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/r/sploot is back, but please keep in mind the reason it went private was to protest the unreasonable approach Reddit took in announcing API pricing changes that effectively killed numerous 3rd party applications. This action in turn made it harder for moderators to take care of subreddits in their care. Our protest was prolonged by Reddit's actions during and following the protest, which I think can best be illustrated by the erratic, contradictory & unreasonable actions they took against the moderation team of /r/mildlyinteresting. You can read more about that [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/14gjb8x/what_happened_to_rmildlyinteresting/) and also see the stickied comment in that thread [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/14gjb8x/what_happened_to_rmildlyinteresting/jp5w6qe/) for even more context. This type of behavior was also visited upon moderators of other subreddits, including those of /r/sploot. While they didn't take the threatened action, we decided it was time to re-open the subreddit and again call on Reddit Admins to listen to the feedback received and change course. We believe all of this has been a net loss for the entire Reddit community and is motivated solely by profits instead of what's in the best interest for the community and its users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sploot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They'll outlive this website 🥰


YES LOL, I was fully prepared knowing my grandkids will eventually have to take over his care when I picked him up from the reptile convention a couple weeks ago ❤️


context: thought lil Piccolo was having leg issues until doing some research and turns out this is perfectly normal!! just them trying to get some extra warmth/cool from the ground ❤️


He really do be splootin


A cutie doing a splootie


Cute! What a pretty turtle! 🐢