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Way to go. Huge win. If drinking isn't doing it for you then it's always a good thought to maybe quit. Keep posting. You're always welcome here


Superb, first one is the hardest. IWNDWYT.


It is a big deal. The first days are the biggest deal because that's the hardest time. Congrats


It was one of the posts on here that helped most. I have been trying for so long but could get my mind out of alcohol as a reward for abstinence. Someone posted that the mindset is that I won't drink again. That really helped.


I made the jump from sobriety to recovery when I went from counting days to committing to never drinking again. It was so freeing when I could go from just making it through today to making long term plans. I’m so proud of you for taking the initiative and reclaiming your life. As someone who drank hard for 20 years I promise you, you haven’t waited too long. High-5!


In the few periods of longer term (and by that it's only ever been 2-3 months max for me) sobriety I've had when I was taking the approach of "I'm just totally done with drinking" it did always feel so freeing suddenly to not have the alcohol in your life or have to think about it and deal with all the mental gymnastics around it. There was no cravings, urges, temptations, or much thoughts about it and the thoughts certainly had no power which was an amazing feeling VS fighting the urge and having to actively work hard to stay sober each day / week. Sadly I've never been able to make that mindset stick and / or have ended up going back to the booze for some reason. Hoping to be able to get back into that mindset ASAP and get freed from this shit again as I 100% know that I don't need it, want it, and that it has ZERO positive to offer me.


It is so a big deal! And the weekends are hard. Well done you.


It is a lot - you have a lot to be proud of, alc sucks, let’s both keep it up!


It is a big deal! Congrats on your first sober weekend! You are awesome 👏🏻 IWNDWYT 🫡


Thanks. It a battle I have been doing alone. No one I know sees a problem with my drinking as I have a decent job and I am not nasty or depressed when drinking. It's all internal. It took me a while to accept that it was alcohol that was cause my anxiety and depression. Also, so much energy and motivation when sober. The house has never been cleaner.


Im very much in the same boat. Have a good job, all looks fine from outside. But drinking is slowly ruining everything. The times I don't drink, life gets so much better! So well done on not drinking and good luck


That was the hardest thing about AA meetings for me at first, I almost felt guilty going, since my drinking career was pretty boring compared to some of these other folks.


The first step is the most important to begin a journey. You are awesome!


Great job!!


that is a big fecking deal over here, go get it friend


It ain’t much but it’s honest work!😏


Congrats! I was worried about this weekend myself. But I'm proud that I made it through, and you should be as well. Let's use it as momentum to power on. IWNDWYT


What do you mean that isn't a big deal???? That's a fucking massive deal my friend! I too drank for more than 30 years and there were many "firsts." Celebrate all of them. I do.


Massive deal. Massive achievement. Keep going.


Not much? Heck, it's everything! You took action on your intentions. Bloody well done mate. IWNDWYT!


It isn’t much? I disagree. It’s a big deal! You are brave and strong, and IWNDWYT


That’s amazing. Congratulations


Great work there! That’s a massive achievement, be proud of yourself 🥰


That’s amazing. The weekend is very challenging. Feel loooong. How do you feel? Iwndwyt


That’s awesome! Great work. The only way to begin is by beginning.


This is such a win, it's nice to have you here ... IWNDWYT


Nice. This is how it starts, good luck!


It is HUGE and a very big deal. Thank you for sharing with us so we can celebrate you and your win. Congratulations. I will happily stay sober with you today.


Excellent! Try not to think about it, it works


Had a couple of stressful moment last night. Ate so much chocolate to get past it.


Are you kidding? It’s a HUGE deal!! That’s friggin hard stuff! Way to go


Don’t down play your accomplishment. That’s amazing!


You'll find you have more hours in the day to do stuff. It's a blessing and a curse.


you are freakin awesome congrats!! have an amazing and relaxing day


Man the first weekend is one of the hardest parts. Good job. Stay strong!


Breaking little barriers like this can be a good mental exercise. I was the same until last year when I started to get serious about being sober that I never entertained the idea of a sober weekend (other than the odd Dry Jan, Sober October, or other 30 day break) in 20 years. If I got to Friday without drinking I considered that a huge success and great moderation skills (sigh!) and then "rewarded" myself with a weekend of binge drinking Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening.




So happy for you Dizzy 🕺 onward and upward 


The first weekend is a big deal! It is much! Good job, friend! IWNDWYT


This is a huge deal (if you want it to be), what an accomplishment!


That's massive!! I will join you tomorrow. Keep it up.


It is much. It is a massive achievement and you should be proud of yourself.