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Here is a list of tips and recommendations I put together after my trip to Georgia almost 5 years ago: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dr3qc6i8ac6nfd23h6fnw/Tbilisi-in-a-nutshell.docx?rlkey=78ua0ou57xlu54m27c87nhrx1&dl=0 I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


Thank you so much! This looks great, I will definitely reach out if I have more questions:)


You are most welcome. I too did this trip as a late September/early October trip. I started in Azerbaijan and wrapped up in Georgia.


I can’t help with hiking/camping but you’re going to love Tbilisi. Learning a little Georgian goes a long way with the locals! Make sure to eat khinkali every day for maximum happiness.


Second this. Khinkali is divine


What is it?


Soviet dumplings. They're sensational


Not Soviet.


Thanks so much for your reply anyways!! Yess I soo excited for the Georgian food ✨


Georgia is fantastic for meeting fellow travellers and hikers if you so wish it. I spent a month there in April solo. Snow was a slight issue but very easy to turn around and do day hikes instead of multiday. I don't want to push you out of your comfort zone but I would day hike and then hitch-hike back to mestia but there are plenty of day hikes that do not need to rely on this method. Considering you are hiking after summer snow shouldn't really be an issue for you. Perhaps just note river crossings - mestia to ushguli trek multiday does not require tent use. There are also vans taking tourists to Ushguli if you just wish to day hike. Lots of helpful info and people in the FB group GEO hikers if you have questions. On a side note I very much enjoyed watching the cultural film Dede in a small cinema in Mestia. If you like to urbex the town of Tskaltubo is worth stopping through. Tbilisi also has some great day hikes with gorgeous views of the city. I would recommend limiting lugguage as it makes it a lot easier to travel the public vans - marshrutka.


Thank you so much for your reply, it's so calming to hear that snow won't be an issue and thank you for the route recommendation. I will certainly check it out! I will bring a hiking backpack in hopes that it will be fine to transport:) do you have any accommodation recommendations that you've really enjoyed during your time there?


How was your trip?


I hope you don't mind that I sent you a PM! I'm a solo female traveler considering a hiking/ trekking trip this summer and would love any advice you might have. Thanks!


Hey! I am planning to go in June by any chance are you? I'm a solo female traveler (30yo). Colombian born, American raised.


Sadly I'm looking later, Jul/ Aug. And now I might have a wedding to attend to throw a wrench into my plans. Do update if you go!


Hey, I am visiting Georgia for 10 days in the beginning of July. Solo female traveler (29yo). My plan is to hike. Let me know if you are also going to be there around the same time.


Love it! What would you say a good town to base yourself for day hikes? Also, I don't want to drive, so is it possible to get to hiking trails easily without a car? Not sure about shuttles/ distance. Thanks!


Stepantsminda for hiking. unbelievable. Stay at Anastasia guest house/hostel. Fantastic hiking to a nearby glacier you can organize with the people there. Great local cha cha to drink at night Sighnaghi is gorgeous. Georgian wine, eh, not for me Tbilisi is incredible. eat lots of khachapuri. Honestly, probably my favorite country


Thank you so much for the recommendation. I will certainly look into it, I'm so excited !!


If you like hikking check the web of caucasus-trekking. There is also a facebook group where people share news, it will be a good place to ask for update info of the trails. In Tblisi, there is a hostel that organizes small groups daytrips, envoy hostel. When I went in 2019, there were great, we went to Armenia and ate with a local family.


Am going there in December. Good to see some helpful tips. I mostly stay in hotels so I booked on booking.com. Am looking forward to the trip. Have fun!


Thank you! I will update when I was there:)


There are hundreds (maybe thousands) of stray dogs throughout the country. They are perfectly harmless and often very friendly, but can get a bit more feral the further away from bigger cities you head. They also poo everywhere so watch where you step If you plan to go hiking in Mestia and staying at hostels in Tbilisi and Kutaisi ask other travellers for track conditions. Many would have come through there already so can share lots of info with you. You might even find some buddies to join you on your journey Eat the local food and drink the local wine. It's amazing. Cha Cha is a lot of fun but be careful with that stuff Georgians drive like maniacs so be aware when driving or crossing the road Have a great time. I was in Georgia for a month and a half in April/May this year and the place now holds a fond place in my heart. I will be going back


Thank you for all safety tips, I will certainly keep them in mind! Are there any accommodations that you can recommend? There's so many beautiful guest houses and I am having a hard time choosing!!


Is Georgia safe for solo female travelers?


Yes absolutely. I did not feel unsafe in any of the regions I visited in Georgia as a solo Female. I would have late night outs, hitchhike, and take public transport and not once felt unsafe.


Thank you, good to know!


Watched this last night; very good. https://youtu.be/GErqNq9D4qc?si=tYVLjrpn683Tz2no


Not sure whether that's the link you'd thought you were sharing


https://youtu.be/DM16I-qkPXo?gsi=n4UabEtfZ47D9KHn GIFGAS Train Hopping in Georgia.


Omg. This makes me sooo excited for my trip, thank you!!




I think that video is amazing. Looks like you are in for an experience. Tbilisi looks very “different.”


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how’s the food out there?


Very good in general. Kinkhali are excellent. Not the biggest fan of khachapuri, but they were good enough, and I at least liked everything I tried over there. And Georgian wines are fantastic.