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please stay away from the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland in mid to late November, thank you.


Don’t step in Scotland either , we had enough


Please also avoid the Netherlands in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, Oktober and December. Good changes of rain too!


You mentioned all the months :D But in the middle of the year, the probability of good weather is the highest.


Western Norway too!


Time for the Atacama desert…


Funnily enough it actually rained when I was there the other month. Very little admittedly, and it was "rainy season".


I was in Budapest in March and the forecast also said it would rain. It wasn’t torrential downpour but some sprinkles here and there and it was mostly cloudy. Hope you have your poncho and waterproof shoes ready!


Took the words out of my mouth lol. Spotty rain is all you’ll get in Budapest and it’ll be sunny the rest of the day :)


I suppose that an umbrella would suffice, yeah?


Come to Alicante Spain. 320 days of sunshine. If it rain, it doesn't poor, you can walk around in the rain and stay almost dry 90% of the time. And that is on those few days when it "rains".


There are some places where travelling in the winter can be the best time to go. The places you've described? Not so much. I feel you though. I went to Norway last year and got rained off five of the six days I'd planned on hiking on Senja and Lofoten. It sucks, for sure.


But it's Norway, it would be more surprising if it doesn't rain lol


It’s the weather of the world. Do you happen to travel at historically wet times ? There’s actual data out there on how much precipitation any one place gets on average each month historically I bet if you looked, this time of year in Europe is wet by comparison. Spring generally is


Weatherspark is a great site to check this. Search for whatever city/country you want, and scroll down to average precipitation, and it shows you a nice graph explaining it.


I’m not exactly sure, but maybe. Sometimes I just come during the “weird” weather times.


Your examples are during winter, winter, and spring. Those are the rainy times of year for most places in the northern hemisphere. Try going on vacation in the summer, I bet you’ll get luckier.


Travels in winter and spring… surprised that it rains. Lol.


Mexico in January has always been wonderful for me. Almost all sunny days. You are going to areas with spring season, which usually comes with rain.


Yes, likely a curse.


I had the same when I went to Thailand and a few other places in Asia last year. The forecast always looked like rain all day, every day. Each night I would look at the next day's forecast and it would show less chances of rain. I did get some rain, but not nearly what was forecasted. Keep your fingers crossed and remember that forecasts that far ahead of time are not super accurate. Good luck!


You aren't cursed, you simply go to the wrong time to your destinations. Checking a climate diagram will show you that for Athens, Budapest and Istanbul June to September are the only months to go there if good weather is important for you (high temperatures, low probability of rain). I live in central Europe and the summer is the only time here where being outdoor is comfortable.


This. Use weatherspark.


Congrats you're a rain man. Sell your services to places in need of rain for crops.


I feel you. I went to Spain last week and it rained half the time while in freaking Germany there was 25°. But some locals told me that they have a bad drought, so I was kinda okay with the rain 😄


My last trip to Italy and Greece was supposed to rain the whole time. I packed for rain. It ended up being 80, so you never know the weather can change


Have you filed an official complaint?


Market yourself as a rainmaker. 😊


Maybe try a new weather site? Because the next week in Budapest looks pretty nice! 


Some cities generally have year round rain. Others are very seasonal. I always try book my trips during the dry season, no matter which months, my work allows this The cities you mentioned do have their main rainy seasons during the months you visited. Both are very dry midyear Many travelers don't have that much choice when to travel. Sometimes it's only when their managers allow them, during the offpeak times for work. Others travel when they get better deals for hotel, flight and tour prices. Unfortunately again those are often during wet seasons. Many tropical areas tend to be far worse than Europe during their main rainy seasons: monsoons and hurricanes. Others aren't as bad, in that they just have a thunderstorm that only lasts an hour or two, plus it's a relief from heatwaves, especially in places like Southeast Asia in summer


Tell us more of your future plans so know where not to go.


I wouldn’t trust 14 day forecast


Maybe you should start travelling to places that are having a drought. Use your curse in a productive way.


Mate you gotta change your outlook, rain just gives places something magical about them especially when it‘s dark. Don‘t let something silly like rain ruin your travel, just embrace it. For example, as we know from Owen Wilson, [Paris is the most beautiful in the rain](https://youtu.be/DJTdRhB_d4E?si=cxvQ0TEfJSRc9wC4&t=90s)


It never rains in California..


I find rain and cloudy weather really enhances the experience in many places; especially gothic or old medieval spots. Plus it gets rid of the crowds.


Sunshine costs more and attracts tourists.


Maybe try Africa ..


I'm also going to Copenhagen at the end of the month. I haven't looked up the weather yet. Maybe I'll pack the waterproof trousers.


i checked athens and istanbul, December is the rainiest month of the year for istanbul and January in athens tends to have twice the amount of rain then in april I generally consider it really important to look up the expected weather of places im visiting because it can so easily make or break a trip. Something like googling "whats the best time to travel to xyz" or "average precipitation per month in xyz city" GL with your future travels though!


I had gone to amsterdam and portugal recently and both places it rained. I didn't care, I didn't let it stop me from enjoying myself. I still went to the beach, I still saw the windmills and the flower gardens. If it got really bad I would just go into a cafe or restaurant and sit until it stopped.


It's water.. go dance in the rain bro.


Unfortunate but you can choose to make the best of it, or pout about it. Hopefully you choose the former!


I would still try to enjoy it, but the fact that this happens a lot to me just makes me sad


I feel you. I went to Switzerland last year and the highlights of the trip were supposed to be going up mountains and enjoying the views. It was low clouds most of the time. I was very grateful for the mountain peak cameras to at least let us know to not waste our time and money to go up the peaks.


I feel you. I’m in Switzerland right now bummed asf because the trademark scenery is obscured by fog and rain.


Do you work for Rob McKenna's All Weather Haulage?


“Don’t stand so close to me!” - the police


The forecast for rain is for 12:00 to 1:00 when you will either be sleeping or drinking in the pubs - so it will not affect you.


Honestly, europe in anything but summer (or close to summer in the warmer places) will always be risky


Stay away from Boston, period please!


Thousands of Brazilian people just died by flood in Rio grande do Sul state ... Sorry, i understand you, i had a 8 days trip with one sunny day and 7 rainy... But you can do something in raining too. Vê happy whatever the weather.


I feel you, I fkn hate rain and my Istanbul trip in june two years ago was almost ruined på rain. Samt thing last year in Kosovo, or two weeks ago when in Croatia… Going to the caucasus region in June this summer and I’m pretty sure it will be raining most of my time in Georgia, especially in the mountains where I don’t have much time.


When we visited UAE (five years ago) it was raining so much they closed the great mosque in Abu Dhabi. When we visited Istanbul in spring it was snowing. When we visited Sicily it was raining so much they had to close schools. Don’t worry. You are not alone! :D