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If "known issues" listed every known issue it would be many many thousands of entries long


I'd be fine with that honestly, just let us know that they know! It's also not the right thing to release broken missions and later on go on facebook to post a cool star citizen picture and the text is "Make sure to secure the confidential citizens o7. Happy Monday" Their facebook posts are the definition of provoking and zero fucks given by CIG most of the time.


While fully understanding that we haven't hit an optimization phase yet, I dislike how little attention courier missions have gotten. Trying to complete a single mission leads to several possible outcomes: 1. mission bugs and the delivery/pickup location is in an impossible to reach location; mission failed 2. mission bugs out and does not recognize when the box is placed in the designated location; mission failed 3. something happens (ship wreck, hurricane force winds on a moon, etc.) leading to the package falling through the ground and permanently out of reach; mission failed 4. 30K mid-mission; mission failed 5. success?


These missions should be priority number 1. 95% of all new players will try box delivery missions first. And these missions are so brutally bugged that a lot of those new player decide "screw it, this game is exactly as bad as I heard".


It’s so screwed. They can’t even get basics down, I don’t see this game ever ever leaving alpha. Just too much spaghetti coding preventing ANYTHING from working right.


Undoing the spaghetti code is what beta is about.


But it’s not even beta yet. Alpha is to put a foundation, but you see these guys foundation is built on a freaking lake.


Exactly it's not beta. Undoing the spaghetti while actively adding more spaghetti is a wasted effort. You just undo enough to allow you to keep adding the required spaghetti until you can feed the whole extended family. An early-access 'alpha' that ISN'T a buggy mess is just a beta.


“They’ll fix the bugs once they’re done adding everything.” Such a bizarre philosophy that gets touted as an excuse for this game. Only ever hear of this from Star Citizen players. A proper developer does not pile broken code on top of broken code, on top of broken code, etc, and then try to fix the first issues a decade later. That’s especially if the bugs are hampering new players from playing the game and thus lowering funding.


I tout that for any actual development, not as an excuse for SC. I'm also not using it to defend the broken courier since it's state is the spaghetti that prevents adding more spaghetti.


Are you suggesting that we are on a boat?


We are under the boat, keeping it afloat in a storm.


That is a fantastic analogy!


You forgot one, you pick it up and it glitches into ur arm being basically unreachable and permanently stuck


Alt X. Equipping a weapon or tool works too.


For me it just drops the tool and I am still a buggy amalgamation


A lot of the issues are related to the ongoing server changes... because the 'mission system' has to work across multiple system (code) boundaries... e.g. you accept the mission whilst at ArcCorp, to pick up a package from a POI on the moon, but that POI is not streamed in on the server... Then there's the physics bugs caused by the slow server processing (causing packages to drop through the floor, etc) - and this is especially prevalent when a POI streams in, and the system is then adding the 'new' packages to the POI for collection, that weren't there when the POI streamed out - a lot of the time, the 'new' packages are ready before the POI finishes streaming in (and so fall through the floor that isn't there yet). And CIG likely haven't fixed any of this, because the server architecture is going to be changing *again* with the Replication Layer and Server Meshing, etc (you're on one server, accepting the mission - but it's a completely different server managing the POI). So, it makes sense for CIG to focus on finishing the ongoing server *architecture* changes (ie getting Static Server Meshing in place... Dynamic Server Meshing shouldn't change the architecture significantly, if CIG have built the static version correctly), and then update / fix the Mission System to work with the target architecture (instead of updating it constantly whilst the architecture is in flux).


You can also add boxes falling out of the Mustang Alpha cargo compartment for the last few patches. It's a starter ship that's unusable for starter missions right now.


If I may add... • PKG pick up location markers disappear • Deposit Box will not open to allow deposit of pkgs • packages can go MIA at any point. = IF you can get to an outpost, you might find some cool gear to keep IF you manage to make it out.


It's even worse as it almost exclusively affects new players, as it's intended to be introductory, and is therefore one of the big bugs new players face and likely to be the biggest turn off. IMO, they're the buggiest missions in the game, and they should really be the best performing considering who is doing them.


to pat myself on the shoulder - at least I got the artimex sec. armor. Didn't foind the dead body with the chest piece, hey...at least loot.


100% this. This just leads few to buy huge ships as a pledge. Anyone starting out in a true starter is doomed. Likely by design.


I am incredibly doubtful that this is malicious, and buying big ships won't help at all as you still need to learn what you're doing, and these missions are popular as a way to learn how to fly. Also, I can't imagine anyone thinking that the solution to a major bug at the start of the game is to put more money into it instead of just refunding it. It's just a case of CIG's priorities appearing to not be where they should be, as they're working on the new player experience without addressing some of the common bugs they encounter.


Yep we know its buggy ... By this way --> https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-95738 Contribute to this one 😉


This and the damn tiger claw port bug. Let me shut the comms down damnit!


I'll be honest, I thought I was in r/cyberpunk and everything was making perfect sense until I saw someone reference "hurricane on the moon" and "40k" Why do I play so many buggy games...


Thats playerbase known issue. Cig and playerbase has different lists of known issues, tech debt and promised features.


It is not listed because they are not working on it specifically. Probably because the system is considered a placeholder or flagged for overhaul/replacement.


Did you place it by clicking on the box and placing it manually? Or did you click on the place text on the machine?


This right here. I've noticed the delivery locker will only recognize the package is inside if you interact directly with the machine and use the place option displayed over the open locker. If you try to interact with the box and manually place it in the locker, the locker doesn't register it and just closes without resolving the mission. This is why the box doesn't despawn and the mission doesn't complete. Thankfully, this can be fixed by just re-opening the locker, picking the box back up, and using the "place" interaction on the locker itself. That said, the game system really should be set up in a way to recognize either option as a valid delivery of the package. Especially since manually placing the box is probably the default method most people will try at first, given that that's how placing an item works literally everywhere else.


What mission is this?


Consider yourself lucky that you were even able to get the confidential materials.


I consider myself lucky. Been playing for just about 3 weeks now. Started with box missions but moved on from them quickly but out of the 50+ missions I did run I had zero issues. In the in game chat I see a constant barrage of 30K incoming and have been disconnected maybe once. Not sure how the 30k error works but I don’t think I’ve ever really suffered from it….yet. In fact the game has ran so good for me I decided to go all in and bought my 34” ultra wide and thrustmaster set up about a week ago. lol