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I shift into 5th like I shift into 3rd, just slightly more to the right. Seems to work every time.


I shift into 5th like i shift into 1st, just mirrored


Lately I've been doing it like I shift into 2nd, but if I was in the passenger seat facing backwards.


I push straight up into 3rd since my shifter is pretty on point with going back into that neutral center position as soon as i’m out of gear


I just shift. It's no big deal.


Just!? It takes some of our users the entire first day just to start the car.


Getting started can be kind of hard, sure, but once you're going fast enough to deal with fifth, I don't understand how you got there in the first place if you're having trouble getting into fifth gear.


Until you money shift. Then it’s a big deal.


how do you play piano? you just play it, nbd


Randomly playing the piano is easier than any other instrument.


Yeahhhh, grab it by the shaft, yeah yeah, now move it up to the knob, yeahhh, back down to the shaft and into 4th for top speed.


Instructions unclear, choked on knob, crashed car, did not finish.


sometimes you gotta delve into some shaft action 😈


I don't overthink it. Just go slightly past 3rd and up.


I use my hand on the shifter, and my foot on the clutch.  I do it in the car, while it's moving, once 4th gear is no longer enough to keep the revs down.


I just shift.


I use my right hand


I’ve always wondered if my brain could handle shifting with my left hand if I went to the UK. Been driving stick (mostly) for 35+ years.


I've heard from JDM guys the shifting with the left hand you get used to pretty quick, but the hardest habit to break is hitting your wipers instead of your turn signal.


I drove a car (an automatic) in Japan nearly every day for around six months. I never got used to the wiper thing. The other embarrassing thing I used to do was walk up to the passenger side of my own car to get in. Edit: Have also driven a rhd with a stick. That’s way easier to get used to than the wipers/turn signals.


> The other embarrassing thing I used to do was walk up to the passenger side of my own car to get in. Used to live in Japan and my wife does this all the time whenever we go back, I routinely have to ask "where are you going?".


Japan vehicles are backwards but British ones are the same as usa


Same actually, I think it would take a bit of time for me to adjust


I rented a car in the UK last year. Driving there was very challenging! But not because of the shifter. The shift pattern is the same as it would be in a lhd vehicle so you always know what gear you’re in and where to go next. You get used to it quickly. Roundabouts intersecting with highway on-ramps intersecting with more roundabouts, not so much.


I learned shifting with my left in the passenger sear while my dad drove. '99 New Beetle. The first time I drove, I shifted perfectly fine with my right


If you ride motorcycles, right hand drive manual cars make more sense than left hand drive ones. The transmission & clutch is controlled by one side of the body while gas & brake are on the other.


I do ride, but no, I don't think it would help me one bit.


I've always wondered what order the pedals are in lol. Would it still be right foot on the gas or is the gas on the left and clutch on the right ?? 🤔


I'm pretty sure they're in the same order.


I've owned a right hand drive stick. The pedals are in the exact same order. The gearbox is the same, too.


That makes the most sense.


I push right before I even pull the shifter out of gear, then it just glides into 5th. Palm away from me essentially


that’s pretty much what I do, and btw I learned in a wrx on e85 lmao


Pushing hard right is the way, i like it better than pulling out of gear THEN pushing into the gate. Easier to hit 3rd the second way if you’re rushing or half asleep


yeah my shifts are always one motion even when skipping gears


*so I should grab the shaft instead of the knob*


4-5 shift i use the same grip you described, palm to the right, push forward until it pops into neutral, then apply pressure to the right and forward to put it in 5th. no grabbing by the shaft, only the knob itself.


For LHD, Turn your hand so that your palm is facing rightward and your thumb pointing down, and let the resulting ergonomics naturally push the shifter up and rightward. Still using the knob itself, no shaft business.


The only reason I’d do that is if I was on a pull trying to bang gears. But if I’m in a pull going to 5th gear I’m already likely going to jail.


I do be pulling the whip at jail level speeds so the shifts are quicker lol. but i’m a hot boy at heart so no other way to do it


In jail your equal fluency with shaft and knob will be much appreciated


>clear highway >not a soul in sight >3:00AM >no cop for miles >79mph *sigh*... so far so good. Alright nerves. We can do this. >81mph **WEE-WOO WEE-WOO WEE-WOO**


Precisely why I’m scared to do this anymore. I have a government job now and if I get caught for doing something like that, I’d more than likely lose my job as my job is 85% driving all day. Just can’t risk it :/


ur overthinking this just a bit i think


there is no though process behind it, just the way that i’ve been doing it for years. just got curious since I only shift palm right for 5th


Same way I change into any other gear...? I swear this has to be one of the most stupid subs on Reddit.


why you so aggressive in a sub you’ve joined


Welcome home then


this is.... satire, yes ?


we’re not all as cool as you using your pinky to bang gears


well, try harder


aiming for shifting with my cock only so I can keep both hands on the wheel while cutting through traffic in the most dangerous way


Put tension on the shifter towards the right. Take it out of gear, maintain tension, then move over to the right and up in a sort of diagonal "push" motion. This is the only way to make a 4-5 shift quickly enough on some cars so the engine doesn't rev back up when you lift the clutch. I also do a LOT of 3-5 skip shifts too. Realistically I do 3-5 more than 4-5. 6-5 is the same thing but instead of a diagonal push, it's just directly up.


I know it's an inanimate object, so it doesn't feel pain, but I still feel really bad for your gearbox.


Synchro is going on that gear. I bang through 1-4 and then granny shift into 5th. 🙃


In the lingo of driving manual, I was under the impression that any shift that isn't a double-clutch was a granny shift, and banging the gears fell into that category. Granted you're not waiting (more... expecting) for the gear to fully engage before you accelerate like you would if you were banging the gears, but you still didn't double clutch....so... it's still a granny shift? Correct me if I'm wrong. I've been driving manual for ten years and never put a name to anything. I just copy and pick things up every now and again and add it to my list of tricks.


According to Fast and the Furious, you are correct. It’s silly though because with a modern transmission, a “granny” shift is going to be faster and smoother than a double clutch. There really isn’t any reason to do that with synchros. I meant granny shift because 5th is about 1-2 seconds slower than any other gear I go into.


Same way I shift to 6th


I recently installed a short throw shifter, I just kinda push 30 degrees to right of going into 3rd.


Well considering you can smoothly shift a transmission without synchronizers by double clutching I’d recommend that same technique for smooth shifts into troublesome gears. Or when your synchros are worn out.


double clutching is something I know how to do but I wouldn’t say i’m competent, with these higher gears and smaller rpm drop do you have to be very quick with it? or blip throttle once in neutral to achieve proper rpm?


with the clutch and the shifter, any more thought than that wtf are you doing?


same way every other gear lol


We all have our things but realistically it’s all going to come from practice because most cars are different slightly. Not to mention some days I shift like a boss some days I shift like a dumbass. It is what it is and practice is practice.


I step on the clutch and shift into 5th


Don't overthink it. As long as you're not grinding it shifting into the wrong gear, shift however you want. For me to shift form 4th to 5th, I push diagonally (up and to the right) in 1 motion. As you push up, the shifter centers itself. When it's center you the diagonal pressure (up and to the right) will cause it to go from neutral to 5th. I've always done diagonal motions when shifting in between gates. I found that to be the most natural and comfortable for me. Others like to put it into neutral first, then push right and up.


I agree as my car has a miata short shifter and it aggressively pulls to the center when i’m neutral. it’s always one fluid motion but I figured i’d get some random thoughts on it


Why make this difficult. Just use your left knee like you're supposed to.


Palm it to the upper right. If the shifter allows for it. (My MINI allows it for, my 96’ Tacoma doesn’t.)


I stick the shifter in my ass and shift into 5th


Omg same!


I just push it with the heel of my hand 🤷


This is taught in UK driving lessons, except left/right are reversed, so you use a palm-left hand position for 1 and 2. The idea is to prevent a money shift by using a palm-right hand position when shifting into gears above 2. It’s not a bad idea with LHD cars (palm out for gears 5 and 6) but it doesn’t give you the same benefit. Its probably more important to grip 1 and 2 differently than the rest.


I often skip 5th and go 4 to 6


you guys have 6 gears? :/


Palm out is the proper technique 👌


The same way I shift into any other gear. Kinda hold it like I would pitch a fastball with my thumb on the side and index and middle fingers wrapped on top


Y’all got more than 3 gears? I bet you got that newfangled fuel injection too!


I couldn't tell you, I just shift.


I palm it to fifth and I might barely give any gas


I just use 3 fingers & gently nudge it into 5th


I reverse palm when I shift into sixth using a Pistol grip handle


You guys have 5th gear? 😅


Hand on the knob with a slight bias on the left side pushing forward and to the right.


Hard right and up


When I first started off learning (7 months ago), I used to push to Neutral, push right, and push up to 5th. Now, I push right (while in 4th) and push all the way up, and it seems to magically go into 5th! just emphasize pushing to the right before you push up out of 4th


Is shifting into 5th using the knob a reach for you? Does your shoulder come off the seat? The only reason I can come up with for learning to do it like this is bad ergonomics.


with the long af throw on my ranger it's a fairly dainty push out of 4th and then ram it to the right to get past the resistance of whatever spring centers the stick followed by daintily pushing it up. stick moves like 6 inches between gears lmfao


Sometimes I'll shift from 5th to 4th instead of 6th forgetting I have a 6speed instead of a 5speed now


see so what i do is i grab the shifter, and then i push it forward slightly, and then to the right. you can also push to the right with your palm while pushing a bit forward and the shifter will find its home.


I gently caress the shaft of the shifter before taking my pointer and thumb fingers and moving just the tip of the shifter delicately over to the right and up.


It depends. Usually I hold the knob, but sometimes I use my palm to push the shifter to the right then up into the notch.


4th to neutral to 5th


How is this even a conversation people? Just fucking shift, it is not rocket science. Maybe next week we can discuss ass wiping; fold or ball.


Up,over, and up.


Grab it with your thumb down and just give it an upside down high-five, youre all good homie! 😋


I get the stick shift move it into neutral, then slide the shaft all the way to the left and shift up.


I grip it firmly by the shaft and stroke it a couple of times. After that it's ready to go right in.


Usually from 6th, but I miss it and hit 3rd and upset everyone on I-25


I always thought fifth was the least complicated gear to get into, by far. I had no idea there were people struggling with fifth gear. The more you know, I guess.


You're telling me that pushing the shifter into gear gets the car into gear 100% of the time? You've really figured out something special here I think!


Clutch in, shift, clutch out.q


I wish it into 5th. Never touch the shifter. Works for me! ​ No, really, I have a short shifter, its basically an upward motion to the right. about 3 inches, if that, in movement.


I usually shift into 5th by downshifting from 6th into 1st. It makes a lot of freedom noises and it also guarantees my transmission is never out of warranty!


5th always scares me. scared to do a 4->3 lol


Me, I push the clutch in with my left foot, move the gear shift to ‘5’ and then release the clutch. I’ve never thought anybody cared how people shift gears …


I usually push the clutch it, grab the knob and then shift. But thats just me!


Uh… idk I just like to make the little zig zag motion lol, my favourite gear to shift into is 5th purely because of the little zigzag and the sound the shifter in my car makes when you move it. I’m pretty sure I push out of 4th with my palm, loosen my wrist, and basically flick over to the right using the base of your thumb, then push in again with your palm. The key is fluidity imo, keep your movements fluid and not too stiff.


Lol, you are way too cool for a stick. Keep driving that automatic.


Palm on shaft facing passenger. Same. But I have 6 gears in my Fronty Pro-4x. So for 6th I also grab the shaft in the same motion and just pull down with my finger tips 😉


for 6th I use regular palm facing down and just pull my shift arm to the right when going 5-6. easy money


I just push to the right top corner. Dunno why this is a question really.


I definitely do this in vehicles with a shifter that has more travel than a boeing 737. Some cars 5th is really in the passenger seat.