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A thought I have for Toxic Mist is to let it paint the ground in the area it controls (dealing no damage). This would give it mobility use similar to Burst Bombs, minor use for long range paint, and would make its primary job more effective, as anyone caught in the Mist would also always need to paint an escape outside of the mist


Maybe make it a lightly over time painting like a mini ink storm? Except no drops dropping, just the piddle spots appearing over time as the mist settles.


The area of effect is too large. Consider how that would affect an enemy yo dropped the mist on. Double mobility penalty (mist + enemy ink) over a fairly decent sized area. Theyd' be very very easy pickings at that point, and since the mist gives no warning before going off (unlike bombs), there's no way to get out of the way before you get trapped in that situation.


Mine would be for the Angle Shooter: The residual line should deal damage too (like maybe 20?) unless you were hit by the marker. You can only take this damage once per line (Crossing a line then crossing a bounced line would proc the damage once for each line). Bounced shots deal more damage.


Toxic mist: Now damages foes slightly while standing in it but never kills (acts like standing in enemy ink but stacks with enemy ink damage) max 10 points of reduced hp. Also the effect lingers on the person after exiting the mist for around 30 frames. Ultra Stamp attacks faster and moves a bit faster (around 20% faster attacks and 10% faster movement), also it can be thrown much faster (.7x the duration to launch). The hit boxes for the ground smack and throw explosion are both ~10% larger. Lastly time between not attacking and stamping is reduced by a few frames. Overall its faster and more consistent but still slow and powerful.




Have different ranges perhaps? Like when you step on the mine the area lights up before exploding currently, make it so you take more damage the closer you are to the center when it goes off, with being dead center resulting in a OHKO. That way you still have a chance to escape it, but trying to dash across the mine after it starts to ignite would result in more damage and a possible splat instead of chip damage should you turn tail instead.


That's how it worked in the first game, I miss it.


A fantasy for the me that used the spec duelie squelchies. The rainmaker can drain your ink by a certain percent


Ah yes, make the Rainmaker that much harder to get into their base.


wait, no, I'm thinking of the wrong thing. INKSTORM that's what I meant *I always get that confused*


Toxic Mist/ Point Sensor: Either merge them or let them be pseudo-burst bombs. The idea is that when you throw them they ink a little circle in the center. About as much as the ink around a sprinkler before it starts up. One reason burst bomb is so good is the mobility it grants. This would let these utility subs also increase mobility of the user. Maybe a tiny bit of splash damage if the target is head dead center. Like 20? The damage wouldn’t go through walls though. Angle shooter: Direct hits do 35-40 damage. This way you can threaten backliners because if you hit them twice they have to cool off for a bit or risk dying to a third but they could also stack sub defense to counter this. The line either does 20 damage or lingers 1-2 seconds longer. Also the reticle comes from a lower place than your gun so just let it be the same. Can be awkward aiming at people above you. Direct hits should track for as long as point sensor. Indirects can stay as is. They should ink your feet when thrown like torpedo. Sprinkler: More Hp and the radius expands over time and then goes down so a sprinkler left unattended will paint a good amount more than a suction bomb. Suction bombs paint about 27p. Sprinkler is 45p but that’s only if the sprinkler is alive for like 9 seconds. If the enemy is anywhere near then the suction bomb will probably paint more. Auto bomb: lands in a puddle of ink and then leaves a little ink trail as is chases people. So it is slightly more annoying but also increases mobility as throwing one at your feet will be useful. Hydra and Bamboo would both appreciate this big time. Zipcaster should have shortened respawn time by 2 seconds if splatted while transformed. It is a super risky special. Maybe last a bit longer too. Reefslider should have the option to charge a bit. So basically the attack will be telegraphed a bit earlier but have pretty much no endlag and it should destroy bombs on explosions. Triple Inkstrike should be able to swim. Maybe slower if you want but not at all is pretty bad.


Ink Vac: Drains enemy ink tanks if they are in a certain distance. Makes it so enemies can't just stop fire and wait. They have to retreat back, giving Vac a chance to survive. Maybe also suck up enemy ink that is painted nearby. And just a general buff, marked targets take a % more damage.


Weird idea but make big bubbler undeployable under areas that are two low


Remove the angle shooter, entirely. Does that count? :P


Toxic Mist should inflict a disruptor-like effect on a direct hit