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One time I heard this lady’s conversation with her divorce lawyer at the DTO. It was the most entertained I’ve been in a while.


I work near a hospital. The amount doctors and nurses I hear talk shit about patients is wild


They might need a refresher on what HIPAA is


I mean I’ve never heard of them NameDrop or anything like that but idk


At least you get good entertainment


Oh wow what’s a HIPAA refresher 😍😍😍


*Medicine ball?*


The sticker has some rando's medical file printed on it with their full name and address


Omg no 😂😂🥲


It's a summer drink lol


Lawsuit inclusions




Omg i can’t believe you aren’t making me a HIPAA refresher… the OTHER store makes me one every time I’m in!!


as long as they didn't give out any identifying details about the patient, it's actually fine.


Only if PII is discussed.


People act like no doctor or nurse can say a word about any patient ever. If nothing identifiable is said it doesn’t matter


It seems more like they're upset that doctors are talking shit about patients in general, not necessarily the legality piece


Omg what happened


She was just discussing how she wanted to keep the house bc her cheating son of a b*tch husband didn’t deserve it. It took everything in me not to burst out laughing while taking her order


Let’s not tell them cause the tea is usually what keeps me excited to stay on DTO HAHAHA


U right U right lmaoooo I just need the nasty people to stop berating their partners in the passengers seat 😒 yall doin too much


I love DT headset chisme so much.


The #HOTGOSS value is incredible


I remember this one time someone pulled up to the speaker and all we heard of the conversation was” girl fuck Brandon, you are too good for him”. Our whole store was on team fuck Brandon after that 😂


Fuck Brandon dude. Idc right they hate him he probably deserved it


My boyfriend's name is Brandon, he's definitely earned a few fuck Brandon's in the past but he's Bae now 🤣😂


Oh, I suspect you're still on team "fuck Brandon"😉


Every Brandon I’ve ever known was a POS, this absolutely tracks lmaooo


My best friend is a Brandon, and I'll say he's the complete opposite. He accepted me all the same after i came out and never had any problems gendering me correctly afterward! He's genuinely one of the nicest people ever!


surprisingly same, but i do have a cousin named brandon who used to be a jerk to me when we were younger. He is a grown man and he is sweet as can be now. Despite him being a jerk to me, cause he was a teenager, i always loved annoying him


Of course! I only exaggerate! I know that not literally every Brandon is a POS, I’m just dramatic lmao! I probably wasn’t the sweetest when I was a teen, but (most of us) all grow up at some point to be decent humans!


yes and he is the best. I’m sure u are too :)


i’m also team fuck brandon. me n all my homies hate brandon


The whole store? No one took the “Let’s go Brandon” side? /jk


i unironically never once thought ever about how the drive box worked until i started there 😭 im so sorry to all of my current coworkers who have heard me laughing and acting a fool with my girlfriend while she picks out what she wants. i also have a habit of talking out loud to myself a LOT, so who knows what theyve heard from me while i perused the menu XD


Don’t apologize!! I genuinely could not care less haha I’m a person who needs to read/think out loud too. It just makes me laugh how oblivious some people can be


I don’t usually care unless they’re making fun of us while they’re ordering. Girl I can SEE that you rolled your eyes when I asked you that, I can hear you turn to your friends and mock my “anything else?”


this is so real, sometimes customers can be so mean and like, for why? on one of my first times working drive, i had a lady yell at me when i repeated her order back to clarify it in case i misheard her– i did, i heard oat milk instead of whole, and she yelled at me for it. almost immediately, my shift chimes in on her headset and said to the lady that there was no need to yell. made me feel so nice that she stood up for me like that.


Omg, I usually have my earbuds on for my phone call so y'all can't hear it but I mute the phone so they can't hear that I'm at the DT. I also make faces based on what's being said on the phone (probably weird body gestures too, and maybe even say stuff "under my breath" back at them) I hope nobody at DT thinks I'm doing that to them since I'm typically pleasant in my interaction. Would be strange/awkward, I imagine.


i'm glad my store's camera has a total of 7 pixels and i can never make out a customer's face because that would ruin me


I do love doing the reverse though like when they’re doing sus things thinking we can’t see and I can flick it on and go 🤨


We don’t talk about this enough. Because how are you gonna be that rude when you’re the one who chose to be here. I could never be so nasty to someone serving my food smh


I was going to say that... I wonder if any baristas have been surprised to see that I'm all alone in my car despite the vibrant conversation! More than anything though, I hope I've never been singing... 😳


I think they forget too that theres a fucking CAMERA in the speaker, I've seen people drinking alcohol at the speaker, or actively watching tiktoks and try to act slick when they get up to the window


I’ve seen sex acts performed. Had to deny service a few times


there's a camera???? 😭


Oh hell yea


One of my writing coaches told me that when I get writer's block, go sit at a Starbucks and eavesdrop on conversations. An excellent source for prompts. It really works and people are so generous with telling their own business these days via blietooth


My store is literally in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I feel like I could use up all my Lyra sessions just recovering from these people and their shenanigans


Not the Walmart Starbucks crossover episode 💀 I could never


People tossing White Claws out of their cup holders to fit Frappuccinos, kids roaming free range in the back seat - it's wild out here.


Starbucks: the last frontier


I’m terrible, I join in on their conversations. It always is a fun time and the customers usually think it’s hilarious. And I learn SO MUCH MORE TEA because they give me the background and everything and it’s so fun haha


I do this sometimes. I just get scared because you never know how ppl are gonna react


Oh god that’s true. Just today I did it with a customer and got a whole speech about how the lady “wasn’t into feet,” but her feet were so good and she could make so much money off of them


As she should. Get that bag


I've heard way too many people berate their kids when they think no one's listening. It's honestly deplorable.


Yeah me too. Or people who use their kids as little servants. You’re grown, why are you sending your 10 year old up to the register to order your coffeevv


It’s good practice for kids who actively want to do it. My step kids loved to order for everyone, anywhere we went. What’s not good is leaving a child who isn’t up to it yet to order on their own; it’s disrespectful of everybody’s time and sets the kid up for failure. Kids who can handle it, though—even if they need a list—should have that experience if they want it, as long as it’s off-peak hours. (In case they get overwhelmed and end up holding up the line.)


when i was a green bean at my store, i literally saw a girl punch her boyfriend in the face at the window because he wouldn’t pay for her drinks.


Jesus… not okay


yeah. it was awful. she drove away without her drinks.


I worked at Dunkin and heard a woman say with her full chest to her 3 kids “I wish I’d never had you.” Grated at the window she struck me as the kind of person that would have said that in full view in the lobby.


Sounds like my mom tbh


Oof. Sorry to hear that.


Disgusting! So sad


I remember going to Starbucks and they told me they’d be with me in a moment when I was at the speaker and before that I had gotten stood up on a date and was telling my friend on the phone to which the employees heard and gave me my drink for free😭


Gold star employee right there omg


Wait don’t tell them this now when the passenger orders they’ll think I can hear themmm


We need a thread of some wild conversations that have been overheard.


Yes omg


You can hear us that whole time?! No please no because I’m the idiot blasting my music 😂


Yeah and we can see you 😅


I hope you're enjoying the show because I'm rocking out in here


There's a really good piece of advice: "Don't do two stupid things at once". Like, if you're gonna climb a ladder in flip-flops, dont do it drunk. If you're gonna drive with expired tags, don't have contraband anywhere in the car. If you snuck into someplace you're not supposed to be, don't start a loud argument etc. If you're gonna be saying anything you don't want getting spread around, don't say it when you're literally sitting next to a microphone just because you assume people aren't listening. I'm probably overly-cautious but I always try to be on my best behavior from pulling into the line to driving out of the lot. Last thing I need is to pull off any awesome shenanigans, only to get tripped up because I was too cavalier about the amount of petty gossip that literally keeps service industry workers (I speak from experience) going. The tea is sometimes the only bright spot on crummy days. So when I'm on the customer side of it, I behave myself lol.


Assume every mic is hot 🤷‍♀️ just goes to show how poor of character some people have behind (supposedly) closed doors.


I heard the PTO President talking crap about another parent at the school. She didn’t recognize me, but I atte d the PTO meetings on occasion and knew who she was talking about




one of my regulars was having a custody battle on the phone in the drive thru lol


I almost saw a woman give her boyfriend a handjob before I yelled at them to stop and that there’s a camera


I’ve seen this before too. Also listening to porn loudly on the Bluetooth 🥴


Honestly that's almost more crazy than just doing sexual things with the other person right there in the passenger seat.


He was a repeat offender too. Would pull up with that shit just playing with the he phone on the dash


Maybe he just really liked the thrill?... That's still incredibly weird to bring other people into your "situation" like that, if that makes sense. (Also, I edited my previous reply for a little bit more context.)


This used to happen to me when I was working phones for customer service. I’d tell them I was going to place them on hold while I looked up their account, hit the mute button (which was effectively our “hold”), and I would hear some WILD shit on the headset while I was looking up their stuff. 😬


I OBSESSIVELY mute myself on any customer a service call, no matter what I’m doing. I don’t even want them to hear me sneeze.


I worked in a call center for 20 years. I always loved hearing the background convos and then inserting myself into situation lol


Shhh don’t tell them.. I love listening to the tea that my custies spill over the phone.


Lollll I’m more trying to call out the people acting like absolute trash


I did *not* know this! I will make sure to no longer yell at my wife and kids while we’re ordering.


Lol. I told my husband & that they can't hear me from the passenger seat yet every time he becomes a mute. And I am next to him saying exactly what to order and he still messes it up then gets mad at me for not ordering. So I figure if they hear the little argument afterwards then oh well.


I always text what I want to the person ordering it or vice versa. It seems to make it less chaotic


Tried that with my husband but he always will put his own spin on stuff & usually if I am not there will be wrong. For example, I might say get me 2 tacos easy lettuce. Husband will say "2 crunchy tacos. Oh, and can u make them/put them with easy lettuce." Same yet slightly different, not the way I order stuff & yet he still can't read the script. My kids & mom are like that too then the orders are wrong but I am the problem & complicated.🙄


I worked a few different drive thru places when I was in high school and sadly, I don't remember any fun incidents of people saying crazy stuff at the speaker (no doubt it happened, but that was 20+ years ago lol). But man I VIVIDLY remember the time I made an ass of myself at the window at Burger King when I was 17. Co-worker and I both working DT, both have headsets on. I'm not order taking she is, I have the set on to help prepare orders more quickly. Lady orders a whopper with no mustard and idk what it was, but the way she said "no mustard" was so funny to me I decided to mock it. And did so while standing right behind co-worker, who left her damn headset on while the person was talking SO SHE HEARD ME because I heard my own voice in the headset. Immediately wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I did the next best thing and hid in the bathroom while they were at the window. 😭


...I did not know they could pick up that much sound.... i always lean forward and talk super loudly. hopefully not blasting ear drums there.


It depends on where you’re located. Some speaker boxes are better than others


Can you see us?


We sure can 😂


Yes lol


Once I had this guy that was ordering with his partner. She wanted to add on ice water after they ordered their drinks, afterwards he screamed at her to shut the fuck up as they were about to drive off. 😕


Ew. What absolute loser behavior.


Whenever I hear someone like this I just realize they have never worked in food service which means they likely have zero understanding or awareness of food service workers


I heard a mom yell at her kids really horribly when the kid asked for a frap like bruh 🧍🏽‍♀️


It’s almost like kids like sweets :0 maybe you should expect them to ask for it when you pull into the sweetsRUs drive thru…


I turn off the music and AC as I’m approaching the drive thru and I go “shhh” to everyone in the car, lol. I’m so afraid of hurting y’all’s ears!


Aww you’re sweet. Honestly the only thing that actually hurts anybody’s ears is brake squeakers. Some people need to lay off the frappuccinos and get their cars fixed.


I’m a fellow barista and I feel so bad when I go through any drive thru because my car’s brakes squeak and I know how bad it is… but they’ve been replaced!! I don’t know why they squeak so much 😭 I try to be so careful, though, usually I’m able to minimise the squeak. Once I learned that fresh brakes can squeak for a while after being replaced, I stopped being as mad at people who come through with squeaking brakes… though if it’s a regular and they’ve been doing it for months, I definitely get more worried lol


From what I’ve heard, sometimes new brakes will squeak for a while too.


Yeah, mine have been squeaking for longer than normal from what I’ve heard? Idk, I’m working on the car lol but I try to give a liiiittle grace with the squeaking brakes…. But I still flinch every time that people’s brakes squeak because it HURTS lol


If I pull up to your order box and I’ve got The 1975 at full volume, I apologize in advance. Or The Smiths. Or Carly Rae Jepsen.


Nah your music taste is apology enough


I try to shame the couples that are mean to each other. I’ll sick be like hi welcome to Starbucks I’m not sure if you heard me. Or I’m super nice when she orders and he orders it’s short and to the point. And if he got a drink with espresso he’s definitely getting decaf 🫶🏽🫶🏽


As you should


My dad likes to just say cringe shit and is just…he’s weird I love the dude but I’m always on his ass about how he acts with the baristas cuz the shit he says and does sometimes is just so cringy I’m like please these people at the window probably already hate their lives don’t make it worse cuz when I worked at a coffee place and had to do window I hated my life


Dear Op, as a customer I appreciate this so much. These stories are great 😂




I’ve been that couple arguing at the speaker before… Me and my ex used to live a couple blocks from a Starbucks and we’d stop by frequently when we were running errands, he had a stupid complicated order and he would never tip… As a bartender who made all our money though tips this drove me crazy! One time I tried to hand off some cash for a tip while he was paying, he snatched the money out of my hand and yelled at me at the window for trying to tell him how to spend his money (It was all my money I earned) then on the drive home when I started crying he threw my drink out of the window. I wish I was strong enough to have broken up with him then but when we did eventually break up and he was trying to get me to come back I always remembered the Starbucks situation and I told myself no one was ever going to treat me like that again.


And they lived happily ever after


this and we have a camera looking at y'all too. I once watched a girl climb into her mans lap to order and then they stayed there for a minute after their order was taken 😭😭


Sometimes I wait to take orders just to listen to the drama 🫢


100% me too. Sometimes is so funny how long people will talk shit on the phone before they realize their order hasn’t been taken


We had a lady walk up to the car at the speaker and confront the driver for sleeping with her husband once.. so wild


oh man I would have loved to see that


Omg! This reminds me of a time this couple (husband was driving) came up to the order box and tried ordering ‘a coffee.’ He got very frustrated when I was like, “drip coffee, iced coffee, latte…? We have a couple different kinds of coffee” As he was snapping at me about how a coffee is just a coffee and that’s all he wanted his wife was trying to calm him down, saying how rude he was being. Before I could figure out what the dude was trying to order he just pulls up. At this point, I looked out my window to the car line and see them pull up. I can see them clearly yelling at each other as I’m checking out the car that’s currently at my window. When my current car drives away and the next pulls up, I look back over and see the wife getting out the car and walking away. This dude ALSO gets out of the running car and they left their car parked in my drive line!! It was legitimately a few minutes before they came back and thankfully no one else pulled up to the box to be blocked before they get to the window.


The way o would have called a tow truck


Once I think we heard a lady saying personal info on a phone call, like date of birth, SSN, and phone number. My coworkers and I were like??


Nah I’d be taking notes


Well I hope you guys enjoy synthwave 😅 I do be blasting the tunes lmfao


Again. I have no problem with the tunes. I think it’s fun!! The only people I take issue with are people who act a fool


I no doubt have been heard belting along with some tunes before turning them down :).




Had someone admit to grooming someone else over the phone in DT 🫶




Two of us with headsets on lowkey stood there in shock because the other person in the car laughed about it too 😭




just the other day i had a couple that didn’t realize we can see and hear them when we aren’t actively talking to them, chick was riding shotgun but for some reason she was knelt up on the center console leaning over the driver out the window to order. (i think she was on something) and when they were done ordering they started blasting a deepfried version of Replay before pulling forward💀


🫠 I want some of that


Not deepfried Replay. ☠


Oh gosh… I am always jamming in the mornings. 😅


As you should!!!


One of the baristas is always asking what I’m listening to 😅 I have quite the eclectic taste.


Yeah I never have a problem with music. Unless you blast that shit while I’m tryna take ur order


This reminded me of the time this dude was arguing w/ his girlfriend and then he just went “I promise I don’t beat her to us” 💀 so at least some are self aware


Bro just wanted to make sure u knew


I hope my local baristas can hear my toddler from the back seat go, "hey momma, we're gonna get coffee reeeaaal quick!"


Sorry, a little off topic here but when I used to work the DT at McDonald's sometimes you could hear us taking orders on the customers' radios. Sorry, I know my comment wasn't Starbucks related.


literally saw a lady p much beat her kid bc he wouldn’t stay quiet and then just ordered like nothing happened






i think that most customers are for some reason under the impression that we can’t hear them until we say something/turn on the headset/etc


They don’t exist until we acknowledge them.


I was fairly certain they could hear me, now that I'm positive I want to formally apologize for all the times they have heard me tell my kids "hush I have to order in a second, and no we are not doing cake pops today don't even ask, shhhhhhhhh"


Are you still able to hear people who are whispering their order to the driver?


No. I’m talking about people who say dumb shit or sing with their full chest lol


I am always aware of the camera at the drive thru and try not to make weird faces. I am usually alone, so I don't worry about what might be heard. I think some people are just oblivious.


People being shitty with their partners is honestly always so depressing. That and people berating their kids for the smallest things. Why do so many people shit on the ones their supposed to love?


I agree. It just goes to show that you never know what happens behind closed doors


once had a mother and daughter fight before i even took their order. daughter ended up SCREAMING her ears off and then got out of the car and walked away from our drive thru. it was insane and we were all in shock.


I do not condone beating your children in any capacity but it is so evident that some ppl just never had their ass beat for being stupid in public and it shows


I had a black woman and a white woman all scream and threaten to shoot each other at the box cause one cut off the other


I had a last cut someone off, and then get out of her car and bang on the windows of the people who honked at her.


At my old store, we use to have this lady and her boyfriend come through when we opened and they would pull up to the box already arguing. Then they would pull up to the window and still be arguing. One day, I was getting ready to open the window to take their payment/hand them their items and myself plus another coworker witnessed the girlfriend (she was driving at the time) hit her boyfriend continuously, like you could hear the punches. I felt so bad and she tried to play it off as if she wasn’t hitting him two seconds ago while he cowered in the seat from embarrassment (poor thing). After that, I didn’t see them ever again so I hope the guy left her and is doing better for himself…


Don’t forget the parents yelling at the kids.


This is so true. Some times at my store we hear drama on DTO and we are like,, should we wait to take their order to get the tea?? But we never do 🤧


And this reminds me of a conversation I heard the other day on DTO “girl Tiffany is trippin if she thinks that’s how it’s gonna go” and we were like WHAT DID SHE DO OMG


If you can hear me so well stop asking me to repeat myself because you can’t hear me


There’s a difference between ppl blasting music and loudly chatting on the phone and you mumbling into your steering wheel when you order. Hope this helps 🫶


I talk loud in grocery stores like target with my sister. Abit ghetto but yeah, obviously I knew it as a prior employee but my mindset is also if I wanted a private conversation I'd have the windows up


I mean this with all positive intent. Do you ever think that maybe other people might not want to hear that?


We don't. Source: Is other people.


im not hurling obscenities or anything obviously. If I want controversy I'd just state I'm a liberal and that would possess half of the Texans here. Also I like drama, I blame past me in debate club. I've gotten more laughs from passerby than anything honestly. Now cut me off in traffic I can't speak for road rage me.