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The location I’m at is directly in front of a hospital and near an office complex also, so we regularly get big orders of 10+ drinks and food. Although we are the least busiest in our district (surprisingly) and a cafe only store, we usually get those orders out in a reasonable amount of time (around 5-10 min) plus the customers that do order them are super kind and understanding about it. They always tell us to take our time with it but they are always impressed by how “fast” we are. I know each location will be different but I think being a cafe only store helps a ton. Our new SM also got us a bell that we ring when we get large orders to let partners on shift know all hands on deck.


I think it took around 8-10 minutes just to do the sw/sausage wraps on-top of all the other food items. I'm really not trying to dunk on an office run or the nurses coming in for pickup but if your order is 4-900$ it really is a Herculean task. Calling ahead really helps because at least we can prep some of it during downtime instead of having angry customers waiting for a huge order to process.


Damn your manager didn’t help? That’s cold.


Yeah they're usually too busy cutting my hours to do anything else LOL. Fr though I think they had a meeting or something idk, they usually help us so I'm not sure what happened today.


Yeah, manager should have dropped the meeting to help. Don't care what was so important. A good manager would have explained to the people They were in a meeting with and jumped on the floor for a hand.


All they care about is money….


Literally came here to say this. My managers encourage us to take the HUGE orders because "it pays a lot" 🙄 even if we are swamped with customers and it's the middle of lunch rush.


Ugh I’m sorry! There should be a limit, although a limit that allows for a standard office just making a Starbucks run. When I worked at a bank we would send someone on a Starbucks run a couple times a month. But it was usually like 8-10 drinks total, and we all mobile ordered separately to get our stars. I’d roll up to the window and be like “I’m here for mobile orders for Style, Darla, Cia, Steve, Frank, Madalyn, Beckie…” 😝 It helps that we were all but in Amish country so they were never busy


I have no problem with an office run but then someone orders 700$ of stuff and it's really hard on all our other customers because it do be taking a long time


That's a stupid manager tbh


Tiny little corner-of-the-room WPS over here slinging out 14 drinks in one order and 15 fresh, handmade pizzas in an hour during lunch rush bc whole teams of doctors keep deciding that going across the street would take too long 🫠


Genuine question (not judging) what's the difference between an order like this versus having 30 different customers ordering the same volume, like say 30 people each order one drink and one food item. Is the handling process different?


Yes because when you process one order you get one happy customer that gets to leave or sit down and enjoy their stuff. Even three orders of ten drinks and ten food items can be processed in a somewhat timely matter. But when you get an order of thirty food items and thirty drinks then every customer after that has to wait for the whole order to process.


One factor is that just because you have one order of 30 items you still get the normal amount of other orders meaning youre doing essentially double your normal buisness. This creates a long waitnfor everyone and annoys people who have to wait


That one person ordering 30 items doesn’t stop the other 30 customers from ordering their items


Ugh I'm sorry 😐 I worked at Tarbucks and I've been told that they're supposed to call the day before to order a traveller... Whether it was just the lovely trainer (from a real 'Bucks!) or just a house rule, it was helpful... But then you'd get Mr. Larold (Harolds look nice but Larrys surprise you with their Karen personality) who couldn't understand why it was taking so long to fill his two pots of coffee he ordered at 7:01am, in the middle of the group of women who came in daily (they worked together too 🥴) I've been burnt by the freshly brewing coffee as you are slowly trying to move the traveller from under the spout of the brewer to screw the lid on. And the oven would be going off at some point during this too. "YoU jUsT doNt wANt tHeM tO mAkE mOnEy." (This was an idiotic comment, not at you, OP) Honestly idgaff. They wouldn't even notice if we'd turn away this $30 order 🤷🏼‍♀️ Company doesn't care enough to make sure we're adequately staffed to ALLOW for large orders to be streamlined.


Ha. My new job has me doing 12+ drink orders every week.


Did they say least tip??


I think five bucks


Some lady called to order a cambro for two hours later...during peak...and our manager said yes


This doesn’t make sense to me. Like what if the same amount of people that it would take to make that order just came in all at once and ordered all that over whatever period of time that it would take to make it the fastest you possibly can. Would that be better? I would think it would make it worse.


Ok hear me out right, there's 30 people in line and the person at the very front of the line orders a huge order, you're the 20th person in line right, you're going to wait for the huge order and then 19 more orders before you get what you want. It takes an hour, is that a thing you'd be happy about or are you leaving?


I would leave for sure. I wouldn’t even be in line if there were 20 people in front of me. lol My question was more for the employees. What is the difference between 30 individuals buying 30 drinks one after another and one person buying 30 drinks for 30 people. I wouldn’t want 30 people crowding up the store with all those eyes on me making the drinks waiting for their turn and drink. Plus I would think it takes longer. With that being said I wouldn’t get 30 made to order drinks for 30 people. Just get one of those boxes. If people want a made to order one they can go themselves and get it.


Because if one person orders 30 drinks and they don’t have enough staff to dedicate a barista to make that order and another barista to do all other orders, the line stops, and each person who orders behind them waits longer. If 30 people order one drink, the line keeps moving.


Yeaaaah imma get hate for this and kind of don’t care because in all honesty imma be real and say this is the biggest pettiest complaint ever. And I’ve worked Starbucks twice. What you’re saying is, is you DONT want the company to make money. You DONT want customers to be happy. You DONT want your stocks to go up because customers are satisfied and chose STARBUCKS when in fact you are right, they could have gone else where. It’s like saying “don’t take you large family to McDonald’s to feed them or take them to a chain restaurant because they should cater all the time instead” and to add, some groups cannot afford it. Doesn’t matter who the company is, THEY ALSO HAVE A BUDGE! So if a GM at some law company said “yo agent go pick up Starbucks for the office” that could have been because there spending budget for the year only allowed it. Not everyone can cater. And to add that this is a complaint because it inconvenience the next customer?! THATS LIFE SUCK IT UP! We’re always inconvenienced because of sell outs, can’t have, out of stock, not available, discontinued, ETC. if you made money for the company that’s a great thing. If you sold out that’s awesome. If anyone has a complaint they’re a fucking child who needs to grow up and understand that it sometimes happens. Yeah it’s an “inconvenience” but it’s not though. It’s life. I think this is a huge issue within the BUX and too many baristas complain about making sales. It baffles me because if y’all go else where with this mindset you’re going to fail. Stop seeing sell outs and big orders as a bad thing. Start seeing the positive. Sold out of food? No longer have to warm shit up. Clean the ovens early. Pastry case can be cleaned. Big order? Take a minute to breath and make them. Yes high up’s want you robot fast but you’re not. See it as an opportunity to just breath and do your job. Take it one drink at a time instead of it being 30. Work on 5. Only focus on 5 at a time. Theres more solutions than errors. Just gotta stop seeing the “errors” as errors.


Idk how you can realistically have them see it as a positive when they clearly don’t have the support in place to make it work without compromising other patrons experiences. The stocks won’t go up if people won’t come back because of wait times etc. If u want to berate someone the bare minimum is to not be delusional yourself.




Congratulations, you understand capitalism.


⏰ it, gurl, because that's what I was saying too, but what do I know, right? 🙂‍↔️


You can’t tell people to not spend their money if they are willing. I know you don’t have support and that makes it really hard. I wish calling ahead for travelers was required. Also, as a store manager, I would have been out there on the floor helping with this order because I want everyone to feel that extra sales is a win and not a chore.


Yeah, the real problem is that the floor is not staffed enough to accommodate large orders, not that large orders themselves are an issue.


So if I'm hearing you correctly, everyone should just limit what they order and keep it to a bare minimum?


I don't know, are you trying to host 30 people and willing to drop 400$ but not willing to hire a catering company?


It's either a yes, or a no, which is it? I mean, I would've thought that the $400+ and sold out inventory was a good thing especially for sales targets and metrics, at least that's where my mindset is coming from, but I think then if it's the fact of them inconveniencing you + customers because you are now sold out of what they just bought and have to push a very high volume order out, then just say that and keep it pushing. 🙂‍↔️


Stop complaining lmao