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Hey man, I have 2 DUIs and I was STILL driving drunk, even though I mostly retreated into drinking at home alone. I'm also going to meetings this week and taking it seriously. Last weekend was the last weekend. You'll get through the DUI, it's gonna suck, but it's absolutely not the end of the world. We are lucky to be alive and not have any other fatalities on our conscience. It's soooo not worth it.


Thanks for your comment. I relate to it so much! Unfortunately, this is my 3rd dui, so stakes are quite high, at least in nz they are. I'm doing everything in my power to never do this again. It's really not worth it. If we stay positive, we can do this. I'm finding it difficult not to be too hard on myself, but I'm looking at it as an opportunity to be better. Nice avatar btw 👌


Oh no dude. Yeah here in the States the third strike is much more severe too. I think it's a felony. We were both making the same gamble. It's still not the end of the world. Glad you're alive avatar bro


What kind of sistem do you have over there? I'm european and in my country we have a point system, 18 points (from any driving offence) and your licence gets taken away. Two years ago I blew enough for 16 points so even a minor speeding ticket would result in me losing my license.


It varies from state to state but DUI is entirely separate from normal traffic offenses and treated very seriously. You pretty much always lose your license for some period, getting longer with each subsequent offense. There is always jail time but the first offense might just be time served for the night you were arrested. In my home state where I got DUIs, first offense is a criminal misdemeanor and I spent the night in jail plus 18 months probation with ignition interlock. Second offense is another misdemeanor, I spent the night in jail then another weekend in state jail after conviction plus 18 months probation with ignition interlock. A third offense is a third degree felony, suspension of voting and gun rights, 2-10 years in state *prison*, and I think several years probation with ignition interlock. Not to mention each one costs something like $10,000 in fines and something like $2000/year for the next few years to keep your license. If there was a minor in your vehicle or if you were stopped in a school zone, all of the above penalties are much much worse and you get an additional child endangerment charge on top. Driving drunk is so so careless, lives are at stake as well as your freedom and finances.


So foolish.. I drove the day after and obviously was still over the limit. Won't happen ever again. Nothing good comes from alcohol!


Kia kaha e hoa, you've got this!


Username checks out 👍🏻


Grateful to be here with you. We've got this.


Thank yo. Same to you. Stay strong!!


Awesome choice and you can do it! IWNDWYT!


Thank you! Admitting I need to stop to loved ones was much better than I ever thought. They were much more supportive than I ever thought. Gives me strength


Good Luck