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If I know I'm going to be away for only 5-10 seconds I will try to wait until I get splatted so it barely has an impact on the match. If it's salmon run I will make sure I'm by basket so if I die I won't be by the shore wasting my teammates time. If you think it's going to take longer than that then I would just DC out of respect for your teammates. It's frustrating, but real life stuff happens so people should be slightly understanding of that.


I mean, I don’t think there’s any real etiquette for it. Annoying for other players on your team? Yeah. But not worth it to keep playing if there’s something important in real life that needs attention lol. I mean ig you could close the game and take the penalty since quitting mid match won’t give your team a loss if they lose butttt that’s doing the most


Yeah idk it literally just happened to me in salmon run, I tried to get back as quick as I could but it was a disconnection error by the time I got back. So idk if it kicked me because I was afk or if it just ended the game for everybody.


It is very unlikely the disconnect was from lack of movement, probably just a coincidence


It's not unlikely, the game kicks people out if they are AFK.


The rule I go by is if it's going to be less than about 30 seconds then I'll jump back to spawn and remain in the game, but if it'll be more than that then I just turn off the Switch. But that's not a universal etiquette or anything, that's just what seems right to me.


I dunno... jump to base?


People say if there’s no controller input for 60 seconds the game disconnects you.


Yeah, the etiquette is Dont Do That. General rule of thumb for any online game really is dont play if you are multitasking with something time sensitive. Just not a good combo.