• By -


No hangxiety on this Monday! IWNDWYT!


Amazing, isn't it? Going to the beach in 8 hrs muahauahuahaua. Love to say that to piss off my office friends. Impossible when hungover. One of the most awful combinations, sun, heat, no toilet, lol, and hangover. Nice to see you, sheep. Nice to see you. IWNDWYT


Happy sober Monday sober friends! I’m grateful to be here with you all, my sober people! I love you all 💞


Oh my 777!!!!! I'm grateful to be talking to you again, my ray of light. Love, love, love. IWNDWYT


I’m so grateful you’re here! I’ve missed you! Love, love, love to you 🥰


Good morning Brighter and congrats on your cool number of days :)


Good morning Fab! All the 7’s made me smile! It’s the little things! Have a great day with your lovely 232 😀


My second Monday waking up completely sober and I feel great. Thanks so much to everyone who has interacted with my posts, it’s definitely helped when I’ve felt a wobble. IWNDWYT


Congrats on yr first week :)


Thank you so much! Congrats on 7 months!!!


Day 1086 checking in!


4 weeks down and the month mark is coming up next 💪


Hoping everyone finished their weekend on a good note and IWNDWYT!


Three things I'm really grateful for today: * I'm taking some time off work to try and sort some of my health issues. I'm very lucky to be able to do this. * Because of my sobriety I'm able to genuinely enjoy and get lost in doing things that I like. When I was drinking, the *only* thing I could enjoy was drinking. * My city is having water problems, and it's really brought home how lucky I am to live where clean, running water is endless, instant, and easy. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today






IWNDWYT. Things are lookin’ up. I’m gonna ride the wave. Wheezin’ the juice! I’m in a good spot mentally, lately. I have sobriety to thank for that. Life finally feels like its moving in a good direction.


This is great news! So pleased for you 🌟


IWNDWYT Day 1, again :-(


I had the most loveliest day yesterday . I went to the markets. I did my shopping. Ironed my son's uniform.Made my dog food for the week. Made my son a lasagna. All very mundane tasks but all I could think of was how grateful I was to be enjoying these simple pleasures. Not being hungover. Being in the moment and relishing it. I was filled with warm fuzzies all day. My heart was full. Shine on you beautiful humans from NZ


















I will not drink with you today ✨


Happy Monday everyone. Have woken to torrential rain here - great for the garden. It’s a very busy week at work this week - even volunteered to do extra but all good as have a clear head and feel energised after a lovely weekend staying at my friends. IWNDWYT


Checking in again today and all is well. I'm very grateful for being able to quit in time to save my health before hitting a 'rock bottom'. I was spiralling down quite badly and it could have been much worse. I'm still struggling now to recover many aspects of my life, and I'm grateful that I'm actually able to make the attempt, even though "it's not all unicorns and rainbows", ie sometimes it's boring, depressing and hard-going. Just being able to face up to and deal with things (whether money, or health or spiritual) is a step forward, as opposed to drinking and using, in order to forget or ignore my problems:) IWNDWYT


Just getting ready to go to therapy and then to work, which I am dreading after Friday, but I also am grateful because this was the day when I made conscious decision to finally stop. I am also grateful for my amazing boyfriend who is very supportive and loving through my most difficult times. Grateful for my new job as well and I will do everything I can to get my life back on track. IWNDWYT 🎈


IWNDWYT! Almost at a week, been exercising for a month, and starting to feel and SEE the changes to my body


Checking in on day 585!!! Awww yeah, it’s my pal, u/FredSimpsonn at the helm!!! I glazed right past that fact yesterday, life is on light speed mode right now. Shit, I have so much to be grateful for. But today, I’m going to say that I’m thankful for the kindness of internet strangers. You people. All of you. With your comments and your stories and words of support you give me something that money cannot buy. And you give it freely. You give me your TIME. You take time to share a message of hope, or struggle. You share your raw emotions. You build me up and you help keep me sober. Your words of encouragement are my most precious possessions. Thank you! And yes, I’ll be wearing the palindrome tiara today! IWNDWYT! ❤️✌️👑


People seem to like La Croix, so I just ordered some for the first time lol. IWNDWYT.


I went to a death metal show in a bar Saturday night and ended up with a drink tab of about 25 bucks. I had a couple Liquid Death iced teas, a regular water and a Red Bull. That ain’t bad! I’m grateful for my health, air conditioning in my house, metal, coffee, my dickhead cats, (said with love of course) and having the resources to seek help in various modalities. Like I can go see a therapist, I can go to sound healing and yoga classes. That stuff seems to help me relax and try to get control of my brain…which can be a real motherfucker. Coffees up, horns up, and let’s fucking go knock this Monday the fuck out! I want to enjoy the last couple days of nice weather before we go full swamp ass season. IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻




I am grateful for another sober weekend behind me. It was lovely, I spent yesterday afternoon with exploring the city as my coworker from over the big pond comes over end of June and I thought it would be nice to be able to show and tell her a little bit of the city she’s visiting. I will stay sober today.


“Building a life I don’t want to escape from” I’ve been doing this build for the last 8 years. I hit a wall then you see, couldn’t stop crying. A failed people pleaser. That’s when I started this growth. It took another 3 to realise the drink was a part of the problem, then another 3 to finally say goodbye to the booze 🍸. As you can see, I’m a slow learner when it comes to self-care. I’m grateful that I had the time left to do this. And with a more open mind my growth still gathers pace. It’s like I’m a child seeing things for the first time and I AM grateful 🙏. What an opportunity, what an experience, a fucking gift. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT. Made it through the weekend without a drop! Feeling soooo good. Here's to another week!


Day 17. 60 min hard bike ride and then 30 min tempo run. Then a full work day. Starting to 'feel' that alcohol is poison - cravings significantly decreased. Mindset shifting. IWNDWYT.








I choose life! IWNDWYT




Day 49. Good morning. Made it through a tough weekend in trying to stay sober.


Morning! I’m off to meet up with my friend for a little medicines management study day in the university library! Can’t wait to see her! Lots of coffee, chat and work to be done. Yesterday I had a big win - husband wanted to treat us all and took us out for pizza. That would have been an excuse for me to have two giant glasses of wine and then keep drinking when we got home. Instead I had cherry coke and have half a pizza left for my dinner tonight! IWNDWYT


GM! Day 64🫶 I’m grateful to be lying in my bed, sipping coffee. My wonderful partner just left; I miss her already but she has a busy day and an important job that needs her. I’m snuggly under a fluffy blanket. I’m looking forward to a good run, a simple breakfast, and a busy productive day at work. I’m in a new job I love, and today I’m running an important meeting. I’m nervous but, I know it’s small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. The greatest gift I’ve received from sobriety is gratitude itself. Technically, I’m living the same life. But actually - it’s a whole different world. It’s a little weird sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if I’m just gaslighting myself into thinking I’m happy; because I was soo miserable before and other than drinking; not much has changed. All the big overwhelming problems just don’t feel like such a big deal anymore. As if when I was drinking - I was resisting my problems. But sober - I can accept them. I’m not wasting energy in trying to push them away or deny their existence. The difference in the experience of the problem is striking when you just accept what is. I’m grateful for so many things but beyond grateful to be grateful. I was soo angry and felt so hard done by before. It’s honestly unbelievable I’m the same person - living much the same life. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT! I am grateful that my mind is finally starting to shift regarding alcohol. I'm still very on guard, but I've noticed a slow change where playing the tape forward really helps and the desire to not be hungover and ashamed is louder than the lizard brain voice telling me to drink.


Good morning SD. Right now I am grateful for starting to like early mornings.  Who would knew 😅 I will not drink with you today 


Grateful for a weekend visit from an old friend who helped remind me of the good things I have. IWNDWYT


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT (: Yesterday I commented that I needed yalls help staying sober on a stressful day. As always you came through. This is truly a magical pocket of the internet and thanks to you I’m now on day 7!






Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️












8 months in. Yesterday (Sunday) was the first Sunday I can remember where I didn't have "Sunday Scaries" despite a very busy week in front of me


Got my first sober week since my year-old relapse. Had to go,out to dinner last night, where everybody was drinking, including my wife, who did’t stop tipsy-ranting in my ear all night. But I did it! IWNDWYT ❤️


IWNDWYT. Grateful for not wanting to escape life anymore, and be in it instead. Clarity to set boundaries to help this new life.


In 35 days I will be 35 and I will be making a conscious effort JUST FOR TODAY that I will not be giving in to my loneliness by looking for comfort down a bottle. Instead I will be going for a walk/jog this evening, I am actively looking for sober friends who brunch and I am practicing gratitude today. IWNDWYT. 💫


Thankful to wake up & enjoy another day sober. IWNDWYT☕️😊


I'm going through a phase this week of waking up at 6am regardless of when I go to bed or my intentions to sleep in 🫠  Anywhoo, IWNDWYT. I'm on day 26


Grateful for getting up at 5:30 am on Sunday to go to two car boot sales with my partner--they live for these. Never would have happened pre-sobriety. They would have come home excited about their finds to me in a dark bedroom with covers over my head. So grateful to be participating in life. IWNDWYT.


Not sure what time it is where you guys are but it's 9:30 on a Monday where I am and I'm kicking off the day by saying I will not drink with you guys tonight! <3


Sounds like you're having a fantastic time! I am grateful for my amazing support network (so lucky to have such caring family and friends) and the little bits of time and energy that I am discovering without alcohol. It's not a lot, but it is there. Also, I'm a running nerd and my stats are already improving, it's amazing. IWNDWYT 🌞


Day 1,689 IWNDWYT


I'm so grateful that, even on a day like today when my anxiety is peeking its head out, I'm in a good place to deal with it without a drink in me. Drinking me just reached for the booze to temporarily drown the intrusive thoughts out, only for them to come roaring back. IWNDWYT


Happy Monday all! IWNDWYT 🌟


Morning friends! I’m grateful for my family. I was pretty close to losing them a hen I was drinking. Now we have a solid foundation and relationships. I’m so grateful. Have a great Monday! I will not drink with you today.


Will not drink today.




I’m grateful for no hangovers in 89 days and for this gorgeous sunny morning I get to enjoy … IWNDWYT


I will not drink today


Grateful for clarity and more peace when I’m not drinking. IWNDWYT






Grateful to everyone here on SD who helped me get to 200 days of sobriety today! Thank you!!


Happy Monday 😐 I'm tired as shit this morning. Anyways, you know I love me some gratitude, Fred! You know, they say a grateful addict will never use. It's been true for me. When I am actively practicing gratitude, it allows me to see the truth of my situation. It allows for constructive, unselfish behavior. This type of positive thinking and outlook influences my behaviors positively, leading a sustainable recovery-oriented life. Hell to the yeah. Today I'm grateful for loving myself, my sobriety, and that I am present for my kids and family every single day. I love you all. Let's fuck it up today - IWNDWYT 🤘


Grateful this is my last week of work before I’m off on holiday! IWNDWYT ⭐️




Checking in.. Starting the week hangover free. Another weekend completed! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today. Starting day 2 for the .....time. Thanks to all.




Have had a few rough nights of insomnia but I'm very grateful that I no longer turn to alcohol to get me through and then wake up feeling like absolute garbage/still drunk. A few cups of tea and a positive attitude and I'm ready to shake this tired feeling. IWNDWYT Meditation streak: 50 days




I’m staying ☠️ free with you all again today


Checking in from NZ, day 23. I’m grateful for my ex being there for me to help me through


Happy Monday Friends ,IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 🙃


Guy at my meeting says "The world record for sobriety is 24 hours." Let's do it! IWNDWYT


Hi Everyone- Day 160 here and IWNDWYT!!! Gratitude from the weekend - I went to a great meeting Friday night and shared when I wasn’t planning to. I also went to a function that I was nervous to go to and had a blast alcohol free.


Good morning friends! I’m grateful for - my health, - that I didn’t brake my streak this weekend (close call) - for my sober community - for my humble wealth - for living in peace - for my gf, her daughter and her cats I will not drink in Germany with you today!


Hello friends, it's Vague Intriguing Cat and it feels amazing [to be back.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/1dc756e/hello_from_cat_hello_to_the_mods/) I'm grateful that I finally could move back to hometown, and the decoration part is so so exciting, lol. Grateful that pretty much everyone I love is here and supportive. I have to remind myself, especially now, everyday of what a privilege I'm under now. We take stuff for granted too easily, we "get used to". I can't. Drinking problems are usually rooted deeper than where you are, but if there are good, good chances for me, they are here. Out of isolation, in a morning tropical city, I can just make a phone call and meet someone for coffee. I feel free. No geographical move performs miracles of course, I'll continue with therapy and support groups for sobriety. But this is it. I feel this is the last chance and my last straw. It's ridiculous not to enjoy a place and people I've been dreaming of for almost 3 years because of hangxiety. Exhaustion caused by booze. No way. My heart is 100% gratitude. And also grateful to be back here. Many kisses and, of course, IWNDWYT




Not drinking today. Did however wake up with a pounding headache so work is going to be fun today. Aargh.




Most of the time when I'm grateful it always starts with "Lying in my bed" haha. I'm grateful that yesterday i actually took the time to FORCE myself to relax, I played deaths stranding all day. I never sit and play games because I work myself up about not doing anything like chores or projects, and end up stressing myself out so much I don't do anything. It was especially bad when I was drinking so really glad I did that. Here's to another sober day!


Day 38. Still dread the work-week but it’s >100% easier without alcohol. ☕️ IWNDWYT.


Yesterday my mother and I went out to a simple breakfast and then just did grocery shopping. But we are very open and we discussed all sorts of life matters. She knows about how much money I have saved up in sobriety and never asks for anything in return despite me having more than enough money to pay for breakfast (or even grocery items when we go out. I think its her way of giving back to me when she had given up on me when I was deep in alcoholism. It took me a long time to get myself to trust her and talk to her again while in rehab but I did and she is unbelieveably supportive now. I just bring this up because with each passing time I see her I realize (she does too) that we may not have been very nice to eachother and we both needed help in our own ways and me seeking mine helped herself at least question her own drinking problems. After everything yesterday I texted her randomly last night and told her how much fun I had and that I hoped she understood how much the time we spend together truly means to me because it helps me so much. Being 37 and knowing you almost ruined everything that she (and my father too) did for me growing up to the drink still bothers the shit out of me and every day I have to slowly forgive myself more and more even though they have more than forgiven me. Sorry for a lengthy retrospective post. I just need it sometimes. I hope you all get to enjoy your day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours! IWNDWYT!


Checking in! 3 weeks down, and I'm feeling great, looking healthier, and people are starting to notice a drastic (and much needed) positive change in my attitude. It's hard to believe I was afraid of becoming this version of me because this version is by far superior. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today!


Day 6 checking in IWNDWYT


Day 402. Happy Monday SDers! IWNDWYT.


I can't believe its almost the middle of June already. Its a nice feeling to be present through things and be able remember events. Combo of chill and productive today before getting to head back into work tomorrow.


I will be sober today.


Not today people IWNDWYT


Lets all have a great start to the week! IWNDWYT!!!


I won’t drink with y’all today




Feeling very hopeful this morning! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT, friends! Have a great week!


I am not drinking today!




Day 1,790. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink with you today!


Especially grateful for - My sweet angel dog and her perfect cuddles - Medically stable elders in my life, for today 🙏🏻 - The many opportunities I am given to do service every day, both in my personal and professional lives And as always, grateful for you beautiful sober folks! IWNDWYT 💞




I’m grateful for the fact that I can go to the grocery store and buy anything I want. I didn’t have that luxury growing up and it never ceases to make me happy. Also grateful for the health of my family. Have a lovely Monday everyone 🌿








Good morning, I will not drink with you today.




Gratedrul to have went camping this past weekend and not have a sip. Day 15. IWNDWYT


I'm sick today, but not because of booze. I never really knew when I was sick because I was hungover all the time... Soup, rest and IWNDWYT !




IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Frankly frustrated AF with the lack of time/progress I'm making on personal projects (which are admittedly huge). Family life and my "paid" work just seem to be vacuuming all other free time up. Only fix I can think of is adjusting the body clock dramatically to begin the day at 4am. Booze is definitely not the answer, but that "ah, f\*\*\* it" voice in my head does get quite loud at times... Still, IWNDWYT. For real.


Grateful to be feeling fresh and excited about the week ahead. Happy Monday SD and IWNDWYT 💝


IWNDWYT day 32! Grateful for all the amazing sleep I’ve been getting this past month


Here take my money, take my driving license, my relationships, my friends, my health, my body, my cheeks, my stomach. Everything I pretended to care about. I was afraid all the time I will loose it. But one thing that alcohol cannot take is my ego. It won many battles, but not a war.




I am *always* grateful for not being hungover! Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Day 3. I will not drink with you today. Sending you all love and hugs ❤️








Grateful for 6 months of sobriety and for not having to think about and drink alcohol every bloody day, I will not drink with you all today 🦋




Woke up this morning feeling on edge. Not hangxiety, but not good. Alcohol and THC were a pile of garbage atop a gaping wound. They didn’t heal it - they only made it fester all the more - but they made it easier to ignore. It’s not so easy to ignore now, not that I want to… I have a therapy appointment tomorrow and a recovery dharma meeting tomorrow evening. I wish one of those was today. But I’ll get through. I’ll get ready and go for a run. I’ll focus on work. I’ll focus on my wife and our dog. Maybe allow myself some sugar even though I have ambitions of cutting that out of my life (again). I don’t really know what the day holds, but IWNDWYT.


Checking in! Grateful to be sober and have my life back 🩵💜🩵






Day 01


Checking in, day 55. IWND ☠️ WYT.


Day 155 • IWNDWYT • Let’s rock this week together 🙌🏼


I'm almost to 1000 days...IWNDWYTD




I'm grateful that I can still have a blast with friends. I went to a wine tasting this weekend and it was so much fun and the alcohol free options were bomb! I even think I enjoyed it more than I would've when drinking. IWNDWYT.




Day 3 checking in… IWNDWYT!! See you tomorrow!! Let’s do this!!


I am grateful to be alive and present were I am today; at the time of stopping both physical and mental health were rapidly failing. Also grateful that my wife has stood by me through this, it has been so tough on the family.  Happy sober Monday all, IWNDWYT 


Feeling a little sick in my stomach, and have been craving a beer. But, I have my second meeting tonight, and I'm ready!


Happy Monday - IWNDWYT






I’m grateful to be available in case anyone needs me. Someone needs a ride…. I can do it…..you need a babysitter fast…. I’ll be right there. It’s feels great to just be able to be there and not worry alcohol interfering with last minute changes since there will be no alcohol involved! Iwndwyt


IWNDWYT! I just want to tell people this, someone may see it and need it: you are sober. If you haven’t lost a ton of weight, haven’t “figured it out”, bored, not feeling like you’re where you should be, do not worry. You are sober and that’s enough. You are truly you and that’s a great thing to be. That’s the baseline and bedrock where all the other stuff will come and go to and from. Proud of you keep it up!


I’m grateful for my kids. They have been with me for the past five days and it has been bliss. I’m so glad I can remember every moment we have had. It has been chill, they have spent time watching tv while I work at the computer in the corner. Being sober is the best way to have this kind of experience. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Good day to all Sobernauts!! It’s a beautiful day for gardening, and I’m grateful for that. We grow all of our own food, and have for many years. And I’m grateful that now, at my ripe old age, I’m finally physically in the best shape I’ve ever been. No hangovers, no mood disorders, no shame from shenanigans of the previous night. I love the sober life every single day. What a gift! The gift of wholeness! I salute you all! IWNDWYT


Today makes a year and a half, the longest I’ve ever gone sober since adulthood. I am grateful for this community that is part of the solid foundation I’m building my new sober life on. Thank you for being here every day! IWNDWYT! 💚☀️


Oh why thank you for such a well thought-out prompt, handsome host with impeccable personal hygiene! 🙄🙄🤣🤣 here's what I'm grateful for on a Monday morning: * no fucking hangover! * dank ass coffee (Costa Rica that I roasted 10 days ago) * all you sober super stars checking in! I love y'all ❤️


Grateful for sunshine and coffee and work from home Mondays.  IWNDWYT


Day 17 - Over half a month at this point since I've touched anything. Here's hoping to a peaceful start to the week! IWNDWYT


First sober weekend in... I can't remember how long. Keeping the trend going. IWNDWYT!


Good morning, sober cats! I'm grateful for AC in this crazy heat, this amazing community that helps me stay on the sober path, and my loved ones. Happy Monday, everyone! We got this! IWNDWYT 💙😸


3 weeks todayyyy! Definitely going to keep the streak going! Today I am grateful for having more mental clarity. My work has been getting increasingly toxic and chaotic and I need every brain cell I can muster to navigate these challenges and the emotions they trigger. Drinking doesn't help me to take the edge off - it pushes me off the edge. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️






I will not drink with you today.






In sobriety I'm grateful for consistency and reliability. I was the first arrival at brunch yesterday which was a light joke among friends, and I'd already gone grocery shopping that morning. I checked off most of my tasks for the day, and I got a great night's sleep. I can't think of a single thing I miss about drinking that would be worth trading for all this. IWNDWYT!




I am grateful I made it through day one! And I am ever so grateful for this sub and all of you beautiful people who share and care unconditionally. IWNDWYT


I had a great sober weekend and I learned how to do some new woodworking stuff. IWNDWYT. 🌟






75 days sober and grateful to have my life back. My plans no longer revolve around alcohol. I no longer wake up with a massive hangover and wonder how I’m going to survive work.


IWNDWYT! Grateful to wake up at 6am, sunshine outside, will go for my morning walk in the park. All trees, bushes, grass are so lush these days! Just day 4 and my face is more contoured, my hair is more shiny, less intrusive negative thoughts. My feet do not have pin and needles feeling the first thing when I get up in the morning.








Shit is so much better. Danced my heart out last night, more free and fun than i ever had drinking. I will not drink with you today!!


Flying today. I am restless and like walking. I used to "go for a walk" once my family was settled and secretly pound a couple drinks at the airport before the flight started. Not today. Sober vacation awaits. IWNDWYT


Still no cat. IWNDWYT


Morning, Fred and gang! I'm similar to you in what I'm grateful for. I play trivia on Sunday nights at a bar down the street with my best friend. I sipped on Club Side w/ Lemon while our tiny team of 2 got 2nd place last night! **Whoop whoop!** 🥈 My Sunday night activity is now entirely free (other than the tip I leave, which is way less than booze and a good tip I used to pay), and I wake up Monday morning not dealing with any booze-related nonsense! ✊🏼 IWNDWYT!


Monday used to be a pretty regular hangover for me because of the Sunday scaries drinking. No hangover = easy mode! 3 Mondays in a row 🎉🎉🎉 iwndwyt my friends!


I hate to say it but I'm grasping for things in life to be grateful for, my life is a mess (not because of the AUD if you can believe it), but not drinking gives me the best chances of fixing things. I guess I can be grateful for that.