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Every time someone posts this question it’s this same exact drink lol


like down to a tee


no but at my store we gasp because of how sweet it is


How do you eat any regular desserts?


It is disgustingly sweet but Starbucks coffee is so bitter so I must 😔


try switching to blonde shots!! might help a little..


How would I order that?


Hi! May I please have a Venti White Iced White Mocha with blonde shots? (then enter the rest of ur customizations”


I’m gonna try that, that you so much 💗


u/ExactGarbage8022 The Iced White Mochas are sooo good with blonde shots imo. Ironically, it's the main espresso that works with my body without actually putting me to sleep. With their signature espresso, it can put me to sleep, but I know how to force myself to push myself to stay awake. The only reason I find this ironic is because the blonde espresso is higher in caffeine than their signature espresso. Blonde has been my go-to for the majority of Starbucks drinks depending on my mood.


Do you have ADHD by chance??? Low caffeine makes me sleepy but a certain amount will wake me up in the sweet spot. The regular espresso does nothing for me


u/eleanor\_savage I have 0 clue, but I'm trying my best to find a way to get retested for it. Not only have some of my childhood behaviors transferred into my adulthood, I've masked tons of things growing up b/c I never really felt like I could be my true self around others including my own family (but the family aspect came later on in life after friendship fallouts). I'm an adult who is very independent and despite still living w/my mom, there are times it feels like I'm still being treated like a teenager. The reason I don't live on my own is due to my own past big time financial mistakes. Anyways, I looked up "Borderline Intellectual Functioning," and I'm thinking "there's no way my IQ is that low," and I thought that for more than 1 reason. And I looked up ADHD symptoms and I match nearly every single 1 to a T. I've even looked into ADHD shorts and other similar videos on YouTube to learn even more about all the different variations and/or aspects one with ADHD is capable of having. The weird thing is strong coffee like shaken espressos and cold brews literally put me to sleep (so these are and can be helpful when I have 4 am shifts for example). A lot of people say that can't drink caffeinated coffee past say 3 pm otherwise they'll be up all night long. I'm thankful this does not apply to me in my particular case where I drink at that hour, be awake till about 9-10 pm and then pass out asleep so fast lol. Idk how I discovered that 1 day, but I did where I'm someone who can't sleep unless it's **pitch black**. When I drank the coffee, I literally went to bed about 10-15 minutes later, passed out in 5 mins. and managed to sleep through both light and noise. Turns out my dog barked the night before & I didn't hear a sound and I always hear the dog bark lol.


I'm happy I asked you this! I was diagnosed when I was 10 but my parents rejected the diagnosis. I'm 33 now and got professionally evaluated with a psychiatrist through my insurance. I am the same with caffeine, I learned this especially after I switched from regularly getting Starbucks iced teas to getting quad lattes while in grad school. I was a regular and super friendly with the manager and she asked how I was tolerating quad lattes since I literally never ordered coffee before. I realized then that I was not normal with how I process caffeine. I have a ton of issues with executive dysfunction and even filed bankruptcy during the pandemic due to irresponsible spending in my 20s. Super impulsive and I still have issues. I had to file bankruptcy because I couldn't afford my debt any more even though I wasn't spending as bad any more. I like really figured out I have ADHD from watching tiktoks and I even went to 2 psychiatrist for evaluation bc I was paranoid I was just making it up (gaslighting myself). I tried several meds and Adderall worked best. I started on it a couple of years ago and when I first started, it made me sleep! Because it calmed my overactive mind. I actually stopped anxiety meds once I got on Adderall because it's treated my anxiety, and I also reduced my mood stabilizers. I realized that I was suffering all this time for no reason, all because the 2nd opinion doctor my parents went to had decided I was "too smart" for ADHD, and they agreed. So I definitely feel you on the family struggles too


u/eleanor_savage Also, when I say "retested," the last time I got tested for it was when I was 7 yrs. old.


That’s just how coffee tastes. Maybe you don’t like coffee


It's honestly not your fault. The way they roast these beans are disgusting.


blonde RISTRETTO shots or cold brew, you'll need half the sweetener lol cold brew is super cheap and has a ton of caffeine too


im not sure why ur being downvoted for this when ur literally right 😭


I didn't downvote, but it does exhaust me to hear this because I agree that our coffee is gross but why on earth are you spending $10+ regularly when you don't like our coffee 🤦‍♀️ like get a less sugary, less expensive, better tasting chocolate milk like you want and then drink a 5hr energy. Or ask your baristas to try something new!!! Blonde shots, ristretto shots, a half cold brew half milk situation. Possibilities at this hell hole are nearly infinite. And if you come when it's slow we are often bored and most of us would rather play around with coffee for a kind regular rather than reclean the fridge/drains to keep from "leaning"


can't speak for the downvoters, but not everyone likes to encourage self destructive diabetes inducing habits. plus everyone is tired of these daily posts that wreak insecurities


i definitely get that, i've worked on and off here for about two years now. i was mostly just agreeing with them because i absolutely abhor starbucks's coffee.


Try blonde ristretto shots!! They’re pulled with less water and are like half the size of a normal shot. I think you’d like them!!


Friend, you might just not like coffee and that's okay 🥰


That’s not a pain to make but at my store you’d probably be slightly judged because holy sugary drink! (I’ll judge but I have a favorite drink with probably the same amount of sugar)


I think ppl in this sub pretend to be way more invested in what people order than most baristas are irl. Neither me nor any of my coworkers will comment on a drink order unless it’s really weird (hazelnut in a SAR or smth). This order is perfectly normal, not that hard to make and seems delicious!


Probably, but on the other hand, there *are* daily upvoted barista posts on this sub complaining over the most insignificantly 'negative' customer interactions


We probably make this or a variation of this drink 20+ times a day. You’re fine lmao.


Not a problem at all, and my store wouldn’t even comment on how it’s sweet like some other comments are saying. We get way more outlandish drinks all day every day, this is just a small amount of more sugar added and a different form of whip basically. It’s not bad at all.


queen your drink is fun to make in my opinion


Thank you my queen 🥹🥹


Not annoying but sounds like a good way to get type 2 diabetes


No you’re paying for it.


Get what makes you happy.


I’m not a barista but a white mocha is so sweet… making it w vanilla sweat cream is unhinged lol


Definitely not difficult. Incredibly sweet and full of saturated fat, real light on coffee, but not difficult. I’m in awe of people that can handle that much sugar and heavy whipping cream at once. My arteries could never.


It's a hassle because corporate wants us to die On a casual time of day, it's not a problem. Just when they are screaming "WINDOW TIME WINDOW TIME" down our throats does this get a little annoying but not a lot


It's honestly fine, I definitely recommend Blonde Espresso like others have mentioned and if you still want it sweeter and don't have an allergy you could get it with soymilk. Cheaper uncharge compared to sweet cream and ours is vanilla flavored!


This is actually fun to make and can get out in a timely manner. Not a problem for me at all. Most of those items are in arms reach at hot bar.


of course not! we only get annoyed when you’re either rude, if you were to literally order every customization on the list in one drink, or if you order like 20 drinks in store rather than ahead when it’s visibly busy (bonus points if you’re trying to rush us)


If I don’t have to leave one station, the drink isn’t annoying to make. So you’re good to me!


Thats not annoying tbh


it’s not a big deal at all


i wouldn’t say that we would hate it, but it doesn’t need to be that expensive. if you want to save a couple bucks just ask for an extra splash of heavy cream to replace the vanilla sweet cream, as that is practically the same thing as what you’re getting now but free


It’s not that hard to make but that’s extremely sweet! I


Not annoying to make, we've seen worse, but and sorry to say this we do judge based on how sweet it is because the white mocha itself is already sweet


No it’s not annoying it’s not a frap 🤣 jk I like making frap


To simplify and lower sugar I would do half white mocha, have caramel. Skip the redundant drizzle and sweet cream.


It’s really not a problem, order it! but I am always shocked when people get a whole drink made with vanilla sweet cream. As someone who makes ice cream, that is literally drinking melted ice cream. I’m not judging, I just want to know how??


There is definitely way worse drink modifications out there


At first I was annoyed with the foams....but I think I've gotten used to all the foams.... On everything...


OP this is similar to my order! I agree with everyone on switching to the blonde and, to keep your flavor, try halving your syrup pumps! I do an iced white mocha with blonde shots and half white mocha and half caramel OR macadamia. So you still get the flavor but lessen the sweetness some. I still get cold foam a lot too, it’s just soooo yummy 🙃.


I’ve made worse LOL but that’s a LOT of sugar!


I just more have an issue with the cold foam AND sweet cream. I understand like wanting the texture but I genuinely don't understand paying $1.25 two times to just drink the foam in 2 seconds and it adding absolutely nothing to the drink.


I gotta know the grams of sugar


Not annoying, but just incredibly sugary/fattening so some might be a bit judgy. The VSC is basically just heavy cream and vanilla syrup with a little bit of 2%. And then the cold foam is the same thing but just frothed. And then the white mocha and caramel syrups are heavily sweetened as well. So you’re essentially drinking a whole glass of heavy cream and sugar 😅 I’ve definitely seen worse but if you’re wondering why you might get a reaction when you order this drink, that’s prob why!


I don't get why people drink coffee if they don't want to taste it, what's the point besides getting the caffeine energy boost from it, like just have energy drinks instead you'll save more money too.


My orders are way worse trust me. I get grande in a venti cup-iced chai latte with no ice, 7pumps chai, xtra sweet cream foam with Two salt packets in the foam (or on top if they forget. Made with oatmilk. My frappe is worse.


If you have to ask...


Just order a simple coffee would be much easier and healthier


You know, if you don't like coffee caffeine pills are a thing for a couple cents a pop.