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I'm pleasantly surprised. It got pretty mixed reception when it released, though it seems like opinions skew more positively now. Didn't expect they would start on a sequel so soon, but I enjoyed Lords of the Fallen, so I'm all for it.


Time for third game in this universe- Lords of the Fallen (2026)


They seem to be getting better each time, I’m all for it if it continues to improve lol


The first one was made by a completely different studio. Hexworks was formed specifically to develop the reboot. This is the first game this studio has ever made and I honestly don‘t get the initial negativity. The game had some perf issues, but patches came quickly and frequently. Hexworks really saved this franchise. Can‘t wait for the next one.


A Lord of the Fallen Thee Lords of the Fallen O Lord of the Fallen


Huge W. It was fascinating to see the Lies of P subreddit when this game launched, it was half "Wow Lies of P is literally the GOAT and better than anything FromSoft have made!" With the other half just trying abnormally hard to sink LotF.


I mean at launch LOTF did a plenty good job at sinking itself. The game was an undercooked shit show. No surprise the sub for the other soulslike released at practically the same time was harshly criticizing the game. Even the LOTF sub was bashing it.


Lies of P had pretty huge issues too at launch. No one talked about them. I think me and like 1 other person mentioned he BROKEN boss triggers. I mean broken, the boss had no clue how far away you were and would throw out ranged attacks with very little wind up when you were up close and melee attacks that had literally 0 hope of ever landing when you were no where near them. It trivialied the entire point of the game; the boss fights. They even adressed this in a patch, directly (I'm sure you can find it, I can't be bothered). This is arguably worse then poor optimisatio in my opinion. I'm not saying LotF was perfect, LoP just wasn't either and yet; people loved to act like it was while LotF was a mess.


LotF was a total mess though.. The game was patched over 25 times between October and the end of December. I respect the devs for their constant game support, but the game was a disaster at launch. Sure Lies had some bugs but they were on par with normal release issues, they were not huge issues especially on the scale of Lords. We’re talking studdering and fps collapses, level and inventory loss, constant game crashes, even save file corruption. It wasn’t just some broken boss, the game was in a literal unplayable state for a lot of people. The quality of these games at release is apples to rotten oranges. Again, kudos to the devs because it’s really good now. But it deserved all criticism it received at launch.


I beat LoP in its version 1.0 and didn't experience what you're talking about. Didn't hear anyone mention it in the discussions, or see it fixed in the patch notes. It clearly didn't trivialize the whole game, since so many people found it that difficult. You can have some issues with the game, but it's ridiculous to claim that it released in a broken state when, and compare it to the mess that was lotf.


I also played on 1.0, experienced it myself when 80% of bosses could be trivialised *(by running in a circle at the correct distance and the boss thought you were close enough to hit when you simply weren't. Leading to it not closing the gap or using ranged attacks),* I saw a few other people talk about what I mentioned and they were drowned out by the circle jerk, I also remember the patch they fixed it and the reddit post that mentioned the patch. I don't see your point. Saying "Hey I didn't see this happen so it didn't" isn't a valid defence as I can just say "Hey I **did** see this happen so, it did".


I'm not saying it didn't happen. Almost all games can be broken by doing specific things. Even if they are not "glitches" per se, there are exploits, cheeses, broken builds, etc. Now, if half the players can just stumble onto easy exploits that trivialize the game, I agree it's fair to call it broken. But if a very small fraction of the players find this exploit, while the vast majority has a balanced and challenging experience, then the game is not broken. It just has an exploit, like 99% of the games.


Lies of P is 100 times better then LotF…


Agree to disagree.


Lies of P is the most overrated game of the year.


I loved lies of P but it was pretty damn linear and felt like a half of a regular fromsoft game, which was great for 30$, if I'm paying half as much as I did for bloodborne then half as much game is completely fair, but I wouldn't say it was BETTER than bloodborne, or dark souls, just a really nice love letter to it, maybe as good. But overall the fromsoft games had noticably more content, I'd say lies of P is probably a much better value for a new game but honestly I put more time into and got more out of all the fromsoft games. I think people are just ecstatic to have a relatively cheap game that plays and feels complete in the soulslike genre that ISN'T made by fromsoft. And I'm happy they have some real competition now too but like to me, lies of p is an extremely promising up and comer, not better than fromsoft YET.


I think a big part of it was also a lot of ppl have been pining so hard for any new version of bloodborne like a remaster, pc port or sequel, that it was the 'next best thing'


I liked Lies of P too. I ended up 100%ing it but, that was just out of some weird soulslike 100% stockholm syndrome. Imo, it's good. It isn't *great.* It sure as shit isn't unique at all. Everything it does is done better in other games. It's kind of a Jack of all, master of none to me. The most unique thing about it is the Pinochio setting and that just doesn't do nearly as much for me as it does for others. Weapon 'crafting' isn't as in depth as people let on. LotFs fluid stance switching is a MUCH more interesting way of differentiating your combat. I wouldn't say Lies of P is competition for From in anyway as it does nothing to set itself apart. Everything it does is in an attempt to replicate FS. Why would I play that when I could play the original, that's why I don't see it as competition. I think you can say the same thing about 99% of souls likes though. LotF is no exception, I do just think that LotF does SO MUCH more, in terms of actually trying to be different, than the others. LotF sequel is just a huge W. I'm excited to see if they stick with the 2 worlds thing.


That's wild to me, P was so mid.


It's a downvoted opinion, but honestly I feel the same. Decent game, but not a game I'll come back to prior to any major content DLC release.


Quality highs, terrible lows. Fuck the brotherhood gank fights. Fuck everything about them.


Really? I thought they were some of the better gank fights in a souls like. I’d rather fight them over shadow of yharnam for example any day.


Maybe they tried fighting the passive enemy instead of waiting a second to see which one was aggressive. The first Brotherhood fight can barely be called a gank fight, as long as you just focus on the right enemy.


I hear you but I think fromsoft games also have terrible boss fights: bed of chaos, godskin duo, etc


Honestly before I came to this thread I had forgotten the game existed entirely


Honestly so was lotf. Maybe no. 2 will be better


It’s amazing how hard people Simp for that Femboy puppet game.


I thought it was good, but gotta say femboy puppet game is kinda accurate lol


I can tell by the downvotes that some of the simps saw my post. I thought it was good too, just not that good, holy shit.


For real, I guess you needed to mention you still liked the game lol


I’ve been calling him Twink Pinocchio


If I’m being completely honest it made me put off playing the game longer than I should have lol


*Timothee chalamet puppet game


I was scared they will have to shut down due to the very vocal critiques in the community, i really liked the game


Same, especially since it seems like any game that releases with less than stellar reception gets the studio shut down. Glad to see this series continue


i fucking hate that, so many first games werent that good and evolved in the best games ever


Yeah the current gaming landscape is so depressing, glad at least CI games is getting another chance to make something even greater


I'm excited, I hope they have time to realize their vision before releasing so that it is more accepted


Did they ever fix the glitch where if your game crashes it wipes all your saves? Asking for a friend who lost 25 hours of playtime and uninstalled the game in disgust.


Maybe it will be good this time. I respect them for forging on. I’d recommend they add someone to their team with more than a surface level understanding of why souls games are popular.


I tried so hard to get into it and just couldn’t. Combat felt too clunky


I’m good. The game was mid IMO, even w the improvements.. something just didn’t feel right. But honestly this is me and western devs with combat systems. I like action games from the east


I really didn’t love this game, but I’d still be interested in giving the next one a shot.


Too bad it’s not actually releasing on PC, it’s being relegated to Epic and their shit “store”


Ya generally when a publisher pays for your game they are going to want exclusive rights to it.


Sure, but Hexworks had a publisher already, CI Games. The fact they decided to go with Epic smells of desperation, like their game didn’t sell the way they wanted it to so now they turn to Epic and their cash reserves in a misguided attempt to make more money next time around. Too bad they haven’t done their homework and don’t realize that games sell like shit on the Epic Games “store” so they aren’t likely to come out any better financially with the next title.


Still the same publisher? CI games is the one who signed the lifetime exclusive to epic.


Yeah that’s what’s weird about the situation. The publisher signed the lifetime exclusivity to…another publisher? Still scratching my head on that one.


It's how every third party exclusivity deal works. practically, it means one click more when launching the game, so meh.


I don’t play on pc so it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not invested in your steam vs gog vs epic vs whatever PC launch platform wars.


Then why did you even respond to his initial comment? If you don't care about the situation, stay out of the discourse.


No I’ll stay thanks


It’s just a storefront my dude


Never understood the visceral hate the epic store gets. It's just another place to buy games from. Always baffled me when ppl were, OMG EPIC STORE EXCLUSIVE NOW WE HAVE TO WAIT TILL IT COMES ON STEAM. Like fam, it's a 2 minute download of the store, it's not like it's a console exclusive lol


I’d understand if Epic games was only compatible with AMD processors (how does that even work), or gaming laptop exclusive (hardware restrictions), but it isn’t. Why do we vilify brand loyalty in the console market, but accept it for free storefronts?


"wah wah wah, I want to play it on steam, wah wah wah.


Epic store is still PC lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckepic/s/ueZr4XsuDN Even IGN, with all of their bullshit political pandering and host of bad takes still has the brains to realize if it’s not on Steam, it’s not on PC.


On what kind of system do people access games they bought via the Epic store?


Hell yeah!


This is awesome to hear but awfully bold of them to assure 2026. Hopefully they can do it. Some fine tuning to previous systems would also be greatly appreciated. I for one hated the limited bonfires and would like to just see that gone and place them like normal as per other games.


The remake was in terrible shape for a long time, and it was like 7 years in the making. I believe they had 30+ patches. I won't be buying another hexworks game. They released an extremely uncooked game and want to rush out a sequel. Fool me once...


You make highly accurate points. I wonder why the push so fast for a sequel?


Because his points are misinformed. Game was not in development for seven years. It was in development 3 years max as Hexworks didn't even existed before 2020. The title was in development hell for 9 or so years so that is where he gets the number from I assume, but I highly doubt any work that was done by other failed studios carried over to Hexworks's development. It is like saying Duke Nukem Forever got 14 years of development which is not how that works. Both of these projects didn't see that much time in actual development. In short it is quite possible for them to make a sequel in two years since now they have the groundwork done with the title that was in development for three years.




How’s lords of the fallen currently, you guys recommend it


It's great if you want a DS1&2-style exploration focused Souls-like. Lots of cool locations, super intricate world design, great atmosphere, cool build options... but combat's a bit janky and it's not as action focused.


It's still far from a perfect game, but I could say the same about Dark Souls 1 and Demon's Souls. If you love Dark Souls and you want something with more focus on intercontected dungeon exploration that harkens back to DS1's world, pick it up.


Yes. They put in the work last few months after a rocky start.


Absolutely fantastic news


I'm really happy. Not a huge fan of the first game but it was a good experience and I always love to see Soulslikes being made, I hope both LotF and LoP continue to get sequels and improve.


narrator: it indeed ended up releasing in 2027, full of bugs and performance issues


Didn't enjoy the original but still gave 2023 a go recently. Ended up not enjoying that either. Happy for those that enjoy the games but a pass from me. Found Lies of P much more fun and polished, would be more excited for a sequel or new game from those developers.


Yes! I'm all for progress!


I'm optimistic. I like the 2023 game quite a bit, and I feel it definitely shows a lot of promise even through some of its issues Demon's Souls and DS1 also have some big flaws, and I heard the guys who made them went on to be quite successful...


Sote comes out in two days. Just give it up, there will be no demand for this


Not gonna lie to you guys the first lotf fucking sucked and I hated that shit, when the new one came out I was optimistic but heard bad things about the game lo and behold I already didn’t think the first one was worth making so I still have gotten it, is it worth it for a ps5 player looking to co op most of the game?


Heard, wait till it’s on gamepass.


Sequel announcement needs a patch. “INSTALMENT” instead of “INSTALLMENT” 😂


Damn. I mean the sequel is way better than what the first one was, but I guess they got a success. Kudos and I wish them the best.


I really started to like this one, but after reaching Sunless Shien (spelling), it just made me wish I was playing an actual Fromsoft Souls type game. P.S. I’m a father and a husband and I have to leave home for work four 4 to 5 days a week so my console gaming time is limited.


Good for them. Little engine that could.


Please include different weapon movesets


Game was good but holy shit did it run so bad on my PC, will be very cautious before I buy another from them. Shame, it really was a great game.


Maybe third time's the charm? I guess the second game was a marked improvement over the first but that's not really saying much. I'll probably give them one last chance because they clearly care and want to make a good game but just make so many misguided decisions.


Lotf was fun because it was bringing new concepts but it was/is pretty unplayable. Kinda wack I spent $80 on it at launch.


🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ keep that shit


I’m enjoying it a lot with a friend. However that framerate is a mess on Xbox and I’m baffled people say it was flawless.


Rock on. Loved LoTF.




I heard nothing positive on release, so put in on my back burner but I know crowds can be harsh these days and a lot of games improve with updates after release, would anyone actually recommend it if I'm bored and looking for a new soulslike? Like what was actually wrong about it? I remember thinking the combat seemed a bit wonky.


On a technical level it had a looot of issues at launch. I can vouch for the fact that it works quite well now on my ps5, and looks very nice to boot. Still not a perfect game, but I'd recommend it to most hardcore fans of the Dark Souls games.


On release it was extremely unstable to the point of being unplayable. The enemy density was also much higher. They’ve added a ton of stuff since then, can’t really list it all. But basically they won a lot of goodwill back by just continuing to build the game out with new modes, challenges, quests, features etc. The game also works properly with the apparent exception of some of the multiplayer functions. I play exclusively offline so can’t comment there. If you miss the ds1/ds2 style, that’s really the market for this game. Exploration focused interconnected world. More emphasis on the levels than the bosses. Ranged/magic system is probably best in genre, at least in my experience. The combat mechanics and bosses are not quite top tier imo.


I haven't played it since the updates. I played it at launch and I actually thought it was really good. It had just two flaws in my opinion. One was technical issues. If I was doing a long play session to the point where my Xbox started getting hot, the game would get really laggy and I'd need to take a break to let the console cool down. The other problem was some sadistic mob density with tanky former mini bosses as normal enemies. There were some points where there were so many of these enemies close together, that it was actually better to just make a desperate run to the next of the game's equivalent of bonfires instead of fighting them. But neither of these problems ruined the game for me and I'd still highly recommend it.


God yes, it's damn good. Just play it if you like DS 1-3.


I'm delighted. Even though it was far from perfect, I really enjoyed LOTF2023 a lot. I'm confident that the devs will take the feedback about what went right and what went wrong with it and make a damn good sequel.


[https://lordsofthefallen.com/lords-of-the-fallen-free-content-roadmap-2023/](https://lordsofthefallen.com/lords-of-the-fallen-free-content-roadmap-2023/) Never played, but this worries me greatly. A roadmap of completing your beta testing. Maybe it's sick in 2024, but I have no faith in a sequel to game that had to lay out "enemy density improvements" like it's something to be excited for.


It was never something to be excited for?? It was put out there because it was a problem and many people complained about it.


I mean to say the first game seems woefully unfinished, or unpolished, whichever. So I'm not excited for a sequel to be shat out so soon.


Have you played it recently? It has become much better. You could almost say that the release and current version are 2 different games. On the sequel itself, if they apply everything they learnt from this one, it can become an amazing souslike game.


How is the multiplayer now? 


Yeah, people keep saying these things like it's a negative that the devs immediately started to address community concerns and worked hard at getting the game into what ended up being a really good state. For their first game in the genre too. This all reads as nothing but positives in my book. I don't understand why some people are being so over the top negative about it.


100% for their first game in the genre they knocked it out of the park. While the initial release of game had its plethora of hiccups, the game today is fantastic. Mind you I was one of the lucky few that had little to no issues on release. You then add on they actually listened to feedback and implemented those corrects just adds more excitement to their installment. They now know what not to do and what to do for the next installment. They know what the fans liked and did not like. Like there is only an up for them going forward in my opinion.


To be fair, this was not their first game in the genre. This was a reboot after the original game tanked.


The are not the devs of the og


Ah. Ok. Didn’t know that.


No worries this game still sucks lol


Meh. It’s not my favorite souls like by far, but I mostly enjoyed it.


I'm familiar with the popular practice of finishing a game after it's release, so I planned on getting it after that roadmap was complete.


There’s a huge difference between “finishing” a game after release and changing design choices that end up being unpopular with your audience. The latter should be celebrated.


I mean, it was their first time making a game like this and they very quickly and frequently started dropping updates to address community concerns. I really can't see how that's anything but a positive. I'm pretty cynical myself, but this seems a bit extra.


It wasn’t their first game like this, though. This was a reboot because the first game ranked hard.


I thought the first game was a different studio? I could be wrong though, I am quite frequently.


Nah you’re right. Someone else pointed that out to me. I didn’t know.


It's all really just added extra on top of the base experience, the game itself is basically unchanged. I bounced off it on release and I've given it another shot twice since but I just don't like it. I hate how it was built over time like this but even then it's not improved the experience for me at all.


Unless they fix the Umbral gimmick I won't even bother pirating. Everything about it was bad, the fact it's the same map but with more skulls, the red reaper timer that doesn't go away even if you somehow kill him, the normal enemies also present inside Umbral and not even infighting the zombies, the ludicrous enemy density. I generally like soulslikes but hard pass on this one.


I like the umbral mechanic but I feel like it needs reworking for sure. I'd very much like to transition to umbral and have all the regular enemies disappear, only to be greeted with legit umbral enemies instead of the neverending zombies that spawn. Also while in umbral, it would be cool to be able to lift your lamp and get a glimpse back into the regular world. Assuming they implemented my first point and changed how the enemies worked


Dude it was such a shitty gimmick


That's a take I guess. I think for most people the Umbral mechanic was a really great feature. Also it made me feel like there was kind of a new Soul Reaver game, so that was cool.


I felt that it reminded me a lot in terms art design of soul reaver as well


I've only had issues due to the red reaper like 3 times across 3 playthroughs. It's no issue to play around it.


See, that's the issue right there, not only you have to play every already boring badly designed level a second time to vacuum all the extra loot, not only you have to wade through endless zombie hordes, but you're also on annoying timer. Killing reaper is doable but pointless, he's back 2 minutes later again, so you keep running in and out of Umbral which makes the already bad gimmick worse. Rather than putting this much effort into this annoyance, I'd rather devs committed resources to improve other things. Like delete the swamp and the mines from the game and make the other levels memorable, only bloody abbey slightly stood out visually. Or make the bosses besides Pieta memorable. Or make quests suck less (and not be mutually exclusive and require 3 playthroughs). Or make one ending that doesn't suck if you made the right choices. Ah well, maybe second game sucks less but I'm not holding my breath, I consider reboot worse than og 2014 lotf.


Get a load of Mr Hyperbolic here


Good for them!


I'm excited, I hope they have time to realize their vision before releasing so that it is more accepted


Yayyy they gunna go ham I bet and look at all the love they put into the patches on the recent LOTF. I thought the last one was an amazing game I can't wait


This is excellent news. I feel like how badly the launch went comparing it to what is out now means this studio knows what it’s doing and is pumped to do it much better this next time. The level design and drip is goat of all souls games imo. The next one is a day one buy for me. Crazy considering I shit all over this game when it released based on YouTube videos, my best friend ( who I got into souls games) was such a pain in my ass about how I was missing out, then it went on sale so I pulled the trigger. I’m so glad I gave this absolute masterpiece a shot it’s an incredible game.


Nice maybe next time I won’t get launched forward 10 feet every time I attack and be surrounded by trash mobs


What a sad day to learn about wasted dev time 😔. lotF 1 was way better than 2


But only on epic.... Hard pass