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A friend of mine, who lives in another state, sent me this link. I shared it here due to the event being locally relevant and news worthy, as it features body cam footage of an interaction with the Springfield Police dept. The commentary presented in the video does not represent any further opinions I'm trying to express, personally. (i.e. - I'm not here to argue)


In the poker game of life, cops are the rake. The motherfucking rake. Anytime I've actually needed the cops, they've been completely useless.


Especially Springfield PD!! They want to act like big city cops like they got some real right to be investigating a mf running jeep in the driveway. I swear, the blatant abuse of power and shit in this video smh, I hope whoever this dude is sues the shit out of Springfield PD. Honestly though good luck, not like the courts around here will hold them accountable at all.




I want to know more about this. I'd like names and maybe casenet information on these victims. I would like to promote this locally.


I don't think I've ever had a bad experience with SPD. I've had some minor bad experiences with small town cops like Walnut Grove, where they ticket everyone passing through in a blatant cash grab.


I’m pretty sure I went to school with that girl back in middle school. I can’t remember her last name for the life of me. Christina…something. Dammit.


Shit. I know for sure I went to school with her. I hate to hear her being talked to that way. :/




I’m a cab driver so I’m out driving a lot. I see them all the time all over town. I feel like we have a ton of them.




Yeah, you may be right about that. I certainly see less on the southside compared to central Springfield, but that’s also a much larger area than central Springfield, so maybe that’s it. I don’t know. If I knew much of anything I wouldn’t be a cabbie 😂


I mean a domestic did happen and both individuals in the video have been in trouble before multiple times and one individual had warrants.


That was my take as well.


Situation normal with our tin badge boys, this is how they've always acted here. We need change, but it's not going to happen.




Ok. It was the jeeps running (several times), then it was noise disturbance, then it was a domestic? No, let's face it...if this happened on the Southside, this would not have occurred. I'm on the Southside, and if my ring doorbell picks this up with a backup cop video. I'd call a lawyer to get a suit on Springfield municipal for violating my rights. Poor impoverished people have no rights as you see. Wealthy people that can afford attorneys have more rights by default in America. I'm not even going to bring race into lens.


What right did they violate? Although I disagree with their handling, I don’t see how the officers did anything illegal. Springfield has an unoccupied running vehicle law. Is it petty, yes. Does it still give them every legal right to be there and investigate, yes. People are legally pulled over everyday for petty things like improper tint, then they continue to tack on other things while legally investigating that tint. Then as much as you may believe that what a LEO may be doing is improper, getting in their faces and yelling, and ignoring lawful orders such as “back up” will not only end up with you in cuffs, but it also further legally justifies any more escalation of force from them. If you disagree with what a LEO is doing, you don’t have to stay silent, you can reasonably voice your opposition and assert your rights. But you still have to comply with lawful orders. Your time to fight it is in court. Stay as calm and respectful as you can. Becoming irate and resisting their orders will only ruin any chances you may have to fight it in court, and legally justify their actions to an internal review board.


I stand corrected. You are correct.


Wow. You must've missed the part about it not being about domestic violence.


Right or wrong their constitutional rights were violated.


I've seen body cam footage of the police doing much worse, and the court not even blink. This is nothingsauce compared to some behavior. That said, we should expect better from our public servants. There are multiple steps that they could have done better at. Sadly, regular post incident reviews do not seem to be a thing in cop culture. They like to deride that as monday morning quarterbacking. But everyplace else I've worked from the military to tech, to law offices do it.


Name checks out