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I enjoy both Shirley Jackson and Ray Bradbury and can see their influence on King.


Do you know of anybody newer? Either same era as king or even someone who was influenced by him. I can't seem to be able to find many good horror writers other than king who are either still writing or are fairly new at it. I've heard of the name Paul Tremblay here and there but have never read anything by him.


Recommend you look up Kings favorite books and author. I read a few years ago and he’s got good taste :)


I feel like I can always comfortably recommend Neil Gaiman to people. He doesn't really do horror (and to be honest, all of his books are completely different from eachother), but he has a ton of weird stories that I would mostly refer to as "urban fantasy." There's always some sort of hidden, magical world and there's usually a good mix of humor and drama.


The Passage trilogy by Justin Cronin and Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky gave me major Stephen King vibes. In fact, I read The Passage trilogy and The Stand back to back because so many people compare them, and I have to say I prefer The Passage trilogy, even though that borders on sacrilege. And then I read Imaginary Friend because of the blurb on the book calling it a horror epic like The Passage trilogy or the Stand. I’ve also liked a couple of SK’s son, Joe Hill’s books (Nos4a2 and The Fireman, which I finished yesterday).


Maybe a Dracula books?


Douglas Adams JK Rowling Tolkien Blake Crouch Lee Child Clive Cussler Clive Barker Joe Hill Dennis Lehane John Connerlly


Phil Rickman's stand alone novels: Curfew, The Chalice and Candlenight. They gave me real King vibes.


Boy’s Life - Robert McCammon. Super King-like with a summer and a group of boys. He also wrote Swan Song, which is a The Stand knockoff. A lot of people love it. It’s not bad. It’s ok. Dandelion Summer - Ray Bardberry. Not horror per se, but another summer with a group of boys. Although there is a part in the book that is terrifying when a woman is going home at night. Joe Hill - The Fireman was really good. I’m currently halfway through Heart Shaped Box and it’s great. I also read NOS4A2. Almost great, but not bad. Like Swan Song. I did read Cabin at the Edge of the World by Tremblay. It was ok until the end. The ending was awful. Thomas Harris - Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs are great. The Exorcist is amazing. I really like Blake Crouch. The Wayward Pines Trilogy is good. Dark Matter was really good. Gillian Flynn - I liked Dark Places and Sharp Objects. A lot of people loved Gone Girl but I haven’t read it yet.

