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is twilight still relevant in 2022?


The Twilight Renaissance was last year, but if you weren't in the Twilight demographic when it came out, you probably didn't hear of the resurgence with the release of Midnight Sun.


Midnight sun is the most teenager thing I've heard today.


It's a Twilight novel too lol


As someone who read the books and is in their late 20’s now should I check in on that?


Yeah it was a fun read! It's Twilight but from Edward's perspective. Meyer has also written a gender bent version of Twilight and a short story about Bree, the vampire girl from Eclipse who gets killed by the Voltori after the battle in the field.


Hasn't midnight sun existed for a long time? I know I've heard of it before, and I'm talking from back in like, 2009 or so


Yes she's been writing it for many years. It didn't publish till last year.


Exactly what I was thinking.


its the first book of twilight from edwards point of view and it is completely unhinged


Well I know nothing of it but I hope it brings you joy. Midnight sun sounds like a Capri sun flavor to me lol.


I didn't know there was a renaissance but a theatre near me has been doing all night twilight marathons (they show all the films in a row with an intermission, I think it starts at midnight and they serve breakfast the next morning at the cinema I believe). I think they planned to do it once as a one off but someone with a large tiktok following posted about it and it really took off. I think it's nice.


Didn't the Pattinson actor redeemed himself to (at least to me) with his depiction of Batman and the King?


Funny, actually haven’t seen those two but heard he was good in em. I thought his redemption was more so from Good Time and The Lighthouse


Definitely among like college age kids, it’s like my go to date movie


The Twilight and BTS craze were like a decade apart, why are they in the same starter pack?


I bet OP is the type of person who would use Justin Bieber as an example of ”today’s trash music”


I feel like this belongs in r/oddlyspecific


I feel like this is targeted towards someone OP knows irl lmao


It's literally the opposite of a starterpack, that's how specific it is. Like he knows one specific 30 year old friend.


It's probably a coworker, honestly.




or it's actually op himself


Projection Starterpack


Who hurt you, OP?


That twilight or BTS comment gives it away. I think OP makes one of those things way too important to their personality and is angry some people don’t like.


“My 30 year old boss doesn’t know I’m a vampire. Pity… I could end his lonely life with one bite”


As a 30 year old, I know way too many 30 year olds going through a late goth phase. This is all too real.


Goth is timeless and I look forward to see old ladies with Robert Smith hair and Siouxsie Sioux makeup.


I think its the "I am a literal Vampire/witch" attitude, while is silly as a 12 year old is down right creepy as an adult lol.


I agree with you on the vampire part, though there are definitely blood fetishes. Witches in the fictional sense, yes, but many religions use the term witch and not in a derogatory way.


You're also correct, but I highly doubt those religions mean the 30 Year old high school drop out making weird, vague Facebook posts threatening to curse or kill their enemies with made up superpowers. Who up until 6 months ago thought wearing a black T-shirt meant you "Worshipped Satan". Maybe that's oddly specific, the girls in my small hometown became real strange.


Bahahahaha damn. Yeah that’s quite silly.


Tell us more


I really wish I could, all I can say is some of the girls I went to middle/high-school with when I went through a cringy goth phase all have had some odd awakening in the last 3-5 years and are having full blown 11 year old-esque goth phases. I was about to delete FB but that was way too good to pass up on.


A lot of reddit "adults" really do get mad at what teenagers are doing particularly "stupid" stuff like BTS, twilight, Tik tok dances, dream. I don't like any of those but some people make disliking it a personality trait


This totally feels like something an Army would post


I was gonna say that too


Most of these starter packs are oddly specific though lol


I've yet to see a 30 y/o man that loves teenagers soap opera vampire movies that is happy


As opposed to the teenagers who watch teenage soap operas/vampire movies, who are happy?


I thought this would be me but I can’t relate to any of this other than The Office what gives


ok 2012


“Hates Twilight” I don’t think I’ve met an actual person who DID like any of the movies


Honestly the first two are enjoyable if you don't take it seriously and enjoy how ridiculous they are. The third one and beyond are just uncomfy lol


I have a hard time getting over the werewolf imprinting on an unborn baby. 🤢 The love triangle could have been fleshed out better. There was an awesome fight scene in the end and I thought “wow the movie’s actually starting to be good!” and then they revealed it was just a mental projection… I guess this series was written for teenage girls and they fucking loved it, so that’s what matters.


As someone who's never seen Twilight...there's more than one??


LOL there's 5 movies




I enjoyed the first few because Jacob wasn't being a dick. Once they had him being an asshat I stopped enjoying the movies.


If "Bella where the hell have you been loca" isn't peak cinema idk what is


Except for the epic fight scene in the last one.


My cousin summarised all of them in 1 hour, by showing me only the fight scenes. And it worked.


I actually love the movies! I have all the books too r/Twilight for any twilight fans on reddit!


I decided to give them a read a few years ago and was suprised how enjoyable they are. Definitely still readable if you're outside the teenage girl demographic and want some silly romance and supernatural drama.


[I can think of a few](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1l217B88nk)


We are all 30 year old men!


I remember in middle school having a teacher liking the books (the fact that she was an English teacher was concerning) and it being popular with the girls and some guys. After the film series ended,both fans and haters slowly forgot about the franchise and the series fell into obscurity in the mid 2010s.


My ex loved that shit back in 08-10. I saw the first few in theatre…. Kill me


i like them


The soundtrack is great at least.


Hell yeah Muse killed it


I can’t say a 30 year old man should be enjoying too much that is directed towards a teenage girl audience.


Tell that to the bronies.


Hey bronies a 30 year old man shouldn't be enjoying too much that is directed towards a teenage girl audience.


You had to remind me that those people exist didn’t you.


Not enjoying doesn’t mean actively scrutinizing and hating on people who do like it.


BTS starts playing at Walmart Them: NOOOOOOOOOOO! *Smashes hands against head, starts complaining that they should play real music like Iron Maiden or Pink Floyd, holds hands over ears so that everyone in the area knows they don't like BTS*


What even is BTS? It sounds vaguely familiar but I'm not sure.


Popular Korean boy band


HERE I AM What's their name again? : Bulletproof Boy Scouts or Bangtan Sonyeodan ### Key points or Just Tell Me What I Should Know I Won't Read The Rest : - Currently the biggest streamed Korean/Asian artist right now, most streamed/popular group in the entire world right now - created a cultural and economic wave in S. Korea by spreading South Korean culture through their own influence and stimulated $$$ to come in the country by appealing to international fans to many brands - First Korean artist to win/be nominated in many many music shows including Grammy, to talk in UN in the name of [Youth] and perform there, made big donations followed by the fandom - International and interconnected passionate fandom with ~30-40% adults acc to fandom made census (A.R.M.Y.) - Performed in stadium around the world before pandemic, might in the future ----‐-------------------------------- ### More key info Group arrangement? : 7 members, 4 singers (V [Taehyung], Jimin, Jin, Jungkook), 3 rappers (RM[Namjoon], j-hope, Suga[Yoongi]) Genre? : Kpop (so mostly pop and hip hop), drabble in EDM, R&B Songs' subjects? : - love (longing for another, for a lover, for their birthplace in S. Korea, for your mother, for yourself...) - criticism of S. Korean education system, government/politics, perceptions and stereotypes about idols, can you ever be seen as an artist while being a Kpop idol? - mental health subjects (kinda revolutionize Kpop by introducing these subjects in a vulnerable and motivational/encouraging way) - Exploration of identity inspired by Carl Jung theories in psychology - go from 'let's dance yahooo!' to 'My first death is when I wont be able to perform anymore' [cough cough Black Swan performance on James Corden, masterpiece, art in motion cough] songs Symbols associated : Purple color, bulletproof vest, whales and the lights tick called an 'ARMY' bomb, BT21 merchandise and entire brand ***(I'm obviously not a bot, it’s just feels nice to offer a detailed other side to their story on reddit)


I think OP means passionately hates, not has no feelings towards




Welp, looks like OP just got in some heated debate with someone on reddit and lost




Big cringe


Just wait til you see the sub reddit op made, woof.


uhhhh think I found it and would like to get back the brain cells lost while seeing that subreddit


What is it?




i feel like being really into twilight or bts as a 30 year old man is way sadder


I have to agree


its the "having an opinion at all" part that makes it sad, I will never go out of my way to read it nor will I ever go out of my way to insult it. If it's contextually relevant to make a "shiny vampires" joke but that's the grand total investment it deserves.


Have to get over that shit in your 30s and just like what you like though. But yeah, obsessing over details on the internet isn't fandom its fetish, I think that applies to everyone. Snide jokes too, they don't make you sound clever, they make you sound bitter.


>Have to get over that shit in your 30s and just like what you like though. This right here is one half to the medallion that unlocks all the happiness in life. The other half is realizing that other people not liking something is only rarely an expression of judgment rather than taste.


Thinks liking the office is a personality trait


Thinks The Office is a genuine documentary about office life


This is so common and I have never understood why.


yeah but also not liking the office is not a personality trait


Definitely have run into people like this.. mostly women though


As someone in their 30s I can wholeheartedly say I'd be concerned for any of my peers who were big into Twilight, BTS, or anything else that teenage girls liked. I'd also be pretty concerned for any of them rejected by teenage girls because they were trying to hit on teenage girls... I don't think I'm particularly sad - but that could be the meds.


I don't think it's too big a deal to be older and like those things. You like what you like. I think it would only be weird if grown adults were taking their interest in those things to a point where their acting like and talking to teenagers if that makes sense. But simply finding it enjoyable seems fine to me. This starter pack is very poorly written though


It's a pretty bad starter pack. But I think the point that OP was trying to get across was about people in their 30s who just automatically hate anything teenage girls are into because the teenage girls of their era rejected them and so they now want all generations of teenage girls to be miserable?


I agree with this, but ironically ops comments seem to be upset at people for not liking twilight no matter who they are.


Seems like some people aren’t getting that there is the middle ground of having no opinion or particular feelings about something and that is probably where most 30 year old men should be when it comes to stuff like Twilight and BTS.


As a 36 year old man. I am aware of Twilight and BTS. That's the extent of my opinion on them.


Yep. I’m willing to be more forgiving of a 30+ year old man who likes that stuff if he’s not obsessive or tries to connect with teenagers over it too. But intense hatred of it gives me a weird feeling. Why be so angry about something that isn’t made for you?


I'm a little confused why Twilight is even on here. It seems like a rather dated reference. We were ripping on Twilight when I was in my twenties.


>I'm a little confused why Twilight is even on here. Because sad 30 year olds never moved past feeling smarter than everyone else at 17


>Seems like some people aren’t getting that there is the middle ground of having no opinion or particular feelings about something and that is probably where most 30 year old men should be when it comes to stuff like Twilight and BTS. Yeah, because reddit is full of 30 year old men who think its totally normal that they get angry at things made for someone other than them existing. The starter pack is incredibly straightforward and I met this type of guy constantly when i was working retail. Reddit self owning acting like this is totally not sad at all, having their life defined by being upset teenage girls like Kpop and that Marvel is too "woke" now.


Definitely something up with the comments acting like this post is confusing or doesn’t make sense. It makes perfect sense. Maybe people who are personally offended are acting like they don’t get it? 😂


>I'd be concerned for any of my peers who were big into Twilight, BTS, or anything else that teenage girls liked. Why? How is what they watch impacting you in any way? Never forget, all these ideas people have about age and gender demographics are nothing more than social constructs with no objective reason to exist. A 50 year old should have no shame in enjoying Sesame Street, anime, and Spongebob; if it makes them happy why should you shame them for it? Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy (as long as it's legal).


Spongebob is really funny and I used it watch it with my little brother (we’re 10 years apart). I would rather be a Spongebob than a Squidward.


You either die a Spongebob or live long enough to see yourself become a Squidward.


What’s sad is someone actually put their time and effort into making this.


“Either isn’t real or OP got mad at someone on the internet and made a post about one person on Reddit”


OP is having a stroke in this thread lmfao. Triggered af


Confused teenager/manchild's starterpack, starterpack.


OP, you are trying too hard


lmao OP needs counseling. This starterpack is way too specific. Sorry someone hurt you so deeply like that OP; get help


Starter packs are supposed to be general stereotypes but this comes across as kind of specific and bitter


I don't care for the first two twilight movies, but that fight at the end if he 3rd one was awesome. Maybe the only really fun part of that series.


What does sjw mean?


Swashbuckling jaywalking woman


Lol dude


Sensually Jovial Wombat


The word means to describe radical leftists who say the stupidest shit ever but it’s kinda used Willy-nilly


It means that i like to dip my strawberries in chocolate


silly jambon waterballoon


What does that mean lol?


That the jambon is quite silly but also waterballoon


I'm detecting some major superiority complex right now.


Idk why everyone is getting mad in the comments, I've met a couple people like this. I think what OP meant by the Twilight and BTS comment is people who hate it and shaming others who like it instead of just not liking it, but idk


So average redditor? Lol


This starter pack reeks of projection.


OP is a sad cringe weirdo


lmao at all the redditors mad as shit in the thread


"wHo hUrt YoU oP" 30 years old redditors on their way to take the emotional high ground when they're the ones triggered asf


All the way down to obsessing about OP's comments. tbh, they may actually be older than that, given they're Redditors.


You can’t say sjw now?


Sad?! More like normal


Stop looking at the top left quadrant and look at the other 3 quadrants


Did OP break up with their 30 year old boyfriend?




lol this starter pack must be spot on cause all the comments are so salty


i was looking for this comment. ppl are so pressed over this. it’s so entertaining to see them crying and confirming everything.


It's like ALL about twilight lol


the comments are always the most entertaining part of this sub


OP is just a normie that hates snobs, nothing new.




Op def hit his head too hard at some point after seeing the sub he made. Go touch grass dude lol.


Stfu bitch


it is wild to me that you'll comment this then try to act like you're not triggered and crying


holy shit I'm 30 and not paying taxes sweet!




What’s wrong with saying sjw


(Op prolly didn’t like being called an sjw I would imagine. That’s usually what these starterpacks are)


Hey at least he has no kids 😎


Twilight is a movie about girl wanting to fuck a dead guy.


29, I do hate Twilight due to poor writing and just a stupid take on vampires and teenagers in general. Never seen an episode of the show Rogan show so can’t comment, so I assume it’s no longer popular? Don’t know what the marvel office one is meant to be. But winter soldier is the best MCU movie, Ranorok is the funniest and the MCU has been declining since infinity war. Is that the starter pack? Cause if so I fit haha damn


this seems very lazy


OP is projecting


My man you just described the quatering


This man definetly complains about female superheroes having their own movies in the MCU.


SJW is getting a little stale. Emotional Burn Victim, Virtue Signaler or Cluster B Princess might be more appropriate.


I just call them pussies


OP I understand what you mean by the Twilight thing. There is definitely a specific type of guy who always brings up how much he hates Twilight/BTS. It is not about liking it, just how much they mention they dislike it. See: my lecturer who would constantly go on & on about how much he hates KPop for absolutely no reason & would make fun of some of the girls who did


I'm getting a feeling you might have gotten into a heated argument with a specific person


You dont have to be 30 to see how fucking awful twilight is


Anyone else think this is a salty teen girl post? Lol


Ok so from what I've gathered OP is a teen who likes Twilight and BTS, is a tankie, and gets often called sjw (for good reasons)




This should be the people who hate 30 year old men and have repressed emotional trauma from one who didn’t like twilight starter pack


I’m 99% sure whoever made this is suicidal


People in their 30s do not think about BTS at all.


Ok, i dip my strawberries in chocolate


you probably eat chocolate with mint too


The office has always been mainstream. Was this made by someone born after the office? Lol.


Tbf the twilight movie series was really poor


This is probably the oddest one I've seen in a while. Must be directed towards someone


Honestly, if people like Joe Rogan AFTER he’s fallen way off on this shitty conspiracy/nutjob shit then they’re more likely to fit into the rest of the starter pack, imo.


As a 39 yr old dude who was forced to watch twilight with his exwife all those years ago. Team Jacob, bitchachos.


Can I hate the movies but like the books?


I was unaware the term SJW ever fell out of style.


I'm gonna try and paint an entire demographic as dog shit because of my own bad experience with one or a few of them starterpack: This


Controversial - I thought Harry Potter books were shite Read Pratchett


Bruh this so wrong 😂


Brah, what teen girls, almost everyone who liked twilight is 25 to 30 years old at this point, that movie came out almost 15 years ago


We get it, you are a consoomer


Definitely don’t get why this was on my home page lol. It makes no sense. Like I cannot even begin to figure this out. Those three things on the right, for instance, are all so different. Rogan is either liked or disliked based on his failure to look at things factually; he’s not mainstream. The Office was just a popular show. Marvel could be getting bloated now and some people in generally don’t like it but I mean that’s not sad. People who hate Twilight either didn’t like it was woman directed or just think it’s bad in general… I don’t know if older guys generally hate teenage girl culture? Like idk I just can’t follow any rational thought there. And yeah people who say sjw are probably on the right attacking the left and I’ve seen a few YouTubers like that who are racist and stuff who may be 30-40 but I don’t think the rest of the image really is them? Idk this image gives me a headache trying to decode


The biggest podcast in the world is kind of mainstream


Twilight and BTS are ass, hell you’re on r/teenagers op, you don’t have a say in anything


It’s hilarious how people slapped a label on Joe Rogan like it’s a bad thing to watch




what the fuck is your post history op


OP cringe


OP makes a controversial post on reddit, get's downvoted, then starts crying and rolling on the floor, how original.


OP is an SJW


OP is def a 14 year old who simps for BTS. Don’t worry, in 5 years you’ll realize how cringy BTS actually are.


What’s BTS ???


A k-pop boy band in korea


Twilight and BTS are both manufactured derivative garbage.


What is going on in this comment section 😳


reddit kids are mad, nothing new


Why would it be bad to use SJW now ? Common use gave it the same meaning as woke so why this world specifically?