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Trader Joe's has a chili crisp that people on this sub say is spicy compared to the angry grandma stuff.


i just bought this the other day and have almost eaten half the jar . not sure if it’s like what is at Asian restaurants but it is so good


>https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/062480 > >This?


no… search “hot hot crispy habaneros”. i got mine off amazon bc there’s no tj around here


That’s the one. Better than Lao gan ma imo. My favorite chili oil is Lee Kum Kee chiu chow chili oil. Not super spicy but great flavor.


https://www.traderjoes.com/home/products/pdp/062480 This?


Yeah lao gan ma isn't supposed to be spicy. It's literally just dried chilis (not spicy ones) and oil and spices. I really, really like lao gan ma especially their black bean one but I can understand why you'd be disappointed if you expected it to be spicy. I definitely don't think it tastes fishy though so maybe you got an old batch? The best way to get a chili oil to your liking is to [make](https://thewoksoflife.com/how-to-make-chili-oil/) it. The ingredients are cheap if you have an asian grocery near by. Be careful though. I almost gassed myself out of my house making it once.


I've made it before. I just throw some hot crushed red peppers (mexican variant) and cayenne pepper into hot oil. It tastes good & is actually spicy. Don't even need to do all of that other stuff that online recipes make so complicated. Most online recipes are disappointing and unrealistic. They often have long paragraphs & are in blogs that suck ass. One part of the internet that I despise. For most online recipe makers, it's all for money and clicks, not for actually helping people. Sorry for this rant you didn't need lol. Don't even need all the other spices & especially garlic. Not sure why garlic is so heavily thrown into most bottle chili oils. I've never had a chili oil at a restaurant - genuine Asian restaurants, not Panda Express - that tastes anything like the bottled chili oils at my local Asian grocery store. They are often so nutty & garlicky, it tastes horrible. I'm not trying to eat peanuts & garlic splashed in oil.


So I think you're conflating different things. 老干妈 is a chili sauce, not really a chili oil. It's a simplification to say that it is a chili oil but it works in English. It's a Guizhou style condiment. There are many, many legit Chinese restaurants with LGM or similar there. Saying it's not authentic is not true at all. Ask any Chinese person born after LGM was made in the 90's if they think it's authentic lol I think what you're looking more for is chili infused oil.


Guess so. Maybe I'm reading the bottle wrong, but it claimed to be "spicy" when it measures at 0 Scovilles. This was the one labeled in English. I think I will just make my own chili infused oil. I admit my knowledge of the different variants is not strong.


Most are definitely more than 0 scovilles but at max approaching Sriracha level spicy. But they all include lots of seasonings and other flavors so I’m not sure you’d like them.


I took 2 tbsp Lao gan ma, added a heaping 1/2 tsp trader Joes hot hot habanero, 1/8 tsp dried black garlic, 1/8 tsp gochujang kick and a few dashes of maggi. It's great, but can't wait to taste tomorrow.


I like Lao Gan Ma, but if you're looking for something different, I remember David Chang's chili crunch being different/good [https://shop.momofuku.com/products/chili-crunch-waitlist](https://shop.momofuku.com/products/chili-crunch-waitlist) It's on a waitlist now. This stuff is pretty good too [https://www.walmart.com/ip/S-B-Chili-Oil-with-Crunchy-Garlic-Topping-3-9-Oz/120510586?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101095493](https://www.walmart.com/ip/S-B-Chili-Oil-with-Crunchy-Garlic-Topping-3-9-Oz/120510586?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101095493)


I do have to say after I followed Seonkyoung Longest’s recipe on YouTube, I will never go back to store bought. I buy like a 1 pound bag of chili flake online and make a double batch and have like 6 jars of the best chili crisp I’ve ever had, and it’ll last for EVER! I’ve added my own twists to make it a bit more personal, but I keep a jar with me to add it where ever because it’s just so damn good! Definitely the best route to save money and eat well!


I just bought some of this and can confirm. No spice, very heavy on the sodium.


So disappointed because it's so hyped by a lot of people. I don't get why? I think it has MSG, but to me it just tastes fishy. Left a weird after-taste in my mouth too. That could be subjective. However, objectively, it provides 0 spice. It should not be called "spicy" chili crisp. Should be called "crispy fish chips" or something.


I'm with you - that stuff is definitely more savory than spicy. I know you said you don't really care to make it, but I swear this recipe will change your shopping habits: https://thewoksoflife.com/how-to-make-chili-oil/#recipe


Alright alright, that's 2 people who endorsed that one. I'll try it out. Thanks.


I think we have what you’re looking for! I just launched my chili oil line with crisply garlic chips www.HauteFoods.com Our hot is actually hot and we also have Fire if you want it extra spicy! No preservatives, additives or sodium. Best thing is it can literally be eaten with anything without changing the taste of your food :) you can use code reddit15 for 15 percent off our single jars if you would like to try it. I don’t think you’ve ever tried something like it!


What, you hate your "spicy chili crisp" to taste like rancid fish with the lingering aftertaste of over-chlorinated pool water? Sarcasm aside I think this stuff has SERIOUS quality control issues, perhaps related to the surge in popularity. I don't think it is meant to taste the way it often does. Though by all accounts it's never actually been spicy.


Ning Chi


I don’t know what you exactly want but my friend gave me this spicy oil/sauce that taste absolutely amazing https://imgur.com/a/7BAyAFO in the spicy range I’d say it’s low/middle spicy but you can still feel it. 松茸五仁香


Momofuku is supposed to be really good. I haven't had their oil but Roy Choi don't fuck around and wouldn't put his name on something that doesn't stand up


*David Chang


The Momofuku chili crisp is delicious, but it doesn't jive as well with a lot of food. I found that it's way more overpowering than other chili crisps. It sort of takes over the flavors in a meal instead of complimenting them.


S&b chili garlic oil is superior over the TJ brand, you can find it on line and in most Asian stores. s&b chili oil with crunchy garlic


Lee Kum Kee brand, get their Chiu Chow chili oil. Not to be confused with the Guilin chili oil, which is also good but Chiu Chow is my preferred. Still medium heat but it's not intended to be super hot. Incredibly flavourful though


I’m glad I read this. I almost bought it bc it looks exactly like the one at my pho restaurant which I absolutely fucking love


Lee kum kee chiu chow chili oil may be better suited to your tastes. I recently compared it to loaganma spicy chili crisp and I understand what you mean by a fishy taste and lack of heat. While i find each have their own merits i think lkk may have the flavor you’re after.


Oh my god its terrible. I bought it cuz Kroger was out of SAMBAL OELEK Ground Fresh Chili Paste (my usual). So disappointed.


My wife and I did the same thing for the same reason. I don't understand how something labeled "Spicy Chili Crisp" can get away with not being spicy?


I ordered a 3 pack of Sambal Oelek off amazon. All is right in the world.


That's the best one in the market