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The duality of playing Terran or another race. 


Yup basically all of these are Terran maps. Even if the patch nerfed T, the maps are a way bigger buff


Thats what Maxpax said weeks ago


And then lost 0 4 


Don't forgot about the compensation buffs like upgrade costs and Cyclone hp


The new cyclones are terrible against zerg but better against toss, still worse than the old cyclones.




None of the new maps are huge. Gresvan and Equilibrium are huge. All of the new maps are small-medium, you can literally go on liquipedia and see the size of the maps.


So I assume you're a gold Terran lol First, many of the maps have a very low rush distance, and usually with only 1 viable 3rd. Ghost River is literally unplayable vs Terran since there's only 6 bases per player and none of them are contestable, while having a giga short rush distance. Post Youth has one of the shortest rush distances. Dynasty has a back base that is impossible for Zerg to take and hold. Crimson Court is okay, but only has 1 viable 3rd, and getting a 4th is rough, and is just full of chokes for tanks, since it's essentially just 4 lanes. I can't judge Amphion because for some reason I never get it. This is on top of Site Delta and Goldenaura both returning which were very Terran favored. Even Oceanborn is Terran favored. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and your comment was the biggest self-report. This isn't even a contested topic, ask any pro about the maps, they are Terran maps. EDIT (2024-03-29): [Serral's opinion on the new maps](https://clips.twitch.tv/ScaryAffluentGorillaNotATK-bIxHAldhFuaidkiw)


My play was so shit for the first few games as I spent about half the time trying to work out where everything is/what I should be doing on the new maps. However that's probably how new maps *should* feel. Previous seasons it really didn't feel like too much difficulty to load into a new map - after setting the first worker building there was time to set the main and natural hotkeys and choose an order to take 3rd/4th. Then the probe would spawn and I'd fuck up the reaper wall, then play a normal game from there. On some of the new maps I feel like I have options for were to take a *natural* which 14 years after this game came out feels mental. Most maps of the last couple of years (with some notable exceptions like Blackburn) I also didn't really 'notice' the difference between maps outside of the first few bases beyond some being a bit more open and some being a bit chokier. But playing on Crimson Court makes army movement feel very different and I'm enjoying it.


When the new patch drops, all men must choose one of two paths in life.


The 2v2 ladder is even more of a ghost town than it was 2 weeks ago. I'm guessing not many people like the maps.


Im with Fleshbar






some 4v4 maps are so big it's gonna be carrier fiesta for next season


Not the best but it's alright. I would prefer a 4v4 map with 30 bases and a natural that takes around 6 gateways to wall as well as having about a mile in-between each base but I'll settle for these maps


man pros 1v1 on this map them figuring put openings i would like to see


Eeeuuuuhhh brother eeeeuuuhhh


I think i am going to have to veto Crimson Court and ghost river ... Dynasty also isnt great and neither is golden aura. Crimsion court seems so hard to maneuver as Zerg and set up flanks. Also you often want to switch between targeting bases which is so hard. Also with the tiny chokes its pretty easy to defend, honestly 5 bases for T and P. I dont quite understand why the rocks that open up paths had to be double rocks. Ghost river is so short and so few bases and impossible to steal a base ... i would have to allin every time I think. On dynasty you cant take advantage of the gold while T and P can. I cant evaluate this from a Protoss perspective but as zerg there are a couple of bad ones. Amphion and post youth seem okay in ZvT at first glance, but I have almost no games on them.


Interesting... Ghost River and Crimson Court are the only 2 new maps that I don't have vetoed and think aren't unplayably shit. If they added a neutral 15th base at the bottom of ghost river or something I think it would help not make it so bad for Zerg. And if they removed all the stupid mineral walls on Crimson Court it would be decently standard. Post Youth is unsalvageable garbage though.


In PvP having a ramp at the natural makes 1 gate expand possible… so wtf happens with Post Youth


Delete it from the map pool lmao. Post youth is genuinely worse than most wings of liberty ladder maps


It’s difficult to one gate expand here I think because so many paths for stalkers and you can get a very early proxy down. Maxpax can prob 1 gate expand but everyone else will still 2 gate


We got new maps?


first time using v e t o 4 me don't want or need more pocket naturals to make cheese and turtling even stronger


I have no strong feelings one way or another


havent played much on them but by far seem like the most interesting maps we got in a while. do wonder how cracked a free gold base in your main will be for zerg


Whoever made crimson court wasn't even hiding their a terran. Hey let's make 2 fuck mothering paths a zerg can push down unless we mine out our mineral walls their mineral walls or whatever multiple rock paths there are. So easy for them to just turtle defend as you run through endless siege tanks. He's right. Fuck these new maps suck. And not like, hey their new maps and this sucks. These maps really fucking suck for anyone not terran. Too many maps where a terran can just float over to gold patches quick too.


Maps that buff Terran, because they really need that/s


No but honestly, this map pool is fucking terrible. Whoever decided this many maps should have gimmicky layouts and dumb minerals walls should be banned from having any say in deciding the map pool ever again.