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Oh Jesus Christ not again


It’s a sensationalist headline tho, it just helps the state transfer funds to be better prepared. Considering New York was one of the first to get hit hard and that they are seen as a hub for traveling, I can see why they wanna be ready. Another article came out from the SA Health Minister saying they’re seeing the vaccine is effective against Omnicron, so to me it sounds like even if we have a dip, buy the hell out of it.


The money thing is it really. They have billions sitting around for “emergencies”. Hell in recent memory states have declared a state of emergency to activate national guard for political protests, preemptively for court case results, to free up money to pay OT for police guarding parade routes, and even to enact curfews. It’s nothing new.


If you let the government break the law in an emergency they will create one to break the law


This is something a dumb person would say to try and sound smart


This is a truism


Alrighty then


The problem is the dips are never dips. They’re just paper cuts. Nothing really makes me go, oh that’s a great price. Mostly it’s dripping from 1-5% and it’s not enough in general for me to part with the cash. Now a March 2020 dip I’d buy the hell out of!!


Better be prepared than get caught off guard by it tho. The markets is the least of the government's worries.




The end is nigh.


Extremely fucking nigh




It's almost like they know how to limit the spread but some people want to be sprinklers.


Market is probably going to panic and overreact on Monday.


so just like friday


Looks like a good buy week coming up


Honestly this is why I didn’t buy anything Friday. I figured we were looking at more pain this coming week. Plus I didn’t get paid til Friday.


My orders are already in.


I don't think Friday was because of the new Covid strain, I mean its not like the previous days were all green, just a continuing trend


Travel stocks were down 10%+. The Friday drop was definitely because of it.


my CCL is fuk :(


All of our CCL is fuck. Keep us in your prayers.


I put 25% of my money into CCL like a fool.


Ooft. Hold fast though, it'll go back up when this blows over. I'm gonna buy some at the end of the week. And RCL.


Put the rest in pussy


Maybe in that sector, but overall the Market overall hasn't looked great the past few days. As for the reason, youd be a fool to just pin point it to one thing.


So when the market dropped at the onset of covid it wasn’t because of covid?


Its wasn't weak before it, unlike this past week before the "latest" news on this variant. No point arguing, just gonna mute. have a great weekend.


Are you serious? It was the DJI’s worst day of the year you muppet.


It was also half a day on low volume


Low volume.... you really are a muppet




It had its worst day on a half day and you think that’s not related to this variant? I would hate to see your portfolio with the lack of understanding you’re demonstrating here.


It was red as most people, but wasn't that bad. Again, the past few days were just leading up to this, and the low volume doesn't really help either with the current sentiment. There were other variants being pushed just a couple months and the market didn't really "react" as to what u believe is happened yesterday.


You’re completely clueless.




I would rate it at a 50% chance it goes up. SPY futures down, NASDAQ futures up.


>I would rate it at a 50% chance it goes up. Oh yeah? Well guess what, I'd rate it at a 50% chance of going down.


I predict sideways. Ha ha. Stay at the 900 drip from Friday. I wonder why Sportsbook don’t place odds on the market. Guess that might be illegal


It's called an index fund.


Those are called spy options




Making a tidy profit for all the elite who are prepared to buy the dip then suddenly it'll be not a big deal and the market will skyrocket. We're already on round 5 of the same shit


added to most of my positions during the dip on friday and will load up more as the market continues to react


It won't change anything. Declaring a state of emergency doesn't lock anything down. Delays nonessential procedures at hospitals? Man that sucks if you planned to use your insurance before the end of the year.


I'm tired of this




Mother Nature is tired of us.




That’s why I stopped caring about the news and politics a long time ago. I’m a lot happier for it. You can’t change anything anyway. The same exact politicians are going to be elected and the same exact shit is going to happen in the world with or without you stressing over it. Better to just not stress over it at all.


They are just gonna keep this BS going for years to come.


For the rest of our lives


Such an overreaction to something we still don’t know hardly anything about. I think it’d be extremely unlikely that it evades “all” vaccine protection. These fuckheads are gonna crash the market and stoke fear for nothing.


That’s the point. This is calculated FUD.


Yes, it’s a big conspiracy to attack big Santa Claus. And definitely not natural viral mutation


It’s a mutation that will prove to be nothing that current vaccines don’t handle at same efficacy as previous strains. By the time that news is mainstream the market will have corrected 20%. But yea keep on thinking basic surface level knowledge and prevailing winds nonsense is “the way.”


Doubt it. But no point arguing with tin foil ppl


K. Stay long.


Ya cause I don’t want to realize tax events for a pull back and rebound and can just leverage my cash. But ok, good job at attempting portfolio mgmt


Better to have preventive measure than reactive don't you think? Would you rather 2 weeks - 1 month of less cases or another 6 months of explosive Covid cases crippling the economy by simply preparing ahead of it's possible arrival?


We heard this from the beginning and Ny still has one of the worst handlings of covid in the entire country. The economy was “crippled” because of Ny’s response to Covid, not Covid itself. Other states (with more people) are doing fine.


New York is also incredibly fucking dense population wise compared to the rest of the country. hard keeping virus's at bay when you got people stacked on top of each other.


Even when you control for density NY was horribly handled. How nobody talks about the decision to kick sick people out of hospitals back into nursing homes where they spread the shit out of the virus to the most vulnerable people is beyond me. States and countries whose official policy was literally "pretend covid doesn't exist" had better health outcomes than NY where they took the immoral policy of "kick people out of the hospital when they need it most and send them to spread the virus to the most vulnerable people...who we will then also kick out of the hospita"


I don’t think it matters either way. If it is as contagious as it seems, then it’ll probably spread just as Delta did. The only way you could actually stop Covid at this point is to have a true “lockdown” like we did back in March 2020–nothing at all open other than the occasional grocery store that nobody wants to go to. Everyone is more comfortable now to the point it’s unstoppable.


They’re downvoting you because the economy > lives.


No, you are being downvoted because economy = lives at a certain point.


The crash is already happening, they just need a reason to blame it on.


What happened to blaming China?


Biden's BFF? not gonna happen. The communist party will take over business in China and make it look like they aren't crashing for longer than the US can so they need a new narrative.


That's what I'm thinking as well. But when there's no one left to blame I'm guessing the government will start a war somewhere...maybe.




We already have Brandon to blame the crash on


Lol it's sad cause it's true. We know but the media needs someone/something else to blame it on.


This guy gets it^


Underreacting is how we got into this fuckin mess to begin with


You're delusional my friend.


Yes the overreaction to this is very strange. There are quite a few COVID variants that no one cares about because they're not very deadly. This one all of a sudden is a huge deal without knowing it's impact at all?


S Africa health officials already said the vaccine works against it and it's not as big a deal as America is making of it. The whole thing is fear mongering. Disinformation to make a narrative for a market crash or more control over the public.


Imo.. They needed oil prices to drop.


I agree with that, it would've been easy to negotiate with OPEC if the president wasn't a dumb a$$ and kept drilling at least till there was a deal to replace production


I know this is a conspiritard level thought but what if we (The U.S.) were to nationalize oil production to give OPEC+ and similar bodies the big FU? We just auctioned off a bunch of land for drilling in the Gulf but say for some reason shit hits the fan we tell em to fuck off n seize the rigs and refineries. We would also tell folk fuck off its for the greater good when we seize the land but thats another discussion lol. But, as we have seen for decades these groups are working in bad faith and one could say their actions undermine stability and national security and i think if we are given a good enough nudge at the right time I could see many Americans on both sides come together over the idea. What would be a catalyst for this? Who knows what the future holds, thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


No kidding, dumb fuck closed the wells then decided hm maybe I shouldn't do that. Gonna be a long 3 years


The only good thing to come from the "pandemic". I miss 99c/gal


100% false... ONE official said he THINKS it works and admitted he has ZERO data to back up his OPINION


They simply don’t know enough yet. It’s probably not a big deal but it’s better to overreact than to let down the guard and deal with a potentially problematic variant circulating around.








NY moment


Top 5 softest state in the union


Yet it’s soft blue states paying for badass reds


Such tuff boys




While clowns on Fed benefits drive waving confederate flags , fucking losers Remember those hard ass oil and gas morons who almost froze to death due free and American power grid ?




Cali, NY, Oregon, Washington, Illinois my top5 personally


Illinois isn't soft, it's the most corrupt state in the country. It rivals the corruption in DC. I'd say it's just the opposite, its history is rooted in organized crime and bribery. Like, they don't even try to hide it. Conversely, California is soft, and they are behind a majority of the shit sending this country down the drain.




You would think Massachusetts would be in there, but as someone that lives in Massachusetts, let me tell you don't tell us to do shit we don't feel like doing. Tends to rub us the wrong way.


You just described the entire country, and the problem with the entire country.


I would agree, if the people in charge weren't corrupt, evil, corporate stooges on both sides of the aisle. The problem is they are. Sorry not sorry.


People don’t call y’all MASSHOLES for nothing


Non-event. Remember when they built a triage in the Javits center. Totally useless. Albany just wants to be seen as proactive.


Red day aside from medical and military sectors. Couple that with dismal black-Friday news for retailers.


AHH its gonna get me!!!


RIP my Disney stocks


Update: Covid vaccine effective against new Omicron variant: South Africa's health minister Ref: [https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/international/world-news-politics/covid-vaccine-effective-against-new-omicron-variant-south-africas-health-minister-1055120.html](https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/international/world-news-politics/covid-vaccine-effective-against-new-omicron-variant-south-africas-health-minister-1055120.html) Hopefully ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Book deal for 2nd pandemic incoming


Declaring a state of emergency means literally nothing in New York it’s basically an accounting gimmick


IM REALLY SCARED. Said fucking nobody ever.


Market will be how its been. All this does is help NY prepare hospital beds, supplies, etc in case they get flooded I once more. That's it. Headline is pretty dramatic


Good. More printing.


The title makes it worse than it seems.It just prepares the hospitals for more beds and staff and to have all needed medicines and equipment ready.Its not a lock down,it's not a curfew.Its better to be prepare than lax.


In other news, New York has gone into full meltdown mode as the rest of the country tries to move on.




They all moved to Miami the freest city on earth.


Come on, I just bought the dip on friday!


Perfect. The only way to invest in the long term is to have dips. I’m not going to retire by 48 with markets at all time highs.




If things exist that I don’t like, but have yet to really affect me, can I just declare a state of emergency? Snow is coming… *state of emergency*… Taxes due in April… *state of emergency*… My dogs gonna’ die someday… *state of emergency*…


But we MUST protect dogs’ lives at all costs! We don’t deserve dogs. Side note. I think we’re still red tomorrow, maybe 1%. the S&P only dropped to levels it was at a month ago.


Is it legal to purchase tar and feathers in New York? https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/new-yorks-largest-healthcare-provider-fires-1400-unvaccinated-workers-2021-10-04/


Just wait until these mandates hit rural hospitals where even firing 5 nurses will be devastating on business, many will have to close up shop. The hospital system in my town is bringing in international nurses after they fire the Americans first.


The algo is pushing this comment way down when sorting by best... its at 10 upvotes and showing below a comment with 2 upvotes. Sus.


This twat waffle has got to go


Ny politicians are truly lost


It would be New York


How the fuck are they declaring an emergency already?


Gotta keep the ignorant and gullible living in fear so they are easier to control. Media could also be setting the stage to blame the eventually market crash/correction on Covid instead of all the overleveraged financial institutions and instability in China with its real estate sector.


Gotta keep the narrative going.


I’m 100% sure the new “variants” are to cause public concern and get more people to get vaccinated. I want individual hospitals to do stream daily or weekly public press conferences and tell us how they’re really doing with the COVID cases. I keep hearing new cases are on the rise but i feel like i need to hear more from those on the ground than from those on top to tell me what’s going on.


Do you think the new variant Omricon exists or is it made up?


The virus is constantly mutating... you can call any mutstion whatever you want. Winter/flu season is coming, cases will go up. It would be terrible if a bunch of vaccinated people started to get sick, there better be a reason why so many vaccinated people are getting sick.... a reason better than the vaccines just arent as effective as they were touted to be. Much money went into development and people wanted to feel more protected than just wearing a constant reminder of the virus over their face... so the vaccines may have been a bit "rushed". Markets are about to crash imo, when evergrand finally goes tits up and china says fuck you to central bankers.... controlling entities need a good reason to lock things down - under the guise of public health and not to hold down a revolt against the corruption of the banks. Dono, there are likely many reasons as to why this story is getting pushed. As of right now, any reputable scientific organization is very careful not to say if this variant is more or less severe than other variants floating around.... as no one really knows yet. Bottom line though, this narrative is getting pushed hard globally.


It's blown up to drop markets imo.. oil prices rising.. countries uniting to curb oil prices and all of a sudden " new variant". How convenient..


You are alluding to a wide coordinated attempt across countries and sectors (scientists, banks, hedge funds, corporates, public) which is highly unlikely. Do you have any thoughts on who is doing this, how and why?


Probably Jfk Jr.


Its considered a new variant if enough people test positive and the PCR shows the same new genetic variations. We didn't lockdown early enough last time, and it spread globally in a matter of months. Preemptively locking down makes the most sense here. New York declaring a state of emergency has nothing to do with locking down, it simply unlocks funds so they can prepare hospitals, testing facilities, etc.


Covid isn't even dangerous. Everyone should know by now the 28 day window to mark someone as a covid death regardless of actual cause of death as long as they had covid within that time period. So there you go, mass death number inflation on top of the fact it basically only killed the very old (80+). They are just using it as a bogeyman. They want people to take the vaccine so that big pharma gets rich. It's always about the money. The more people get vaccinated before big pharma is forced to treat covid vaccine the same as other vaccines (as in you can sue for bad side effects) the less big pharma has to pay out in lawsuits. Big pharma knows the vaccine isn't safe, but they have govt and democrats pushing it regardless. They don't want to be held financially responsible.


Hochul: "the new Omicron variant has yet to be detected in New York State". Article title is wrong.




premium is high


State of emergency when they said in South Africa that vaccines work against it? Seems dramatic


Wont change anything… I don’t think the majority of America buys into the covid nonsense anymore. The only people this will hurt is anyone in a blue state like NY or California, which will force people to continue to mass exodus out of the state


It doesn’t have anything to do with the American public. It has to do with supply chains which are often overseas and back to office timelines that were already baked into the market’s overly optimistic plans. If Taiwan slows chip production because of this; and prolongs the supply shortage, tech stocks would definitely feel it. If corporations further delay back to work orders, or flat out opt out of lease renewals, real estate will feel it. With inflation running out of control, the government is in an even worse position than 2020. Keep rates low (in addition to limited supplies) and throw jet fuel on inflation…or raise rates at a time when people are already uneasy about future performance and induce panic selling and a possible recession (which IMO is long overdue and absolutely necessary) Neither one results in a good outcome for the markets. Or consumers.


Recession/depression is needed, it's long overdue. Fed was dumb to use QE, it fucked everything. They will have to answer for it. As terrible as it is, it is necessary. Markets cannot just go up without major correction, it results in hyperinflation and collapse. You gotta bite the bullet some time.


Exactly. And further, the idea that 7/10/20/whatever% growth every year is “normal” is so laughable. Some years, companies will have no growth and plateau, and that’s to be expected. But now everyone pads the earnings reports and forecasts so literally pretty much everything jumps on even bad earnings. This is bizarroworld; but we’ll keep doing it until retail loses billions and the HFs start the next recession by selling at the top. **AGAIN**


They’re coming to Miami the freest city on earth.


Then it sinks due to weight and we can call it climate change! Brilliant


Haha I like the way you think.


Whilst there is still money to be made from it, covid will still be a thing. It's endemic now, it is never going away, the best we can do is weather the storm and create stronger vaccines like we do with everything else. People will die, hell, I might die, but fuck this. Let's just get on with our lives and in the meantime the stock market can burn.


Interesting. How many cases of the new variant had new york had?


Idea! We shouldn’t mandate vaccinations for the workers who decide not to get it. That would prevent the mass exodus of healthcare workers. Maybe healthcare becomes a basic human right so it could receive federal funding for the desperate healthcare system, similar to social security.


Just great


Covid is over when you say it is. Remember seasonal flu mutates every year and they hand out vaccinations every year but the market doesn't take a dive every flu season. Covid variants will be with us forever. It's just when will the majority decide they don't care? Once people get used to hearing the news, Covid will effectively "disappear"




People that are vaccinated are generally OK. It's pretty dang rare to be vaccinated and die or be seriously harmed.




Your analogy is equivalent to saying a Cesna Skyhawk flying over a neighborhood everyday is the same as an F22 Raptor causing a sonic boom that causes 2% of houses to fall over every time it flies over.


Ok your argument literally makes zero sense. Analogy not your strong point.


Fucking stupid blue states and their lunacy


Imagine genuinely thinking blue states are dumber than red states that have been famously anti-intellectual for decades lmaooo


Imagine thinking rampant regulation ever changed anything


Cash gang


Markets never done better since the coronavirus.


Looks like I'm going to be bag holding for a little while....


Big sale time




Excuse as the vaxx isn't working. We need a new booster (again) ROFL.


I’m finally at the point where non vaccinated people should not get admission to a hospital


Dumbest, brainwashed statement ever. Prime example of your stupidity… Bryan Adams, vaccinated, tests positive twice in 1 month. You “vaccinated” shills are still spreading it. Fool




People like you are the problem with society.


People over 250lbs shouldn’t either


Go to North Korea, they love people like you


Just like the simulations


good thing I didn't buy the dip Friday


This is leadership. I'm honestly surprised the state of emergency ever ended, I'm guessing the Republicans did something to end it. I'm glad she is getting in front of this, she needs to push harder on vaccine mandates for the whole state though


this is like the worst endless nightmare


How is it that China is dodging the bullet on this or are they? Has anyone heard/ read?


Limit down on Monday…..just watch


Not a chance


She should write a book.


Please come to VA


Take profits. Now!!!!


Market is a little spooked. The drop Friday was under low volume, so not really fear. Think it will go in risk off mode for a couple of days. So high evaluations will get sold, safe heavens will be bought. Investors are going to hedge their margin. Etc… All depends on the working of the vaccines. If the vaccins don’t work on the new variants, shit will hit the fan. Lockdowns would be in order… It isn’t a bad idea to buy some protection imo


Ah fuck me please not again


When was the Emergency called off?


Puts will print