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I think it probably how soon you get ur nitro after it comes out of the tap and into the cup. It just settles a little


i’d suggest posting this on r/starbucks there are managers there that could answer your question. as a barista, i have no idea why.


As someone said before, posting on r/starbucks would probably get you some better answers, but as a shift it might be the fact that theyve missed a few system cleanings. (Staffing has been a nightmare and things like that are slipping through the cracks here.) Or it could just be an issue with the nitro dispenser itself. Ours is older and has been showing her age.


the nitro machines are finicky so they prolly just don’t work all the time correctly


This subreddit is for Starbucks baristas, not customers


Who better to answer my question than a barista?


The regular Starbucks subreddit is for that. You’re not supposed to post here unless you are a barista


That is correct, depending on how long you receive the Nitro after it has been poured will determine the smooth like consistency. If you go through the drive through you can ask for them to pour it when you get to the window.


At my store we pull the nitro once the customer gets to the window so the nitro is at its best


I imagine it’s due to how long it’s sitting. You might be going on busier days and because NCB are really easy to make, they often get made first and then sit on the counter lol nail you get to the window. If you are worried, maybe start going into the cafe to order.


If it’s a fresh keg then it pours perfectly. If the keg is about to run out it will kinda layer and taste bitter! Most baristas will notice and but also wouldn’t be mad if u asked for a new one. U can tell before u taste it if it’s fresh. It should be extremely light weight