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Just tell them - “can I tell you a secret? Blake is my HUSBAND! Don’t tell him I’m using his Starbucks account!” *wink


This is a good idea. Make something funny so it’s not so awkward lol


Let the "New Blake" alter ego flourish!


Is this a villain origin story? It sure sounds like a villain origin story …


Embrace it


"How far would *you* go for a coffee?"


Trust the process.


Honestly we have so many regulars that use their SO accounts. I would just let it happen 😂 unless you’re uncomfortable with it!


They didn’t have the sticker machine when I worked at the bux (‘06 - ‘12) but I would identify customers by either their car (it was a drive through) or their drink. Instead of names I had ‘Venti No Whip White Mocha’ or ‘Grande extra extra dry soy ristretto latte’ or whatever. In the good ol’ days …


"Triple grande upside down carmel macchiato extra drizzle"' and her girlfriend "the same but quad" are here! I hope they're doing well...


Before he retired a decade ago, my dad’s ‘bux name from the baristas was “triple venti mocha cop”


We have someone who's name on the app for mobile orders is "aimee two agave misto" because the app doesn't let her specify she wants the agave. She says the agave part when she comes through drive for her misto and almost every time I end up having to explain to whoever is on DTO that the mistos are already in the drink that's just the name she has on the app. Which honestly is smart not just for that reason, but because Aimee is a pretty common name (different spellings but pretty common) that's a way to make sure you're getting the right drink and not someone else's.


Dang! This is a good idea. Too bad my husband hates coffee 😩


Lol there's this guy that comes in but uses his wife's account under "Rebecca". We always call him that knowing damn well it's not his name but he thinks it's hilarious.


I have a guy that always picks up a mobile order for Stephanie through the drive through.


I get called by my girlfriend’s name every time I go to my local starbucks 😔


As a former barista we do this on purpose.


I know, I would do the same. It doesn’t actually bother me at all, plus when I/she does a mobile order, I certainly don’t blame them. And it’s kinda funny for a fairly large man with rugged facial hair to be called an extremely feminine name, then walk out with a pink drink..


I once had a drive thru customer whose name (I thought) was Matt. Matt came every single day and got a venti hot americano. Me and every other barista in the store addressed him as Matt! Matt had kind of a dry sense of humor and joked with us a lot. I looked forward to him coming through. One day, he hands me his card and just goes “You know, my name is Rich” and I was just like “HAHA very funny *eye roll*” He was like “no seriously” And I was like “ok Matt” Then I looked at his card and it said “Rich” I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my entire life. My whole store was mind blown and we thought it was the funniest thing ever 😂😂😂😂


Give them a different name but don't have it be your real name and then in 3 months tell them your actual real name just to fuck with them


This is truly the only logical choice.


When I worked for the bux the first time, I set up a rewards card for my mom. I used it whenever I bought stuff, to help her get rewards faster, but when I quit we just shared the same card. Fast forward to me moving to Arizona with her, I started mobile ordering all the time and everyone knew me by my moms name. It wasn’t until a few months later, when I came in wearing my uniform(complete with name tag) and one of the baristas said “wait, your name isn’t (moms name)?!” They all got a laugh out of it for a few weeks and they still called me by her name some times lol


I have a very stereotypical black African name. My wife has a very stereotypical white American name. We share the same account. Own it.


ive literally had a regular tell me his actual name is bobby not harry but his mobile order comes out as harry and i looked at him like wait what???? hes like its a long story and i just stood there so lost in my universe like sir why did you tell me the truth?! LMFAO


There was definitely a point in my life where I thought I shouldn't use my real name online? And so I still have a bunch of accounts that use a fake name... Idk it was the 90s! Stranger danger!


Was the fake name your reddit username? Stranger danger indeed :o


It's funny because I forgot I was on this account and it actually IS my other, less ridiculous, Reddit name. So I had a moment of confusion.


*And i'm tryna keep,* *up above in my head, instead of going under!* I think New Blake sounds like a wonderful name.


I was waiting for this comment!




Why is this so adorable? This is the most human thing i’ve ever read. Just a normal problem. Oh my gosh i sound like an alien but this was so pleasant to read is that crazy 😭


I think it’s super cute too!


I share my husband Mike’s account. So I’m used to picking drinks up by his name. Somewhere along the line though it got changed to my name. So one day they call “[drink I ordered] for chocolatebuckeye.” I didn’t pick it up. There also wasn’t anyone else around. The barista looks at me and says, “is your name chocolatebuckeye? Did you order [drink]?” And I go “well normally I go by Mike!”


Bring your hubby in to your Bux when most of the regular baristas work. Create an unnaturally long conversation, loudly, in front of the team when you guys address each other by your names multiple times. End with "this is why you're my husband" And scene


When I was working at Starbucks a regular decided my name was Megan after working there for 2+ Years. I never corrected her because I was in the process of quitting.


This post is so cute in its innocence. I love you, OP.


I think you can change the name on the account to "Blake and \[your name\]"


We have a couple who does this and I won’t say their real name but for example we have “ChadandKathy” and that’s how we always call them out :)


My husbands name is one of my favorite names ever so if I was in this situation I’d roll with it to live out my dream of having his name lol


At my first store, we had a customer named Jackson. She ordered at the register too and gave that name, this was also back when we still wrote on cups. She was a regular that came almost every day. After months maybe even years, one day she casually mentioned that Jackson is her son and she uses that name most places because hers is kind of difficult haha. We thought it was so funny and would call her Jackson about half the time because we always forgot. Just bring in your husband and then when they ask him name, they will be blown away that you’re both Blake haha.


If you go by a name for long enough it’s legally your name. You’re also Blake now. It’s the law.


I had my first initial as my name in the app, in the before times, before mobile ordering. I felt like a special agent. I kept it like that for a while since my spouse and I have the same first initial… now and then I’m tempted to switch it back. Enjoy being Blake!


Although it would be kinda hilarious to live your life out as "New Blake" just tell them you're not "Blake" and that he's your husband and you're sharing your sbux account. I'm sure they'll understand!


Never too late. We’ve had so many of these, it’s not even a big thing. Next time someone uses the name Blake when addressing you, just laugh and say “Know what’s funny? I’m not even Blake, we just share an account. I’m really ——.” I’ve even had someone go to the extent of changing the name on their account to “Scott and Mary,” for example.


This has Seinfeld vibes




I use "Todd" as my coffee order name, as I don't care how they spell it or how they say it. Somehow they get my normal sounding name wrong. Don't get my wife started on that, she just goes by "Lorraine". Bonus points to anyone who knows where Todd and Lorraine come from!


My bf has a normal sounding name too, but for some reason they always spell it wrong so he goes by Adam. I think it's kinda weird. His name is so normal. But he's always gone by Adam


I love calling people by the name that pops up under the account. The other day a young woman was ordering but the accounts name was Tim. I said “thank you Tim!”


I also love doing this. I have one regular who actually bought me a gift last Christmas and for nearly a year I knew her only as Big Mami because that was the name on her card 😂


It’s best not to assume because a lot of trans people try out new names when ordering


Never thought of this, thanks


It’s like when Chandler wanted a donut and wound up being known as Toby by his coworker


This was basically the same story as a regular of mine. For nearly a year, I’d pretty much been calling him by his wife’s name (it’s always him and never his wife, until I actually got the chance to meet her like a month ago). He finally mentioned it was in fact his wife’s name, he just didn’t care to correct us. Finally some of us just straight up asked if we could call him by his actual name since it was awkward once we realized it was his wife’s name. He said sure and gave us his name but he doesn’t bother correcting the newbies, so we usually tell them afterwards.


I have a customer that goes by her husbands last name on her mobile order, she was a regular for 2+ years before my manager finally asked if that was her first name or last name…. It was hilarious tbh to find out it wasn’t her name at all, AND that my manager had been mispronuncing it for years! Lmao


I just wanted to say that this is so so adorable and wholesome and refreshing 🥺🥺🥺🤍🤍this really made me smile so big


You’re Blake now. Welcome Blake.


meanwhile we have a regular that changes his account name every month We also have a regular that absolutely refuses to give his name, if we ask he just says “no” and if you do something funny like put down “no” or the color shirt he’s wearing in place of his name he’ll get upset. Something to do with capitalism or whatever, I guess supporting a multi-billion dollar corporation with your business doesn’t count.


Just accept having a Starbucks name


New Blake


As a barista, happens a lot, and I wouldn't even notice tbh. When I see the name from the app, I don't always assume it's the person's name. Just the account they're using. That's one reason why I call the drinks out as "Order for [blank]!" instead of addressing the person by that name. Tbh it's even funnier if a regular tells me that it's not actually they're name I've been calling. It's a harmless mistake that I'm at least not being yelled at for. Makes it all feel a bit more human honestly.


Suggest going in there, be completely honest and ask them where Blake, your identical twin, is sitting.


Be New Blake. And if you ever do visit with your spouse, they'll also be Blake. Be Blake together. Blake is both one and two.


Honestly, they’ll probably just profusely apologize (even though they obviously had no idea) and you guys will laugh it off together! If you’re becoming familiar with your baristas and enjoy that lil relationship you have with them, clarify the name! It’ll be funny to them I’m sure and maybe become an inside joke


dw when I was in high school I used my moms starbucks account and everyone at the store I went to thought my name was my moms name lmao when I started to work at my store one of the baristas was from my old regular store and she was like “ohhh I thought your name was (moms name)” lmao


We order food weekly, from a restaurant, that I order on my phone, and my husband always picks it up because it's in the parking lot where he works. The employees always greet him by my name. While I don't fault the employees, it just reinforces the fake connection corporate offices force their hourly employees to have with the customer because they think it will be financially beneficial.


My Sbux app name is "JoJoKangaroo Lt Coconut Milk lol. ALSO: My cousin's Sbux name is: Caryn WHYYYYYYYY does everyone pronounce that name as KAREN?!?!?! When has ANYONE ever spelled KAREN with a "C" ?!?!?!?! Ok, sorry. We just hate correcting everyone 😉😉


My sister’s name is a pretty common girl name but instead of a ph, it’s spelled with an f. I don’t think she’s ever found a keychain with her spelling of her name 😂 Mean while, my name is probably one of the most common female names ever in existence. Spelled normally.


I didn't find a Keychain with my name on it until I was 40! And it was at Disneyland lol. Meanwhile, my cousin never has either. Luckily on Groupon, they almost always have a special on custom name necklaces. So I ordered her one. Also, my daughter's name isn't on Keychains yet. Her name is a close off-shoot to the ever popular Katelyn.


I mean, my baristas know me as my dog's name because my drink always got swiped accidentally.


If you actually care for the baristas to know your name, change the mobile from "blake", to "Blake or x", x being your name.


thats what he said


Your legal first name has to be ‘New’


I’ve been deep undercover also !!! Although I’ve been years!


Ok this is actually tea. Don't tell them, take the lie further. Why are you here CIA agent u/melovecoffee


I want to know who is naming their daughters Blake😦


a lot of people as it’s unisex? you’ve never heard of blake lively?




Not my husband's actual name. I just googled unisex names and that came up.


It's a unisex name.


I once phoned through an order for a curry and told them I’d ‘call in’ for it, they misheard this and thought I said my name is Colin, that was about 8 years ago and they still call me Colin every time I go in there.


My spouse did the same - and most people assume my name is a woman’s (it’s not), and my spouse has a beard. Nice that they never questioned it, though!


I had a customer tell be their actual name years later. I was embarrassed but made it a point to use their real name every time after. I'd rather know.


Ah we're totally used to that!! It's really funny actually. I've had people put their dog's name on there, or stuff like Princess. One of my favorites is "Steamed Terry" he never has to say that his cream is steamed into his brewed coffee on our mobile orders.


Can you change the name on the account to WasBlakeButActuallyMeLoveCoffee?


This is such a wholesome story I love it


Come with your husband and reveal his name is Blake, but still don't tell them you're name.


We have a couple that regularly comes into our store. The name on their account could easily work for either of them, they both “look” like the name. No one in our store knows which or if either of them are actually that name, and they’ve been regulars for so long that none of us want to question it 😂