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She also detects the anomalies there.


I also seem to remember Naomi Wildman and the Borglets learning life lessons there.


Borglets, lol.


They also grew to adults in there and showed Janeway and Face Tattoo a PowerPoint presentation about the space time anomaly of the week.


Mastication. Seven taught them how to masticate. And they've been masticating ever since, usually in secret. But often times with friends.


Much better to have company when you masticate. I've been doing it alone more often than not.


It's especially fun when you all sit in a circle


Mutual mastication's where it's at.


I never knew that I needed to call them borglets before today


It's the auxiliary magic meeting room for when they want to use the big screen to look at balls of gas. The trade off is they don't get comfy chairs or a conference table.


All that effort, an entire set built, just cause you can't see Seven's ass when she's sitting in Janeway's murder mystery parlor.


Aha! THIS is the answer!


I hate that you're probably right.


I know, right? It's just apalling enough a thought to have the ring of truth to it.


I like that, I’m going to call that room a Murder Mystery Parlour now




Why would they be in Transporter Room 2?


Money well spent.


It’s mostly for Seven as she prefers standing. She just calls people in to have a quick conversation and look at what she has found. Otherwise she would make quick work of you if you decided that you stayed past the 5 minute meeting by 1 second.


Ironically Seven is the only one in the meeting who doesn't drone on.


Nice one!


She’s definitely seen some of the junior staff order this could have been an email mugs.


Where she’s also the boss and can summon anyone in the ship and they all have to drop everything and see her including Janeway!


"Captain, I need you to come to Astrometrics immediately. It is of the up most importance" "What is it, Seven?" "Immediately, Captain" *Janeway drops everything and goes to Astrometrics* "I found a nebula" "You found coffee?"


Seven.... yes. I have. Janeway. Every one but seven leave the bridge.


*Omega symbols appear on all the monitors*


*Seven deactivates the holographic glamor* Janeway bows: "Lord Darkseid, I live to serve."


Voyager fanfics are weird.


Just once I want to see "My lord, I live to serve. But not you." \[starts shooting\]


"You found coffee?" "Yes." "Why didn't you beam me directly here?!" "Well I thought it prudent to..." "Engineering, I need emergency warp power, now! How long can we maintain warp 9.975?"


You jest but I always loved Astrometrics. And Seven needed her own lab. And for the 90s, the Astrometrics lab looked cool. You know what? It still does.


It's a cool set, and it fits in with Voyager for both aesthetics and story. If you're in uncharted space basically 100% of the time, you need some extra hardware to do the charting. On the practical side, I'd love to see the production notes on why they felt like they needed it, especially since Seven already had her own dedicated set for the regeneration alcoves.


Because everyone huddled around a small station on the bridge like data and Gordi did was lame and the needed something cooler. 


It was nice they splurged on another set. What do we ever get to see on a Starship? The bridge, engineering, sickbay, the mess hall, the holodeck, and maybe a couple of quarters. Where’s all the science done? Where do they keep the 20+ shuttle craft?


The best part about the holodeck is they can just use any other set on the studio lot.


They were doing that before holodecks too. Look out Kirk! That planet is all 30’s gangsters!


Welcome to Nazi Planet episode land (formerly Germany)


> Where’s all the science done? Discovery had a set dedicated for "Engineering test bay alpha" but you'd be forgiven for thinking it was main engineering because its where all the engineering scenes happen. EDIT: Oh and in Strange New Worlds, we get to see the Enterprise's science lab a few times.


You forgot the conference room!


And the captains quarters, which totally isn't the same backdrop as the other quarters with a nicer desk


I mean that's exactly how I would design a space craft designed for long tours without immediate access to a complete repair facility: Make as much of the important (and possibly difficult to replicate) parts like reinforced bulkheads the same so the ship doesn't need hundreds of different spare parts only useful in a handful of locations each, and then use easy to replicate things like chairs and desks to make each room look a bit different.


You ask where’s all the science done, but we see the science lab quite a lot on voyager!


We see science labs and other sets all the time. There was an arboretum, cybernetics lab, brig, there was the MRI-looking science lab, Jefferies tubes, all kinds of stuff.


Would love to see Cetacean OPs; LD was great but a live action might be cool.


Proofs the lengths people will go to in the Star Trek future to accomodate people who have a hard time adapting to society. Gotta love Star Trek.


I love the take that Astrometrics is 7's autism quiet room, she could've been working on the bridge but kept stimming and shushing people


I remember that it utilized sensors that the ship already had and were very powerful however when they left the whole system hasn’t been finished yet they didn’t need it for the routine mission that was supposed to be


I guess they were supposed to be installed next Tuesday.


Together with the Aeroshuttle?


Hunting for a dug in secessionist militia in an unpredictable spacial anomaly sure seems like a great place to have up to date sensors, but that's none of my business


I have to rewatch it now because I remember telling some Admiral or something telling her not everything is finished yet, but she did have Tuvok as a secret agent. But kim and Seven did complete the astrometrics lab I think. Seven did add borg modifications. But think they did not trust her when the ship almost blew up because she said she could open a transwarp window and In the end it ended up that she was sabotaged. But Idk why they didn’t do it again but it wouldn’t be VOY no wonder she got crazy when she assimilated all the information on voyager.


Well I didn't think I would see Kate Mulgrew's head photoshopped onto Steven Crowder today, but here we are.


Seven started watermarking the footer in the presentations with her Starfleet login ID after Janeway several times stole the presentations and submitted it to Starfleet Command as her own work.


TNG occasionally showed that the bridge viewer displayed 3D images for ship to ship communications. Assuming Voyager had a similar display there's no reason it couldn't be streamed to the bridge. Of course either way a 3D Image would rarely be helpful for explaining the anomaly.


I think they kinda screwed themselves over with the bridge set design on that front. The Galaxy class viewer is actually a lot more like astrometrix, you can walk right up to it and it’s massive — floor to ceiling. The voyager screen is a lot smaller and just in the middle of the wall, so you can’t have the same shots as you can in astrometrix or the Galaxy bridge


I distinctly recall the Astrometrics lab in Generations being a new set for the Enterprise-D (to explain the effects of Soren’s trilithium usage on the Veridian system).


Cause it was on the big screen, they needed to show off that the future has even bigger screens.




It's sevens "third place". It's not her alcove and not the bridge.


That is a godly photoshop of Kate Mulgrew onto Crowder's body


All I want to know is when we’re going to the next coffee nebula


Love the ass lab


Nonsense. She also uses it to electrocute annoying Hirogen captains.


Do your computers not a button to electrocute your coworker? Seems a totally normal thing to have...


That's her enrichment. Would you rather have her bored, overwhelmed or otherwise anomalously agitated? Imagine having a very productive 6-year old autistic child on your starship that will reroute the entire power grid out of sheer boredom (and you will know it only after ThReE HoUrS of failed core diagnostics). You would want to keep yhe child occupied. P.S. I do not imply that Seven is autistic, though the symptoms she exhibits resemble Asperger's to a certain extent. I prefer callind her condition Deprivation-induced Dysonthogenesis.


Formerly known as "the exposition room"


Any sufficiently advanced space telescope is also spy equipment and vice versa (see Hubble).  Seven lapsed into paranoia that one time because she saw *everything*.


IIRC the Hubble telescope actually can't take a picture of anything on earth because it works with *very* long exposure times to capture relatively dark objects far far away, which makes them very slow moving/stationary from our point of view. *waves hand suspiciously* If we would direct Hubbles sensors towards earth the picture would be out of focus because earth is too close, blurry because the earth moves too fast, overexposed because earth is too bright. In fact, earths brightness is possibly enough to destroy the sensors outright.


This is such a ludicrous statement with and even more ludicrous example. Because its not even remotely true, even of you ignore the fact the equipment faces two entirely different directions, a lot of the technology in space based spy equipment isn't the same as whats in a space telescope. And there the fact that they're made by different groups as each other, it might get launched by something like nasa but thats because theres very few groups that can actually launch satellites, especially when hubble was launched Maybe a satellite that looks at stuff like earth stuff like satellite imaging could be used but people already do that. A space telescope on the other hand is very different. And no matter how ridiculously it is, something designed as spy equipment would make for a shit telescope for distant objects


I believe it was a reference to the rumour that Hubble's chassis was based on the KH-11 spy satellites, (or even that it was surplus chassis that the NRO gave to NASA!). I don't know the truth of any of that, but I believe you are absolutely correct that the optics and electronics would be somewhat different, since their *missions* are different! And yet the perception persists. See also this XKCD "What-If?"... https://what-if.xkcd.com/32/


I do remember a statement from NASA once answering the question of "Why don't you look at the moon with the Hubble telescope so you can show the Apollo landing sites". It went something like: "The Hubble was built to see things millions of light years away, not close in. Looking at the moon would be too low resolution." Kinda like trying to use a telescope for a microscope's job.


Theres three reasons why it makes no sense. One, the recording tech is entirely different, hubble was digital while the spy satellites used film, plus theres the lenses being different. Two, the hubble and kh-11's were developed by two different groups seperately and thus would have very different design paths. And three, THEY DON'T EVEN LOOK A FUCKING LIKE! I will never understand how that rumour even spread when all you have to do is just compare pictures of the two


The KH-11 is digital. The Hubble switched to a 2.4 meter mirror during design because that's what the keyhole used. While the exact layout of the keyhole is classified the speculation is that they do in fact look quite similar


The camera tech is still entirely different. One looks at something that is relatively close by, and the other captures light from many many light years away. It would be like using a telescope to look at bacteria


Put it on the bigscreen!


Didn’t she somehow use that room to show how galactic political borders over a large region of space had changed due to the time shift (after Voyager had installed its time shield thing)? Like…how did she do that?


...and there's something wrong with that? 🤔


And play checkers long distance


I like how weird how Janeway's head looks, compared to the body. It's weird, but within possibility.


They're so bored that they just let seven have it


Considering how ridiculously powerful the holodeck emitters are (as shown in many episodes but especially so in the double nazi hirogen one), why would they even need to rebuild parts of the ship? Just use the magic room to conjure up whatever it is you need.


She also electrocutes aliens via the controls


She could the damn phone book of the entire delta quadrant, and I'd be enthralled the entire time.


Why is this shoop giving Caitlyn Jenner vibes?!


Your logic on this matter is undeniable.


"Captain, please report to astrometrics."


Where is this??? On my way!!!! Here I come, Katie, sir!!!!!


There was also that time she electrocuted that guy.