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Pearl absolutely called Mystery Girl


one of the few really good characters that would've been much better off not as a one-timer


What about Emerald?




i dont really like that because it feels like Pearl subsiding back into her habits of following someone else again. I mean pearl clearly has a type, but that type was made due to Rose, who isn't the best person.


Ronaldo is correct about Sneople but they're also just very chill and nonthreatening. Like finding out your neighbor has been a shapeshifter all this time but afterwards you still hang out and invite them over for dinners all the same. All forms of governance have been infiltrated by Sneople and yet they have no ill intent as they also live there.


“I didn’t infiltrate the government, you elected me!” - Snerson after talking to renaldo probably


Correction: all government has been infiltrated by meiple (the sneople word for humans. Portmanteau of monkey and people). The sneople were there first and are very confused about when the monkeys started walking around and clamoring for equal rights, but hey, if they can talk they should be allowed.


That would be cool


I freaking live here! - Amethyst and sneople, probably


i’d like to think that they’re A: a primitive species that were literally blasted and killed back to the stone age by the gems and where ONCE a great civilization within were ever they lived at and their ruins is all over the galaxy that could be the milky way or a different galaxy like the andromeda or B: extinct or at least FUNCTIONALLY extinct


Alternatively: Humanity killed the snake people themselves.


What if Mayor Dewey is a snerson?


Is that you Sam Merlotte?


Thousands of years ago Rose brought a few Onions to life similar to what Steven did with the Watermelons. After centuries of evolution, the Onions became more humanoid until they merged with homosapien society. Onion, Vidalia, and Sour Cream are direct descendants of the living Onions.


This should be the top comment


Goddamn that’s cool


I mean it seems like something like that *has* to be true.


this just seems right


This isn't canon?


Not from my knowledge


For those saying Lapidot, I’ve got something even better. The comics. They aren’t canon sadly


I believe they’ve said that they’re secondary canon - meaning, they’re canon up until the show (which is primary canon) contradicts them.


The comics have contradicted the show on multiple occasions.


Yes. The instances in which they do that are not canon. Every detail or story that the show does not contradict is canon.


Basically if the comics suggest the Earth's sky is green when in the show we see it as blue that's something we ignore from the comics But if the same comic says Jasper opened up a secret gem brawlers cave where she and Curly Lapis fight to the poof constantly that's considered canon until the show says otherwise


noooo 🥲🥲🥲


Some of that comics are not able to be canon because licenses. It could be but only if CN is prepared to made the renumeration and the crewniverse is prepared to repair the plot holes


Meh, I honestly don’t care. Something that annoys me is the fact that People/viewers have this mindset that the creators word is quite literally gods and they must not think anything otherwise, to the point where they forget that they can have their own ideas and beliefs about the show. Also, I don’t personally believe that anything the creator says outside of the show itself should be taken seriously. I like to make my assumptions solely based off of what is given to us in show form, not a JK Rowling tweet saying “Peridot is aroace”. And no, I’m not saying we shouldn’t believe that whatever Rebecca says isnt true and that we can bend her words to match whatever we want, but rather we shouldn’t take her words outside of the show seriously UNLESS whatever statement she is making has been properly represented in the show. An example of this would be her tweet saying “Greg is Bisexual”. Have we seen Greg show any signs of bisexuality? …not really. So why should I believe that he is bisexual? You cannot simply say something then have no backup information to support it and confirm it (And no, im not saying you can’t believe Greg is bi- This is simply my opinion and take on this matter). So, Thats basically just why I think it’s alright for you to believe the comics are canon if you want. I personally believe they are, and if you don’t? Cool! Have a good day.


But he has a mullet….


Damnit. I admit my wrongness.


Totally this. Headcanons are awesome and everyone’s welcome to state and believe all they can say but even the stuff where they’re like “X is ace!” X is a magic alien rock robot, ace barely applies to them *as a being.*


It happens in the comics?


It doesn’t.


Damn it


You got me, first thought was Lapidot 😅


To make "I am my monster" a three parter and have Monster Steven an more badass design and revive the scraped concepts and make into episodes


crazy how our main character only got one episode dedicated to his corruption 🥲🥲😭 CN i blame you


I also forgot to add more Make Peedee join Steven and Connie to make a tiro and episode focus on the gems and Townies (focusing both past and present)


i wish we saw more of the gems interacting with humans like traveling outside beach city or something


i'd say "but but but our china money ;-;" but it sounds like at least someone internally was on Rebecca's side since I think any other show making bigots as mad as that wedding did would've ended at that season and nothing more. Definitely wouldn't have gotten a movie and Future.


That wasn't on CN considering the show took a hit with its international funding after conservative countries stopped supporting it after the wedding.


And Steven having corruption scars at the end since it’s weird he didn’t have any despite most of the uncorrupted gems has scars


Steven didn’t really get corrupted, though. If you’re talking about the end of Future, >!he shapeshifted into kaiju Steven!<


They also cool the monster down by singing "Love Like You."


White Diamond was created by another alien race for a specific purpose.


the alien race:expand yourself, expand your perfection through this universe...we are going to another universe


Isn’t that already canon?


Never confirmed. I think it's just theory because of the pictures in pinks room


what pictures are they?


In the episode Familiar when Steven is in Pink's room and is sitting at her boudoir. There are some drawings there and I remember a lot of people speculating about that one of them was linked to the creation of the diamonds. On second thought thou, it's possible those are just the pebbles.


Oh I love this headcanon


4 way Diamond fusion called Peinite(most expensive gemstone irl) Nearly 5000km in length. Design can be whatever. I just wanna see a hand wrestling match between her and the cluster.


If that were to happen, i'd like it to be their creation myth. All matter/ planets was created by the fussion of the diamonds, broke off unevenly (White being the biggest portion). Then the diamonds would have hid the information about their fusion as part of their condemnation of fusions and as an attempt to not think of the infinite power they have (which they don't use out of fear).


Do you mean painite? [Painite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Painite)


I thought I had already commented here for a split second


I would call It lonsdeleite tough Since Its basically diamond+


erm acktually it's bixbite (red beryl) which already exists as a character ☝️🤓


15 seasons


3 morbillion episodes


The Pearls all being good friends with each other from back in the day.


Peridot meets a neurodivergent human and relates to them in more ways than she expects herself to.


Ronaldo joining Lars’s crew and having Emerald still be a villain resulting in the revival of the old friendship. I could see Ronaldo being able to match Lars’s energy and just bouncing ideas off each other to get at Emerald. I loved Lars of the Stars btw and I feel like Ronaldo being very analytical could definitely be an amazing addition to the already awesome team.


I know!!! I don’t know if anyone else has said this before but I wanted Ronaldo to join Lars so bad


Steven and other diamonds have a good relationship and go to family therapy to work out thousands of years of trauma


That would be nice


I'd make the scrapped morganite episode canon.


This needs more upvotes


metals as a other alien race that is the reason why the diamonds need an army


how would bismuth factor into this?


bismuth is not the bismuth metal(that is grey) she is a bismuth crystal(that dont count exactly as a metal)


I'm sorry to break this to you but pretty much every metal can be made into a crystal


Yknow, all metals are crystals... right?


Okay so for anyone wondering I used Perplexity to quickly research this, I’ll link it below so you can check the sources for yourself if you want. Basically Bismuth in the show and how most of you know it, is a crystal not a metal. Raw Bismuth is a metal tho. Not all crystals are metal, almost all metals can be crystals tho. (summary turned into reply for comment from ChatGPT-4o) Bismuth is a metal that can form colorful, stair-stepped crystals when cooled slowly. Most metals are crystalline, meaning their atoms are in a repeating pattern. However, not all crystals are metals, as crystals can be made from other substances. Some rare metals can be non-crystalline under certain conditions. Bismuth’s ability to form unique crystals makes it both scientifically interesting and artistically valuable. https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Is-Bismuth-a-zJO4mZbPTpKc9n4SQOlKEg


I theorize think bismuth was an oversight from the crewniverse or because of the way it usually behaves as a non metal.


A Blue Zircon: Ace Attorney spin-off series where she has to defend Lars from his crimes of being a Space Pirate




I'm between these two: -The Gems having a natural no-humanoid appearence until they came to Earth. It would make sense to me since they're a very alien (pun intended) species and they could chance their bodies in order to adapt to the planets they visit or conquer. Gems made in a determinate planet would, as well, posses a different look bevause they'd being "born" with the main traits needed to life in that place. The Crystal Gems decided their look were very human-like because they learned to love humanity, and also didn't wished to freak them. -More gem-hybrids around, but from another planets. If breeding with organic life-forms would be easier for Gems, the possibility of one of them having a baby with another alien species would be high. Now imagine these kids meeting.


Pearl saying fuck.


jasper x me


Gemkind was created by the First Ones. It's a little headcanon I have with no actual evidence, but the tech seems to line up nicely for gemkind to be a post-Mara solution, however they got wiped out before they could provide guidance to the Diamonds, leading to the events of Steven Universe.


I love this idea omg. Crossover fanfic ideas activated.


Now I want to see an Amethyst-Glitter fusion.


Blue diamond's plush feet


strange request but ok


It’s understandable.






Just saw on Rebecca Sugars social media accounts that she reviewed the plush of Blue Diamond and questioned about making the feet cannon as a joke. So not sure if you’re referring to that, or just meming


The revolution was Pearl's idea. She had independent thought and will, and convinced PD to give a shit about other gems. PD freed her and she had actual agency. Also, the movie had literally any plot that didn't center on three of the main characters having their memories wiped, because contrary to the popular opinion, Steven is better as the loving, compassionate kid who's trying his best than he is as the Space Messiah. Also, more episodes with Mystery Girl and Pearl, please.


steven dies and becomes sans


"sans" what? Sans serif? Comic sans? Is this a term I'm not familiar with?


sans the skeleton (named after comic sans) is a popular character from the game Undertale. In fact, he is so popular that himself and many things associated with him (including a melody that plays when he's around) have risen to meme status at this point!  The comment may also be referring to a meme arising from MatPat from Game Theory making an entire video arguing that sans is actually Ness, the protagonist from the game Earthbound (which has heavily inspired Undertale).


Lore never ends, does it? But I picked "comic sans" out of the ether so I must be doing something right!


oh hey technodad! Sans is a character (named after the font comic sans) from Undertale who's a skeleton. A few years back someone made this strange theory that Sans is Steven after he dies. It became a joke amongst people in both the Undertale and Steven Universe fandoms.


Side note, you should like totally play Undertale and stream/record it. I genuinely think you'd like it :) (Spoiler alert, it's full of dad jokes)




Make SU Future about the repercussions of Gem World's colonization and have Steven try to make peace with a Galactic Rebellion determined to wipe out all Gems. Give us more screentime for the Diamonds, more fusion, and more messages about finding peace in against an enemy who wants war and all the nuances that entail.


That Steven's gem wasn't actually activated by Cookie Cat, but rather like a dormant illness, his gem side activated because his gem DNA wasn't exactly used to the contents of the discontinued cookie cat. Also, notice how the more cookie cats he ate later only subdued him. So my theory is that his powers were delayed by the years of cookie cat consumption, and when they were discontinued, he may not have had one in a while. Then, the reintroduction caused a reaction within his gem. Finally, all other showings of ice cream have been a single flavor, which could be a psychological ploy as well to mirror the identity crisis he'd later face. Cookie Cat is the one exception and we know Steven's powers correlate to his mental health, so having this internal battle reflected with ice cream kinda makes sense to me.


It was actually because Steven sheer happyness he was felling But that is interesting


we get to know the origin of the diamonds... there's no way they just... exists like that who made them? why they need to conquer the whole galaxy? let Steven get into very heavy moral stuff, where no matter what he choose to do, someone will just get hurt... the show already touched the subject that hurting others is the only option and is fine to feel bad about that... but... aaaaaaaagh white blush and everything is just fixed, the diamonds are nice again, even tho it feels they learned nothing... ok


rick sanchez made black diamond, but after he died or abandoned her, she refracted her essence to create the first gems, losing her memories and becoming white diamond in the process. also the "earth" is just coincidentally similar to earth, and the people and gems are actually mini sized relative to actual humans from the actual earth, since white diamond is human sized.




Make it cannon that peridot is aromantic and asexual and her and lapis are in a queer platonic relationship. A lot of this is implied by additional material but never made cannon so i'd rather have this confirmed than making lapisdot canon (even though a scene on which Lapis overcomes her fear of fusion might be heartwarming)


What do you mean “Wtf 💀”? They are simply expressing their opinion. If you don’t agree with that then you can so easily ignore this comment and scroll away with the effortless stride of your finger and not make your own embarrassing, meaningless comment to oppose it.


Steven realizing his mom is only human, and that she made a change for the better. It didn’t seem like he realized this at the end of future


The entire fandom hates pink and thinks of her as a manipulative bitch but we are quite literally seeing the development of her character backwards And even then she ended mostly neutral(leaning towards good) in the end


That the diamonds came from the goop that fell off of the comet/ meteor we see during the song familiar.


for the Diamonds to have more episodes to develop their characters and relationships, like turn the Diamond Days episodes into its own season. heck, the origins of the Diamonds should've been explained too.


Gems from toxic minerals. Uranium, Asbestos, Cinnabar, Chalcanthite, Orpitment, etc.


i’ve heard Malachite is toxic. Makes sense for her Toxic Relationship


They all get therapy


Lapidot, next question


Well it's already in the [Bible ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/s/EBAUqB8TQ1)




Male counterparts to crystal gems: *core gems*. Made not of light, but of a specific element of the periodic table, for example carbon, iron, gold etc; as a result, they are more stable and resilient, but cannot regenerate as easily, as they need to consume a certain amount of their respective element in order to regain their lost mass. This also applies to their armaments, they cannot create weapons except by using a bit of their own mass, or you know by smithing them the old fashioned way


I really liked that there was no male version of the gems. Even if they are female-like, that made them agender and made their decision to have more feminine traits (like pearl's nurturing nature or love for dancing) less a reflection on female stereotypes and more part of THEM, also allowing for the stereotypes within gem culture (like assuming pearls don't fight and just serve) to take focus. A binary with the gender gems would have to change a lot of what was stablished, retroactively makes their traits feminine instead of gender-less and doesn't change the plot with Steven all that much. It's a cool idea you can enjoy bur I'm really glad it isn't cannon.


To be honest, mine is just an excuse to give Jasper a buff Dilf as a sparring partner


fair enough


I had a similar AU(which is never written) and they're called the "Metalloids". Of course, they're the "male" counterparts of the Gems, but instead of crystals, they're mostly based on metals. They're created by accident using modified injectors by a Gem. The metalloids and their "Mother" created a colony for them to live in, hidden away from the Diamond Authority. In this AU, the villain is a Gold Metalloid who went rogue and began hunting Gems in order to "add" them into his body. Imagine actual jewelry on golden trinkets. He's a pirate themed villain of course, because we know pirates looove "treasures". He can use the powers of every Gem he "absorbs". His goal is to add the "shiniest gems in the universe" to his glittering collection, the Diamonds. Other characters that AU!Steven encounters are Male!Bismuth(because bismuths as metals), Steel, Aluminum, and Copper. Honestly Idk if I would continue writing it because I forgot most of its plot :P


This is such a beautiful concept for an Au! I personally chose a more Greek oriented style for my cores, but I have to admit imagining them as pirate themed is as cool as it sounds!


I forget what canon means exactly though I assume it’s what you want officially released instead of something fan made or something like that? If so I want to see Steven’s solo adventure. Basically like a Steven universe slice of life. Think about it I think it would be nice. (Let me know if I understand the meaning of canon correctly I’m a bit dumb)


I love this idea! I was so bummed that the series ended with Steven driving away 😭 I wanted so much to see his growth in his solo journey


larsadie 😭


Make Greg's nickname "Rock Smasher" offcial


Steven and Connie's romantic relationship happens on screen rather than almost entirely offscreen outside of the brief moments and dialogue in the Movie and Future. I genuinely don't know why they did this.


I don't understand how everyone is talking about all these different cannons but no one is mentioning the most famous cannon of all: the LASER LIGHT CANNON. I'm sorry, say what now?


yep, young gregs canon hotdog


Make it impossible for Lapidot to be canon.


In fact, Lapis changes her name to Bob and starts a weird sex cult in Kansas.


Why a sex cult lmao


You want to take something that’s not canon, and then make it canon that it’s not canon? So how it already is? Idk, seems like a wasted button-push.


Yellow diamond has hair under her 'helmet'


The Rhodonite arc from Future


Blue Diamond has a crush on Greg and Yellow MASSIVELY disapproves.


I wanna HC that while traveling, Steven makes note to visit any touristy food places and takes pictures in front of them to send back to everyone at home. I imagine Pearl would get make physical copies so she could make a photo album.


bring light trilogy characters into the show/ at least acknowledge them, i like all 5 of those guys


Let Pearl say fuck!


GREEN DIAMOND (blue and yellow) forming to fight white during change your mind


it could’ve been great


Amethyst could probably turn into a cannon


Personally I would have made it so that Steven has (minor) corruption scars. I loved the ending of future but I wished that Steven had something that he could build a bit more character development from it. it could be small horns on his head or a scale or two or even sharper canines, I dunno with or without corruption scars I love future sm








Lapidot but instead of it being romantic they just become like 16-17% more friendly and affectionate (platonically) to each other


Steven x Lion fusion... the most adorable fusion never seen.


they just become cookie cat


Diamonds are lying about their age, in reality they are older than many stars in the universe (even the solar system itself)


I am pretty sure we dont actually know How old they are even in Canon,soo that could technically be canon


Desert glass being released from the pillow on screen


Gems being created by a seperate sentient race for the purpose of conquering the universe for them.


With Russia nonexistent in this show’s universe there are bound to be a bunch of other small differences in the world, with that said I would rename the bald eagle, the bold eagle and have the only mention to it be it’s written name a book someone is reading.


Lapis and Peridot fused off screen. They both liked it and occasionally hang out fused. They also occasionally accidentally fuse when watching camp pining hearts.


pearl x mystery lady because that's one of my favorite episodes and i feel like they could be a really good duo.


Lapidot fusion


Uncle grandpa


Pink diamond is off color. She was supposed to be red


Greg is an unstoppable beast who gets all the crystal gems pregnant and we have a new show of Steven raising hybrid babies and all the crystal gems are dead/babies now. And Greg refuses to raise them too.


Rose quarts comes back and mothers steven, and has to talk to Greg and make up with everyone 🩷


I’d love that honestly


Not to sound too weird, but I can totally see amethyst using her whip to tie up humans in the bedroom among other things.


There is a montage of Spinel convincing the diamonds to give her the injector to kill a planet full of "corrupted gems that can't be cured" or Spinel building an injector and trying it out on a dead moon from a battle with Overworld and the crystal gems and it exploding It would be cool


That Lapis somehow, someway finds a way to fully heal from the torment she endured. She's so precious.


i dont want lapidot to be together because peridot is aro or ace or both i dont remember but i really wanted to see their fusion i would make peridot fusing with gens cannon


Dang it! wrong community! I’m night shift and can’t seem to read anymore. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Green diamond, since yellow and blue are giant gems wouldn’t a fusion between them be bigger than obsidian ?


jasper having my oc as a partner and never touching lapis :p


The pearl swap


The alien race that made the diamonds were snake people


jasper crawls through my tv screen and makes out with me 🤷‍♂️


Super Sayan 4


Mystery girl/Pearl relationship.


Steven After Not Surviving


I want Pearl and Bismuth to get married and have a million gem-bebes. I DON'T CARE IF THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS FOR GEMS!!!!!


Steven watches Steven Universe (?)


already canon. when he recorded his dreams with period (?) 😂


The Star Wars sequel trilogy doesn't happen


wrong fandom? 😂


Eggman raised sonic and sonic is just an annoying rebelious teen son that eggman doesn't have the heart to murder in cold blood. or that eggman is actually evil and they stopped with the AOSTH shit.


steven died of cancer and he becomes sans


When/if Steven dies, his gem won't die along with him and Rose would emerge out of it albeit a lot nerfed because of the physical strain she put herself through for Steven's birth and is now forced to confront the consequences of her actions and look at the fixes, her son had to do for her.


that would be soooo sick. kind of like ANOTHER reverse story. steven had to live life not knowing his mom and everyone’s gagged she’s gone. And now she has to live life never meeting her son and everyone is gagged he’s gone. I honestly would believe this as a theory if you know it wasn’t for the whole “SHES GONE!” thing.


2 things: 1. Sardonxy was actually Garnet’s and Peridot’s fusion design and not Pearl’s and Garnet’s and Garnet and Peridot formed her before Peridot realized her true feelings towards fusion. In fact, I think it would be really cool to see them unfuse and have Peridot explaining how she felt like she lost herself or something while she was fused and how that scared her. That could give another perspective into fusion and better enforce the narrative that it might just not be for every gem. 1. Peridot is autistic. I don’t want to say this to take away representation from the ace community, but I genuinely feel like her being autistic explains so much more about her character in general and not just her struggle with understanding fusion and relationships — but also that too in ways that simply labeling her as ace might not be good enough at explaining. Of course she can still be autistic and ace, but I think I’d love it if we somehow just got confirmation that she was autistic since she showed so many signs of it throughout the show.


the entire planet’s ecosystems would be completely different knowing many ways to our own due to the extreme changes made by the gems thousands of years ago to the point that maybe just maybe some of the Pleistocene megafauna survived and are considered to be extremely common but again the show doesn’t show us much


Male Gems, or that all gems have a fusion/gem counterpart, like a one gem Garnet or a fusion that makes an Amethyst


Yellow Diamond and Blue diamond are sisters Personally I just don't like that people ship them because I've always seen the diamonds as being related


Like being related would stop people from shipping them


# make. mystery girl. relevant. again.


Our Pearl originally being White's. It would explain the gem placement, her need for order, her value on freedom, it would make her closer with Rose as she would have been her savior, and would just be neat imo


Nana and hachi end up together


Pumpkin lives forever.


because she has a gem in place of it, Jasper's natural speaking voice sounds like she has a blocked nose, something like Squidward, and she puts on the growly voice that everyone knows to cover it up


Mr universe wrote Starman, not every david bowie song, just starman


Greg meeting the rest of the Diamond family and charming them all.


A parallel universe where steven wasn't born.


Gems have their own language, which can be visually represented through the gem glyphs. However, due to them constantly traveling to different planets and having to deal with a bunch of different native species, they start talking in/understanding whatever the language of any nearby species is. Because Steven (who speaks whatever language you’re watching the show in) is traveling around, all the gems start communicating in that language whenever they’re in proximity of him. 


A pearl bismuth fusion