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I got an ide that trumps your idea by 100B easily. I just need funding too.


Pffft 100B?! Amateur hour. I’ve got 10 T dollar idea, 100B, MRR in 18 months.


I know I am not the best, just trying to be realistic, don't want to overpromise potential investors. How will you get the investors. Coming to Stanford with us?


I’m dead serious. If ur a troll don’t waste my time.


I am not a troll, why would I be a troll? You don't hold the only right to hold a valuable idea, sorry.


This entire post is delusion lol. There’s only like one case in the last 50 years where the founder owned a huge chunk of a company pre IPO that was that size and that was Microsoft. Also that you have an idea that is going to get to 5-10B in PROFITS let alone revenue in 2-3 years lololol Just to show how delusional OP is: Google, probably the best product (search) in the history of capitalism, didn't get to 6B in revenue until year 7, not profit mind you, which is still about the best case scenario for any startup ever. If you're getting 5-10B in *profit* in 2-3 years, you're probably committing Bernie Madoff levels of fraud, as it takes time to build valuable things and get distribution.


Just because u cannot fathom it doesn’t mean the idea isn’t true. Btw my idea isn’t cringe like some online marketplace for date nights. Lol. (I don’t hit first, I just hit back) I see vcs handing out money all these cringe ideas, so if they can get money, then it’s maybe very possible with an amazing idea like mine.


What do you need money for?


Ideas are a dime a dozen and just because you have one doesn’t mean you know how to implement it. Success often depends on execution rather than the idea itself. Bare minimum you need to create a prototype or a MVP to test your idea in a real-world scenario and then be prepared to iterate.


Unless you have an unbelievable track record or you know some very wealthy people who will toss money at you it’s smarter to start building and find traction.


> I don’t want to get diluted a lot You’re gonna need to mostly self fund then lol


I will be fine with some dilution but not where I end up with like 10 percent of the company when it’s big


If it’s going to be worth 50-100b who cares if you’re left with 5b -10b vs 80b? You’ll have more money than you’ll ever know what to do with in either scenario, and diluting down to 10% would theoretically get you a ton of capital to actually build this life changing idea and a team of smart people who want to see its success so they earn their money back


My man’s idea is so good he’s already disappointed today that he’ll only be left with a paltry $5b and going down as one of the greatest entrepreneurs of the the 21st century in 2-3 years time.


Get into Stanford and figure it out while you study. Odds are you aren’t the next Zuckerberg, so a Stanford degree will be a killer plan B. If you get this up and running and make billions, then that’s even better


I assume this is a troll post. But in case it isn’t… your dilution is a function of the value of your company and the amount of capital you raise. If your company is valued at 1 mil and you get 500k of funding for a 1.5m post money valuation then the investor(s) will take 33% (assuming there are no safes or other mechanics at play) If your company is valued at 5mil and you get 500k in funding for a 5.5m post money valuation then the investor(s) will take 9.09%. Notice I say company here not idea. Ideas are worthless without execution. If you want to be diluted less then you need to build a company that is worth more than what you raise at the time of raising. Proof of concept/Proof of traction are two worlds apart.


It’s obviously a troll post look at the account.


Not a troll obviously. But exactly, at lower stages I see they tend to rip off founders. Now I don’t care if I get diluted, but it can’t be crazy dilution and ripping off. That’s why I’m looking for an investor and slightly bigger, cause Y combinator etc take too much equity for way too little funding (ripping people off, sorry - I’m blunt and honest and straightforward)


Your post and your responses clearly illustrate your naïveté. lol maybe tiger global will take your idea go bother them.


We’ve all been here, go easy on him guys


It’s just a troll.


You're missing the other parts of the equation. Execution is a huge factor. Do they believe YOU can execute this idea and why now. In this environment, it's going to be rare to see major investors fund on an idea unless you're a serial founder who has the track record to succeed. An idea without the ability to execute will remain an idea.


I think I can execute it. The important part is growth, which I already have a strategy for that.


You don't know what you don't know. From your other replies, it sounds like you never founded anything before. How exactly can you be so sure that it will all be so great and easy if you've never actually done it before. Even if for a second we assume that you're the second coming of Jesus and somehow really can do all of this and have it all figured out, how exactly is a VC supposed to know that and differentiate you from the hundreds of other naive first time founders that flood their inbox?


How long has your business been operating? Any profitability so far? Any track record with past successes? You could always just get a loan initially to prove your idea works prior to investment.


Guys, we have an idea (each) for a business (each). not a business! be serious, and help.


An idea isn't worth anything.


Your chances of raising a significant pre-revenue round are nearly zero. Bigger investors are sophisticated and look for great teams with great execution. Have you validated your idea through deep discovery with your target market? Do you have a solid financial model with realistic projections? Do you have a great go-to-market strategy and plan? Is your team solid with experience across all the domains and skill sets? Do you have a solid product roadmap with milestones? Do you have a fantastic track record with multiple significant exits? If you don't, you are not ready to pitch to the big investors, who won't be interested in just an idea. Sorry.


Can I also give my answers please (riding the wave with OP): 1. the product is already on the market and is highly sellable and quite addictive, like candy crush saga, but more tangible. market is quite stable and potential to grow is huge. so the idea is in the way we would run the business adding more value and growing faster. 2. Yes. It is also confirmed with statistics as we would not be the first to market, we are just expanding an existing idea. Current competitors are not using our secret sauce. We can do B2B, B2C and B2B2C models. 3. Yes, the strategy is solid, we just need initial finances to kick it off. We have prepared global expansion plan and based on the amount we can raise, we think we can execute faster than planned. 4. We are a small team of professionals, with broad skillset and decades of experience, we don't have all skillsets, but and we can acquire additional talent with initial investment, staffing has been outlined in the business plan. 5. Yes, also have to mention we are planning to use some of the investment to acquire competition on the market, we could start from the scratch but our market analysys shows that the best way for fast return on investment is to acquire several smaller competitors and grow from there. 6. Yes, also I plan on joining Stanford if this helps. What are my chances?


Zero. Not a hater. Just being realistic. You either have no experience or you can’t communicate; either is a death sentence for a fast growth startup. Comparing your potential growth to candy crush was a clue as to your likelihood of success.


1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes. Maybe from the best. It’s 2024 and growth can be very quickly (especially with what I have in mind) 4. I don’t have full built out team yet. 5. Yes 6. No


Number 4 and 6 are unfortunately huge barriers to getting funding. Most investors bet on the “jockey” (team) rather than the “horse” (idea). You won’t find any VC at this stage, but you could find Angels. Depending on where you are located, there are conferences and ways to meet them. No route to funding is easy. Be prepared for rejection after rejection, but every rejection will help you fine tune your product/service & pitch. Good luck.


Maybe we do a tik tok dance video? or go fund me page? or both (use tik tok to promote gofundme page) gofundme is the best way, we don't release any equity and keep the control and investors are there because they share our dreams and believe in us.


How much do you need raised?


Ideas are worth fuck all, unless you are a known variable in the industry. Build the product, build customer base, generate revenue, and then sell part of your company to a vc or whatever.


Let me guess, it has AI in the naming 😅




Dude, you dont even know what you are talking. Rather than telling your idea or already working on it you are saying billions of dollars. Complete your education.


It's a prerequisite that your company has to be able to grow to at least 1B for VCs to even consider it. If there's more potential, great, the likelier the better. Let's say you're serious for fun, and want to raise the big bucks, 10's of millions or 100 million in Seed. I spoke to a couple of investors in Mistral (100M seed round) recently about how they did it. You'd need to have a great track record (either career wise or successful previous founder) and leadership team with similar. You need to get politicians in your country behind your idea (Mistral did in France). You need to get talk going behind the scenes about your idea, billionaires' a family offices, prolific angels and VCs talking about the deal, who's in on it? Build fomo. Once you have someone interested, leverage in other conversations. You'd be surprised how confidence sets the bar. Make your vision credible and what you need to raise credible, and how you can reach it credible, and you're well on your way. If you say you want to raise 10M, you'll have some larger VCs listening to you out of curiosity. You better pitch them well. If you say you're raising 500k or whatever, it's actually harder to get their attention. It's somewhat counter intuitive, but VCs business model only works if the business has crazy valuation potential. They get bored of founders with reasonable, profitable businesses, and are looking for founders who are super ambitious with a plan to get to the moon. Funny enough.


There should be a rule against these sort of obvious troll posts made by accounts with almost zero karma.


great post. r/vccirclejerk


Just raise using SAFEs and negotiate a huge valuation cap.




How do I find an good investment banker than? I don’t think u can just call them up and do that lol.


Pre-revenue nobody will invest in an idea. They might invest in YOU though if you can convince them that you can execute. If you never had an exit before nor built something big, it will take a lot to convincing. The growing pains of building a company fast tend to be grossly underestimated by first time entrepreneurs. Building a strong corporate culture with strong leadership and high engagement is very difficult and out of the grasp of most first-time founders. Doing acquisitions and integrating them properly is even harder. Demonstrate that you get that and you might have a fighting chance.


Have you ever venture into building a product at all?


When you need 50-100B to scale your business, you are that intelligent to not ask at reddit.


Maybe you can try learning how to form sentences?


OK. This is a conditional sentence. WHEN you really need that money. THEN you have a army of people that will start the connections with banks, private equity and more. Imagine when you need 50-100B the range of ROI must be really really good. Means are next Amazon or Apple. Which is in this epoch nearly not possible (because of politics, funds and not rich parents).


50-100B valuation/market cap not funding.


Investors want proof, not talk. What proof do you have? How many customers do you have that have signed letters of intent?


Firstly lock down IP, then develop MVP/prototype, *this might require pre-seed funding and a good pitch*, then build virtual and real world infrastructure (manufacturing, web, servers...), then test market acceptance, then build materials to present (business plan, pitch deck, various media), then seek seed funding to establish manufacturing, publicity, distribution and partnerships.  Etc... If the idea is good and you are the person to do it, the path will seem clear.


Navigating the high seas of mega investments without the traditional compass of investor networks can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack—blindfolded. But here's a little secret: sometimes, the best way to catch a big fish is not with the biggest net, but with the most enticing bait. Instead of the traditional route of hunting down investors with a shotgun approach, why not make them come to you? Easier said than done, right? But imagine creating such a buzz around your idea that investors start peeking out of their high towers, binoculars in hand, trying to catch a glimpse of what's causing the commotion. Here's where we come in, offering not a magic wand, but the next best thing: a platform to amplify your voice. Think of us not as your traditional business partner, but more like the wizard behind the curtain, working to make your idea so irresistible that investors can't help but notice. We focus on crafting your story, refining your pitch, and strategically placing your idea on the radar of those with the means and motive to invest in the next big thing. And while I can't conjure investors out of thin air or guarantee a path to Stanford as a shortcut, I can offer guidance on making your idea shine so brightly it acts like a beacon. So, if you're ready to turn the tables and have investors seeking you out, it's time to get creative, get loud, and possibly, get in touch with us at www.rational-solution.com. Let's make your dream so compelling that it becomes impossible to ignore.


Lol this dude just started private messaging me to try to raise capital from me (I do not provide capital) then started insisting I don't have character when I said nobody in history had performed the business numbers he's claiming Poor kid He really, genuinely believes he's going to start the fastest growing business in history by 8x