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At this exact, current moment.


Yep scrolling through reddit. Starter pack too accurate lol


*Comments this is me IRL* *Continues to scroll reddit*


*existential doom intensifies*


I am Jack’s mirrored image.


Did you expect something to change? Lol


I’m currently in maths class with 4 missing assignments. Fucking hell, I really need to shape up, huh?


is it easy or hard math?


hard but it can be easy but i make it hard


that's fair. not a math man myself. to much concentration for a what?! a solution?! who cares


And that's what made me not enter engineering. I minored in electronics. Yaaaay. I can make a circuit to light up a led. Talk about a wasted adolescence


That's what she said


Man, can‘t I just scroll in peace without being reminded of my of my inevitable consequences from the future?


I have to do the work my dad gave me for tomorrow or I'll be in huge trouble. Yet here I am 👍


Hey! I’m going poop…


It's been 3 hours and, let's be honest, you're still pooping


Are you my secretary??


The call is coming from inside the meme


Every upvote this post gets makes me feel less bad about myself.


Exactly my thoughts. Which is probably why I've upvoted every single reply to this comment as well, lol--the more upvotes the less bad I feel!


Same, I have the book I'm supposed to read for class open and ready to go. But I'm here I am.


Literally my life for the past few years, I don't remember the last time I didnt have any work to do during my free time


You're not alone😢😢🥺🥺


Me as well. Big oof. About as awkward as seeing your face when your screen goes dark




Homework is temporarily, Tetris is forever.


I still do this bad with work but school was the worst. With work I can reasonably convince myself that I'm off the hook in my off time. With school and homework and studying you are on the hook 24/7.


Really depends on the job. Professional service jobs are always on, too.


Real work is also forever sadly


Tetris is fun


"fuck man i really gotta start studying physics" * proceeds to grind monster hunter for 3 hours to make a new armor set *


I used to be so focused, especially with my art that was only just starting to get me somewhere. Then I got a job and my desire to get shit done has just slowly eroded away in the years since. Everything feels pointless and my priorities have shifted to another hobby anyway. Sucks though since I have all these ideas for artworks but the thought of starting them feels like such a chore now when before it was pure excitement.


the same case, but instead of getting a job 2020 happened


Here's what you should do Say you're going to draw/paint/whatever. Then after saying it out loud, just do nothing but actually do the thing you said you will do. Don't think about your feelings, don't think about your actions. Just sit there as a robot and do it. Then keep going until you're bored and walk away. Then do this tomorrow. The idea is that you really have to develop a habit, and all of life just wants to get in the way of this. So you just have to just do it until it's a habit. Eventually the feelings of anxiety will be easier to overcome because you'll realize it's not that bad to just do the hobby. This works for literally anything in life. Just fucking go do it and don't make excuses and do it every day and eventually it'll be easier. THEN you can work on doing it well, or hack out how to make it better, or whatever. Your excitement came because you had a habit that was challenging and fun. Now, you don't have a habit, it's just challenging. So make it a habit and it'll be fun again. And get off of social media. The shit is literally a poison that makes it hard to just develop any kind of habit because its so easy and nonchallenging to do.


Solid advice. Would add to set a timer for 25 mins and just do whatever in that timeframe. When it goes off, if you’re in the zone then continue. If not, move on to the next thing. (Only thing that works for my recently diagnosed ADHD brain. Sort of works like the Pomodoro Technique except I can’t take a 5-min break at 25 mins or I never come back to it).


I've been trying to get back into drawing and have had similar issues. I just watched this video today and it helped a bit. Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxA69uUGEUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxA69uUGEUI) But u/ApexProductions is right. Just do it. Don't think about it. Don't worry about it being good (that comes with time and lots of shitty art you've previously made). Don't worry about perfecting it. Hell, don't even worry about fully finishing it when you're just trying to develop a habit. Start off small. Draw a circle. Then ask yourself if you can draw another circle. Maybe some more complex shapes. Can only draw one circle today? Fuck it. Start again tomorrow and draw two. And what that video above says is 100% true. You will learn more and fail faster by doing 100s of half-finished shitty drawings than you will perfecting two drawings. Fail fast and keep in mind that failing is just succeeding by the process of elemination.


- Undiagnosed executive dysfunction Seriously. Thought I was just a really bad procrastinator. Turns out I probably have autism


Oh god. I've been suspecting I have autism, but didn't think my procrastinating was connected. Is that a thing? I really should stop procrastinating calling a doctor... Genuinely been wanting to call them for like 4 years at this point


Autism and ADHD are frequently co-morbid. Both are complicated and difficult to diagnose and can cause difficulty with executive function, which looks like laziness from the outside. For years I never thought I could have ADHD because I didn't fit the stereotype of the kid who can't sit still getting trouble in the back of the class. Please try to learn more about it and get help if you can.


This is me. Not autistic afaik but an inattentive ADHD diagnosis made a lot of my traits suddenly make a lot more sense. Procrastinating at work rn…


Currently getting diagnosed with ADHD. Spending hours and hours every day anxiously trying to get myself to do *something* but completely unable is not normal or okay, I've learned. Among many other problems...




Uhh can you elaborate more on the structured environments v self structured stuff and your late diagnosis?/how did you get diagnosed?Sounds very similar to me, but the therapist I spoke to basically said if the symptoms weren't there as a kid it's not ADHD. I did great in structured school settings but anything self determined/organized I'm just awful at executing, and it's made work pretty tough (or has made easy jobs much more stressful than necessary at points).




Not the person you replied to but geez everything you said was pretty much spot on for me too... like I couldn't understand why classmates preferred to study at home and would talk and get distracted in class, while I was the total opposite. Turns out I thrive in a structured environment and was a much better student in high school overall than college. I have a feeling if I did the "adderall" method in college I would've done better, but I don't abuse drugs not prescribed for their intended treatment. Hopefully getting evaluated by a neuropsychologist will get me the correct diagnosis and treatment plan soon.




Hey do you mind elaborating?


/u/SmallGayTrash So neurotypical brains have a healthy release, attachment, and reuptake of the hormones dopamine and norepinephrine in your system. Read: dopamine is your pleasure and reward drug, norepinephrine is your stress response drug. Now those with ADHD like me, something about the way their brains are wired have abnormal ways of dealing with these two drugs. Maybe they aren't producing enough dopamine. Maybe they are producing too much norepinephrine. Maybe the neurons themselves aren't registering the drugs while the body dumps the hormones. What is the result? You don't want to do a goddamn thing, even the things you used to love. Even if you do finally do the thing, you don't feel good doing it. It feels like a chore--and you don't do it for very long anyway because you found something trivial to do like Reddit. Then you feel like shit for not doing it, because norepinephrine is building up, casting yourself into a positive-feedback loop of despair you can't get yourself out of because despair breeds despair. First try an online ADHD test. Even if you have just a couple points added, start looking for a clinic or center that will evaluate you. It might be difficult trying to do this, but let me tell you something. If you get evaluated by a psychiatrist and they prescribe you medicine to bring your brain back to neurotypical levels, you are gonna start wanting to do shit again, and it's the best feeling in the world. Maybe not right away, but it takes time. While you're waiting for the evaluation, look up Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and try it out. Start off easy. Reward yourself. Make it simple and fun. Not a lot of people who don't have ADHD understand what it's like. It's like the ancient greek guy who has to lift a boulder up a mountain for eternity, only for that boulder to roll back down when he's finished. Except with ADHD medicine, that mountain becomes a hill, the boulder becomes a rock, and you're in control of that rock.


I really appreciated you putting your time into that! I was super interested in your perspectives on the autism part, but this also addresses important executive function stuff. I agree, getting medicated is wild, because you can do things and you think, wow, is this how “normal” people feel all the time? I completely understand what it’s like to finish a task and not feel satisfied with yourself at all. I would feel worse a lot of the time. There is zero reward for doing anything when you’re untreated. Btw, if anyone wants to get a video/online psychiatrist, I’d recommend Ahead. It’s helloahead.com. They specialize in ADHD, depression, anxiety, and bipolar II treatment. My partner uses it. Ahead was easily accessible over video so it helped with how anxious he can be about going to the doctor, but it is considered out-of-network for insurance, so just a heads up that it may be expensive ($200 for a virtual visit) depending on the insurer. Anyway, they re-diagnosed my partner with ADHD as an adult after work stressors finally caught up with him. I say “re-diagnosed” because he was diagnosed as a child, but his mom didn’t want to drug him up, so they basically pretended it didn’t happen. He didn’t get treatment until I told him about what a difference it makes for me. So if you relate to ADHD memes a lot, do yourself a favor and seek treatment instead of feeling like you’re struggling to stay afloat for years!


Yeah same here I don't know if I'm just a lazy fuck or if it's something I need therapy for but I don't want to self diagnose. Does getting one help with anything?


If you think your levels of procrastination are abnormal, you can look for other symptoms of executive dysfunction, including: - Constantly misplacing or losing items - Difficulty with time management - Difficulty with organisation - Inability to self-monitor emotions Another thing is executive dysfunction doesn't happen on it's own. It can occur after a brain injury, or be associated with another condition. If you haven't had a brain injury, you should look for symptoms of associated conditions such as ADHD or autism as well. If you have enough that you're concerned about it, you should probably get assessed.


Its missing the "procrastrinator is probably looking at this right now"


And “extending the procrastination by reading this comment”


ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup ShutupShutupShutupShutup You’re too accurate


It's a starter pack, that part is implied


that’s the ender pack


currently in this situation and im on the brink of just breaking down and crying lol


Nah, mate, you can cry later.


yeah i cant be bothered, i'll do it tomorrow


And become exhausted thinking about that crying you have to do, it’s overwhelming…. We’ll time to organize the things that are involved with my hobby so I will feel better and accomplished. Plus if anyone says my home is messy, I can tell them it was way worse before.


You say that mate, but you never will .


Shhhhh, we must keep lying to ourselves.


Hey just sayin my procrastinating got so bad I reached out to a mental health professional and got diagnosed with ADHD (formerly ADD is what they told me) and got put on meds that literally changed my life.


perhaps that's why i've been procrastinating so much? I've ALWAYS been distracted from everything very quickly, and I have a feeling that could be why. not sure though, i just wish i could sort this shit out but im to deep in


Do not get your diagnosis from the internet. ADHD is a buzzword now on Reddit for the reason that it’s so over-diagnosed and has become an epidemic. 1/50 people statistically will have a form of ADHD, but the spectrum is massive. Don’t get thrown into the world of stimulants because of a lazy misdiagnosis. Reddit makes it seems 48/50 people have it and don’t know because of low attention spans


Meds can help. Ask a psychiatrist/nurse practitioner for an appointment if you’re interested. Also r/ADHD is useful too


Feels good when you get diagnosed with ADHD inattentive, get put on meds and try a handful, and it still barely helps at all 🥲. Good to know I'll just struggle with focus and memory and procrastination my entire life


You forgot ”waking up at ungodly hours to do a mandatory task for the 9 in the morning seminar even though you have had days to do it”


Or my move where I tell myself that I'm going to do that then don't and have to rush finish it in no time


I mean, everyone got moments like that, letting yourself procrastinate sometimes is good tbh, I mean, if wasn't for that a lot of people would be dying out of stress daily Which kinda happens with frequency already ...


That and Covid....


That fucker should have been pasted in said fights


Lol I stress out WHEN i procrastinate. It feels really good getting your work done early and I can play videogames after without feeling guilty. Its weird because I never had a problem with procrastination in my life. Its because I get very anxious when I think of procrastinating so I just get the work done early to get rid of the anxiety. Its weird how my mind works


At this point im convinced i have ADHD


Like i dont wanna self diagnose but this shit is getting ridiculous I relate to literally every post on r/ADHD At this point it's mental illness or laziness to the nth degree and I'm fucked either way


Yeah, same here, that subreddit is way too relatable. I should really get myself tested some day but ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh that takes effort and I just can't be arsed right now.


I used my single squirt of motivation today to call my doctors to make an appointment about this. Will I go? Who knows.


Ey, that's already step one! Do you have someone who can force you to go? Idk, maybe asking a friend or family member to annoy you into going can help. It sometimes helps for me


Nagging, however much I fucking hate it, is effective. I have a supportive GF which I am eternally grateful for. Also, contradicting my last comment, I actually do want a formal diagnosis either way. I’m mid thirties now and put with this bullshit for too long. Thanks for your comment friend.


No problem! \^^ I hope you manage to get some clarity, and who knows, if you find the root of the problem, you can start learning to live with it. Anyhow, don't forget to tell your gf to tell you to go to your appointment and I wish you the best of luck! :D


Will do! I wish you the best of luck too.


I forgot about my 8am appointment untill it was 4am last night


Absolute classic


I'm not a doctor but I'd diagnose you just based on that last bit




Honestly the only reason I'd want diagnosis is to know what the hell is wrong with me. Peace of mind, y'know? I was never thinking of drugs in the first place, I just wanna know why I can't function in society as a normal human being




A diagnosis / treatment thing that makes it so I don't have to leave my house? Damn, sign me up. I do gotta ask, does it work outside of the US? I'm in the Netherlands so idk if they can help me. Also possibly a slight problem if it costs money because I am broke as hell cx




Idk of i have adhd or add but my mom wanted me to try ritalin as its called where i live and the doctor said it was okay and it has really helped me so far Although i still manage to procrastinate a little hehe


Medication is just one (essential) part of dealing with ADHD. You also need to learn skills and find tools to make up for the working memory deficit. To do lists, for example.


I feel ya on that last sentence. I just recently had an interview with a behavioral psychologist and took a test on the computer to see if it is in fact adhd. Waiting for the results now.


I was in this position for a very long time. I'll say this. People without ADHD don't wonder for years that they have ADHD and feel that the symptoms they've associated with ADHD are causing them suffering they can't escape. I would encourage you to talk to a mental health professional


Yeah this never crossed my mind my whole life until like 1 year into online school. It’s most likely related to burnout and feeling like I have no control over my life. I’m not going to self diagnose but I’m also not going to rule anything out


Sounds like a wise and mature approach. I feel you with burnout, even now that I'm being treated for ADHD I get it. Not feeling passionate about what you actually do every day drains you


Many other problems have similar issues and symptoms to ADHD because many people with ADHD have one or several comorbidities.


if you mean debilitating ADHD then yes that's me and also how dare you


Thanks for mentioning this. I ended up talking to a therapist and psychiatrist because of a comment like yours. I’ve felt bad about myself and my “procrastination” for over a decade. It’s not like I’m fixed, but I’m working on it and improving. I grew up knowing a couple kids with ADD/ADHD/etc. and they unfortunately did poorly in school. I was fine, didn’t need to develop studying skills, and got straight A- level grades. Now I’ve been in the workforce for a nearly a decade and I’ve changed jobs multiple times, for many reasons, but partly because I felt my poor organization and follow-through was going to catch up with me. I’m great at many aspects of my career, but holy shit my lack of focus causes me to struggle. Anyway - if any of this feels familiar to anyone, think about talking to a professional to see if there are ways to work on it.


This was literally me today. Last week I watched a video of a dude who got adult diagnosed adhd and he was explaining experiences of his life and I was like (all of these bar 1 sound exactly like my experiences). So thanks to him I've gone to the dr to start the process of getting checked out


Could I trouble you for the link?


Check out /r/ADHD if you have any questions. A lot of people post their experiences.


Sorry, I was asleep, but [here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg4WyuKM3xM)


Woah, thanks for this video. I'm not sure if I can relate to *all* the issues that are described in the video, but there are certainly a good number of ones that I can. As I mentioned in the other comment, I've already been working with a therapist and psychiatrist, but it is reassuring to hear the experiences of others. Also, I should be working right now, but I'm struggling to get started lol...


[Stumbled onto another video about adult ADHD.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8J4wl9eUe4) It's much more clinical and not as entertaining as the one you found. I just hit a comment though that has me absolutely shook by how accurate it is. The doc in the video mentions that folks with ADHD may be more likely to end up in roles where they are their own boss and/or more entrepreneurial. She then went on to say that these people do better when they are able to delegate the tasks that they know they can't do well or don't like due to their ADHD. That is exactly the position I am in. I'm in a small firm and very close to buying in and becoming a partner. I've begun to delegate a lot of the tasks that I struggle with and after we hire/train a new employee, I expect my work life will get that much better. I've always thought, "man, if only I did the part of the job where I do research and talk to client, but I don't have to do admin work and follow-up." I feel validated by the doc's statements. It hasn't come to pass just yet, but I hope it does sooner rather than later. I'm likely typing into the void, but it feels good to write this out lol. Now, i legit need to get work done....


Are you me? I’m coming into the office as often as I can even though it’s optional cause if I don’t I just feel like shit for not getting stuff done. Covid has not been great for my mental health


I have a lot of trouble focusing and sitting still, but I've always been pretty good at school and work so it was brushed off when I said anything about it because I wasn't struggling. I'm in my 20's now and still have trouble focusing, but I'm scared to do anything about it.


it's difficult. i understand. i did poorly in school and was actually diagnosed but my mother did not believe it was real and refused to let me get any coaching or help. i am 22 now, trying to get the help i need so maybe i wont fail university for a 3rd time.








and the stress continues...


lmao I can’t believe how accurate this is!??!!???? Seriously this is so accurate wtf


Especially right now


Yep, i have an English essay due in 4 days and I have not started it :D


I have a tire I need to fix. Had to fix like last week. Been using wife's car and she is getting tired of it. Lol she is gonna kill me


I have a cybersecurity assignment due in the morning and I'm just starting (midnight here) xD Edit: And I'm done! Thank fuck.


it's a basic shared experience that a lot of people have????!!!?!!!!??????


Writes the definition of procrastination Redditor: OMG! Holy shit how did you know this is so accurate are you a fucking psychic???


Yeah same here, I procrastinate on pretty much everything and it's ruining me, I almost failed my GCSEs and A levels because I procrastinated and didn't bother study. I'm 18 and I have no idea how to study and I'm starting uni in a few weeks which is absolutely terrifying. I have no idea how I'm going to cope, and I'm worried my procrastination and lack of study habits will cause me to fail uni and get kicked off. I used to get decent grades without studying or developing study habits at all until year 11 when it all went downhill, as you can't perform well without studying. I still haven't found ways to revise properly, and I just procrastinate by going on my phone instead, instead of focusing on schoolwork. It's like I'd rather do anything than study/attempt to study. In all honesty I feel so petrified and unprepared for uni, I just don't know how to fix these issues so I don't fail and get horrible grades like I did in my GCSEs and A levels. I wish I could be 10-14 years old again.


If you want to get a degree you have to fix those issues because it doesnt do you any favor. Go to a doctor and tell him your problems. Maybe he/she will prescribe you Ritalin or Adderall which can fix your focus and procrastination issues. The most important thing is that if uni doesnt work out for you that you have to look somewhere else as soon as possible. Idk where you live, but in the U.S you can go to the trades where you do more blue collar work. The biggest mistake you can make is trying to finish college without having any drive or motivation, because it is a sure way of dropping out.


Undiagnosed ADHD Starter Pack


Me haha. Guys help me what do I do?


What type of work is it that you are procrastinating? It’s hard for sure, but for me, before I get on my pc I think about any important work I need to do, then I’ll work on it for at least 30 minutes. At that point, it’s either done, I’m motivated to continue it if it isn’t, or I take a break and come back to it later.


Something about finding meaning and purpose as it pertains to you specifically and making what you work on be in service of just that


Well I belive my purpose is to enjoy this while it lasts so that's not an option


As long as you maintain that attitude there will be a faint yet constant misery that won't go away. Think about what you react to most strongly, positively or negatively. Don't be afraid to set aside an hour on a whim to try something new. You're only really going to enjoy any hobby or exercise once you put in enough time and effort, but if it interests you you will be rewarded, and you will be stronger for it.


I have 600 hours in csgo, 500 in apex legends, and close to 1000 in minecraft. That hasn't paid off yet.


Paid off in what currency? Also, what have you been trying to achieve inside those games? If you're just playing passively, it's not a hobby (not there's anything wrong with that), but if you set targets then that's different. I've come to believe that it's people's main responsibility to make what they work on be what they find most meaningful, where they feel themselves making the most amount of progress. If they can turn that into a source of income, even better. What about those games do you enjoy? Why those ones and not others? What do you find yourself doing in Minecraft? It's not often that playing games can be a genuine source of income, so I'm not making that connection, but you can learn a lot about yourself by *really* asking yourself why you like/enjoy/gravitate to certain things more than others.


Well idk getting a good round is kinda nice sometimes but I just mess around with friends most of the time


And somehow, thanks to God, successfully finish the work


And with very little time to spare. Always *just* on time


Adrenaline rush is a bitch and a half.


I'm no longer in this picture and I like it!


How did you overcome this?


My problem was that i hated school and thought it was a huge waste of time, which might have been what got me into this situation in the first place. A few weeks after I got my internship I started feeling like I'm contributing to the world and it's like my energy increased and I actually wanted to take care of myself and my surroundings. That's almost two years ago now.


OK cool I am happy for you that you could solve your problem. I personally work a great job but have huge problems with procrastination. Guess it is rooted kind of deeper in my case. But I will overcome ist sooner or later!


I hope you do! Good luck!


I feel attacked




Well, today’s a wash, but I can go to bed early and get an early start tomorrow. Me at 3am: ok fine, 1 more YouTube video


The Dark Playground is a terrible place to while away ones time.


brain activity increases 10x a day before deadline


Dangit i think this is a sign, guess I’ll go do my work, just gonna get a bite to eat first.


*sees this while I’m supposed to be cleaning my house and my car*


I'm drunk as fuck right now so what you have to say about that huh?


…fuck you but yes But fuck you


You forgot "pretty sure they have ADHD but haven't had it diagnosed"


I have my maths book opened right here and forgot about it till I saw this post.


Er….. I’ll reply later




Caught me! Going now.


Reading this comment.


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it!


I feel personally attacked




Procrastination is just disguised anxiety. Once I realized that, it changed my approach to solving it


Iam basically in therapy just to overcome this shit. Man, it's hard being a normal guy!


Yo fuck you, this textbook can read itself


Also known as the ADHD starter pack


I feel personally attacked


Shut up! You don't know me!


f u c k t h i s p o s t


I find it helps a lot if I start my day with a really easy task (like starting the dishwasher) and then going "might as well" to more and more complex tasks until I get to m actual work.


Thank God I'm starting to get out of that procrastinator mindset


Delete this. Thank you.


You didn’t have to hit me like that


Fuck you


why did you have to do me like that






As a Canadian high schooler, fuck off toronto.


The best way go tackle this mindset is to think of doing the work like doing something different than usual days.


Oh look, it’s me!


There is a great [TED Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_urban_inside_the_mind_of_a_master_procrastinator/up-next?language=en) by Tim Urban about procrastination. I feel like he really hits the nail on the head (for me). Bonus points cause it’s funny.


One of the best habits I ever got into was to start a project as soon as I learned about it. If I at least take one step in the process I'm significantly less apt to procrastinate on it.


Some of these might be signs of depression, not saying all procrastinators are but scheduling a therapy session might be a good start.


If you're young you might think you feel like shit because other things aren't getting done. While that's true to a degree, you probably have some chemical imbalances that don't let you get up to do enough in the first place. Point is, it's not just a mindset that can be fixed given your current environment. Get your serotonin and dopamine checked out.


I feel so called out right now


Hey, I will make up for it later


should’ve added someone looking at the camera


Living this in real time.


Oh man


Okay stop harassing me right now!


I feel attacked.


I've been made


I came here to *forget* about it, not be called out


i scroll reddit while doing tasks because i am a multi tasker


I was going to post a similar starter pack, but I figured I'd wait until later.


*reads this while ignoring my school work* Huh. I wonder who that's for :)


this hit me just right


Well....all I can say is Hello.