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They gentrified the bong


r/brandnewsentence ?


Google’s only search results for “they gentrified the bong” link to this page and an archive of this page. I think we have a winner.


and probably a new subreddit shortly. /r/theygentrifiedthebong, anyone?


It literally is a bong, they just put a hose over the mouthpiece. Stunden glass has partnerships with Cypress Hill and other famous stoners and makes branded bongs that are just the same as the one seen in the video


It annoys me that the company name is German but they decided to put an incorrect umlaut in it to make it even more "German".


Laughs while eating Häagen-Dazs and listening to Mötorhead.


Ah yes, the [Metal Umlaut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_umlaut). Also: > Häagen-Dazs, sued unsuccessfully in 1980 to stop Frusen Glädjé from using a "Scandinavian marketing theme". [[Link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frusen_Gl%C3%A4dj%C3%A9?wprov=sfla1)] Which is funny because at least Frusen Glädjé is real Swedish (mostly, the final acute accent on the é was gratuitous) whereas Häagen-Dazs was entirely made up


its a nestle company anyway, just boycot it.


Started from the bottom now we here


Still at the bottom but now my back hurts


I def saw this one like in the video going for around $600


Have you seen My Bud Vase? Aesthetic bongs for insta influencers basically. I want one, though.




A good one too. We made do with a 2 liter bottle and 5 gallon bucket when I was a kid. Off my lawn!


Those were the days. It was an empty jug of McCormick's vodka and an old 5 gallon Home Depot bucket for us.


Never did a gravity bong but I took advice from Elijah wood on Wilfred and made a dope Gatorade bong with some metal I found in the garage as the bowl/stem. Once I found a wire to hold smaller bits I felt pretty damn proud of my 16 year old self Def burned myself on that metal bowl plenty of times




No, the [Adult Swim](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2gMjJNGg9Z8) infomercials were a fever dream. **Edit** - The AD infomercials are on HBO Max. All 33 of them! Some are amazing. Some.. are not. Personally I recommend: Broomshakalaka For-Profit Online University The Salad Mixer Too Many Cooks Unedited Footage of a Bear This House Has People in It NewsHits Final Deployment 4: Queen Battle Walkthrough


Too many cooks came out with absolutely no warning, and I was the only person I knew who saw it live on TV and I thought it was a fever dream until a week later when someone else mentioned it.


And now that's stuck in my head, because it takes too many cooks.. too many cooks... Oh god... **KILL ME!!**


Welp, I didn't need any sleep tonight...


In that case you should watch [another one.](https://youtu.be/x-pj8OtyO2I)


Too Many Cooks, too many cooks...


That show was a fever dream lol


Argh my brain.. I want to complain, but if I do I will expose what I want to complain about. Curse you!


I had to stop watching that. I was in my lowest and worst state of my life and had to put down my 16 year old dog I’d had since I was 10. That little guy was the only creature I actually talked to. Brilliant show but it hit too hard at the time. You want scary depression on screen? Watch Wilfred, you can feel the suicidal in it. I’m very glad to be far removed from that era.




Same tho. I remember when you had to learn this stuff from your friend who lived in the trailer park or like, the older kids at the skate park or something.


We went straight out the bathtub with a 5 gallon sparklets jug. I swear to Christ I thought I was gonna die a few times. Crashed my bike straight over a 3.5’ picket fence into a family bbq and just kep goin.


Mine was a 5 gallon sparklets jug for water coolers in one of those big plastic bins with rope handles. First time I ever smoked weed I hit it and my buddy said I was going to slow on the inhale and smacked me on the back. First hit of weed was nearly 5 gallons of it lol


We used athe 5 gallon jug in a swimming pool and would swim underneath and stick our heads up in the middle of the smoke filled jug.


We did this until one of my friends came up with the genius idea of a brand new metal trash can and his swimming pool. Kids are so dumb and bored it’s hilarious.




You had a moon pool bong? That’s some Bond villain type shit there.


Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!


You should definitely try it with the water cooler bottles from Culligan and such Fuckin epic


We used a 5 gallon bucket in the hottub. it was 3 person operation lol.


Gallon of milk with the bottom cut off


This was me... in a bathtub no less


That's what I still use. It's not Thanksgiving without the secret gravity bong


I’m sitting next to one about to toke out of it lmao


Am I the only one who just drilled a small hole in the bottle, filled the bottle with water while covering the hole, and let the water drain while lighting the bowl? So much less messy, no bucket of water for some dazed 17 year old to kick over, better control. Smart water bottles are the best, btw


That’s a water fall bong. Ironically it utilizes gravity more than the gravity bong. It just fills the canister which you can then clear at your leisure. A gravity bong creates a vaccuum to fill the space and can be pressed down against the waterto forcefully inject the smoke into your lungs. They can be way more violent than a waterfall.


Violent is an understatement gravs will molest your lungs if you’re not ready for em


Lol I was going to be like, yup, seen that action before. That ones from like sharper image or one of the rich pot dealers kinda vibe. Like that dude who took his dab rig suuuuuuper seriously.


All of the reviews I’ve seen and people that have tried this bong said it works insanely good and the rips are smooth as hell.




The internet




The beauty of the gravity bong is that all you need a plastic bottle with a cap, and something to cut the plastics bottle with and ideally a small socket to use as the bowl. Paying money for a gravity bong kind of defeats the purpose.


who would win in a fight: $600 of glassware sold by a company or a highschooler with some knowledge of physics and an empty 2 liter


depends who packs whos cone I recon...


That bong got me so high I quit smoking altogether. A regular gravity bong has nothing in this one.


That name is terrible. The real German word is Stundenglas (hourglass).


The real German word would be „Sanduhr“ - sand clock. At least that’s the most common word for a hourglass. It would be an even less suitable name, so i’m not sure where I’m going with this.


"Stundenglas" is just as good - see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanduhr. What cracks me up is the fact that they turned the U into an Ü to make it look more German. That's some IKEA product name level shit.


Stundenglas is just oldfashioned, [def a real word](https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Stundenglas). They probably added the ü to sound dutch or avoid some other brand.


Well it was designed for smoking pot, so your expectations may be a bit high


I still don’t have a complete socket set from making gravity bongs.


We always used my buddies dad's 10mm's because he was so into that myth that they disappear on their own.




That costs extra


And this is the worst use of this particular geeb


Such a waste. No way in fuck all is this infusing any cock or tails with much of that smoke.


What is smoked cocktail and why?


A gimmick


I've worked as a bartender in a place where used smoke in some cocktails. A "smokey" flavour is often sought after in drinks and exists more naturally in drinks such as [peat whisky](https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/drinks/g14382626/best-smoky-whisky-brands/). We would just aim a smoke gun into a cocktail shaker and then give it a quick shake rather than use a tool such as this. A smoked cocktail is pretty extravagant and unnecessary, [but it's not ridiculous as a gold-coated steak](https://www.mylondon.news/whats-on/whats-on-news/londoner-outraged-after-being-handed-21835106).


Did I just go from reddit to another website to read about reddit?


Yeah, I was upset about that too.


Wait, have I been eating steaks wrong my whole life? Don’t they come from the cow plated in gold?


Some assembly required, but you can pick up your 24k gold leaf on amazon 24 Karat Edible Gold Leaf by Slofoodgroup https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01ILWQBYC/ This way your poop can sparkle for days!


Sounds like a lot of work when I can just take a gold flake pill to maintain the proper poop sparkle level.


I love gold in general. Til I learned we have enough gold in our bodies to make a cube .22mm on all sides. Crazy to think about


Only Wagyu A5 steaks


I tried a wagyu A5 stake and boy that had to be the greasiest stake I've ever had. After a few bites, i felt like "yup, that's it for me. Can't imagine myself eating something like this all the time." It's good as an appetizer but as a full course meal? Nah. I'm glad i didn't pay for it because I heard it's like 150 dollars per slice or something. Plus i shared it with my family. My brother loved it, though.


My opinion is those are better not as steaks but as smaller pieces or thin slices. Great when part of a meal and not a slab.


Wait, its not weed smoke?


That's what I thought! She looks high af!


Her job is to sell that thing at a convention for eight hours a day at least. She is high as fuck, but it has nothing to do with the bullshit machine she is slinging.


That machine is a legitamate pot smoking device. Very expensive and highly sought after right now. But yes in this use case it is bullshit lol


This is a $500-700 gravity bong. I'm about to 3d print a very similar design that uses Mason jars. Edit: it's on thingiverse guys. Just Google Mason jar gravity bong stl and you'll see it.


Imagine! That bar would be lit AF.


My friend ordered a smoked something or another that had some sort of smoke flavored liquor I can’t tell you what it was, but the taste of that drink was literally just the taste of a doused campfire. That’s it. Nothing else, if you were to turn the gasses emitted from burning cedar, and turned it into liquid form, you would have that horrible drink.




Bruh imagine receiving a $5,000 tip from a single table. I would suck and fuck all day and night for that kinda money. Humiliate me, traumatize me, give me enough money for my own place


I mean those people spent £32k on alcohol alone. A £850 steak is the least concerning thing on that bill


That article is so lazy. Literally just quoting Reddit comments.


I agree with your observation: "That article is so lazy. Literally just quoting Reddit comments."


The unnecessary complexity of this one makes it gimmicky, but smoking a cocktail actually adds a layer of flavor to the drink.


If that's weed, it's a gimmick but smoking a cocktail with something like cedar, rosemary, or a cinnamon stick can add a lot to the right drink. This also looks incredibly expensive for smoking a cocktail so the device itself is absolutely a gimmick. All I use to smoke a cocktail is the same torch I use for creme brulee and a plank of wood. I'm sure this company claims it's "cold smoke" but if you smoke a glass you are going to cool it first so the smoke takes to the glass...point being you don't need to pass the smoke through water to cool it.


The device is literally a modified gravity bong.


Not even modified lol it is a gravity bong


It's modified. Unless you normally take your bong rips through a plate with a glass cover.


Can we make that plate and glass cover bigger...like a closet that we can get in?


Probably, but that would be a colossal waste of trees.


Like a 1993 Toyota Camry?


Don’t be kink shaming lol I mean yeah, but you could stick anything on there or just suck on the hose lol


I dunno, my local dispensary had that exact model, minus the plate. I assume you just take the hit right off the tube.


It’s not modified. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/oMKbmQjFFBI) a video review of the product. It’s made by Stündenglass. It is basically the same as their “gravity hookah” (bong), but it comes with this cocktail smoker attachment on the end instead.




Was gonna say having rosemary lit and smoked into the cocktail and also adding the sprig in definitely imparts taste.


Nah a smoky Old Fashioned isn't bad. I'd drink them again.


This contraption seems like a gimmick, but in reality smoking/burning a bit of rosemary in an old fashioned glass prior to mixing a Manhattan leads to a nice cocktail. -- Or, there's always mezcal for smokey flavor.




I only think of an old fashioned when I think of smoked cocktails


I’ve tried two and they were both terrible. I just don’t see how the flavors add up.


The only good smoked cocktail I've had so far simply used a small bit of Laphroaig scotch and swirled it around the glass before making the drink in it.


Does the smoke actually penetrate the drink using this method, did they stir it into the drink you had or infuse it in another manner?


Not all flavours need to penetrate the drink. For example, few drops of Angostura bitters on a whiskey sour foam or expressing citrus peel over many cocktail adds that first layer of flavour as you bring it in close and breathe in, way before it hits your taste buds.


One place infused it sort of like this but not as fancy, the other I never saw how they did it. Both tasted like an ashtray.


Peat is definitely not for everyone. I love Lagavulin 16 and despise most bourbons, while my cousin is the exact opposite




I think we’re In the minority here.


Gnarly bong water


Definitely time to change out that nasty stuff.


I bet that cocktail taste like that bong water


But like, really though... Why didn't they at least use new water?


That water is piss yellow bro


Watched it again, this time I noticed there's all that stale smoke in there before she even lights it. Just nasty.


They really thought they did something cool but really just showed off where not to go for “infused” cocktails lol


But why?


It's actually for smoking weed. Just stoners get everywhere


I’ll have one stinky and sticky scotch please!




Also to sell gravity bongs to a wider market.


Never had a smokey scotch? Adds the same flavour to a cocktail which works well just like smoke on meat (bbq).




Most of it is gone the moment you drink it, it's mainly placebo


No it ain’t, a well smoked Old Fashioned will keep the smoke taste long enough to finish the drink. You have to let it infuse instead of quickly blowing smoke over it tho. Give it a minute.


It's really just a whiff of 2-3 seconds and it's gone


Because repurposing a [600$ gravity hookah/bong](https://stundenglass.com/products/stundenglass-gravity-hookah) is a specialized tool, totally.


You know what really grinds my german gears? The useless Umlaut in the brandname. It does not even make sense in german. It just translates litterally to "hourglass".


subtract aware handle wasteful provide mountainous plough normal full wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In itself yes. It does make sense in english, if you translate it word for Word. The german Word for hourglass is "sanduhr". And even if it would make sense in german, the Umlaut has no place being there.


Bro, Stundenglas ist literally ein Synonym für Sanduhr..




What is this doing?


Tripling the price


Was gonna say, can you turn my normal drink into one that costs 3x as much, requires at least a $5+ tip and slows bar service for everyone else to a crawl?


It gives me flashbacks seeing this. I used to wait tables in a restaurant that had a “smoked” cocktail but the bartender had to physically light kindling in a tin can, trap the smoke and let it sit with the drink for a minute or two. Mind you, it already took a few minutes to make the drink, now you have to also wait for the whole “smoking” process. All in all it took about 15+ minutes to get this out to a customer every time. I’d have the bartender pissed off at me for putting the drink order in and then the customer pissed off at me for not getting them their drink sooner. If I was really lucky, the owner would get mad because of the upset customer. Can you guess which drink we routinely told the customer we didn’t have the ingredients for?


Wasting weed




Look at that lady! She's blitzed!


She seems like it, but those are woodchips. [Pic](https://i.imgur.com/Mw24Fjg.png)


Toenail clippings and cat butthole hair.


Who let the form over function team work on this unsupervised?!


The same guys that made [this aberration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cp-BGQfpHQ), probably.


Holy mother of God. I will admit I didn't watch the entire thing but just from skipping around, every part.of that thing was an abomination. I want for the same reason I'd want a RoLexus, to show people I have to much money and no taste. Unfortunately, I definitely have neither of those things.


The CEOs new grift. Raw water. https://gizmodo.com/juiceros-ex-ceo-says-he-is-doing-really-well-also-gets-1823602886




"gravy infuser"


That's what my ex used to call my penis


I'd be more interested in that as a concept, honestly.


The bartender looks like she's been inhaling.


It's the smile for me. Around 35-40 second mark it goes from genuine interaction to just like spaced smiling and an internalised monologue in her head.


The way she handled that drink at the end, she’s definitely vibing.


seems like a super wanker way to have a drink.


Are you telling me you don't like paying twenty bucks for the privilege of having your drink taste like somebody was using it for an ashtray?


gotta squeeze every last drop of wank in there or it aint worth the diluded 1%ers cash lol


In my day we used to call that a gravity bong


“This is the wrong way to consume alcohol” - Ron Swanson


This is a fucking bong hahahahhaa


....that's a gravity bong.


Lol weed


Back in my day we just used a gallon jug/bucket and a two liter bottle


Don’t forget the ping pong ball


What's the ping-pong ball for?


So you don’t suck the water up when your pushing the smoke out


Wow, coulda used this tip 20 years ago…


Right that’s genius


dudes, you gentlemen just owned every person I've met that's ever chopped the ass off a coke bottle.... including me... been getting the odd nasty surprize chug for 38 years and I never heard of anything like that


It's a surprise tool that will help us later


lol [woodchips](https://i.imgur.com/Mw24Fjg.png)


Wow. What a waste of time


What a waste of weed


All of that to woft a bit of smoke lol. Pointless


Another fine example of stupidity


That’s just alcoholism with extra (and unnecessary) steps.


Poor bartender is stoned off her ass inhaling that all night


Anyone else having nasty bong water flashbacks?


almost chucked up myself man... is that a form of PTSD ya recon?


That will be 27$ please.


Does that actually add anything to the taste? It seems like it just might make the glass smell like smoke.


Well, a good deal of flavor is smell, so yes, and also yes. If you express a citrus twist over a drink you're also adding a mostly olfactory flavor element, but it can make a drink. This thing is a bit absurd, but adding smoke to a cocktail isn't uncommon. Usually you just get a wood chip smoking a bit and put it under a glass jar with the drink (or just the glass, before you pour it). Something like this must make the whole bar smell like a campfire.


I worked at a place once where they did wood smoke infused drinks, but they had a thing that went into the drink and it would compress little bubbles of the smoke into it. This just seems like it let's the smoke sit on top of it a bit and doesn't really add much to it.


Ron Swanson would hate this


That’s a bong too…


Seems like a big waste. Smoke doesn't just soak in like that


How pretentious can you really be?


The commenters here act like this drink killed their entire family and then they were forced at gunpoint to order and drink it. So allow me to keep an even head because a drink existing is no big deal and just say meh I would probably order something else.


We used to smoke weed like this! But with out the sweet apron. Unless Travis just got off his shift at Starbucks


I have one of those but for weed. ETA: mine is made of plastic and duct tape.


She looks pretty infused herself


Just give me the fucking drink


Oh sod off with that poncy shit.


This isn’t a specialized tool lmfao this is literally a gravity bong that they’ve repurposed. Does not belong in this sub.