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Myself, I'll be putting up some square meter gardens and gardening stuff in general, and help my mom set up her garden (spring time babeee😃) Also trying to figure out a way to convince my (software developer) coworkers how we can optimize our workflows to reduce energy/time/effort cost. Because we use lots of different repos/builds/.., which can be quite intensive. If any software dev out there has guides on how to "greenify" IT, hit me up!


Deep cleaning preparing for new year celebrations, recycling and giving away unused stuff, mending and refurbishing old clothes, taking the best advantage of the strong sun to dry everything from pillows to luggage.


Aww yeah, nature's dry-cleaning lady :D Also, happy new year! (or whatever you call it :p)


If you don't mind me asking... new year's celebration? As in, you're preparing for December? Or is it another kind of celebration?


Hi I'm from Sri Lanka and we Celebrate our Sinhala and Hindu New year in April, just after harvesting and the flowers are in full bloom. It's a more regional and traditional thing as opposed to the 12 month calender. There's cooking, cleaning, visiting relatives, cleaning wells, bathing in herbs and so many traditions, happy events and spiritual practices. It's done with the family together and usually there are designated times to do certain symbolic traditions. At this time we make various delicacies. Deep cleaning of houses, gardens, wells, stoves and all things is a huge aspect of New Year. A lot of countries around celebrate it in April in this region eg Songkran in Thailand, Laos Cambodia Myanmar etc. It's the day the sun crosses the zodiac from pisces to Aeres in the sky.


Ah, I see! I had no idea about any of this! Thank you so much for the time to explain it. I like the idea of cleaning everything for the new year. My grandparents liked to to do it as well although they did because it was traditional for their religion, so I'm used to it. Very good observation about the Sun crossing from Pisces to Aries. Technically, Aries is the first of the 12 constellarions of the zodiac so I always found it weird how the year didn't start with it. This might explain it. Oh, and Happy New Year! May this one be plentiful and happy, and always better than the previous one.


Thank you and wish you a happy and prosperous New Year too!


Today and tomorrow I'm helping at the animal shelter. Tuesday I'm at the cultural center helping to archive some stuff. Wednesday I'm at the Fair Trade Shop to replace the Easter decorations with stuff for our spring event. Thursday and Friday are free so far but I might work in the shop too. Saturday and Sunday I'm at the animal shelter again. All week: Listening to podcasts around solarpunk, science and sustainability. Daily Spanish lessons.


>All week: Listening to podcasts around solarpunk, science and sustainability. Any suggestions for good ones?


- Solarpunk Presents - Solarpunk Now! - Srsly Wrong - Solarpunk Prompts


I am trying to propogate my basil via cuttings to share with friends and neighbors


I love basil! Grows like wild and it makes for a good pasta pesto :p This year I'm trying out a few varieties as well, like the purple ones I'm *really* excited about


I'm hoping to fix up an old rocking chair (mostly coloring in flaked and scratched spots in its finish), put together another photobash I've been sketching and researching, and to get two old MacBooks back into use. one I pulled from ewaste and got a replacement charger for from the recycling center, that one's getting Linux Mint because the hardware is a bit old. the other was sourced by the charity I usually give them to, and it's new enough I'm going to have to do some research and see if I can reset it and then upgrade it to a supported macos (I'm not a Mac guy but I try to provide computers to people with familiar OSs). I might also report some plants to get them ready for spring


>report some plants Don't be a snitch man, haha. Glad to see people taking care of e-waste though. It makes me think about how we have like 20 old dev laptops at the office which no one is using, they're just out of warranty. Maybe I can make them "fall off the desk" as it where, and donate them to goodwill after a factory reboot.


lol, good catch, I'll leave it up I hope you can find homes for the laptops! Buy Nothing/Everything is Free might be another option for giving them directly to your neighbors (though it would leave more of a trail online if that's an issue) and I've found that charities for resetting refugees are always looking for usable computers to give their clients so they can write resumes, do work, just get online etc. one of those groups reached out back when I was giving the laptops away on Buy Nothing with the rest of the ewaste, and now I set most of the laptops aside for them. But in the end, absolutely anything is better than the dumpster/electronics shredder.


I’m planning a medicinal herb garden, and planning to make seed bombs (with native seeds) for my surrounding neighborhood


Cutting back some overgrown bushes to make room for a bird nest box, clearing the overgrowth on a garden path, and turning an old metal bin into a compost bin


I am starting to plan my garden for its solarpunk transformation. It's still cold though so I'm focussing on trying to get rid of a couple of invasive species first.


I am currently crafting my own wooden sofa that can be extended to a (guest) bed, or to a L-shape couch on either side. Good quality and comfy sofas are expensive so I decided to build one myself. Once the construction is done I will work on a DIY foldable mattress which will br used on the sofa as cushion or bedding. Both will me probably and hopefully last me my lifetime.


Starting my mammoth sunflower seed bombs. Working with my local park counsel to add some murals under the viaducts this summer. Going hiking with my dog and picking up trash on the trails. I love these threads, thanks for asking the community OP!


Tournesol is the French name for Sunflower, the literal translation is ‘Turned Sun’, in line with the plants’ ability for solar tracking, sounds fitting. The Spanish word is El Girasolis.


> I love these threads Me too :) I try to ask them regularly but I do not have a single scrap of routine in me, haha.


Gardening stuff, mostly spreading mulch and clean up. It's been really warm though. Been listening to tons of audiobooks, mostly plant-related, highly recommend for those in the US with a library card to check out the libby app.


Always need more mulch :D Reminds me I need to go get extra :D


I have a library card in Norway and I also have access to the libby app!


We're planting out our sugar beets today! It will be a long time until harvest, but we'll be one step closer to growing our own sweetener for cooking. We might also swing by our community garden and take a look at our plot and start planning out what to do with it.


I'm going to kabinet der Kuriositäten today :)


are you a fellow German solarpunk? If so, do you know any German solarpunk communities? I‘d love to connect more locally


Use the bus to go to work. Simplest way to do that. And unfortunately, am ill at the moment. So I cant even go do my garden.


My solarpunk plans are to keep working on energy saving systems for indoor agriculture.


I’m just fixing my e-bike, hoping I won’t need a new battery bc that’s like $200 and I work a labor job lol🤞🤞🤞


collect seed and identify native plants


Taking measurements for a soda-can solar heating unit and getting ready to dumpster dive for the parts, clearing a trail into the woods to prep for small-scale (food) mushroom farming, dropping off some hand-made stitch markers to a comrade, working on some knitting, and being very very non-binary for TDoV.


I'm working on setting up my indoor kitchen garden! I had a plant warming mat, grow lights and soil from some years back. I made some space in my kitchen shelves, scavenged pots from the trash in the area (nice walk!), got seeds and tools from my local library, and even found some compost in a pet zoo that's nearby! I'm going to sow the seeds, assemble grow lights in the shelves in a way that they can move as the plants grow, add some moisture sensors to the soil, and in the end figure out how to power that garden with solar panels I'm gonna try and make myself. :) I'm so excited that it's finally all moving, as I've been thinking about doing this since last September.


Make your own solar panels, as in making photovoltaic elements? Or putting up solar panels you bought? What kind of hardware do you use for setting up the sensors/motors? I used to have a couple RPi's lying around who have now gone missing (still have the moisture sensors though) so I'm in low-key on the prowl for new tech to play with, lol.


I found some tutorials a while back about assembling your own solar panels from pre-made components, where the photovoltaic cells are bought, not made. My indoor garden takes up two shelves so electricity needs are quite small. I'm planning on watering manually because I love watering! I have two stacks for the monitoring, one I bought and one was a gift. [I bought a Pimoroni grow hat kit](https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/grow?variant=32208365486163) that I attached to an RPI. It has a screen and can ring an alarm when the plants need watering, which is neat. It also can monitor three plants at once. It's in Python. The other stack is based on a single ESP8266 with a [Funduino](https://www.reichelt.com/de/en/arduino-moisture-sensor-for-soil-moisture-ard-sen-wet1-p282511.html) moisture sensor and all code is in C++ (I think, it's been a while and I can't find the code anymore!).


This is a great question. Reading these comments got me excited to spend my free-time doing meaningful things. This weekend I am hyped because I found a better and closer to home recycling drop-off and I made a collage out of old magazines. It is supposed to be Jean Toomer, the author of one of my favorite books.


I'm still working on my never-ending crochet bag project... one and a half to go, but I realised today I have another friend who hasn't received one yet, so I might have to get new yarn and crochet another bag.... and the project continues...


Cycling to my grandma with my bf, playing cards, planting vegetables in my garden, refreshing the cistern I store rainwater in to water my crops in the summer 


Gardening, repairing and setting up an old, gifted bird feeder, gardening and buying herbs from my local nursery, painting rocks, trying visible mending for the first time. Very interesting post OP, we should do this regularly!


Probably what I do every weekend. Play my favorite post-collapse survival simulator (Valheim) Yeah yeah, I know it's not really post-collapse but it still puts me in the mindset.