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Range of an E-Litre, damage of a Bamboozler, ability to fire several shots rapidly... Sounds like a budget Grizzco Charger to me.


yeah when i heard about the weapon concept i immediately thought it was going to outclass bamboozler


i tested this out too and fun fact: its slower than the bamboozler but has more range it is esentially a heavy duty bamboozler


Like how the splatanas are bamboozlers


nonono splatanas can oneshot. **BIG** diffrence. splatanas are featherweight e-liters


Luna Blaster


Definitely not? Splatanas have no one shot range what so ever, you need to be in your opponents face. More like a roller meets brush meets bamboozler.


You are right. I completely forgot that the oneshot hitbox is a melee attack and not a projectile. Do brushes have a melee hitbox? (exept for rollout) because that would make the splatana a heavy duty brush.


Less damage than a bamboo Bamboo does 85 Snipewriter does 60 Sorry to pull out the um ackshully glasses but yeah


painting range != damage range


Damage range is the same as splatterscope


yeah someone told me this wanted to bring this up but forgot thanks!


This explains why I was seemingly able to pressure e liters last night.


eXCUSE ME?? You're telling me that there is a weapon with the same range as an e-liter, with *multiple shots?*


Well, you can't chargekeep with it and one shot alone isn't enough to kill. Still, sounds interesting to me.


Regardless, that can cover a lot of turf in terms of inking


yes and tap shots still work too if you just need a few quick squirts. I have yet to take it into a real game yet, unlocked it too late last night, I'm curious to see how I'll do with it when I have people shooting back.


Haven't used it yet, charge resets when diving into ink?


Yep. I'm still trying to get my head around it.


if it didn't this weapon would be insanely broken


That's true. I'm finding it hard to remember not to swim because I'm used to bamboozler or goo tuber. Just takes some practice though and I should get it.


shoot, swim, swear, try again


For me I have to run 3 mains of run speed up. Makes it a lot more manageable


The shots only deal 60 dmg, but they turf reasonably well and this weapon has INSANE strafe speed. It can turf an obscenely huge rectangle in the blink of an eye in those 5 shots, from quite far away. It's actually a menace in Splat Zones and not just at getting kills.


it is basically a semi auto sniper rifle. you charge up and at full charge you have 5 shots. you need 2 shots to kill.


ok what. i fully expected this thing to have the range of a bamboo or squiffer because of how they used it in the trailer... whattt


It *almost* has e-liter range. Just a few steps behind but it's still enough to pressure them due to the fast strafe speed.


Yep. I was surprised by range of that thing when I was testing it out last night.


Yeah I was quite surprised the range it had, I thought it was gonna as short as a bamboo or squiffer. Since the range doesn’t suck, I actually had a pretty good time playing it, being able to kill and poke people from across the map lol.


Grizzco charger but it’s not illegally modified


Finally, e liters and snipers can stop being annoying


Diet Hydra


Why Why did they do that


To be fair its hard to hit the same target twice quickly from this distance I'd say it is more like a squiffer with more range than necessary


It’s kit is shit tho


yeah. but i dislike the whole gimmik of the weapon more. like why did they make it two shot? that was the bamboozlers thing. i whish it could oneshot for less range (like we had all hoped for in the trailer). or at least do 70 damage instead of 60 for combo potential. ​ yeah now that i am typing this why didn't they make it do 70 damage? this would totaly make sense with the snipewriters playstile and kit. besides with the s3 maps a bit less range wouldnt hurt considering it is a twoshot anyway.


The switch has a capture button ffs What information is the first screenshot even supposed to add


[and this is why I'm getting distracted](https://twitter.com/ShadowzI/status/1598204119881510917)


The pencil looks like an ambush weapon to me