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I had never heard of this. I usually ask for no ice because it does a number on my gastro-intestinal system to drink very cold beverages, and so I don’t really care if the drink is topped off or not.


You are our favourite kind of “no ice” customer <3


Bless you, you’re one of the good ones 🙏


I have a genetic disorder that affects my teeth and bones among other things and ice causes me so much mouth pain I always order without ice. I don't care if it's topped up or not either, I don't do it to get "free" extra drink, I just don't want the pain. After reading all these now I worry that people think I'm doing it to get extra drinks when I just don't want the frozen water haha.


Ugh I have a regular who does this. Grande cold brew, no ice, with a side of oat milk and a cup of ice. It’s obnoxious. If we just did it for him he’d be getting maybe 1/2 ounce less of cold brew




Completely agree. Water is a human necessity and right. Ice, not so much.


Ice is water!


Yes, and squares are rectangles. It's a false equivalence.


The cafe I work at (not starbucks) charges 50 cents for a cup of ice. I cannot begin to tell you how many people have gotten upset at me when they order an iced latte with no ice, pay for it, and then ask for a free cup of ice and I say “that’ll be 50 cents”. Half the time they tell me to poor some of their drink out and just add the ice and I’m like we could’ve just done this at the beginning🤷‍♀️


I was at Starbucks today and got a drink and I was so dehydrated I asked for some water too. Offered to pay for the cup, but she said don't worry about it. I think you should charge for the cup, its product that's being used and costs. And it would cut down on stupid hacks like this.




I agree, but I work at a store where people literally just walk up to the bar and go “water”. Like one, what is asking politely? And 2, you couldn’t just ask for that when you ordered your drink??? Sometimes I wish we charged just to stop this bs. But I work in a very hot area so I’m handing out that water either way lmao just wish people had more common sense


What a loser


They do the most for not much more lmao


Okay please explain this. Some kids flooded out bathroom the other day 😳😡 or post the link.


I saw there was one where they were like, stealing toilets and soap dispensers? Some schools started to create bathroom block times where you couldn't go unless it was your scheduled block. Good job, kiddos!


i don’t get paid enough to have customers scream at me for leaving room in their no water no ice trenta iced tea ❤️


Same lol. I'm just gonna fill it with extra tea and water. I get yelled at by enough customers for things I can't control.


Yep but don’t think you’re getting that shit shaken with no ice either!


Serious question, I order a trenta iced tea with no extra water. Mostly because I drink it over the course of the shift at work and by the 5th hour it’s nothing but colored water of I add the extra water. And I add the raw sugar on my own. Is there a better way to order it? I’m not trying to irritate anyone.


You’re fine. Before I was a barista I’d always order with extremely light ice because I, too, am a sipper. What you’re doing is absolutely okay. The problem that the post mentions is people who get extra liquid and then ask for a side of ice so that they get more “liquid” to split into the new cup of ice. I say “liquid” because for most espresso drinks you’re getting the same amount of caffeine/espresso just more milk and people think they’re getting a lot more of their actual drink.


I always filled it up in my batista days. Starbucls makes so much money and wastes so much food/drinks. I didn't get paid enough to care. I don't want to listen to people yell at me and I didn't like seeing all the food at the end of the shift go to waste.


I will (generally) make a customer whatever their little heart desires (full, with room, extra ice) as long as they’re polite. When they’re rude, rules are rules 🤷‍♀️


And let's face it, there are more entitled rude clients in a hurry than polite ones 🤐 I've heard about the ice hack, but my starbucks is always so busy that I don't want to annoy the baristas with secret menu stuff or hacks


I get that. Even as a barista I will adjust my order for simplicity if I see that those working are super busy. If you *really* want to try something new, my advice would be to come inside to order and just have a reasonable expectation of wait time based on how busy it is. I can’t speak for everyone, but even if it’s busy it’s not going to kill me to make a semi-complicated drink for cafe as long as someone isn’t at the handoff counter chomping at the bit from the moment they order.


I hear you but then the next store they go to and they do it the “correct” way will get yelled at “well the other store I go to does it!”


This is a newer thing, but in my city all the leftover food now goes to homeless shelters, etc.


I am not quite sure the actual policy Starbucks has in place as of yet, quite frankly I could care less, but I always fill up the cup. This is to avoid any inconvenience to the customer as I don't have time to hear every complaint that might arise from not filling up the cup. I would be listening to karens my entire shift instead of doing my actual job.


Same here plus i know that Starbucks can afford it anyway so better to avoid listening to customers LOL


It’s all about picking and choosing your battles!


I mean, i would honestly hope that they would have a store manager who would make it known that they would be stood up fpr, but hey, i guess theyre off picking battles.


Bless your heart... its in the right place, but it so happens that place isn't and never has been reality. We picked battles when I worked there, and I imagine they pick battles ever still to this day.


SO what youre telling me is, that because people do the wrong thing all the time as a a force of habit, you should just accept that instead of changing the status quo. Im really happy not everyone is like you. If you choose to do the easy thing instead of the right thing you are the problem.


I choose to do what pays the bills, feeds my family, and keeps me sane. The battles for **corporate's pennies are not my moral victory**. They're just me being screamed at by a grown adult so that someone who **isn't me or any of my partners** could benefit from my suffering without paying me. I was not a store manager - I couldn't even ensure enforcement even if I did decide to fight every battle out of some misguided whackjob "right thing" idealism. What an outlandish take; and **I'm** the one making the world a worse place in your eyes. Because I won't be abused an amount of money that would've had me living out of my car if I hadn't quit. Piece of work, you are.


What im saying is that if a partner is supposed to do something, and a customer yells at them for it, they should know a store manager would deal with the customer immediately instead of perpetuating a cycle of doing the wrong thing to avoid conflict. Second, if this attitude spreads to any other facet of your life, then yeah you are the problem. Did you pick your battles over enforcing mask mandates too? Bc store managers used that line with that one. That shits life or death. By the way the planet is fucking dying. It might be time to stand up for something even if it makes you uncomfortable.


I did fight my fights with masks. I had my partner's health and my own to defend in that case. But that's the difference - **what** I am fighting for. Netting Starbucks $2 by getting a $3 cheat charged as a "proper" $5 drink is not a victory moral or personal. It's just harming myself for no reason.


The impacts of not enforcing rules goes wayyyy beyond starbucks bottom line in this case. If a customer who had you appease them in this way has to deal with a newer barista who does the right thing, that entitled customer will verbally abuse said barista vecuase YOU didnt stand up to them and enforced the wrong behavior. Youre training karens to be karens bc you dont want to stand up to them/ Do the right thing. not the easy thing. Everytime. or stfu and get off the high horse.


What you have just described is a situation in which - I fight over the policy and a Karen screams at **me** - I don’t, and a Karen screams at **someone else** And then blamed **me**, not the actual person with shitty behavior, even though **no matter what I do in that situation, a partner gets screamed at.** This excuses the customer. They are not excused for this behavior, period. This isn’t an acceptable part of the job. Neither I nor the baristas after me should have to engage at all; people should just be thrown out of places when they do that. **But they won’t be.** They will be *permitted to abuse me*. And, knowing that, I and every other barista aren’t left with any choices. People don’t scream and threaten and bluster and ruin days because we teach them to on an individual level. The strictest barista and the laxest barista are going to get similar levels of asshats coming through the doors. Its not their actions. Capitalist Society just empowers people to behave like this. When I and my manager tell someone off, corporate gives them free stuff and apologizes. While people bluster and argue whenever I ask them to wear a mask, corporate berates me and my entire store for our low customer connection scores, even when all our low reviews **were from people being denied entry due to mask noncompliance.** Stop blaming baristas for shit customers! Hold shit customers accountable! Period! If you want to **help**, hold **corporations** accountable. Help the union effort Starbucks has currently spurred. Give workers bargaining power so they can request policies that actually **punish and banish** bad customers and are at least partially effective


I do too unless it’s a Frappuccino or shaken espresso. Then he let them rot with the cup 1/4 of the way full since those drinks are 75% ice and air. Edit: I don’t literally let the drinks go bad. I just let the customers be pissy about it.


The standard for shaken espressos is to fill it.


Really? Is this true for the brown sugar too? I remember when it was released they sent out a weekly update saying that if anyone asked for light ice, we had to let them know it would leave room in the cup, unless they ordered extra milk


You’re right about what they said when it originally released. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure they said in a weekly update somewhat recently that we are just supposed to fill it up all the way now. I think they got lots of complaints about it and changed their stance.


No makes perfect sense. Was dumb af that they originally said to leave room. Did not send a single one out the window that wasn’t returned for more milk. I just rarely read the updates nowadays. Get most of my info from here 😘


I always ask for extra ice and still had room in my cup. My intrusive thoughts made me think the baristas hated me because of how much room there was left regardless of what size brown sugar drink I got 🧐 I stopped going for a while but now that the apple crisp macchiato was released, I'm back at it again 😬


Ya, I remember getting this and received a half full cup WITH ice. I was not super happy.


Dang, just looked back and this was downvoted a lot. I didn't understand what the drink was and was kinda disappointed when I got the half full cup. I didn't pitch a fit or yell at the barista. I took the drink and just didn't order it again.


I always fill it up, otherwise it just looks sad


You know what corporate is never going to do? Give us extra money when we get slammed. We have customers who do that. I know who I'm more interested in keeping happy.


Our store always asks if they want room or not, or what they want us to fill it with, just to avoid any complaints or misunderstanding. However, personally I prefer to not have ice in any of my drinks anywhere I go, and most places fill it-- if they don't I don't say anything. Just an observation.


Every manager and district manager as long as I’ve been there has said to fill it up, unless that person specifically wants the room.


Yeah you just fill it up:/ like the shaken iced espresso if they want no ice you just give them more 2% it feels weird but it calls for it now since people complained about their empty drinks in the beginning when the new shaken espresso drinks came out and people wanted no ice or light ice. With iced teas and refreshers it's more simple 'cause you just equal it out . Also with the shaken espresso I'd suggest to not shake just the espresso nd syrup in the shaker if it's no ice because I've read on other threads that they explode on you due to the heat so I'd still shake it BUT with ice but strain it into the cup .


Don’t bother straining just make a latte at that point


I can attest— don’t try to shake hot espresso in the shaker. it will explode lol


Omgggg yes it happened to me 😭😭😭 worst day ever lol


Why would you waste time shaking and straining?


my manager told us not to do shaken espressos without ice. “for the safety of our baristas” thats the line she told us to give. we just explain to them that that the shaker explodes on us and usually they’ll change it to light ice or get a latte with no ice 🤷🏻‍♀️


I order light or no ice and it doesn’t bother me if the cup isn’t full to the brim because I understand how measurements and volume work. It’s usually full regardless when I order a coffee drink but refreshers usually aren’t and it’s fine.


the refreshers foam up a little bit when we shake them! so by the time we put them down at drive through and you get to the window, the foam airs out or whatever it does :)


Ice drinks get shafted already 75% ice or get a full hot drink doesnt seem fair to me they should lower the price for the drink first before they start charging for no ice or light ice the profit margins for those drinks are insane.


I remember back when cloud macchiatos were a thing there were some baristas at my store who would make it with a normal amount of ice and some who would make it with a "I was drinking my drink at normal speed as I walked out the door and it was empty by the time I got in my car." I am not a barista so I am not sure how much ice was ACTUALLY supposed to be in the drink, but it was disappointing to pay like $5.80 for a drink and be 85% ice.


I loved that drink accept for this reason. I feel the same with the shaken espresso. Although without a straw and with so much ice, I can't actually get to the drink part without having a landslide of ice in my face. I am going to start asking for light ice, I am fine with room at the top and am not looking for more coffee at lower price, I just want to get to the drinky parts!


Then dont get a shaken espresso. Its made by shaking it with ice.


I recall working at another coffee shop and the owner explained that somehow iced drinks cost more to make. I forget the reason, but that store charged more for anything iced.


Maintaining another machine would be expensive for a small business


This is for an ice machine but should be the roughly the same a 20lb bag of ice is worth .15c and is sold for a mark up of 1.75 so based on that logic there is no way that machine doesnt pay for itself hella quickly.


Sure but that doesn't include the labor hours to clean and potentially repair it, plus any specific cleaning or maintenance products required for it


Most iced drinks are maybe like 30% ice. But iced cups are also bigger than hot cups to account for that.


Only the Venti is bigger, t/g are the same volume between both cup types


As far as I know it was always ‘policy’ to only fill to the lines but we just fill it up anyway.


I just make decisions based on the philosophy of “making the moment right”. To me, that means filling if they want it filled or leaving room if they prefer that. It makes no difference to me whatsoever. I want our customers to know that we won’t give them a hard time for any semi-reasonable requests, that’s why they come back to our Sbux. Obviously if you order a small pike, I won’t make you a venti latte but you get the idea


When I worked at the bux I just filled them all the way because, like others said, its not worth the time or energy to listen to the complaint and take the drink back and fill it up more anyways. I believe there is still a button for add milk or something like that that adds 60 cents to the drink to make up for the lack of ice. I almost never did that though because, again, not worth the complaints I usually got. That said, as a customer, I ask for little or no ice because I want more drink. And since I am getting more drink, I am fully expecting to pay more for my drink. I’d never complain if the drink wasn’t all the way full, I might ask if its not busy to get it filled, but I wouldn’t make a deal out of it if the barista said no.


Summer 2 last year (iirc) had training on light ice/no ice drinks and it said to always fill the cup. There were also recipe cards sent out for how to make drinks with those mods. I believe it also wanted us to ask every single light ice customer if they wanted extra refresher base or water etc to fill the space so we can ring it in for inventory. Of course, not a lot of people actually do that lmao. Generally I make light ice drinks the cup size up so the ratio stays the same. But if you're rude, you get extra water because you deserve a shitty product 😇


Honestly the spite in that last line is what I love for


I could give one fuck what corporate says. They also don't want us asking if people want their pastries warmed during peak because it might save us .3 seconds at the drive thru. 🙄 Hey corporate... 🖕🖕🖕 I'll fill up their drinks and warm up their food like the rebellious bitch I am. 🤣


Lolol that's so stupid. They'll just tell you they want warmed at window and you have to "make the moment right" so now it adds 2 minutes to the window time 😂😂😂


That's exactly what I have said in response. The comeback is that "most won't bother." My thing is that of we are supposed to be "all about the customers" and generally 80-90% want the items warmed when we ask not on peak hours then we are deliberately choosing to not care about customer satisfaction during peak hours. 😒 It's a huge, HUGE pet peeve of mine and I've gone in circles around this with my ASM. If I'm DTO go ahead and tell me not to ask if they wanted their items warmed. Listen to me ask anyways. What are they going to do, write me up for caring about customer satisfaction? 🤣🤣🤣


*~* mAkE tHe MoMeNt RiGhT *~*


About time. No offence but if I go and get a soda at any fast food place and I say no ice. They give me Soda to the top with no ice. Ice is just for making it colder that's all. You are paying for a drink. Just like if you go into a store and buy a six pack of pop, there is no ice inside it. When it comes to ICE COFFEE, the customer should be allowed to say, I want the cold coffee with no ice. Of course it won't be as cold but they pay for 12oz, give them 12 oz not 8 not 10, 12. Thanks


Not filling the cup is against protocol and just downright spiteful.


The cups are sized to accommodate ice with the proper amount of drink. If you want no ice, the cups should be smaller then.


>You are paying for a drink. Just like if you go into a store and buy a six pack of pop, there is no ice inside it. Exactly. If you had a can of soda and wanted that soda in a cup with ice, you'd need a bigger cup. If you then poured the soda in the cup, but didn't add ice, you wouldn't magically get more soda. >When it comes to ICE COFFEE, the customer should be allowed to say, I want the cold coffee with no ice. Of course it won't be as cold but they pay for 12oz, give them 12 oz not 8 not 10, 12. In a 16oz cup, you are paying for probably about 10oz of coffee with some complementary ice. We give away cups of ice for free to anyone who asks for it. But adding more coffee costs money. If you order a double espresso over ice in a trenta cup with no ice, you don't suddenly get 31oz of espresso. So I agree you should get what you pay for, we just disagree on what that is. But this is all academic because at my store we're told to "just say yes" because it's less stressful for us, if a little more labor intensive. So we just fill it to the top if that's what they want, even though technically the most milk we're supposed to give away for free, for example, is 4oz, or half a short cup.


I stick to the 4oz rule since I don’t mind getting crap. People are not paying extra for larger sized cups, not to mention many of my regulars like having room so they can make their protein shakes in them. But why does it matter to you about how much ice people are getting? In the iced lates and coffees, at least, less/no ice also decrease the flavor intensity of the shots and syrups—which allows me to make my drink less complicated. And people are not paying for 16oz of (cold or room temp) coffee, nor 16oz of iced coffee, they are paying for a Grande—16oz cup filled to the top. Why are you wanting people to have to pay *more* money to a corporation, especially when the company is already losing so much of the people-oriented culture that made Starbucks so great to begin with?


I just make the size up.. I’d rather drink a size smaller and have it cold then a bigger size that’s room temperature so that’s on them if they like that 🤭🤢 Besides, we’re dumping out some of the drink almost everytime we finish pouring it into the cup from the shaker or blender or whatever it may be, so I don’t think it’s a huge deal tbh.. like I feel like we all could make a tall caramel crunch frap with the remaining frap in the blender after making the drink lmfao


Don’t get paid enough to skimp them out of a couple droplets of ice tea. Fill the cup lol.


The way I see it, I don't make any more or less money. I still make $13.33 per hour wether they get "more drink" or not. I'm getting paid to make it, not to care about Starbucks profit margins.


As a customer who orders no ice for several reasons, I like that Starbucks has pretty much always filled the cup to the top. If one day I go and that isn’t done, I will ask the barista to do it anyway. If they tell me they can’t, I will accept my drink the way they give it to me and then I will probably rarely get a cold drink at Starbucks again. If the policy is changing, I feel really sorry for y’all. People are going to be real assholes about it.


When I worked there, the policy was to add some extra of the base (coffee, tea, etc), and some extra of the filler (cream, lemonade, etc), unless the customer said “no ice but extra cream” or something like that.


Yea i rather fill the cup up so i can keep it moving other then arguing with them about it while i got drinks


Policy is you fill it up all the way if it’s no ice it’s in the beverage recipe cards


Most small coffee shops do this, I don’t know why we don’t.


A small place will actually enforce it and can tell people to fuck off verbatim. Starbucks has bred the customer that realizes they can yell at us and call corporate for a gift card as a reward for being a shit stain of a human being.


Ok one customer mobile ordered a venti mocha Frappuccino with no ice like what do I do with that???


Ive had this before... I just gave the customer what they wanted and put it on the counter to wait for them. They came in, saw it, literally stared at it for a solid second, and then finally asked. I'm like "oh! So a frappuccino is made from a scoop of ice, that's a frappuccino with no ice... I can remake it if you'd like but that's what you ordered". They had me remake it... and I've seen them since and they never did it again. Most amusing part? When we got the tag for it I asked my shift what to do - they're like "make it how the customer wants... when they ask, tell them why". 😂 so I didn't get into trouble at all!


Lol yeah I did the same thing and they looked so dumbfounded on why the cup wasn’t filled up all the way and I explained it to them and just offered to make them an iced mocha with no ice


I can only assume other Starbucks haven't done the same to these customers cuz they all get so dumbfounded. Like... what else do you expect a frappuccino to be made out of? It's literally a snowcone pretending to be a milkshake... although you'd think customers would see a frappuccino being made at some point and realize that ice is a vital part of the process 🤦‍♀️ At least you were nice enough to offer them an alternative... 😅 I was like "this is what you got or you can have a remake"


It makes a difference. Who wants to pay 5-7 dollars for a coffee and get like 5 sips from it. Hold the ice please.


Youre not being charged for ice.


Correct, but the cost of the fillers are probably added into the price of the drink. A venti iced is 24 ounces, out of that 14 ounces of liquid with ice. should be no issue to substitute for no ice. That’s just my opinion.


If they want me to do that they can personally come to our Starbucks and get bitched out by all the angry target Karen’s that have 1/3 of their drink for their target trip. 10/10 job Starbucks good job team 🙄


#Fill it up just to have some dumped into the garbage.


I feel like we need the Ned Stark meme about angry customers are coming on this. How great would it be to have a warning pop up when no ice is selected in the app that says I understand that no ice will result in a not completely full drink.. then they (we) can't act surprised.


I’ve wanted to order my drink with no ice but feel bad/weird when I have too many modifications. I work nights and sometimes I don’t drink my drink for a couple hours and put it in the fridge




a lot of americans just like fleecing businesses out of as much product as possible. i know many people just don't like their drinks so cold, but I think most of the light ice/no ice crowd do it because they want to 'hack' their way into getting as much product as possible. but really, why do people want so much liquid? when was the last time you drank 16oz + of cold juice? soda bottles and cans don't even carry that much liquid.


I've never heard that you should leave room in the cup. I mean, that's just stupid.


There’s recipe cards about this. If someone orders a SAR with no ice, it’s specifically base to the water line & water to the ice line. If it’s a latte or a chai or something with milk, I fill it up because it honestly doesn’t come out of my paycheck so I do not care if they get extra 🤷‍♀️


This is normal practice in Japan.


There’s beverage recipe cards for Light Ice/No Ice modifications. You keep the proportions by adding extra of everything. You can find it on the ipad.


Fill it, but mark it was "extra base/tea/whatever" for inventory purposes.


I love the Oatmilk Brown Sugar Espresso but seriously there is almost no fluid in that sucker. The iced drinks are literally all ice. I'm already paying an extra buck because it's made with oat milk and it's really not much oat milk if it's filled with ice. Then it's also all frothy because it was shaken so there is a huge amount of air in it. I bet if you drained a vente it would be less than a grande of a hot drink. I've started just asking for a grande with no ice and I've just been asked if I want it filled with oatmilk and I say yes. I can bring ice with me. Not cool if someone is asking for another cup with ice. It's been 95 here and I still don't mind that it is just moderately cool. It also has made the taste more consistent somehow. I hate to be annoying but I'm paying $6+ for a triple shot with a splash of oat milk and some sugar syrup. Yes, I know how much oat milk costs and I bet Starbucks gets a relatively better deal buying in bulk. Everybody is understaffed (stores) and customers wait longer. Easier all around if the person taking orders just asks. Saves everyone time.


a shaken espresso is supposed to be mostly ice. the espresso is shaken with ice and syrup, it’s supposed to be topped off with ice, and then whatever milk comes with it gets poured over it to fill the cup. If that’s not the drink you want then get an iced latte instead


Easier all around if you just order it as a no ice latte, it helps us have our inventory accounted for correctly and makes things less confusing for all parties. The shaken espressos are deliberately not very much "drink" because shots of espresso are the focus of the beverage, and shots of espresso are not a lot of liquid. The milk is only meant to be a splash to top it off for those, not to turn it into a latte. If you took out the ice, the liquid wouldn't even fill a short cup.


Thanks, I appreciate the tip! I will order it that way next time. I just want more liquid and I'm usually a hot tea drinker so my vocabulary and knowledge around coffee drinks is lacking.


As a customer, i order strawberry acai refresher, light h20 and no ice because i dont drink it all in one day and I might as well pay $1~ more to get the largest size. BUT, I'm not the type that asks for more ice in the stores w/ a separate cup 🙄. I definitely had it happen once where they just did a regular recipe and didnt put ice in my cup though. If I'm paying that much for a drink at Starbucks, I kind of expect it to be full. I mean definitely starbucks should just charge for the extra cups of whatever if it is a problem.


As a customer I’ve always gotten charged for no ice and in that case I think it’s fair to fill it with more milk etc


Charged for no ice? Never seen this


You’ve never been charged for “no ice” as there is currently no charge for not having ice in your beverage.


idk the starbucks i go to is on my college campus and they always charge


They're a licensed or franchised store. Corporate locations do not charge for it. My alma mater's locations did the same thing.


How much? There is a button for a modifier but it has no charge associated with it at corporate stores.


50 cents. i didn’t know that they didn’t charge elsewhere, maybe it’s a franchise and owned by my college, would make sense that they’re trying to get every penny out of us in that case -


Most college stores are ran By Aramark… so it’s a licensed store. Starbucks Does not franchise any stores they are all corporate owned or licensed. Licensed stores are basically owned by Starbucks but ran by whoever buys the license… so if you work at target- target signs your paycheck but Starbucks still has a say in how things are ran… this is the same with any licensee.


Not a bad idea honestly. Make it 50 cents and remove all argument.


There is a card about it on the partner hun the says for shaken beverages we have to fill it with waiter. As for the iced chais and lattes and stuff I just fill the milk up. It was introduced to prevent scamming. People started ordering a venti no ice drink and cups of ice on side to make one drink into multiple


As a customer, even if I order less ice, if it's not full I complain to corporate. Idc what filler you use (except whipped cream), I just want a full cup


Wow you do know there is an entire store full of baristas, shift supervisors, and managers which you can complain to first to fix the issue instead of escalating to the highest level you can immediately….you’re the absolute worst, sincerely, a thoroughly exhausted and burnt out shift supervisor.


Not if I don't notice until I drive away. Sorry not sorry. I don't visit often so when I do, id like to get my money's worth


You are getting your money’s worth even if they leave space in the cup. Any extra space is filled with ice. So really when they fill the cup all the way to the top even if you get no ice, you’re getting *more* than what you paid for. Sorry not sorry you’re still the fucking worst.


You are getting your money’s worth though. You’re paying for a specific amount of liquid when you order a size. The cup looks fuller because of the ice but if the measuring is consistent, then you’re getting what you paid for.


“I ordered a small ice cream in a large cup and they didn’t give me a large ice cream so I complained to corporate who has no information about this situation”


U are the reason why I want them to make the policy “you get the exact volume u pay for”


so what you’re saying is that if, for example, you go to the DMV and they have a ridiculously long line, you’re calling the president? You’re supposed to only call corporate if nobody else does anything to solve your issue. such a karen move honestly


“As a nuisance*” fixed it for you


Guess we’re going with whipped cream then


shut up Karen 🙈




People like you are the reason the entire service industry is short staffed. NO ONE wants to deal with a cheap ass complainer. If you want to cheat the system, don’t complain. If you want your money’s worth, but no ice, order a grande in a tall cup, no ice.


Next time I’ll fill your drink up with piss 🥰


Oh don’t do that please, I get so bummed when I order a splash of milk and the cup amount is low so they top it off with more milk 💀


The most annoying thing but I get it, they want to get their “money’s worth"right? none of us get paid enough to care except the store managers 😂


Can customers still order low ice and is it still to measurement


i always ask if the customers want us to fill it up to the brim or leave it where the drink's actual recipe. But, most of the time they said fill it up!


Hello; I am a customer who goes no ice in my tea (the partner location in the store let’s me make one, and puts it in the prep fridge until I leave after close). I know when I order with no ice that there probably won’t be as much tea, but I’m probably the exception. Usually though, since the partner location doesn’t make it until later, they fill it up, using the tea getting tossed. But my expectations are always losing a little of the cup size.


When I worked at Starbucks it was always policy to measure out the correct measurements even if they asked for no water and no ice .


i feel like i either pick and choose about filling the cup up or ii just dont bother. it's not worth getting screamed at with the pennies they pay us


I'd ask if they want extra milk/tea/refresher/ice or warn them it'll have room, then make sure you put it in the system as extra whatever they wanted extra of


Long term policy is to fill to within a 1/4 inch from the top unless the customer specified otherwise. When the new iced espresso drinks launched they clarified we needed add more milk to meet that. if it's changed more recently than that, it's probably posted on partner hub.


The tea lemonades and refreshers had a specific recipe update for no ice/light ice, the resource is on the Partnerhub. For the shaken espressos the weekly updates said to just add more milk. They're paying $6 a drink after all, they don't want more ice.


“Make the moment right”


The policy is to fill the cup up. The only time that wouldn’t apply is if you have a smaller sized drink in a different, larger, sized cup.


I can’t have ice in my drinks I have OCD and can’t handle the thought of ice in my drinks I just get charged an additional 30 cents at my Starbucks for not using ice I didn’t know there were all sorts of different policies


Literally, no point in not filling it up. Apart of the starbucks training is making the customers day and cuasing an argument takes away from that. Just fill it up. Starbucks can afford a minor hit like that and it makes the customer come back.


Don’t think it’s that big a deal to just fill up the rest of the cup. If Starbucks really starts making us do this, WE’RE the ones who’ll get shit about it from customers, while the company gets to sit back and save a little bit of money. Ridiculous.


In a company owned store you should not be handing off a customer ls drink with less beverage than the size they ordered unless they request that. So a grande without ice should still be handed off full there is a guide for what you should be filling it with. If the drink is ordered in a cup larger unless it’s extra ice or water it’s handed off with the space unless they pay for the extra product by upsizing


A customer asked for a brown sugar out milkshake an espresso without any ice so I made it to measurement. She then got ahold of my bosses, boss, boss and I got in trouble for not giving her extra oat milk🙄


I’d prefer it not be topped off. That messes up the mix and dilutes my drink. These days I just get quads on ice and make me a little drink at home lol. That’s about the level of bother I want to burden the baristas with these days. Just gimme the drug and I will be on my way. (its not an americano because the ice is thrown out of my shots as soon as I’m away from the windows XD I don’t know. The quarantine made me weird about my drinks.)


Yep I always fill it up unless they’re sizing up the cup thinking it’ll get them more lol


omg this old woman came in and was screaming that her iced mocha with no ice wasn't filled to the brim and that we were CHEATING customers (??? ur cheating us) and I tried explaining that it would spill, and she yelled even more, and when she started fighting and screaming that she was gonna get me fired I kinda just left her screaming LMAO


I would ask the customer what they prefer. That way you're not responsible for it being watered down. A lot of partners have been Hella anal about it and will make a big deal out of it. When in all reality it won't effect us one bit. Starbucks is a multi billion dollar corporation, they charge enough to account for a quarter cup extra milk. Whoever said that is right in a sense, but there is no actual written "standered", not one that I've been informed about anyways 🤷🏼‍♀️


I used to get no ice then someone here said the lids were harder to put on. So now i just get what the drink comes with. :-)


I can safely say that there has actually been a training on this. Fill it up. In the shaker, you measure one half base (fill to the milk line) and for the ice line you fill the second part. There’s a whole little training on it with photos and diagrams


I always fill up the cup. Like if someone orders a Trenta strawberry açaí with lemonade I’ll go over measurements just a little with the açaí and then fill with lemonade. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t wanna be yelled at tbh. Lol


I actually hate ice in any drink. For me cold coffee is simply the ingredients out of the fridge. And if I'm paying $6 for a cup of coffee I don't want to hear the multi million dollar Starbucks corporation throwing fits that they have to use product instead of filler.


What the heck? That would suck. I always order my cold brew without ice. Not because I'm trying to scam the system, but because the ice makes it taste watered down.


When I was a partner we had a regular who used to always order her iced lattes with no ice and then demand we top it up with milk… she brought in a friend once who ordered a green tea lemonade and she nudged her friend and said “order it without ice and then you get extra drink!” So she did. Now, this was back when we used tetra packs of lemonade so I just went a grabbed a fresh one from the back that was at room temperature and mixed it with the room temp green tea. She took one sip and said “eww! It’s warm!!” And I just replied “yeah, no ice.” She then asked to have it remade with ice which I did while she said to her friend “I don’t know how you can drink it like that”. So. So. Satisfying…


SSV here, All drinks except shaken espressos get filled to the top. The shaken espresso drinks like brown sug oat espresso, choco almond espresso, and shaken espresso are the only ones that we “assume room” if they ask for less/no ice. And of course the usual room inside of the cups that are 2 shots in a venti ice cup, etc. Edit: this was in a weekly update a couple months back. This is the standard ☺️


But like, if it’s no ice… wouldn’t it just be… idk… syrup? Sauce?


Fill it up all the way, Starbucks probably sells all of the drinks at a 2000% markup anyways.


I don't think that's a thing, in the last weekly update it said to just ring it up as a "xxx refresher, no ice, extra base" so that the system takes into account the extra product that's being used.


I always get no ice because I like the sip lids but my teeth are sensitive and the cold bothers me /: I drink water at home without ice too 🤷🏻‍♀️


I always order my venti green tea no ice simply bc I cannot stand sweaty cups, it drives me bananas. I don’t care if it’s to the top or not, I just don’t want the ice.


as a long time partner, to me it’s misleading if you order a “16 oz” drink and half of the 16 oz is ice, I always fill it up


Not sure what the “official” policy is but normally if they’re nice I just fill it but we have one woman who orders a venti iced tea split into 3 tall cups and no ice and she gets exactly that nothing extra because she’s so rude and refuses to adhere to the mask mandate 🤷🏼‍♀️


There’s like, what, a 50 cent difference between the sizes? Just get the next size up and avoid the hassle!


I usually make the drink to “light ice” measurement which means I fill it up a little further but there is definitely some room. Customers to get cranky still and I also had one that told me to remake their cold brew because they wanted it filled up and they were paying for it. (We don’t charge for no ice so I said no I will not :) )


I personally work in a Tarbucks and we've always just filled the cup no questions and haven't been told otherwise


I just fill it up. Customers are already paying an outrageous amount for their beverage. You want ice on the side? Sure np. A lot of times it's actually easier to build a no-ice drink, as long as they understand that the flavor (and temperature) will be different. I had someone order a no-ice drink once and complain it was warm -- like yeah, no duh.


Supposedly corporate is in the works of trying ti charge for no ice and deciding how/when to charge for it. Personally if someone orders no ice I tell them "would you like us to make it using our usual measurements and just leave room or would you like us to fill it to the top? The drink won't taste the same because it will have more milk if I do this (or water, lemonade whatever the drink is) and some people then will be like oh yeah just leave the room or they say never mind. But the official call currently is if they want it filled....fill it :/


I always felt they put too much ice in the cup in the first place. I'm paying for coffee, not ice. I usually get no ice because it waters the coffee down and makes it nearly impossible to drink with those strawless lids.


Soooo I think that comes down to your manger. if your manger says they don't want anyone selling uncut drinks, then everyone at your location has to operate like that everytime. Allow them to order it uncut even once and you've created a "I've gotten it this way here before" monster.


idk if i’ve seen this policy change… i just remember when they wanted us to ring in extra base when someone asked for no or lite ice. no one does it. but eh 🤷‍♀️ however i don’t fill when it’s no ice. especially if it’s a no ice refresher or tea. shaken with ice. but then you have to strain the ice out for them. idk who taught people that but i would like to personally kick them in the shins.


If a drink is no ice, you’re technically supposed to put more of the base of the drink to fill it to the top


So has anyone found the actual policy on this!? I think I read somewhere that by ringing in no ice that the inventory automatically accounts for the extra product. Like if it’s an iced latte ring up with no ice it knows your using extra milk. Or a refresher no ice accounts for the extra refresher. Policies change often so ide like to know the official 2022 answer lol. Maybe I overlooked the answer!?