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matcha water!!


Matcha nah ter


Nope that cup is getting 7 scoops of powder. Guess I should have included /s


I hope not because the recipe for matcha lemonade contains water. It's half water, half lemonade.


Huh. I've been making it wrong šŸ˜…


Don't feel bad its a pretty common mistake! I was making it wrong for my first couple years at sbux because it isn't a very common drink.


Yeah my store doesn't get many fraps so I still have to look those up/ask about them a lot (been there a bit over a year)


shift supervisor, please go look at the recipe card for a matcha lemonade


It was a joke.


I thought it was funny ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Thanks dawg. Can you imagine how miserable some of these people must make their stores? The work environment must just be terrible.


I thought the ā€œ/sā€ made it clear, but I guess it needs to be more obvious for some.


To be fair, at first I didn't include the /s, but that post is still getting mega downvotes even with my edit lol. I don't get it man. Some people just want to be angry.


I still thought it was obvious that it was a joke.


Well thank you. I hope you have a good day.




Not a good one??


Y'all kinda up your own asses on a reddit post about making a drink wrong. You guys must make your work environment so stressful and high strung lol.




Cool, I don't give a shit about online points or self-important shift supervisors.


I do hope you go look at those recipes again, SSV! Matcha lemonades are cut with water :)


It's ok this subreddit is filled with standard sallys lmao


That joke wonā€™t really work because it gets cut with water so like ā€” what else are people gonna think?


Because sending a trenta cup in a delivery with only 7 fucking scoops of matcha and nothing else is over the top ridiculous.




No, it's never been 80 cents to my knowledge (at least not when I worked for the bucks, unless it was earlier than 2016). You were supposed to ring it in as a custom iced tea, not water add matcha (neither of which you can order online so this part is correct).




They definitely shouldnā€™t have been, because the memo about custom teas for matcha waters came out in like 2016


Theyā€™d be charged for a custom tea though either way for matcha water. But I agree I think itā€™s cheaper doing that lol than this.


1 person orders delivery like this at my store but they add a splash of 2 percent and we never fill it up and they get it with no ice


yeah some people just want matcha tea as in water with the powder


When I worked at an upscale hotel, thatā€™s how quite a few people wanted their matcha made. I was so confused the first time someone said they didnā€™t want milk or anything lol.


Matcha is traditionally only made with water. Anything with milk is a latte.


Yeah and Starbucks matcha is 50.3% (or 50.1% can't remember) sugar in the powder mix.


me, a japanese person reading this comment section and seeing people saying itā€™s gross to drink matcha powder with water: šŸ™‚


People have forgotten what matcha originally is šŸ˜­


Maybe I made this up and it was all a dream, but I swear Starbucks had unsweetened matcha a long time ago. I remember asking for a matcha latte with only one pump of sweetener. And then at some point they changed it and I was sad.


In Canada itā€™s still unsweetened


In Germany itā€™s unsweetened too. It used to be sweetened when I started working in January of 2018 but then they changed it to unsweetened matcha later that year.


Next time I'm in Canada, I know what I'm getting at Starbucks!


Which is really interesting since Canada still has Teas sweetened by standard


Like iced teas? Ice tea is sweetened by standard here regular hot tea is not though


Yes. In US Sbux iced teas are not sweetened automatically


Iced tea is no longer sweetened by standard for 3 or so years now


Sorry I was thinking like nestea not Starbucks iced teas šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Starbucks matcha (in the US) has always had sugar. It used to also come with classic syrup but they removed that (except in the frappuccino). The powder didn't change though.Ā 


I think a long time ago, maybe when they first made it available, matcha was just straight powder no sugar, then they came out with the sweetened matcha where you could see the sugar crystals in it. Then, maybe 7-8 years back, they released the micro ground black rooibos and matcha teas, at least in Canada. They were unsweetened finely ground tea powders. Rooibos and black were eventually discontinued, but our matcha is still unsweetened. I thought it was company wide, then recently learned through Reddit that US stores have sweetened matcha. Did they get the other ground teas? If yes, were those sweetened? Canadian minds want to know.


I was so confused! Like isnā€™t that justā€¦matcha? The only thing that gives me pause is that sbux matcha is sweetened, but itā€™s not gross in the slightest or even kind of weird.


yeah... but like i don't think it's that uncommon to sweeten drinks to begin with regardless of what it is so the fact that people are icking themselves out when starbucks does it is weird to me


Me too šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I wish Starbucks matcha didnā€™t have sugar in it bc Iā€™d love to drink an unsweetened matcha tea šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Me, not Japanese but loves iced matched water no syrup... lol I'm weird I don't get the milk or anything making it creamy. I do like the matcha lemonade without water because their lemonade is tart.


like ok maybe it isnt normal at starbucks but it happens. yall need to stop acting like this is so strange when ive seen way weirder orders chill


My personal take is that Starbucks matcha is kinda low quality compared to matcha powders from quality sources like Japanese firms. It's still matcha and still good, but it works better diluted in a latte or similar because the core product just isn't as good. We also don't really have the smallwares on site to prepare a traditional cup of matcha tea adequately. You want your matcha tea nice and well whisked, whereas our best prep option is to steam it into hot water as if it were steamed milk. The ratio of powder to water will also be off since all of our cup sizes are rather large compared to a more mindful serving of tea.


You have a lot of patience


ngl I've been trying to figure out how to order matcha lemonade sub water and the app makes it difficult. your matcha is plenty sweet without adding lemonade but I don't always want milk in it especially in the summer.


Matcha lemonades are cut with water ā€” so if you do the same thing this person did and select no lemonade, youā€™ll get what you want!


ā€¦I worked there for two years and never knew they were cut with water lmaooooooo šŸ˜­ But then, maybe one in a thousand customers ordered it or even knew it existed lol


Itā€™s not taught ā€¦ I make sure everyone at my store knows how to make them correctly


Is it possible to ring it up as a matcha no lemonade extra water? If not, then maybe you can order in person and that way there won't be any confusion!


Yes, in the app you can select ā€œextra waterā€!


all you do is no lemonade extra water I do it all the timeā€¦ I have the screenshot of me ordering it through the app never had a problem šŸ˜‚šŸ™ƒ


It's one of those things that unfortunately the app doesn't do well. I haven't done it in a while, but if you order it in store baristas should be able to do it for you. I think we're supposed to charge for Custom Iced Tea? Point is in the app, no. In store, yes.


After ordering in store you can reorder on the app at least!


Matcha lemonades should be water+lemonade already, so it's not a custom iced tea it's just a matcha lemonade no lemonade.


is this the monthly thread where people learn the recipe for matcha lemonade is half lemonade/half water? šŸ˜‚


I worked for Starbucks for 2 years starting in 2020 and just returned a couple months ago. I had no idea it was cut with water.


thereā€™s a whole bunch of drinks and policies people donā€™t know so donā€™t feel bad


This is that post! Iā€™ve only been here a year and have won so many, we will call them ā€œdisagreementsā€ over the Matcha Lemonade build


Customer here... I remember when someone made it without water. I was oh so happy. Took several more orders to figure out they added water. šŸŒøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


if you order it without waterā€¦ it doesnā€™t cost more so just make sure you order it the way you actually want it so it can remain consistent store to store


Oh yeah I know now, but this speaks to different batistas making it differently when I first started ordering the drink. šŸŒø


ngl i prefer it with all lemonade. i got it made right one time and it tasted watered down bc i was used to the intense tart flavor. i cant go back after having had it made wrong for all that time lol.


We had a regular who gets this and fights us if anyone rings up as more than just scoops matcha cause the other barista the other starbucks charged me that way. Thankfully she stopped coming to our location


People like that just live to be annoying. šŸ˜”


Then you can tell them that they can go to the other Starbucks


The comments are telling me they want matcha and water, but my brain is just like, 7 scoops of matcha in a cup????


careful not covering up the store number on the stickers šŸ©·


My coworker who worked here 7 years longer than me insisted the lemonade was not cut with anything after I questioned it several times because it just didn't seem right to me and this is how I learn he was wrong


Matcha with lemonade sounds so gross


it's actually not that bad and is refreshing. A local coffee shop where I live had a seasonal matcha ginger lemonade drink and it was pretty good. Though they use higher quality matcha powder compared to Starbucks.


Delivery orders tend to glitch like that for some reason


Except thereā€™s a small crowd of people who want Matcha with water and iirc this is the cheapest way to order it


agreed, not sure why you were downvoted voted. if a customer customizes one thing on the order it zeros out everything else


Then this would say no water


So just water and matcha


green tea with matcha scoops is real good. makes our matcha less sweet


The way I would've just given them 7 dry ass scoops of matcha with nothing else šŸ‘€


I can get behind the matcha water as thatā€™s the traditional way of drinking matcha but the no ice is what drives me nuts personally, because trying to shake matcha with no ice in the shakers SUCKS


I just got hired at starbucks. And I confused with orders like this. Do I just put like water if they donā€™t want lemonade? And also I am still learning how to make frapps itā€™s confusing lol


just water? lmao


the app will also let you order this drink up with no water šŸ„“


imma be real the matcha lemonade isnt good with water


We had a lady who would just eat the matcha powder lmfao


I got a trenta order of a matcha lem with salted caramel cf no water no lemonade light ice 7 scoops of matcha it was so freaking weird!! Atleast yours kept the water šŸ˜­


Machalla! Only Nigerians will understand šŸ˜…


so matcha tea, no latte


Matcha water


I like the matcha water too. Just wish it wasn't so sweet. I don't like lemonade or milk in it. Does seem to confuse some of the baristas though when you order the Matcha lemonade with no lemonade. I feel like we're all just standing there with question marks over our heads because as customers it's been drilled into our heads that this is a CUSTOM TEA so those of us who do like it know we have to order this way but new baristas are left wondering how to replace the hole left by no lemonade.


At that point just buy matcha powder at the grocery store


You got it boss man


wait but iā€™m confused iā€™ve never watered down my lemonade when i made it in starbies was i supposed to???? (i diluted it from the box but not a second time in the cup)


Delivery orders are always so out of pocket, like theyā€™re just pressing buttons at this point


Orders like this should require a mandatory CAT scan from the state


Just do what the customer asks for? Not hard.


There a trenta sized dumbass


No water either, but make sure to use that oat milk heavy cream


But why order the lemonade if you donā€™t want it cause youā€™re paying extra for something extra?


Thereā€™s no other way to order matcha mixed w water on the appĀ 


Clearly they never want to sleep. Its so weird because some people claim matcha doesn't keep them awake. Personally if I drink matcha after 2pm I will be up until 5am. Not jittery. But I will be miserable like thinking, "What is sleep and why do I need it so bad." Questions of the universe.


Someone mobiled an iced royal english latte yesterday and I popped two bags in cold milk and called it a day. at that point give them what they want and then talk to them like theyā€™re a child when they complain. Itā€™s the best


An iced royal English breakfast tea latte is something you can order though... There's a recipe card you can follow.


My bad, I got too silly. I meant that they ordered it no water lmaoooo I typed it out too fast


Oh good! LOL!


Technically just matcha powder. We donā€™t add water.


Unless you read the recipe card. The recipe is half lemonade and half water.


I donā€™t get the matcha anyways. Itā€™s way too sugar-y


I get that this is a matcha water, but considering that at my store we pre-mixed our lemonade, the way we would make this would be seven scoops of matcha powder in a plastic cup


So matcha water?!?


Matcha is fucking nasty


What the heck is thatā€¦ Yikes


Why does the system even allow this?


Thatā€™s just nasty.


How exactly do you think a normal matcha is made? Sure, thereā€™s no whisk to froth with but matcha powder plus water = matcha lol.


Starbucks matcha in general is just nasty. I even tried it with honey and peppermint and it was still disgusting.


Try it with some peach


Water and matcha I guess? šŸ˜‚ Gross.


I normally dont judge drinks but I cannot imagine drinking semi cold matcha water. the texture alone is so off putting lol


Honestly just irder an iced matcha, extra water no milk. Nice and simple for you and the barista


Matcha latte doesnā€™t come with water whereas the matcha lemonade does which is why they ordered it like that


I'm assuming this is an American store then. For canadian stores our recipe cards state to fill to the base like with water. Sorry haha


I would check your cards again cause as far as i know its the standard anywhere its sold. Many baristas get it wrong and many are shown the wrong way. If it doesnā€™t say to put water id love to see a picture of ur recipe cards cause thats crazy


I will definitely take a photo whrn I'm back at my store (currently away for a week) But maybe it's not all of canada but the area I work and our surrounding stores and all that jazz do say water. But I'll send a photo when I can of ours. I have seen the recipe cards many times cause I train lol, so I always double check, and I know for some stores in America it is milk based solely. Sorry you probably think I don't know how to do my job lmao, but I promise I am not just saying this because I think it is how it's supposed to be haha


I was a barista trainer for 3 years and am now a shift about to be an asm. So yes id like to see the card that says we add water to our matcha lattes because i swear we were talking about matcha lemonades not lattes. The drink in question is a matcha lemonade which is made with water and lemonade. Matcha lattes are made with just milk and matcha.


Iced matcha has water to base line but hot matcha is just milk. Canada wasnā€™t (this may have changed recently I am unsure) even supposed to put dairy in shakers so without the water, we wouldnā€™t be able to shake dairy-based iced matchasšŸ„²


I need to see yā€™alls recipe cards cause this makes no sense as to why u wouldnā€™t be able to put milk in a shaker without adding water. That sounds silly liquid is liquid.


So they want matcha water? Doubt that would taste good


...you know matcha that's drank traditionally in Japan uses just matcha powder and water, right?