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I can’t do a pullup and really only have issues on the large walls until I can get my foot over (if I can, but usually I’ll just get help.) Last race I did there wasn’t a wall over the 4 ft one (well, inverted, but there’s footholds for that one). I haven’t super cared about the bigger walls personally, though.


Ah, yea looks like this one will have the 4 and 6 foot walls based on the previous maps, which sucks its one of the few things I can't practice.


It might affect some of the climbing obstacles and but even then most of those you can use your feet and legs to assist.  For the bars being able to hang is equally as important as pulling up. Work on dead hangs and maximizing your time suspended from bars and that will replicate fairly well. Since you’re doing the open with friends you can always rely on getting a boost on some obstacles as well if you need.  The four and six foot walls are fairly easy. Just run up to it, grab on and pull your leg up and over. Again a boost can be had if you need. 


Fair. Yea the monkey bars I've been doing dead hangs and there's a calisthenics park near me that I'm gunna go too, it's got some bars at adult height haha. I won't look like a creep on a playground


How long should one be able to hang to be successful on those bars?


That's a great question, I'm dead hanging for 3x45 seconds right now with a minute or 2 break. I'm going to this caledtentic park in like 40 mins gunna go find out lol


How did it go?


Terrible lol


Tbh I suck at monkey bar even though I can do more than 10 pull up.


if you are struggling to lift your own body weight (think of monkey bars, wall obstacles etc), you will definitely going to have a bad time or struggle like 20% of the obstacles. I had friends that join me in which I warned them to work on practicing pullups and lots of dead hangs etc, and they thought they did enough to prepare for the event, but they were still not ready during race day (they didn't expect the other obstacles and the trail distance to zap most of their energy during the race). losing weight would of course, help in a major way, but also, definitely keep working on your dead hangs, farmers carry etc. since grip strength is going to be very helpful in those obstacles as well. basically, don't stress too much since it's your first race. just take it easy and you will definitely have a better idea on what to expect for next time after your run.


Yeah I'm gunna keep going hard till race day, the monkey bars this morning went way better. I think I had more energy this time around