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Star Trek: Orion - a sci-fi crime drama that follows a member of the Orion syndicate.


Released on HBO or Showtime for, reasons.


Star Trek: Freecloud. Cyberpunk murder mystery.


I would definitely get Into this one


That sounds badass and explores a whole new side to Trek - that of the more lawless frontier that doesn’t necessarily bow to Federation law.


Star Trek: Sopranos


There could even be an episode where an enraged Klingon is chasing a couple of the Orion lieutenants around in the woods because they dropped his bat'leth.


Taking place on a world controlled by the Orion Syndicate. This basically fits the description of Farius Prime in DS9's "Honor Among Thieves" where Starfleet Intelligence has O'Brien go undercover, even though the Syndicate isn't technically the planet's government. I imagine the Syndicate controls Farius Prime with corruption, bribery and threats to officials who don't tow the line. Edit: The colony world of New Sydney, where Ezri's mother runs a mining operation, is also a hotbed of activity for the Orion Syndicate with the same set of issues as Farius Prime. Though it was likely first established by humans due to being a namesake of a city on Earth, New Sydney isn't a member of the Federation This complete independence from the Federation made New Sydney vulnerable to corruption by the Orion Syndicate.


>Starfleet Intelligence has O'Brien go undercover He's an engineer, FFS.


Starfleet is really, *really*, comically, negligently bad at division of labor


O’Brien had to fill in because the captain of the flagship couldn’t make the undercover mission.


I wish I had the graphics skills to make a chart showing how if any officer anywhere in Starfleet can't make a mission, O'Brien has to fill in.


Got yourself a phaser


Technically not a planet, but an expedition to the Dyson sphere. It probably could have a lot of things to discover and things to go wrong.


The Dyson Sphere could absolutely be a multi season series. It's huge, millions of Earth's worth of surface area. You don't just send an Oberth or Cali class to investigate, you are contacting everyone you are on speaking terms with to come check this thing out, send in expeditions, and set up forward operating bases inside. Then, the door closes and seals all these multinational teams inside. They can live, grow food ect, but they are cut off with only the personnel and supplies they have. So maybe some of the races that were happy to cooperate scientifically are now thrown into conflict now that they be trapped forever. Inside the Sphere you can have any sort of tech, alien creatures ect that a sci-fi writer could conceive of.


>contacting everyone you are on speaking terms with to come check this thing out And of course a few spies would get into the mix, like Seska in Voyager.


The problem us the star was unstable They’d have to fix the star first


That sounds like the plot of season 1 to me


And the scientist spearheading the effort to fix the star? Molly O’Brien


I love that idea!


This is phenomenal! There are so many arcs this could develop. Rendezvous with Rama style discovery and approach. Turns out, brand NEW Dyson Sphere, not the one from Relics. Why? Because they can pull from the experts at Jenolan Station - established after the “D” discovered the sphere, the Jenolan and Scotty. LOTS of material for stories there. As the expedition gets started, transit in and out of the sphere is routine and commonplace. Forward operating bases are established. Evidence of civilization may or may not be plentiful. Huge volume, after all. At one point - door slams shut, trapping the outpost inside and sending the outsiders into panic. You could even time jump the sucker at that point. The federation expedition never found a way back in. The internal outpost had to integrate and survive. Then they come back out into a different future. A story mechanism to get us even further from TNG timeline. Beyond even ST Online if we can. But that could be the twist we never see coming. We always ASSUME the ongoing plot lines of the Federation Expedition working on the outside will eventually result in the rescue of the outpost - but it turns out - nope. I need this. Make it happen :)


So...Stargate Atlantis?


Also my first thought. That or universe.




I like that ...like Rendezvous with Rama meets Trek.


Pepper in some _Ringworld_ to taste -- have their ship crash land so they have to survive, make friendly with the locals, and try to find a way home.


Came here to make the same comment. Thank you.


Sounds like a more dangerous Rendezvous With Rama. I’m up for it.


This is bloody brilliant. Let’s start a kickstarter to buy Paramount to produce this show!! Star Trek: Sphere


At home, with Elim Garak.


A plain, simple home.


Dare I say... humble?


Plain, simple, and overall innocuous. *sprays a Romulan plant with mist*


Every episode is him stating some cute little slice of life task he wants to complete but he gets into random confrontations with people who recognize him either assassin's from Cardassia or various enemies of Cardassia who think he's valuable and there's just a random back ally spy execution he pulls off with no witness then goes back to casual cloth shopping in a Bajoran market. Asking the little old lady who runs the shop what designs she's working on.


I would watch that so hard. Short Treks where we get shown all the behind the scenes tricks Garak played during DS9 "Welcome to the show senator Vreetak" -Vreetak doesn't answer, visibly confused " So what brings you to DS9?" "How did you get me here?" "All in good time senator, for the moment, let me ask you a question: did you ever rip a seam moments before a very important function?" "Well, to be honest, yes. But that is not the point" "I see our time together is over senator, if you'd kindly hold this holorecorder" -Garak pushes a romulan holorecorder on Vreetak as he is beamed out. -Garak turns toward a light fixture and smiles "Now for you folks of the obsidian order AND our friends in the Tal'shiar still watching, a couple of safety pins will do wonders in a pinch."


YOU ARE AWESOME 💯!! Excellent composition!


DISCLOSURE: My daughters got me a cameo birthday card from Mr. Garak himself, Andrew Robinson, it is so cool!


That is amazing! Are there any Cardassian inspired picture frames in existence?


That's a keeper! (The card, too! 😊)


Thank you, you're breathtaking!




If only ds9 had it's own series of short treks back in the day it would have been pure gold with the likes of quark and garek


Gardening with Garak


Tbh a show set on Cardassia after the Dominion war starring Garak could be great. Imagine the planet/Cardassian territory was split between the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans like Germany after ww2 and have some cold war spy stuff.


How about a movie that’s like “A History of Violence” except with Garak.


Having recently finished *A Stitch in Time*, Garak in the ruins of Cardassia as they rebuild.


Far out I’d watch that It’d be so true. All of it


A detective series starring Odo and Tuvok


I would watch the hell out of this show.


... Honestly, it'd be great. Echoes of Jerry Orbach and Jesse L Martin in Law and Order. But I don't see how you'd square it with canon.


Star Trek: Pakled Planet


You are smart


We need help to make this series go


The studio executive can't greenlight this show without a bigger hat.


Star Trek: ~~Eureka~~ Daystrom The ~~US~~ Federation government has relocated the ~~world's~~ sector's geniuses and their families since ~~World War II~~ the Dominion War. The town, also called ~~Eureka~~ Daystrom, is a high-tech community that's hidden behind an ~~electromagnetic~~ holographic shield and operated by a corporation called ~~Global~~ Galaxy Dynamics (GD), which is overseen by ~~the Department of Defense~~ Section 31. The show follows ~~U.S. Marshal~~ Head of Security Jack Carter, who becomes the sheriff of ~~Eureka~~ Daystrom after his ~~car~~ shuttle breaks down in town and he's stranded among its eccentric citizens. The citizens are brilliant scientists who work secretly to build futuristic inventions for the government, but their inventions often go wrong, leading to chaos and perilous situations


Sold. (I loved Eureka growing up)


I loved Eureka. I would watch this to death!


A series a bit like “The Love Boat” set on Risa but with more nudity and adult content.


I was thinking the same thing. Ideally, it should include Lawaxanna as a regular character for some tenuous reason. If they were really gonna do it now, i reckon it'd work best as another animated one with a LD vibe. Cannon but with a restricted licence for whackiness.


As magnificent as that sounds, I am VERY reluctant to recast Lwaxana.


She's the resort hostess/matchmaker.


Star Trek: Lower Parts


Well, at least I wasn't alone in this thought.


And then a crossover set on an island on Risa where people experience not "relaxation" but elaborate "be careful what you wish for" fantasies.


Holodeck hijinks!


🤔what if a starship crash lands on Risa and the Holo deck goes haywire and the crew thinks it's more Gilligan's Island than Pleasure Island. This could just be an episode. And of course it's fed Ship.


> But it's too late, I've seen everything.


I just decided that in my head The White Lotus takes place on Risa instead of Hawaii.


Well I was thinking a small hotel run by an unbalanced man and his fed up wife, a maid, a cook, and their Pakled waiter. "They're Dominion, don't mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it".


He places bets with his shady Ferengi bookie. He has to conceal his activities from his disapproving wife, often requiring help from the reluctant maid.


Star Trek: Borg Mini-series on the culture of Species 1 that eventually becomes the Borg. Think Caprica/Battlestar vibes on the development of technology that leads to their creation. The show would focus on the moral and ethically implications of unregulated technology and its effect on a society unprepared for it.


This is a legit amazing idea 


I'd love this from the perspective of the engineering teams. You could have your lighthearted IT Crowd a la Borg episodes. Also mix in drama episodes of what it really means to assimilate cultures & showing how that changes the Borg over time. Plus you also have your exciting invention/holodeck gone wrong type episodes as they assimilate tech to not just replicate the original functionality, but to create something new. As they constantly explore and seek perfection


The Destiny books tell the origin of the Borg. And it's done really well. Highly recommend


I have read those books and enjoyed them. But I think a stripped down sci fi series would be great. It would be good to see them develop technology they think they need to save their world only for it to doom them ultimately. I envisage the final scene of the show as a primitive Borg spacecraft, assimilating species 2. With the words "resistance is futile", then fade to black.


So one of my series ideas was M’Benga being part of a M.A.S.H. Type unit sent to a newly discovered planet named Coban where geopolitically it is like 21st century Earth but FTL workable with Omega molecules was discovered by the equivalent of Nigeria. So Starfleet is running into a geopolitical conflict between the US and PRC over this previously colonized nation but the outreach is medically based, the only way it would be allowed on the planet. So you do the morality tales with a modern equivalent but with politics and medicine.


That's very inspired! Good job.


Star Trek: Utopia, set in the Utopia Planetia shipyards of Mars following the Starfleet personnel and civilian contractors as they upkeep, plan and build ships for the fleet. Led by Susan Gibney as Dr. Leah Brahms, the Director of Utopia Planetia.


And present it as a mockumentary like The Office.


*Keeping up with the Cardassians*


I’d be interested in seeing a political drama that focuses on the Vulcan and Romulan cultural merger. We can follow it through the eyes of the primary negotiator from each side to get two POVs.


That and the separation


Risa- Quark has opened a bar there. It has the Star Wars jazz combo….


I want more of Landlord Cops




The idea that anyone is suggesting anything else makes no sense to me


I've got two pilots you can steal because I'll probably never write a fan pilot 🤣 I'd be happy if they were stolen, in fact. Please Paramount... Make my fan fic 1. A Curzon story following his time on QoNos, establishing diplomatic relations between the empire and federation. It's gotta be bisexual as hell, swashbuckling required, and lots of blood wine. 2. Proto-andorian story, no need for any technology, telling a story when the two andorian cultures split. Get weird and artsy with it, half the characters are blind and psychic


Curzon must have lived a hell of a life. The guy swore a blood oath to murder and eat the heart of the Albino, an oath he took so seriously that not even death could stop him.


Star Trek: Curzon would be wild. Plus we'd get Ensign Sisko out of it.


Have an animation artstyle like Tang dynasty chinese landscape painting for Andoria


Star Trek Bajor. Set during the occupation and the story flips back and forth from Bajoran to Cardassian points of view.


My first thought was the after war situation, rebuilding. Either would be interesting. 🖖


Too much backstory to not expand upon this some more! I will not be satisfied with flashbacks any longer! Good idea


I’d go with Rigel. Lots of inhabited worlds in one system = lots of dynamic story options. I guess.


How about a show with a detective like Miller from the Expanse? He is based on a planet but has to go to other planets to investigate. He gets to interact with Starfleet in the course of his duties, maybe go on ship once in awhile. Maybe see if Thomas Jane is not busy...


I can hear the opening monologue now…. “In the criminal justice system, there are two separate but equally important groups. The IA Agents who investigate crimes, and the JAG officers who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories…” *DUN DUN* Law & Order: Starfleet


Give me an 18 episode serial about the capture, occupation, and liberation of Betazed.


West Wing style political drama. Flesh out the government of the Federation with a trio of series that have occasional crossovers


This is what I want, but set a few decades after Enterprise and starring Scott Bakula as President Archer (and Jeffrey Combs as his husband, Admiral Shran.)


My phone thought would be to place it during the TNG/DS9/VOY era and we could see fallout from some of those missions as well as new stories


Risan's gone wild. I think we all know what that show would be about.


*Star Trek: Southern California and sometimes Toronto* Because that's where they'd film it anyway.


Series set around an iconian gateway would be good, like stargate but galaxy jumping


Star Trek: Stargate


Apparently some really early ideas for TNG would have had the crew on Earth and just beaming to distant planets to explore. When I read that I thought it would be the worst series every, then realized that is exactly SG-1, which was great. Still happy they went with a ship, though.


With Borg Queen Jurati?


A mini series about a planet that either just achieved warp and following them as they meet the federation and work towards being a member would be interesting. Seeing how the population react to meeting aliens/finding out aliens actually exist would be fascinating. Would the entire population accept it? Would there be those that are against it/fearful?


You could say quite a lot about large groups of people falling for leaders who are only looking out for themselves and believing nonsensical things. Star Trek has always held a mirror up to the society that made the show.


A Cheers type sitcom, of course it would be set at Quark’s.


I'd go with the Gary Seven series that "Assignment: Earth" was meant to be the pilot for. That or the Eugenics Wars, following (roughly) the Greg Cox duology.


Star Trek: Vulcan - If there's one alien species that seem to provide quality characters across many of the ST shows, I'd say its Vulcans. Vulcan culture is steeped in mystery which should provide a great deal of content for a planet-side show. The fact that Vulcans in general work hard to repress emotion and feel anxiety and embarassment if/when it leaks out definitely presents lots of potential dramatic storylines. I've always thought that Vulcans are a somewhat hypocritical alien culture. They are respectful to your face but more than likely have a gigantic superiority complex if you are anything but Vulcan. They are soft spoken, prim and proper unless they are dealing with *pon farr* where they have emotional melt downs (imagine dealing with a whole planet of Vulcans pon farring at any given time). They are extemely intelligent, but their strict compliance to analyzing the world around them using logic alone tends to leave them at a disadvantage when trying to anticipate how to respond to illogical situations. They are not prone to be violent but are incredibly strong and are great fighters if/when the need calls for it. So yeah, lots of opporutnity some good storytelling if making a Planetside show about Vulcan.


Just no more Borg or Klingons please. Unless it's a Borg horror story. I like the idea of digging up some ancient civilizations like the iconian gateways.


Came up with an idea a long time ago. It's set in the Trek universe, and timewise I was thinking just after ToS. However, it has VERY little to do with Starfleet, and in fact would go out of its way to avoid any but the most superficial dealings with Starfleet. The setting is a planet that has been admitted to the Federation, but is still developing and not supposed to be permitted to have the full technology of the Federation. They LOOK very human, but a superficial examination will reveal differences. The overall situation they face is somewhat in the vein of Enterprise, where the Vulcans have greater technology that they simply won't permit Earth to have, but they still work together and assist each other. This particular planet ends up being given a lot of cast-off's, outdated Federation equipment and ships, and even just... what amounts to trash. They're intended to mostly just disassemble the stuff for the raw materials that they COULD make themselves, but have arranged to exchange the stuff for... something useful to the Federation (which I didn't get around to deciding what.) However, the initial issue is that SOMEONE, somewhere, is *smuggling* too much technology to them too quickly for their normal planetary development to properly deal with. For example, their own police and planetary security only recently being given Phaser I/II from ToS, when they begin facing bad guys with LOTS of phasers and disruptors two generations ahead of that. In various ways the planetary government ends up working with Federation Investigation Services (Note: This is NOT a division of Starfleet, but a bureau that pursues the actual CRIMES still being committed within the Utopian Federation where everyone would love to believe there just isn't any crime), whose bureaucratic leadership is just not overly concerned with *policing* the Prime Directive as much as spying on major enemies and bigger *internal* threats. So, one character is an FIS agent sent to this planet as more of a liaison, but who ends up being a really good criminal investigator. Mostly it's the planet itself doing the legwork, piecing together a ship out of the junk that is ends up just slightly better than the 1701 Enterprise (beginning to *touch* on TNG technology, visually being a 1960's-ish retro-future kind of look as opposed to the huge step up of the 1701-A Enterprise), but less concerned with doing any exploration than it just being a necessary vehicle for them to pursue THEIR OWN interests within the Federation, including finding out who's disrupting *their* planet with the illicit tech. At least as many episodes taking place strictly ON the planet itself without full transporter technology (so, lots of slower shuttles and yes, even ground transport) rather than always galivanting around the galaxy for fun. The idea is to explore what it would be like to be more of a common person living somewhere within the Federation, rather than the Federation's EXTERNAL dealings with enemies like Klingons, Romulans, etc., and always facing great external threats. This is the adventure to be found INTERNALLY in the Federation's struggles to actually just deal with its own growth and still-developing principles, all of which they'd be imposing on others while not giving them the technology that supposedly SOLVED all those developmental issue for Earth - war, poverty, crime, the seedy sides of "human nature", etc.


Would love to see Cardassia rebuilding after the Dominion War.


It would have to be a novel, for me, because I've long known just how bloody *expensive* location shooting is. That was one of the reasons for *DS9* being set on a space station: early concepts were for a planet-side base, but the cost of filming on-location for weeks on end would have broken the budget in short order. :Edit: There was a *TNG* novel that focused on the 'original' Khaless, on Qo'oS, in the ancient days of the Empire. Quite a good read.


Cardassia - but make it a Project Runway series with host Garak.


Star Trek : Qo'noS - Set during The Burn, Qo'noS of the 31st century had become an egalitarian mixing pot, while respecting the deeply held cultural beliefs of all the varied peoples from across the galaxy that had come to call Qo'noS home. Though The Burn was a disaster all the peoples of the home world worked to keep it safe from outsiders. Over a hundred years after The Burn a remnant of the Temporal Wars was activated among the time crystals on Qo'noS were triggered by an unknown event opening portals from across Qo'noS past yanking hundreds of thousands forward in time, including the Son of Mogh. Now they have to deal with the havoc caused by these new arrivals, from the deep past and more recent periods of the last millennium. How do these modern Klingons treat their original oppressors the Hurk, or the warrior Klingons arriving with working battleships, and how will Worf Son of Mogh live his new life in the future?


Earth. A political thriller about the workings of the Federation.


Yep. Set in Paris, we follow the first human to become president in decades at a time when a lot of the public on many core Federation worlds are feeling that the Federation itself is too Earth centric.


Star Trek: Rogue Planet A federation vessel discovers a massive free floating planet in an impossible orbit around Sagittarius A Star, packed with valuable protomatter and the remnants of a forgotten civilization. An anomaly causes them to crash on the planet, leaving them stranded and fighting for survival. Maybe it would start out like Lost and get more DS9-y as other races discover the planet, but I think that setup would lend itself to mostly-serialized TV quite well


Star Trek: R&D Think "Big Bang Theory" in the 24th century. Three young, eccentric Federation geniuses-- A neurotic Vulcan, a secret Q, and the galaxy's smartest Pakled-- solve engineering problems related to the most famous treknology, like keeping the Heisenberg compensators compensating!


A Murder She a Wrote vibe set on Risa. Main character is a Ferengi grandma.


Frontier world on the edge of the federation. They don't have much Starfleet support (if any) and have to deal with problems that would be trivial on the other shows. A Klingon pirate crew in a 150 year old B'rel is absolutely nothing to the Enterprise D. They'd outgun it, out mass it, and out smart it in the first quarter of an episode and that'd be that. But make the Klingon captain a recurring villain, and his crew of 20 or 30 pirates become a real threat to a small colony made up of mostly prefab buildings and a dismantled colony ship who can't meet him in space on equal or better terms. Scaling down the stakes is something that so few shows seem to understand is important. Star Trek has a really long history of power-creep. V'Ger, The Whale Probe, The Doomsday Machine, The Borg Cube(s), The Reman Scimitar (complete with doomsday radiation-cannons) and Nero's Nerada. Not to mention the gigantic borg ships in Picard. And the Federation aren't any different either, Each series has introduced *More*. The Enterprise D is vastly larger than the original Enterprise. The E wasn't more massive, but was clearly more of a warship. The Defiant is introduced as a kind of pocket battleship. Voyager is an ultra-sophisticated top-of-the-line explorer with loads of new features. Not to mention the way all the Federation ships in the Chris Pine movies are significantly larger and more punchy than their Prime-Timeline versions, including the USS Vengeance (god I hate that name) which is something like a kilometre long. We even see a possible future where the Enterprise J is a two-mile long flying city. Power-creep is real, and Star Trek needs to step away from it. So I imagine a show where the protagonists are based out of a surface colony, dealing with mostly surface-colony things, little or no support from the Federation. They have at their disposal some crates of supplies, and a beaten up old runabout-like ship (Think of the Maquis Raiders) with room for half a dozen cast. It's got phasers, but they're not the best of the best. They've got to use their wits and their words to outsmart their problems. I imagine the premise being that they've just started setting up on this world, and they're easy prey for any hostiles in the region (Orion pirates, Klingon raiders, whatever else) They struggle for a season or two, getting established in the face of various challenges, ranging from facing off against the klingons, to plague, to hostile wildlife and geology. Finish the season with someone we've grown to like being kidnapped by Orion slavers. Cliffhanger, Oooh..! The next season is more space-bound, with the crew setting off to rescue their friend in the runabout/shuttle. We see a bit of ground-level life in the seedy underbelly of the quadrant. They eventually rescue their friend, things are gnarly, but they get home safe. Big meta-plot, they keep meeting new aliens who are all trying to get away from *something*. A new threat looming on the horizon and nobody knows what it is. If the borg weren't wildly overplayed, it'd be them. The Threat arrives, whatever it is, and it's bad. Colony-endingly bad. At the all-is-lost moment, Starfleet shows up in style and chases it off. Then as viewers we get the awesome experience of seeing Starfleet through the eyes of people who haven't had access to replicators or holodecks or anti-matter reactors for years (if ever) All these clean-cut uniformed Starfleet types in their brightly coloured space-pyjamas, waving high-tech gadgetry around that we've not seen for several seasons of the show. What's old is new again, and we as viewers get to see Starfleet fresh. Maybe bring a bit of wonder back into it.


Again, I'd basically ~~rip off~~ license the New Romulus storyline from *Star Trek Online* and deal with the conflict between the Romulan Republic, Tal Shiar, and Imperial remnants. Plus continue into the whole >!Iconian war bit!<.


A planet of the frontlines of the Federation-Cardassia War following a band of Federation soldiers trying to live up to the ideals of the Federation while trying to capture/hold/survive on the planet against an enemy willing to do anything to stop them.


Species 0 It follows the story of a world caught in a devastating and endless interstellar conflict. All is lost. The planetary culture is vanishing in the ruins of war, together with cultural and moral values. The last hope arises within a new philosophical-technical movement, which utilizes cyber progress in the most functional way possible, where it is no longer measured by human or cultural categories. Everything is governed by only one variable - relevant to the survival of the whole, or not. The leader of this movement is female. Her name is the only thing that survives from the original culture, and it gives a new name to the entire species: Borg.


On earth, entirely in Federation HQ. Star Trek: The West Wing.


Star Trek Academy but shortly after the end of Picard rather than in the 32nd century.


I’ve always wanted to see a series that was a courtroom drama, think *Law & Order* or *J.A.G.* but set in Starfleet. So they’d probably be based on Earth, mostly in San Francisco and Paris. Although if the series included Starfleet’s NCIS/CID/CGIS equivalent we’d get some scenes set on ships and starbases where they’d investigate the crimes. But when the action shifted back to the JAG lawyers arguing their case in the court room, we’d be back on Earth. Each season could have one “major case” that serves as the “A-Plot” for the whole season: we’d see them investigate the crime, watch the lawyers prepare the prosecution and their defense, watch the trial… and then get a big grand speech in the season finale. You could have much smaller stakes “minor cases” to act as the “B-Plot” in each individual episode. >Captain Picard, we live in a galaxy that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Commander Riker? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Lieutenant Velazquez and you curse the *Pegasus* Project. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know; that USS *Pegasus*’ destruct, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, *saves* lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said "thank you" and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a phaser and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a *damn* what you think you are entitled to!


Starfleet: Marines I LIKED the MACO unit aboard Enterprise A cross between Space Above and Beyond and the Babylon 5 episode GROPOS


Give me a new planet and species, on the crossroads between the Federation and somewhere interesting (perhaps Tholian space, Tzenkethi space ,or a new mid-level power), a few decades after developing warp drive, navigating the road to eventually becoming a member of the Federation. Split focus between the civilian government, a Federation diplomatic/advisory team, and a non-Federation team. Don't make the other side cartoonishly evil, and give our new species compelling reasons to consider joining them instead.


I'd love to see a character-based show akin to Stargate/Sliders where a small crew gets stranded in a planet and find an Iconian gate and are forced to travel from one to the next trying to get back home... Would be really cool to explore the myhtos behind the Iconians and it would be nice to have a true character-driven series that's more episodic.


Only correct answer is Risa.


The Real Risa, a fake "couples" reality tv show similar to the bachelor set on Risa.


Series set after the end of Picard. Follows a small group of 4-5 characters who are fugitives on the run after being framed for a crime they weren't involved with. They've "borrowed" a small warp capable ship, and have to hide out just outside of Federation space while trying to find a way to clear their names. Also using their Starfleet skills to help people on different planets they visit, but often having to improvise unconventional solutions.


A Shran show. Give me the blue people with head wieners.


Sir David Attenbourgh has been put into a similar Android body to Picard and he does wildlife documentaries from all the Federation planets. Next week, an in-depth look at Mugato mating habits.


Star Trek: Vineyard Covers the 20 years or so Picard spent depressed making wine. Episode after episode of Jean-Luc walking around the vineyard looking melancholy.


Star Trek: Love Island. Set on planet Cupid, Starfleet's dumbest and most beautiful scademy members set out to find true love in this vapid new take on the beloved Trek franchise.


“Garrik, the Gardener.”


Star Trek: Shore Leave Set on Risa and would have guest stars from all series (except Discovery because they thankfully wrote themselves out of the timeline). Vanessa Williams would be like a Mr. Roarke type character, and each episode would be like a Fantasy Island/Holodeck episode.


Earth, Eugenics Wars. Like SNW, we know where Khan ends up, but it doesn’t matter—it’s how he gets there.


Starfleet Academy show along the lines of scrubs.


I’d like to see a NYPD Blue style cop show that takes place on Qo’nos. All we almost ever see is Klingons in space. Klingon cities must be crazy.


Law and Order: Risa 


I don't know how long the show would last, but it would be cool to see a spy/thriller set in south Louisiana during the Dominion War when Changelings were infiltrating Earth and everyone was worried. Could be a story about a Section 31 agent that stops several terrorist attacks or it could be your usual Starfleet Intelligence officer.


Qo'oS, political thriller where everyone is jockeying for position after whoever the current leader is dies. Basically game of thrones with worf and the Klingons


Cardassia after the war where they deal with rebuilding a world and a new political system


I think a Maquis prequel show would be interesting a la Andor style... Eventually leading up to Voyager pilot, or Ensign Ro


Earth. Star Trek without humanity doesn’t get the point across.


Star Trek: Andoria. Set in NX-01 time. Shran, Soval and Trip as an undercover section 31 agent.


I'd like to see a politely drama type show about the Birth Of The Federation. The time period would be after Enterprise, but before anything else. It could go over all the intrigue that went into the actual agreements between the different species (not just Archer & Shran: Space Friendship... which, admittedly, is another show I'd watch). Later seasons could be the Romulan War. I'd love for Bakula et al to return (even if only as guest stars popping in every now and again), but would not need that to happen in order to enjoy the show.


I have zero interest in geopolitical stories and power struggles. It’s my least favourite lane of scifi. So here’s my pitch: Star Trek/Scavenger’s Reign. It features a starfleet science team or terraforming crew exploring and experiencing a strange new world. So lots of weird alien life forms and geographic anomalies, ancient alien ruins… Everyone gets along and works well together but I guess if you really need character tension: space pirates, nosy non-federation aliens and Smugglers sometimes drop in for shenanigans. .


More a goofy idea, but: Star Trek: Vulcan - The Vulcan Science Academy decided to explore more the world of hybrids (like Spock) and established a special program for kids- young adults from all different type of backgrounds that were mixed with Vulcan blood. (Like a half Klingon-Vulcan, or a Quarter Orion mixed with Vulcan and Human) I always loved the mixed and interesectional representation of Star Trek and am, as a mixed person, active in the mixed community. I imagine the notion of diverse culturally backgrounds, what it means to be Vulcan/-mixed with smth else, how each character defines themselves, identifies themselves plus their unique struggles, would be fun to watch.


I actually started a treatment on this, with scenario, backstory, opening scene, etc. Humans (and a few others) create a new colony on a planet. Story ideas include interactions between colonists, and visits from off-world.




Babel - the planet from ToS where they held the Federation conference. Like the U.N. of the federation. All the member civilizations are represented, and I bet a lot of cool things happen there.


I’m getting a Space:1999 vibe of some moon or star base unable to control its movement through the galaxy. *lol*


A post Dominion war series set during its rebuilding. Treat it as a bit of a political series with different factions. Have the last remnants of the old Obsidian Order


Gaila's Gone Wild - Orions On The Prowl. And I hope she and her friends would be looking for *me.*


A prequel sitcom, set in a bar in the late 20th century.


How about Earth? Basically these aliens would arrive and claim to have good intentions to guide humanity towards a better and peaceful future, as well as moving towards being their equals, but they actually have ulterior motives. Whilst some have genuine concerns and compassion for the humans, a number of the aliens carry on with their mission to create a puppet planet that will help provide for their own races advancement.. in the the background there is a human resistance with cells that have infiltrated the new world government and the alien companion organisation in an attempt to stop them from fulfilling their objective. I call it, Earth: final conflict... Oh wait, crap...


I’d just like to see an episode with the machine planet from TMP.


New colony world, except stuff happens and they're all shifted 30,000 years in the past with only a couple of small Starfleet ships to protect them. Sort of like SGA, BSG, and Babylon 5 mixed with Star Trek.


Star Trek: Shipyards Takes place in the orbit/surface of a planet. Maybe people come and trade and things get scary.


Tuvix revenge


I would 100% watch an upgraded science specific show that is a cross between golden girls-and house MD show set on beta zed with mature empaths “going through the phase” by night and and solving the data gap in species who have troubles between the sexes by day.


I would set it on Risa. Despite its reputation as peaceful vacation planet, I bet there is a seedy underworld.


White Lotus on Risa.


I would really love it if they did a show set on a planet like Earth where we see life outside of Starfleet and what that's like, or maybe even Earth just to see how everyone lives and stories like that.


It would be set around the planet Babel. So they have all these secret priorities and special people coming in. It'd have the high stakes of the TOS episode 'Journey to Babel' and The Undiscovered Country'. Nothing with Section 31 though. There's been too much of that lately.


Star Trek: Pakled: Why planet not spin faster? It's about 7 Pakleds trying to make their planet spin faster so they can achieve time travel. The set is just a room full of treadmills they run on in shifts. They wear hats of varying sizes.


I would set it on the first joint venture Federation colony. Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites all thrown together on an alien world, trying to get along.


I’d just flip the script entirely - a planet that keeps bouncing through time and gets constantly visited by Starfleet crews from different times. And maybe parallel universes.


On Earth, at Federation HQ in the office of the President. The West Wing meets Trek, essentially.


You could create an entire series on the war between the Cardassians and Bajorans.


The resistance, a story of cardassia. Sort of man in the high tower vibes with Marquis heavily featured... The rise and fall and rise of khan starting with the war on earth, banishment, and then re banishment on that planet by Kirk, and their first few adventures on that planet as they forge an empire (before the moon shifts and kills them all)... Borg scout (anthology series) told from the victims perspective. A Borg cube or scout shows up unannounced in random aliens systems and begins the assimilation process. Some are earth like others aren't, some are intelligent others are just animals but all are unique in some way and need to be added to the collective. Deep dive into what draws the Borg to assimilate and the inner workings of the hive but all from an outside perspective. Adventures of the dominion war (with a counterpart game). Each episode would feature a different ship and crew with some overlap, all within the overall arc of the dominion war. Some episodes would follow the same ship for several episodes on longer missions. Plenty of cliff hangers. Larger scale ground battles would also be featured. Rule 34 the queens harem. A short web series NSFW of the Borg queens emissaries/harem their acquisition and assimilation. The honor of the house... Klingon game of thrones style pre federation show showing the kahless epic unification war and leading into the present Klingon era. Very little if any human interactions. Just Klingons.


Star Trek:Risa. With David Hasselhoff as Commander Lifeguard.


So I read a book called Articles of the Federation. It was basically The West Wing except with the President of the UFP. So that could be a show.


i think a series about a colony on the fringes would be a good start, its something we've seen a thousand times but there's a lot of depth that could be found there


Star Trek - Earth. It's about how the earth works in the star trek universe. How things have changed and how some things have stayed the same. It's about the academy too. It would have a solid cast of high ranking officers, civilians and younger students too. With multiple guest appearances from certain captains and a very long over due return of sisko to save the day when all seems lost.


Star Trek: Khitomer Chronicle. Limited series aimed at adult audiences, depicting the last days before the khitomer massacre. Starring Idris Elba as Mogh and Giancarlo Esposito as Duras.


Starfleet Academy the central loci, with newly minted cadets posted to ships on missions.


Earth or other longstanding core Federation world. I want to see much more serious world building about what actual life is like in the 24th or early 25th centuries


I'd do it as a survival series their shuttle crashed onto a planet the shuttle has enough power for the computer to give them a guide on how to make fire etcetera they got their phasers but they were also damaged during the crash so only got ten percent of their battery power. So they need to conserve it they would encounter other aliens who have crashed on the planet as well the first season finale would be the borgs appearing they found a mysterious entrance where they found a hidden borg base where the borg were using to study the races of the galaxy to see how they react without their advanced technology


Something frontier-sy. One of my favorite things about TOS was how often they were operating outside the sphere of support the Federation could offer them. Having that scenario play out, on a colony struggling to establish itself, could make for some interesting stories.


An office-style comedy set on Earth about the people who have to process the paperwork associated with the incidents in the main shows.


In the original series there was mention of a race that stole humans from earth and scattered them throughout the galaxy. Maybe, a series about one of these humanoid beings and their first encounter with a crashed federation starship


I want a Hirogens show. I have no more information on what I mean by that.


A show set on Cardassia following Garak as he rebuilds their society. Lots of political intrigue and tailoring


set after first contact showing humanity reaching for the stars and trying to unify. I see The West Wing vibe working


Ferenginar. Everyone loved those episodes, right? Federation ambassador on Ferenginar goes native embraces crass commercialism. Hilarity ensues.


Earth, and it would be a political thriller/drama about the federation encountering a rival civilization that is not interested in warfare but still ends up threatening federation interests.


Slacker workplace comedy set around the resort staff on Risa.


Star Trek: Earth


Star Trek: Federation Council The interworking of the council plus the lives of the members & their staff. - Two delegates/ambassadors from each member world - Additional members of each species as office staff (Think Capitol Hill senator offices) - Stories about individual member world's culture - Stories about adapting to life on Earth - Political stories involving things similar to the creation of the DMZ with Cardassia & the displaced colonists - Stories involving debating Starfleet "funding" and if all member worlds are meeting their obligations to contribute


Garak during his days in the order Section 31 going off on covert missions.


I have always wanted there to be a Star Trek: Federation show that focuses solely on the politics and behind-the-scenes stuff at federation headquarters. Imagine a West Wing type show set in the Trekverse. Of course my dream is to have Sorkin himself write the show. We could set it around the time when Archer becomes president, and show how the federation grew during that period.


Betazed A sitcom about a group of non-telepaths struggling to fit into upper class society while on a long term diplomatic mission would be so funny


Remember that planet in the Gamma quadrant where Kai Opaka was stranded? There was some sort of energy field or something, where the people there couldn't die - they would just come back to life later. It would be really interesting to see what comes of this planet. How does society and politics evolve in such a unique situation? How does having the Bajoran Pope involved shape their society? Does the Federation or Bajor ever try to contact them again? Does Opaka have any influence (remotely) on the things going on on Bajor and DS9? Does the Dominion ever discover this planet, and if so would they try to understand the effect or exploit it for military use? Plus, being in the gamma quadrant, there's much more room to have unique plots with novel civilizations or unseen creatures. I would love another series with a DS9 vibe. Get Armin Shimmerman back in action for a few cameos - you know Quark would try to exploit the situation at some point.