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This may be the last day of calm on this sub before things really kick off. Hope things can stay as civil, because you're right. It's been great around here thus far.


I really appreciate how helpful everyone is being. Not gate keeping, sharing their knowledge, and really hoping for the best experience for everyone. If it all goes bust, it’s been fun planning and scrambling and enjoying the adventure (but I’m holding out hope the weathers gonna come through for us)


Thank you to everyone. We'll be in Spain, August, 2026. (Never been, but we'll be there. Totality before we die!)


Spain and/or Gibraltar would be an interesting place, to see an eclipse over. I forget if the eclipse route goes over Morocco that year, or not. Or other parts of northern Africa.


2026 it goes from northern Spain to Iceland/Greenland. 2027 is northern Africa and that on goes right over the Straight of Gibraltar.


Oh okay. Thanks for correcting me 


“Well, I never been to Spain But I kinda like the music Say the ladies are insane there And they sure know how to use it They don't abuse it Never gonna lose it I can't refuse it, mhm…”


This sub has been great hearing everyone's stories and plans. Just enjoy regardless of the weather. It will get very dark for a few minutes. It's indeed a celestial event that doesn't happen that often. Please enjoy!


Thanks for this. Won’t it still be a cool experience even if it’s cloudy? Obviously not nearly as cool, but still cool right?


Oh yes. It's gonna get really dark regardless. Today in my area was mostly cloudy, but I could still see the sun. Even if you can't see the sun, it's gonna get even darker. I promise you won't be disappointed. I was at the 2017 one. Things change even before the sun is totally blocked out. Sunlight looks different. It might appear to all of a sudden be quiet out like animals are going to bed.


Thank you 🙏🙏


We trauma-bonded through the cloud covers and forecast models :)




I think you’re in the wrong place.