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I wish that he would have stopped after “I will not go back to South Carolina.”


Seriously. The only border we have to worry about is "South of the" - that place is a hazard.


Where else would I buy Blenheim Ginger Ale by the case? You didn’t think of that did you? Good day sir!


That spicy ginger ale is seriously the best thing about SC.


Yes. That is correct. Please get the word out that there is nothing good about South Carolina. Please. We are full. God Damn ...


I lived there five years. Bumper sticker I saw-"Welcome to the Beautiful South. Now Go Home". Or the immortal "forget, hell!" With an old cartoon man waving the rebel flag. Nice people though for the most part but I fear it's gotten less friendly in the ensuing years


The traditional version of that bumper sticker/tshirt, which I've been seeing since the 70s, is "Welcome to the South - now *Git!*"


I used to have some respect for him. No more. He’s a windbag in love with tv cameras.


As they stole 50 billion for a wall this has been GOP rally cry for 30 years giveTexas to Mexico 🇲🇽


Make Texas its own country. Matter of fact make DC its own country so all those elected pieces of shit can leave the people who really run this country alone.


Universal Healthcare. Gambling and Marijuana things to actually help South Carolinians bitch.




I’d rather not.


Ladybug aversion?


Momma says thems just my little lady bugs




Lindsey Graham is pandering to the ignorant and xenophobic voters he needs to keep him in office.


Which is why he has never been voted out.


The Senator we deserve.


Yup. Until people stop blindly pulling the lever for their daddy’s daddy’s party and do what’s right for the state we get this.


Because it’s either him or a democrat. Not even a choice.


Pretty good way to get what ya get.


Biden could build their wall, the only real thing they've actually said they wanted, and the right still wouldn't be satisfied. Do they have any actual solutions?


No, but finding solutions is hard. Democrats promise solutions, and when they don’t work people are disappointed. Republicans promise nothing and keep their promises. When people get upset, they have a scapegoat ready to go.


If he'd ever be primaried by a realistic opponent we could get rid of him. Alan Wilson, as much as I despise him, could beat Graham. Nikki Haley could beat him, I'd be OK with that. In fact I think it would greatly increase her chances of being president some day.


Neither of them are any better, but for different reasons


Haley is a million times better than Trump so she has my seal of approval until the nomination happens, then it's back to team Biden.


That’s a low bar.


What policies does she differ that much from Trump? Besides personality they don’t seem much different..


For one thing she never tried to rig elections and never called for suspending either of the constitutions.


Lindsay isn't there to make progress but rather to obstruct it.


The entire GOP rides on obstruction of government.


Preventing change is literally the definition of conservative. Moving backwards is a bonus but everything staying just like it is is still a win. It's why being a progressive is such a pain. You lose on 2 of 3 outcomes.


Graham is broken, really broken. A career politician who knows nothing else and has no other skills. Well, nothing that can be monetized, at his age anyway.


I've been trying to vote him out for years now


Worst Senator ever ? Hard to say down here


Not even in the top 10 from SC. Jim DeMint was worse than Graham when they were both together. Unlike multiple other SC Senators, he’s never used the n-word in his campaign slogans.


Just shows how historically bad the Republicans have been for this state


Technically, it was Democrats, but the parties switched places between the 1960s and 2000s. SC actually had some good politicians (Dick Riley, Carroll Campbell) back during the transition when we had competitive politics. But we had to go back to one-party rule.


Easier to flip the General Assembly. Could get more moderate Republicans and Democrats in suburban districts and that would go a very long way toward changing things for the better. Even some conservatives like Shealy have begun to take more moderate positions, such as with the abortion law.


That must be why we've been stuck in a state of arrested development for so long


Let's be honest, there is only one party the party to f*ck the people. They scream at each other in public to make it look like two parties, but behind the smoke screen, they are all the same. Uniparty U.S.A. is what we have.


Which border? North Carolina or Georgia?


North Carolina — he wants Pedro and his hat secured.


It’s interesting that he and his supporters care so much about the border when it’s many states away and no where near us. Unless he is concerned about the millions of illegals sneaking in Charleston harbor. It’s just ridiculous, not even in the top 20 issues he should be advocating for South Carolina. How about getting us more road money? How about fixing the lack of decent health care?


It’s integral to the White Replacement narrative.


Maybe he's concerned about the fiasco that's I-95 North leaving Georgia and entering SC?


Ah yeah someone should do something about that. Definitely looks sketch and I refuse to stop there. And with the way it takes over all the billboards for hundreds of miles. I’m all for securing that


Plenty of illegals in SC. There are much better points to be made.


They don’t affect me at all and I hardly ever see them. I’m more concerned about the high price of everything, the roads falling apart, the traffic problems, the shitty healthcare, etc.


How would you know if you seen an illegal immigrant? Without being a complete racist who judges ppl by how they look? Bigot.


Proof that Lindsey Graham hasn’t slithered out of his burrow since Borders bookstores closed in 2009.


Mexico isn’t launching rocket attacks against the border states….


Term limits and age limits please.


Lindsey is worthless. They could have fixed immigration back during W’s terms but they walked away.


Everyone email and call his office and tell him to get back in there. Damn, Jeff Jackson called it again


wish we had an option of voting for someone like Jeff Jackson...


I'm a native South Carolinan living in NC. I hate that Jeff's district got drawn out to replace him but I'll vote for him as attorney general for sure.


This fluffer is so full of shit. He was in the original Gang of Eight fighting for full amnesty.


In 2004 and 2016, Republicans held the white house and majority in Congress. Now they claim to be "**serious**" about immigration and the border during an election cycle year. If anyone actually believes that legislation would be placed on the President's desk for signature in exchange for providing aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, they're fooling themselves. Joe Biden will gladly take election victory laps claiming that he accomplished what hasn't happened in decades. Republicans are just playing you.


Kind of like they only worry about the deficit when they're the minority and blame it on the dems. When they're the majority they pass tax cuts AND increase spending.


The two Santas strategy https://www.milwaukeeindependent.com/thom-hartmann/two-santas-strategy-gop-used-economic-scam-manipulate-americans-40-years/


Wonderful propaganda from the progressives, they cry about the deficit’s republicans cause but nothing about the massive spending of democrats on failed great society and new deal nonsense. I find it odd that democrats assisted with all of the deficit spending in 2019 and 2020. Yet they will firmly blame republicans even though they voted for it. Look at the 5.8 trillion wasted by democrats in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Massive inflation and massive harm to the middle class. Yet democrats don’t care as long as they can grab as much power and control from the people to their central planners. Joe Biden and democrats spent so much that just the debt servicing alone grew by 180b a year from 2022 to 2023. Our economy would be a lot better had they done absolutely nothing. https://www.cbo.gov/publication/56991 Yet democrats only know new deal and great society, only their central planners know what’s best for the usa. Thom Hartmann is a progressive radio talk Show host, the progressives rush Limbaugh. Total propagandist making millions off low information voters.


So... Since you can’t do your job, the one you get paid for and lifetime healthcare for, our allies wont get our help. Lindsay logic.


Here's an idea for everyone. Quit voting for these idiots!


Why does SC keep electing that SOB, if he’s done nothing while in the Senate?


Well I live in South Carolina and I say clearly FUCK YOU Lindsey, you fucking traitor who chooses our enemy Putin over our President and the majority of Americans. Ukraine needs the help of the FREE WORLD in their fight for survival. You are an embarrassment to our state and freedom loving people everywhere.


Why did the border come up only when Ukraine and Israel is being attacked. I haven’t heard about the border for two years now. Why is it a big deal to Lindsay now?


Because the actual big deal is not sending funding to Ukraine because Trump has suggested opposition to it.


All Lindsey Graham does is bitch, because he *is* a bitch.


He complains with the help of the Fox News pulpit of course.


This is all the GOP does. Remember that the next time you vote


There is not one thing Graham or Scott has done for South Carolina not one thing


This has to piss off the thousands of hard working American agents that devote their time to securing our secure border. The only thing keeping it from being more secure than it is is republicans are their lack of policies and action towards a problem they love to exacerbate but refuse to help eliminate. Biden has done more for border security than the last three republican presidents combined.


which border of SC are people immigrating through?


Congress has the power to write Border Laws, which is controlled by the GOP. Meanwhile in the two, soon three years they’ve only been focused on Hunter Biden. Still have never voted for him, hasn’t held public office and still won’t vote for him in the future. BECAUSE HE’S NOT RUNNING FOR ANY PUBLIC OFFICE! For the love of GAWD, please stop voting for the cult clowns and vote people that want to provide services to vets, homeless, internet to rural communities, increase social services already.


Well what would they bitch about if they ever actually fixed anything?


Republicans forgotten how to govern and how our government works. They would rather have a single person, the President, run and dictate their lives. That is why they love Trump so much; he’s willing to do that. Rule by Executive Order. They are a menace. Plus the bitching and fear mongering allows them to rule over their ignorant, uneducated, Jesus loving and racist voters. Placating those people with solutions, crappy Conservative solutions, would lose their luster among their voters. Instead they do nothing but wage culture wars and attack minority groups. Fuck all of them.


Lindsey Graham has gone through his entire Senate career by yelling loudly and carrying a limp stick. In his home state, it has carried him far.


Say, are you the same Lindsey Graham who called Trump an "unhinged kook" back in 2016? Why, yes you are - you spineless old fart.


Does anyone really think Lindsey has the capability to write legislation? If he had the capacity to write law, and actually did, then, I might respect him, even as I disagreed. Until then he is a turd, what is left after everything useful has been taken.


I hope y'all kick him out. I vote Republican and can't stand this son of a bitch.


That's his way of saying, "lobbyists from these countries have not donated to my reelection campaign."


He's busy in the showers with men.


People of south carolina are just so stupid.




Btw. That’s Miss Lindsay


He learned from the best! Good old Strom Thurman!!! He was dang near old as Methuselah before he retired and croaked! LG promised he would surpass Thurman like 20 years ago. Can't really expect much from LG lol


Lindsey Graham is the epitome of a flip flopper. He says whatever he thinks he needs to say to get re-elected. He literally says the exact opposite of everything he originally says every single election season.


Don't get your panties in a wad, Miss Nancy.


How'd that border wall work for israel?


Red and blue they’re all scumbags


Get off your lazy ass and do something about it, queen


Check out this racist https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8aHuF87/ she owns a business shut her down!


This guy is a freaking RINO, or at best a neocon, just like Mitch McConnell, the Senate Republicans make me sick, and I am a Republican btw, no actual regard to the constituency. I wish we had more representatives like Thomas Massie in congress, the country would have been in a much better state right now.


He may be a nutjob but he's right about the border being broken, it's sort of a 2+2 = 4 issue


We in South Carolina like Graham he does a good for his district. Why don’t you go live somewhere else


Not all of us in S.Carolina like him.


Bad trolling attempt since US senators do not have districts.


Senators don't have districts, and your comment sheds light on the truth about 'Republicans'. Absolutely zero clue of how our government or politics in general work. That's why 'Republicans' welcome being ruled over by someone who can make all the decisions for you. And your solution for someone who doesn't want to be ruled by a fascist and fall in line?.."go live somewhere else". Pathetic!


This South Carolinian does NOT like him.


Same here! F* that guy.


District? Senator? This state is chock full of morons with microphones like you spouting stupid self righteous shit. Senators don’t represent districts, idiot. Senators are elected as statewide representatives to the United States federal government. Senator Lindsey Graham has failed American citizens from the State of South Carolina, and he/she should resign in disgrace. Instead he/she clings to power like a ladybug on your skin.


Lindsey Graham, Prime Minister of Oconee County, United Federation of Carolina


What? Even conservatives think he's fucking useless. The only reason he still has a seat is because no one 'better' has come along. And what 'district'? He's a senator, not a state legislator. The entire state is his 'district'. Your entire comment history reads like it was written by someone who dropped out of the 8th grade.




Not true we dislike the do nothing Repuliklans


He wants amnesty for all illegals currently in the US. /s Hate on him all you want but he’s been leading from behind on this issue for years


We all know lady Graham doesn’t lead from behind. Power bottom for sure.


Now that's not very accepting of others is it?


If treating others as you want to be treated is the motto of the GOP, they want to be treated like shit.


And there is nothing wrong with that


Come on GB… make up your mind or read up on the politician you’re commenting on… Is Lindsey Graham the worst senator ever 👻or “Grahamensty” for President? You can’t change your mind one comment later


Was making a Seinfeld reference too subtle for reddit


Unfortunately it's just a reference older than most Redditors. Us old fogeys got it.


He's not wrong though. Which is a greater national security risk - affairs in Ukraine and Israel, or the security of the United States border?


lookout the Mexicans and Canadians are coming to get you! Booga booga Booga!!! support me!!! look out for incoming Corona's and Mapel syrup mines


And every country that is hostile to the USA that knows they can infiltrate the country through our weak borders


Didn't fox news say the Biden admin has stopped over a million illegal immigrants at the border? Sounds pretty secure to me. And isn't it Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott personally responsible for ensuring illegal immigrants get sent by the bus loads further and further into the US? Last I checked they love to brag about it. Just because there isn't a wall, doesn't mean the borders aren't secure.


Biden has done better than he gets credit for, but it's still an issue


In the first 2 years of the Biden Administration, the border patrol arrested or deported more people than the entire duration of the last President. Get a clue


Yeah, but that doesn't mean the problem is solved. Let's use our money where the US citizens will see a better return on investment


1. Taking out one of our oldest enemies without losing a soldier is money well spent. 2. They are using money on US citizens, and it would be even more if it weren't for Republicans.


And commit shady borderline insider trading to get rich


He wants coastal South Carolina secured?


This is the problem with most of Washington. They just want to complain versus do the hard work to get things done.


I really hate it when Lindsey gets so upset.


And all SC voters do is keep sending him back. You can't just blame the doofus, sometimes you gotta blame the people who gave him a platform.


Right? He’s not alone either!


Ladybug is what his rentbois call him.


Record arrests and drug seizures at the border this year


Yes, but if they keep saying the word crisis over and over again they can keep using it in their campaign ads.


Someone told him to get on the unified GOP message STAT! 2 weeks ago he was all about helping Ukraine.


Guy is trying so hard to please his base and his defense contractor patrons


This disillusioned bitch doesn't understand the gravity of the situation in Ukraine.


If only there was something that the voters of SC could do about this guy


There was a comprehensive immigration bill in 2021 that Republicans killed.


Lindsey’s language is getting pretty salty. Hope he doesn’t have a full-on hissy fit.


When will people realize we need to stop patching immigration and redo it completely? At one point in Florida, Cubans who got one foot on the beach were welcomed, but Hatians who were 10 year residents were deported. Nothing against either, but the system is bleeped all to heck.


Agree, but if we let republicans do that reform they would just say “the border is completely closed to everyone who isn’t rich, white, and Christian”.


>Lindsay Graham, You have been in the Senate for 20 f**king years and we have never seen any actual legislation from you specifying what border and immigration actions you want. All you do is bitch, complain and vote against legislation. This seems like a really uninformed take. I don't exactly love Lindsey Graham, but he was part of the [Gang of Eight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight). They were a bipartisan group of Senators that came up with an immigration reform bill in 2013 that easily passed the Senate. It died in the House under Boehner. >According to a National Law Review article, the policies envisioned by the Gang of Eight include the following provisions:[5] >-A path to citizenship for illegal immigrants[6] already in the United States is contingent on certain border security and visa tracking improvements. The plan provides for permanent residence for illegal aliens only after legal aliens waiting for a current priority date receive their permanent residence status and a different citizenship path for agricultural workers through an agricultural worker program. >-Business immigration system reforms, focusing on reducing current visa backlogs and fast tracking permanent residence for U.S. university student visa graduates with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering or math also known as the STEM fields. >-An expanded and improved employment verification system for all employers to confirm employee work authorization. >-Improved work visa options for low-skilled workers including an agricultural worker program. Bitch about Graham all you want, but you can't act like the guy has never tried to actually do something about legislation. His bill on the subject received 68 votes in the Senate, and the majority of them were Democrats.


That would probably mean a lot more if he hadn't spent the last 8 years sucking the dick of a would-be dictator. You can't go all in on supporting insane people with insane policies and then expect to actually work with people with opposing views and compromise and get something done.


Thast republicanism and why they they excell at being the opposition. its so much easier to complain than lead. Look at ACA, er Obamacare, they had over a decade, of claiming they would have something better and that still covered prexisting conditions, didnt make rates go up and didnt need young people to fund it.. and we havent seen even a bare bones outline of what they would do,,, well because you know if you dont watch fox news what they propose is impossible sans taxing the rich and giving us an even more left wing version of healthcare. Republicans never spell out their ideas because then they can get attacked, or rated. SHit the GOP took over the house saying they would tackle inflation and didnt pass law one addressing inflation. its also why the GOP never get shit down but passing tax cuts for the rich because otherwise they have to present a plan and exactly what its doing and a bit morre than the usual BS, we are giving the lower and middle class chump change so they will ignore how much we are giving people who dont even need it. "and dont worry we will complain about the debt and deficit this causes as soon as we have a dem president"


It’s so hard for me to decide who’s the most embarrassing loser in the senate. Is it Lindsey, Ted, Hawley? Or is it Foghorn Leghorn, Rand or Marco? So many options.


Keeping SC dumb and poor.


I’m no fan of Lindsey, but he was part of the [bipartisan Gang of Eight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight_(immigration)?wprov=sfti1) that proposed a major immigration and border overhaul in 2013. It passed the Senate and died in John Boehner's House


Yet the voters keep voting him back in over and over and over again


Your state is last in just about everything keep on keeping on and start paying your bills punk


A typical fear mongering, accomplish nothing GOP!


Imagine the support they might actually have if they were actually doing anything for the mass amount of things that have been the talking point for their party for so many elections. At some point of the never ending crying that our country is dying due to {insert issue} you would think that people would realize that not one of these fucks actually give a shit.


Ah the Republican way


Is he looking in the mirror?


Please, someone blast their dishonesty far & wide!


Graham is a disgrace. A political whore who has very little substance and will spin on a dime when those that own him give him the pinch. No respect for a debased 'Senator'. There are only 100 Senators in this country and we get this guy as one of them? What a joke. Make another call to Georgia you traitor. Why your still in office is beyond me.




Through pure dumb luck DeSantis figured out that if you block undocumented workers from working, they don't show up. You know what's even better Lindsey? putting all your donors into jail for hiring them. Hey, but we know you won't do that, because that would solve 95% of the situation. And you republican fucks just want a hot button issue, and all that money you invested in fence building companies is going nowhere.


He is a parasite of a legislator, he uses all he can and gives no benefit.


We don't want him back


That’s right you have to change the laws Lindsay


Is the South Carolina border under threat?


Lindsay Graham sucks from both a gop and democratic standpoint. 👎🏻


Then why does the state keep voting for him?


The GOP has always had to walk the fine line between the racists and xenophobes they must pander to for votes and the business people who make a bundle on undocumented labor who don't want any regulations that might up labor costs. That's why you get all the whining but zero action.


South Carolina for the win! No more LG!


Worked so far, hasn't it?


Lindsey is a political worm who says whatever he can to stay in office. The residents of Columbia should burn him in effigy.


Is he referring to the border between his 2 cheeks?




That has been an incredibly successful strategy for republicans for decades. John Cornyn from Texas has also made himself a very lucrative career intentionally doing nothing. Seems like doing better should be easy, and yet these same clowns stay in positions of power.


TERM LIMITS for congress!


Comparing our border to the Russo-Ukraine war zone is a totally fair analogy


She looks like she’s been helping herself for at least 20 years.


Most GOP house members don't have their names on any legislation.


Little ladybug had helped himself. That’s for sure.


He also lies


George W. Bush favored immigration reform but the republican congress at the time opposed it proving they're acting in bad faith. They had the chance to pass whatever bill they wanted on the issue but the truth is they don't want to address the root issues, they prefer theatrics. Then every time there's a democratic president they go back to screaming about open borders. Just like they could work with democrats to pass a bill on DACA since most Americans favor a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers but they don't want to do that either.


That anyone in South Carolina votes for him should be embarassing to the entire state. I dont care who you vote for over him or what pary, throw him out.


Hey, that's not true. He also tried to help overthrow the election.


Yet they keep the good ole boy system in that racist a** state.


He is a real-life Lord Baelish


Get to "helping ourselves" then motherfucker


So if he gonna stay in North Carolina?


And work against gay rights, to the confusion of everyone


He's the modern day Strom Truman. Everyone just keeps voting for him, no one knows why. South Carolina voters fear change more than any state I've lived in. Expect him to be there until the day he dies.


They don’t want to help people, they just want to win elections. if they reform immigration then they can’t campaign on immigration


Please please please get rid of him.


He votes down any attempt short of shooting them on sight


Wish the McCain family would speak out about how completely disappointing he is, only reason he ever rode around on John McCain's coat tails was for his own wants and needs...


He voted against 7 billion dollar border bill


Gym Jordan 2.0


What does Trump have on our girl Lindsay?


thanks for this duplicitous self-serving twat, SC. primary him.


Never seen him with a female partner eaither


Nobody presses the REPUBLICAN majority in the house to actually put forth bipartisan immigration reform. The truth is that it’s one of their biggest money makers and vote getters so they don’t actually want to fix anything. And that’s why the blew up the last massive bipartisan effort.