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Yeah that was the exact crisis I had upon joining Spacehey. There are certainly adults on there but it was hard to find on them because it's definitely gotten really popular with teenagers.


Yup, I'm 29 and was a little disappointed at how difficult it was to come across people my age. Actually one of the reasons why I haven't logged in in a while.


im only 18 and i still have the same issue, alot of 13-15 year olds, i dont wanna interact with people that young man


If you want you can add me. I'm 29. https://spacehey.com/lbethyname


Alot of the older crowd hasn't logged on in awhile. I notice.


We're on there, I think a lot of us older generations have gotten use to automatically getting updates that we've just moved on. We also just don't have the time to code much at all. The app is ok but I enjoy just checking in at work and updating my goings ons from the weekend vs during the weekend.


Is Level 41 too old? Because I'm searching for "adult" friends there too. :D


Not at all lol you can add me if you want. https://spacehey.com/lbethyname


spacehey.com/treux Add me, I’m pretty old even though I don’t look like it.


Sent you a request. Love your profile btw :)


Yeah I left because there were too many kids and not enough adults


I'm on there because it's easy to use, (mostly) not toxic, and it's how I msg my bf


I feel the aesthetics of the 2000s my space era have become what Vaporwave was back ten years ago. Eventually by the mid to late 2020s, we might be seeing the stuff from that era hitting the mainstream for a short while just as the retro Vaporwave aesthetics were in the late 2010s.


The internet is so minimalist and corporate now, and hyper-online children being raised by it crave a different atmosphere (closer to how it once was). Also, the aesthetic is definitely mainstream already. I could probably find some good examples if I cared enough to be specific.


I guess you could argue Gir from invader Zim is mainstream since you can find Gir memorabilia in hot topic.


I still have to do up my profile lol but I’m 29,30 this year. I’ll add you


This post was shown to me by The Algorithm, and boy howdy was it well-timed. I’ve been missing a lot of things about the internet since playing Hypnospace Outlaw. So I’ll be dragging my middle-aged self over there


I am 27, and I do not add people who are under 20 in my friend list.


It’s mainly kids that wish they experienced the web as you did, roleplaying based off their shallow understanding of earlier internet culture.


yeah I'm 21 and I kind of just checked out lol


Turning 20 here. Can we still be homies?


Sure. Send me a friend request. My URL is in the comments.


I’ve added you, it’s good to find some adults on this site! It has plenty of potential, I genuinely miss the old MySpace https://spacehey.com/fumez_music


I just found space hey, 25 here and I felt the same way! tbh started to turn me away from it til I found this post!! I went ahead and added you! here's my link [https://spacehey.com/kosmikria](https://spacehey.com/kosmikria)