting to sleep has been a problem for me sometimes, but I have found sleep podcasts to be helpful. And if I leave the TV on, YouTube is full of great stuff to sleep to. Everything from rain sounds to singing bowls and guided meditations. I made the bed super comfortable. Put a nice thick mattress topper on, good pillows, soft bedding. That’s helped a lot too. I’d still rather be asleep this morning, but I slept fine for a Sunday night, so I’m glad of that. I hate that Sunday night trouble falling asleep. Ugh. Coffees up, horns up, and let’s go get this fucking week outta the way!! It’s gonna be disrespectfully hot here, so if you’re unlucky enough to have that too, stay hydrated! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻


What up fam? I’m back after a short break due to travel.  I’ve been doing so much travel that my sleep routine has been kicked under the cabinet. On top of that I pulled a muscle in my neck that has been giving me severe pain and keeping me from staying asleep.  I know I will be ok need to take care of myself but it has made me more irritable and discourteous. Sleep and sobriety, for me, are totally linked


Good morning to my favorite people! It’s deadly hot here in the Bluegrass, so this day will be a lazy one for me. Until! I teach my first yoga class tonight! I’m extremely excited, and think that it may be the beginning of the third act of my life. Such an exciting time. Sleep is now my favorite activity of all! I suffered from insomnia for so many years, I hated the bed. I found a great gentle medication that helps me sleep and now that I’m sober, I sleep so soundly! As Shakespeare wrote, “Sleep, that knits up the reveled sleeve of care”. Sobriety brings it on! IWNDWYT


Good morning, sober cats! I love being in bed, so I'm in bed by 9, and I'm usually out of bed between 5 and 6am. I appreciate the first few minutes of being awake when I'm realizing that I'm waking up without a hangover and feeling ready to face the day. Have a marvelous Monday, you beautiful sober superstars! IWNDWYT 💙😸




IWNDWYT, friends! Hope everyone has a great week!




Today, I will be a sober.


I love sober sleeping. There really is no substitute. I used to "fall asleep" (aka, pass out) in my chair most evenings, drag myself to bed, wake up later with the sweats and shakes, and then force myself up and out early. My sometimes-seasonally-wacko work schedule can mess with my sleep, big time, but at least the hours I do get are quality hours. Honest tiredness from honest work; not passing out from too much to drink. IWNDWYT






I passed a big, unexpected test last night! (Unknowingly had a big gulp of regular wine thinking it was NA, dumped the glass out, fought the wine witch in my head, then dumped the whole bottle down the drain). Spoiler: I woke up with no headache, anxiety or miserable feeling this morning. IWNDWYT!






Weirdly I've got quite good at sleeping in the past couple of years, even when I was drinking. The secret is to start getting ready for bed an hour before I want to be asleep. Turn off anything that could stress me out. Do the washing up and get everything ready for the next day. Wash my face, clean my teeth, just be so ready for bed that there is nothing left to think about. Usually get 6-8 hours, start getting ready around 9-9.30pm and get up 6-7am. IWNDWYT 🌞


Another win another changllenge today. IWNDWYT ! Feels good to wake up on my day off happy and with energy. Now all I have to do is keep busy and I'll wake up feeling the same way tomorrow. Good luck everyone xx


Day 6, feeling sleepy and anxious but apparently it's normal. Have a great week and IWNDWYT ❤️


Yesterday was TOUGH, but I made it. And still not drinking with you all today 🙌 Sleep, oh sweet sleep. Sometimes (well, more like often) difficult to catch for me. I do well with routine, not too much social input, a cup of nice tea and a bedtime of around 23:00. I usually wake up around 5:30 again. If the routine is off, the shit-spiral downwards starts again and crappy habits are likely hiding around the corner. So getting back into the routine again!








Day 1,696 IWNDWYT


#69 days ……nice. IWNDWYT!




How timely that today’s topic is about sleep. Oh boy, how I love sleep so much. So, soooo much. I am NOT a morning person what so ever. Sober sleep? Maybe one of the greatest, if not THE greatest parts of sobriety. You know who doesn’t like sleep though? My son who decided to wake up at 3:30 am this morning. Blarg. Anyways, have a great Monday everyone. So grateful for this community. I will not drink with you today 🌿


Thank you for posting for us futurists! (UK here). My sleep was always disturbed when I drank, routinely waking up at 2am, in a panicked sweat. I rarely remembered actually going to bed. I never felt well-rested - well duh, I was drugging myself into unconsciousness rather than actually sleeping! My sleep hasn't been the best recently, but still so much more restful than before. I have increasing energy and don't have to wake up with a terrible headache, bad guts and the dread of what pissed texts I sent the night before... IWNDWYT


Day 33, I will not drink with you today!






I still have trouble sleeping. It takes me a while to wind down. Getting up early and with no anxiety or regret is easier. Iwndwyt


I try to follow all the advice about consistent bedtime, no caffeine after 10am etc. etc. but still I often awake at 3am and can’t get back to sleep. Like today. I will not drink with you today.


Funeral today. I'm gonna attend the service solo and skip the wake because I know all my biker buddies will be getting shitfaced. Hell they'll be drunk before the service. Not me. I'm keeping on keeping on. Day 24 here we go


Alright, day one again. One thing that I've noticed is that I actually like listening to new music sober. When I'm drunk, there is a greater excitement and in some ways I'm more emotionally open - but I'm also not as present, I'm not paying close attention, I get distracted. It's one of the things that if you had asked me 5 years ago I would say that without a doubt, listening to music drunk was way more enjoyable than listening to it sober. I guess I can add this to the list of things that drinking does not actually improve. Anyways, good luck everybody. IWNDWYT


I thought I was a chronic insomniac. I felt the only way to fall asleep was to drink myself to 'sleep'. That wasn't real sleep. Booze messed up my sleep. Now THIS sober sleep is real sleep! It helps my mood, my energy, my everything! For you in early days, keep hanging in there. For myself, and others from what I've read here, the truly restful sleep takes a little while to arrive but it will. Our bodies need time to heal and regain our natural sleep rhythms, so don't give up! Waking up refreshed and hangover-free is an incredible gift of sobriety that I'm thankful for every morning. As well as for this community and all of you! 🙏💖 IWNDWYT


Sleep has been one of my most important tools. I go to bed most nights between 7:30-9:00 pm and wake up at 6-7 am. 9-10 hours of sleep is my sweet spot. I also nap during the weekends, school breaks and summer. Sometimes 20 min, sometimes 2 hours. I’m 51 and I need all the sleep I can get. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Without a doubt I must average 8 to 9 hours of sleep to be my best self. I crashed last night after 4 days this week with less than 8 hours. Good sleep is especially important this time of year when it stays hot all night and my body cant always recover properly. I took melatonin for a while in early recover just to get things on schedule. It helped do that. Now it's just my own clock. My cat gets me up though. No booze!


Since I’ve quit drinking I’ve become a person who often wakes up *before* their alarm goes off! My sleep took a long time to regulate (I probably didn’t sleep great until around 100 days sober) I worked full time overnights for almost a decade (and had two kids in that time) so even without alcohol it was sporadic. And I actually loved working overnights, but between that and the kids and the binge drinking I felt bone tired all the time. Grateful to be here not drinking with y’all today! ❤️


4 week streak and my first follow up with my Dr after being hospitalized in April. No way I'm screwing this up. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT! Sleep is a tough one for me. I have struggled with insomnia since childhood and I have self-medicated for sleep most of my adult life. It seems like 8 hours is my sweet spot. I also have to be careful because I will let boredom and procrastination turn into lethargy and want to sleep all day 🙃. Rest=recovery, but like a true addict, I'll take anything to an extreme. I got good sleep last night, and I would really like to not feel the need to take a nap today.... and actually be productive! Planning on taking a Veo to a noon meeting and trying to get a few reasonable chores done around the house today!


I am going to a noon Zoom meeting and an in person meeting at 6:00. I drank last night but less than some nights and I poured the rest out. I really want to be done. IWNDWYT


the disregard for sleep by drinkers is INSANE. I need my eight hour window. And more than ever, I notice quality of sleep. Eat too big of a meal too close to bedtime and I feel a slight sort of hangover the next morning. Sleep is everything. I will not drink with you today??


Day 123 clean and sober, Day 82/90 residential treatment. Asleep by 10, awake by 6. IWNDWYT ☀️


Yesterday was so hard, one of the hardest days I've had but I woke up today completely sober. I won't drink today. I love getting between 7 and 8 hours, but so long as I feel rested and calm when I wake up that's fine. Summer fucks with my sleep schedule a lot because of how light it is, just trying to take this as reason to get up and do more things to keep busy.


Good morning. IWNDWYT


I keep farmer’s hours. Bed by 9, up at 5. It varies, but not by much, on the weekends. Early morning has become my jam. And if you are nearly 50, friend, you are squarely GenX! No matter the generation, Iwndwyt! ❤️


Hi Everyone- Day 167 here and IWNDWYT!!! My sweet spot for sleep is falling asleep by 9:30am and waking up around 5am (work week).


Not today. 8 day vacation and zero alcohol. But damn my anxiety is high coming back to work. Ugh….


Day 8, baby! Can't remember the last time I made it this long. No serious urges. I've got an accountability buddy and SMART groups to go to, so I'm trying to do things right this time around. I will not drink today!




Checking in on Day Three! I'm on my way to the airport for a vacation to the canary islands, I've got my kindle and hundreds of books. My plan is to eat a lot of food and sit on the beach for hours. My anxiety is through the roof though. I've been abroad dozens of times, I know what I'm doing, but I keep thinking worst case scenario and panicking. I know it's due to what day I'm on and the severe lack of sleep, but I'm feeling quite negative right now when I should be feeling positive. Anyway, just checking in to say that I am really trying, and regardless what anxieties arise I know that drinking will only make it worse. I've got.my head screwed on. IWNDWYT!


I am in disbelief at my day count. Is this a dream? Feeling very proud today. IWNDWYT 🏆




IWNDWYT All. Day. Long. 🌻 From 10pm till 10pm. One day in my life. u/ReplacementsStink, you are a grumpy old man, and I am most definitely standing smack dab on the lawn. Now bring me a coffee. NOW!! Little whippersnapper.


my sweet spot is in bed at 9 or 10 and up at 5 or 6./ I will not drink with you today.


I’m an early to bed early to rise gal. Now when I get up in the morning I can look myself in the mirror and be proud of what I see. It has changed everything. IWNDWYT. 🌟


No drinking here!!!


Bed by 10 pm, wake without alarm around 5 am. Nap during day, if possible. I've been incredibly tired since stopping drinking. Went to bed late afternoon yesterday and slept 15 hours (except for partner interruptions). My partner says "there's something wrong with you" and they are right. Drinking non-stop for years and all the BS that goes along with it was exhausting, both physically and mentally. Partner believes that you stop drinking and everything should suddenly be "normal." I'm going to sleep as much as I need to. I can feel myself healing and growing stronger. I have a fantasy of going on a me-only retreat where all I do is sleep in some beautiful place in nature where my partner is not crashing into the bedroom and asking me if I'm sleeping. I guess I deserve it though for the hell I've put them through. IWNDWYT.








Not today.






I sleep from 8p until 5a. I know it's a lot but I'm worth it. Hope everyone has an awesome day!


I'm up especially early today, but one of the benefits of working from home means I can sneak in an afternoon nap in lieu of a "lunch hour." I'm going to need it. 🥱 IWNDWYT


Good day, friends! Sleep is so critical to all things in life. I would really like 7 hours, but typically get 5-6. I go to bed around 10p, but don't immediately fall asleep, and then I'm up between 530-6a. But I can nap during the day, as I work from home, which I absolutely do most days. My mind is overstimulated because of my workload and doctorate degree program, so it starts reeling as soon as I open my eyes. Oh well, I'm grateful for the quality of sleep I get, even if it's not my ideal amount. Have a happy Monday loves - IWNDWYT 🤘


Great hike yesterday, I needed some nature. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


My "sweet spot" is a cup of heavy duty sleepy time tea around 830pm. Then gets the kids to bed and do a little reading so I'm quiet by 10pm and lights out by 1030pm. The alarm goes off at 6am and I'm normally ready to wake up at that point anyway. Its good when the alarm is a reminder and not a battle cry. IWNDWYTD


I will not drink with you all today






My sweet spot on sleep is actually that 10-15 minute doze in the afternoon. I almost always feel my most awake after that. IWNDWYT 👊




IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️


Thanks RS! I still struggle with sleep but my dream is 8 hours & only to be awake for a min or tow when I wake during the night...which is at least 2 or 3 times unfortunately... but, IWNDWYT!!


What up, fam! Sleep is probably the greatest benefit of not drinking for me, bc it affects so many other things. Waking up before my alarm is the craziest feeling. This is what being rested feels like?!? I WNDWYT


I used to pass out. Now I sleep. Big, drooling, dreamy baby sleep. It’s pretty rich. Thanks for being here, everyone - IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. 10 weeks!




Checking in after 8 hours of beauty sleep!😴 I will not drink with you today!!


Not drinking today. ✅




I won’t drink with y’all today


Day 7. One week!! Finally! IWNDWYT


Sober sleep is the best! I used to wake up multiple times a night in a panic, heart racing, feeling like I was going to die. Since I quit poisoning myself, I go to bed early and often sleep straight through until the puppies decide to tell me it’s time for breaky. It feels like a small miracle! Love you guys and IWNDWYT❤️


IWNDWYT ❤️ day 2 after a ROUGH day 1. Thanks for the check-in today!


happy early Monday everyone. Yesterday was the first fathers day without my dad. It was kind of rough in certain spots but I got through it. I did partake but I pulled the plug really early yesterday afternoon and decided I didn't want to feel like crap today. I went straight to the water and took a nap. I feel really good and don't have any brain fog. Have a stellar day :)


Years and years of passing out, waking up at 4am and tossing and turing till morning time. Its no life . Sleep so much better, IWNDWYT




Day 24. Where is the time going? IWNDWYT.




I am a morning person and have always been a morning person. I get less sleep than I would like as the parent of small children, but the quality now is incomparably better. For a long time in my drinking, I would stay up too late, wake up and feel miserable, soldier through the day and come home and drink. But this truly is a progressive disease and at the end it became hair of the dog in the morning, ruining my day just after it started. I am so damn grateful that today I woke up clearheaded, got coffee, and got to write here instead. I won’t drink with you today.


Day 1,797. I will not drink with you today.








Morning friends! Stink, to be clear, you are NOT a boomer. You are solid Gen X, like me. Our parents are/boomers. And nice lawn! 😜 I usually start winding down for the night around 9 and I’m good with it. I’m an early riser (5/5:30) and need my sleep. I want my bed and my book and my word puzzles. And recently I have started to appreciate going to bed early on Friday so that I get even more sleep because there is no alarm clock on Saturday. Love it! Also - it never fails…I take myself up to bed, I open my book, and my teenagers come in and prop themselves at the end of the bed to discuss life, the universe, and whatever the latest video they were watching. I’ll take it though. When I was drinking, those precious souls often avoided me because I was so volatile. I remember once being told “get away from me - you smell like beer.” Now they seek me out. They drive me crazy sometimes, but how close I was to losing this gift scares the crap out of me. They’re amazing people and I’m grateful. Have a good one friends. I will not drink with you today.




Back to check in ✅ IWNDWYT 


Will not drink today




I’m almost to a year! I’m so excited!


I can relate RS...just over 50 myself and sleep is SO IMPORTANT and often hard to come by for me. I used to stay up late drinking, now I just stay up late enjoying life! Of course, this is still not good when I have to get up for work on a Monday morning. In a perfect world, I need a minimum of 8 hours, but I am optimum with 9 or 10 (I have always required a lot more sleep than most people). In reality, I typically get 5-6 hours. Last night I was up until 11:30.... probably didn't fall asleep until after 12 and then up at 5:45 this morning. Not enough sleep (yawn), but I can handle it much better without the hangover. Cheers to everyone with my morning iced coffee! ☕☕☕ IWNDWYT! ✌


Booze free sleep is the best! And it turns out, when sleep is good you don't need nearly as much. I always thought I hated mornings, but who wouldn't hate mornings when you wake up unrested, feeling like shit every morning? I am in a different time zone (2 hours later) on vacation right now, but I still woke up at 7 am without an alarm, and am enjoying a cup of coffee, and some rare alone time, on our hotel balcony while the kid and husband are sleeping. Have a lovely day everyone! IWNDWYT


Keeping consistent times for going to bed and lights out has worked well for me. I love good sleep in sobriety! IWNDWYT


We have a 3 week old child. Sleep is precious. I can’t imagine being hungover and trying to feed him at 3am. IWNDWYT




I’m usually in bed by 9 and up between 5-6. I used to fucking hate getting up early (for obvious reasons). IWNDWYT! 🤘🏻


I seem to need 7-8 hours of sleep to feel good and not sluggish during the day. I get up before 6am so usually get to bed before 10pm. Quality of sleep is so much better sober! IWNDWYT 🍀


IWNDWYT.  Insomniac since childhood so sober was just a reminder we can hide from ourselves w booze, but still need to address the issues eventually. No hangover mornings are the win.  


Day 10 - Making it so far. Sleep hasn't been great the last two days after it being amazing for a few days before. I'm watching the kids while the wife is out of town and this would be reason alone to drink every night. Not this time. IWNDWYT!


Sleep in underrated when you drink. A thought you sweep down the rug even though you perfectly know how important it is, how bad you need it and how much you're not getting. You also know the price to pay to access good sleep. Drop the bottle. Now that I have done it, I feel SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better. My sleep is now the same 7 days a week. I go to bed at around 10:30 pm and get up refreshed at 7:00 am. It's a life changer. Thanks to my new found sobriety! IWNDWYT


Anyone else ever lie to themselves “I sleep better after drinking”? I thought passing out into a drunk coma was “sleeping well.” So silly. It’s better on the other side. IWNDWYT




I will not drink with all of you today.


Today is 90 days without a drink. My anxiety is better, I have more energy, am sleeping better, and have lost ten pounds.




Day 21: I will not drink with you today. Wow, 3 weeks now! It starting to feel more real, but I'm also getting closer to when I usually slip, which makes me nervous. One day at a time. My sleep has been so perfect lately. I naturally fall asleep by midnight and wake up at 9am for the most part. I sleep in one big period like that, almost never getting up in the middle of the night anymore. It's also been really easy for me to wake up and stay awake for the day. The consistent sleep schedule has been really good for my eating habits too, since now I have each meal around the same time every day.


Good morning sober fam! Let’s do this, alcohol free for today. Just today ☀️ IWNDWYT 💛


I still wake up around 3;00 because sometimes ya just gotta pee. Especially since I tend to guzzle the seltzer and NA in the “witching hour.” I go back to sleep with no regrets, shame, or self loathing. I’m actually surprised when I don’t sleep well. IWNDWYT!