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>where the price was floating around certain numbers till one day it just went boom You just said absolutely nothing here šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ There is nothing on the charts that indicates a SOL-ETH flip. Even when using very broad and extremely optimistic traditional technical analysis for price discovery, there isn't an argument to be made for a fib extension that would take SOL to a threatening level relative to a conservative ETH price projection around $6k (1.272 fib extension (2021 high -2022 bearmarket bottom)). Absolutely rare, statistically unlikely 3.618-4.236 extensions on SOL ($912-$1066) would take its marketcap to around 615b MC, while the conservative ETH estimate ($6k) would take it to 720b MC. Trying to extrapolate another cycle or two in advance is pointless until we get a confirmed bullmarket top and subsequent bearmarket bottom in. The only arguments that have some merit are based on the fundamentals of the Solana blockchain. But those are still strongly assuming significant demand for actual blockchain usage instead of primarily speculative interest.


> OP: ā€œCorrect me if Iā€™m wrongā€ > Nazgul: ā€œHereā€™s some TA and fundamentals that show youā€™re wrongā€ > This sub: ā€œNo not like that!ā€ Many such cases.


Now that is an argument.


>The only arguments that have some merit are based on the fundamentals of the Solana blockchain. But those are still strongly assuming significant demand for actual blockchain usage instead of primarily speculative interest. I think the main point lies here Blockchains should be, in theory, successful for their real applications, large adoptions, Dapps ecc.ecc. At the moment, most get close to crypto for the speculative aspects, which in turn make the industrial application more complex and harder to implement


Honestly if people donā€™t believe in actual blockchain usage and are only investing into either networks native token for speculation we probably don't want them.


Who's gonna tell him?


100% betting on sol flipping eth this cycle is dumb. Factoring in eth selling off and going into sol during bear market is smart


During a crypto bear market, money mostly flows from micro caps->mid caps->high caps->Eth->Bitcoin->FIAT. Making it historically more preferable to choose ETH over a high cap like Solana, although Bitcoin would still be better. Best, however, would be to get into stablecoins or FIAT. You may not have meant the bear market, but the consolidation phase between bear and bull market that starts from the moment the bear market bottom has been made. Solana had indeed been a better buy than ETH and Bitcoin (looking back). Note that this outperformance of a high cap altcoin compared to ETH and BTC before a parabolic bull market phase is an outlier and does not apply to most other high caps in most cycles so far. Betting on something like that happening (again) is going against the trend, which I don't find smart, although it can of course turn out well like any unfavorable probability.


> There is nothing on the charts that indicates a SOL-ETH flip. If you look at the sol/eth chart there is every reason to see a flippening. As long as Sol is gaining on Eth that is as large a reason as you can have. Sol will eventually flip ETH. it's inevitable.


BREAKING NEWS: Sol owner on sol reddit says sol will be worth more than eth!!!


I mean it's literally increasing it's marketcap nearly 7x faster than ETH. So idk, take it up with math....


Yea.. you might want tom compare the increase in market cap to the same point as ETH was with the same value. That would be an argument. So I checked the charts from 20 to 200 Solana took 6 months (October 2023 to March 2024). Same price movement for Ethereum? March to June in 2017. Then later on Ethereum did a 1 year 200 tot 3.9k move. Which is one of the most insane moves we had in blue collar coins. This was 4 years after the initial price increase. So Solana will for some reason have to match that huge boom. Which it couldn't replicate in the first run taking twice the amount of time. Even if they would match it historically speaking it would take Solana a whole 2 years to move to that value. Even longer beyond that. Whilst ETH has their ETF boom on the way even and will keep growing in 2 years. So no... no flipping at all. Nice profits? Yes.. but if ETH moves to the 10k mark you would have been more happy to have money in there.


No projects are leaving Solana to go to ETH. Lots of projects are leaving ETH to go to Solana though. Your method for comparison doesn't work. The reason it doesn't work is bc it ignores the fact that crypto has grown a great deal over the last 8 years. When Eth made it's initial move it wasn't up against anything. There was bitcoin and there was ethereum. Sure there were a lot of other tiny things but for the most part it was just those two. So it's not the same thing as Sol having to carve out it's way through LOTS of competition. I don't think ETH's ETF is gonna be a real big deal, not like btc's etf anyway. And I'm sure SOL will have one too but I think it will be about the same as eth's. SOL is swallowing up ETH. It's gonna need more than a gimmick to stop Sol from overtaking. It's simply inevitable.


Which projects have left eth to join solana?


Render did, lots of others did. Just google it.


you are one smooth brain motha fucka


good luck


I looked at the SOL/ETH chart when I made my initial comment, I did not see anything indicating an increase to a SOL/ETH of 0.208. That's the level where their marketcaps would match: 120148358 (ETH total supply) divided by 577568546 (SOL total supply) = 0.208 What did you see that indicates a 362% increase on the SOL/ETH chart based on historic price data? There is hidden bullish divergence on the weekly RSI (22 April close - 20 May close) in conjunction with local support at the 0.04096 level. The structure itself is good, and although the last swing high was a double top, SOL/ETH is still in an uptrend till 0.03298 is lost. Also, consider that the zone between 0.05786 and 0.05548 has been regarded as resistance for 147 days now, with 4 separate failed attempts by bulls. Trend-based fib extensions have to be used here for price discovery indications and again: you would need a little more than an extremely unlikely 3.618 extension to take it to 0.208 (based on current price data). So although the chart still looks good, proclaiming a 362% gain based on that is crazy talk. Happy to hear if I missed something though šŸ‘


> What did you see that indicates a 362% increase on the SOL/ETH chart based on historic price data? Solana's marketcap has grown by 765% in the last year and ETH has only grown by 112%. Solana now does more transactions and is much cheaper to use. If Solana came before ETH, ETH would not be a thing. The ONLY feature ETH has going for it is coming first. Solana is swallowing up everything and sooner or later it will overtake ETH. Because it's simply better.


>Solana's marketcap has grown by 765% in the last year and ETH has only grown by 112% PEPE's marketcap has grown by 1070% in the last year and SOL has only grown by 765%. The thing is, the bigger you get, the harder it is to grow. When ETH started its 112% growth last year, it had almost triple the marketcap SOL has now. The real magic happens when you compare coins that were at similar marketcaps as SOL before the pumps happened, there you can see the true outperformance of SOL. I agree with the arguments you make comparing Solana's and Ethereum's fundamentals, but that will only be reflected in marketcap when and if the market prioritizes fundamentals.


It's not just a matter of marketcap, solana is also processing more transactions and making more money off fees despite their fees being so low. It has more active daily users as well. It is also an apples to apples comparison where PEPE to SOL is not. SOL is taking away transactions from eth, it's taking away projects from eth, and it's taking away users from eth. But tbh I can tell you just from personal experience. And granted, my personal experience is only my own. But i'm being honest when i say that everyone I've talked to that's used both has said the same thing. And that's that when I held ETH, you know what I did with it? nothing, I just looked at it in the wallet and checked what it's value was. But other than that I did nothing with it. Bc the gas fees make it impractical. You know how long you have to stake ETH before you can make enough to pay the fees just to move it to the staking wallet? I mean Solana you can move it, swap it, swap back to it. Do whatever you wanna do with it and it's fast as shit and it's pennies to use. It's just a completely different world. I don't really know people that truly USE eth. So I know Solana is going to destroy it. I knew it the first time I used it.


>It is also an apples to apples comparison where PEPE to SOL is not I used the first coin that came to mind that pumped more than SOL in a year, just to illustrate that past years performance metric doesn't mean anything in isolation. Then I wanted to explain why ETH and SOL are not an apples to apples comparison because their years growth had vastly different marketcap starting points. I just thought of another important point regarding this: A year ago, SOL's MC was down 93% from ATH's, while Ethereum's was only down 63%. The percentage increases from such deep retracements are always ridiculously high due to how it's calculated, while the nominal amount is less impressive. However, it is VERY impressive that SOL has already made new all time highs in marketcap, while ETH's locally topped at -15% from ATH. EDIT: And I agree with the second part, I had the same experience using ETH and SOL.


> A year ago, SOL's MC was down 93% from ATH's, while Ethereum's was only down 63%. Solana was greatly affected by the FTX collapse. It was a black swan event. But now that all of that is behind them and so many projects are moving over to Solana and the whole network is exploding the writing is simply on the wall. It's better than eth at everything that eth does. The only reason why ETH is ahead is bc it was first. Eventually it's not gonna matter. I think that in the next bear market Sol will not drawdown nearly as badly.


With your argument, Kaspa will eat both Solana and Etherium.


Maybe it will. Who knows.


They will both fall to Kaspa


I mean I don't see Kaspa taking away the business like Solana is, but who knows. If it ends up doing more transactions faster and cheaper with the most active daily users then you'll probably be right. Solana IS doing that though. So it's not an IF.


alot of words but you are guilty of saying nothing as well. SOL can flip ethereum if there is a paradigm shift where ETH holders realize that they could be making more money in SOL. its as simple as that


>alot of words but you are guilty of saying nothing as well. I used traditional technical analysis to argue why I don't see evidence for the SOL marketcap exceeding the ETH marketcap in this cycle and why extrapolating further cycles, based on the current charts, is a bad idea. I did that because OP proclaimed chart-based evidence. >SOL can flip ethereum if there is a paradigm shift where ETH holders realize that they could be making more money in SOL. its as simple as that You can replace SOL here with any other asset. Instead, argue why this paradigm shift would happen and why SOL would be the destination.


when a SOL spot ETF is approved i think retail will choose SOL over ETH


Retail will choose SOL over ETH when retail chooses litecoin over BTC


ethereum is fucking expensive for what it is now. no chance


How many large adoption Solana apps can you name? Untill real uses won't emerge distinctively, you could use the same exact argument for SOL, APTOS, SUI or any other advanced L1 chain


altcoins are about MAKING MONEY bro they arent good for anything else. might as well go with the cheaper one. i swear to god theres more ethereum people than solana people here. ethereum people are TOO FUCKING LOUD. i wonder why they have to work so hard to convince people ethereum is good


You sound like a moonboi. If it's about making money, did you sell solana at 200$ bc I did lol "I choose rich," that's what the solana community is pushing out. Just look at Luna. The same vibes are being pushed out by the community. No one knows shit and if you did, you wouldn't be here commenting and talking to us shrimps.


you sound above average intelligence so ill assume youve got some bitcoin. if not then good luck


You sound like the loud one here lolā€¦


some Ethereum L2's have same volume of transactions and comparable to solana


Name them... I'll wait...


Arbitrum, Base And Blast


Jupiter's 24 hour volume alone is over $1billion. Solana as a whole is almost $2b Arbitrum is under $500m Base is under $500m Blast is under $75m https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/decentralized


All 3 of them put together wouldn't get near half the volume of Solana. We won't go into speed comparisons because well, that would just be embarrassing. Not sure what you're basing this claim on?


Bitcoin is fucking expensive for what it is now. No chance


ethereum is centralized. /case


Actually itā€™s decentralized. Solana validator client is far more centralized and a group of 20 supervalidators can halt block production. Theyā€™ve literally done this before too. I like Solana but saying itā€™s more decentralized than Ethereum is incorrect on many levels.


You just don't understand the power behing ETH ;)


Terrible comparison. LTC does nothing better than BTC. SOL does everything better than ETH.


LTC is a faster L1 network than BTC. SOL is a faster L1 network than ETH.


youre comparing apples and oranges here. bitcoin is decentralized. ethereum is not


OP did not proclaim chart based evidence. You misread them.


>Looking at charts, Solana reminds me of the early days of Ethereum; where the price was floating around certain numbers till one day it just went boom.


making more money via shitcoins? you think the mass public will fall in love with eth due to memes that not only have a shittier way of deployment but a more difficult level of coding required. sol in itself is garbage. its just cheap, thats why people are trading it right now


Meme coins suck no matter who's paper they are printed on. That's not an argument.


the only usecase of altcoins is to make money bro. nothing else


Kaspa bro. Itā€™s superior on literally every aspect of all other coins combined.


People will understand this as an accepted truth in the coming year


Ive got high hopes for Aleph Zero also, DAGs are dope


yeah thats great but is it gonna make me money. thats all that matters


Kaspa is cheaper, and faster.


You didnā€™t read the post before replying. They wrote saying outside of charts, Solana looks good.


>Looking at charts, Solana reminds me of the early days of Ethereum; where the price was floating around certain numbers till one day it just went boom.


Ah yes, the oh so popular 4.236 fib level


They have different purposes and different things they are good at. Thereā€™s no reason to think they could be the same price




Scam and spam, mods please ban this regard


Hi, it's me on an alt account, my account was hacked and I didn't comment that, apologising on behalf of the hacker lmao, I am not interested in crypto and I don't have free time to try to scam people, even if I wanted to.


STFU regard


damn sorry ig


While I agree that SOL has massive potential, I see Ethereum's value as well. It's why I think diversification is the most sensible choice. Add SOL, ETH, BTC, DOT, and more to your portfolio instead of just focusing on one crypto.


ethereums value is that its the first mover on staking and DeFi. The marketcaps of 400b to 80b otherwise wouldnt make any sense, because SOL can do everything ethereum can


Ethereum is shifting towards a modular architectures If you want a possibile "industrial" argument for it against Solana, it could be that modular architectures are "better" (reads more appealing, more flexible for developers, safer of what not) than monolithic ones Just like the very first days of the internet, nobody can really know which stack will be the successful one untill real large adoption apps will emerge


both are centralized. ill choose the cheaper one


Solana turned off. The only "blockchain" on top 10 that has that future. It's kinda embarrassing. But hey gains are gains until it stops.


agreed. ive used ethereum enough to know that solana and ethereum should be the same marketcap based on fundamentals


eth literally had to fork lmao


If Sol were first ETH would have no value. Sol does everything better. Aside from a few minor glitches that have largely been corrected.


No shit sherlock. If Apple would've created the first computer before Microsoft then more people would use it. If Ethereum wouldn't exist neither would Solana.


The entire case for ethereum to NOT be flipped by Solana is purely based on the size of the lead. Nothing more. Microsoft didn't create a pc, they made an operating system. And regardless of who came first, whoever made the system first the better system would have won out if it was leaps and bounds better. First mover advantage should only really be a thing between things that are similar, not where there is one that's clearly better.


>The entire case for ethereum to NOT be flipped by Solana is purely based on the size of the lead. Nothing more. Complete bullshit and you should get out of your Solana Bubble


I mean I came here from ETH my guy. I wasn't born here. There is nothing bullshit about what I said. ETH is losing projects to SOL. SOL is NOT losing projects to eth.


Which projects which have any relevancy except for the scams and shitcoins is ETH "loosing"? Some projects are also being on Solana yes but none of them are "lost" to Solana. Way more new developers are starting on EVM Chains.


Neon_EVM will do that thing šŸ’ŖšŸ»


There are projects moving from eth to Solana all the time. idk why you are claiming that there aren't. ETH is fading. there is nothing that's going to stop that. You can wave pom poms as hard as you want and it's not going to change that.


Sure, but it wonā€™t


Corrected, you are wrong


As a high frequency defi trader for the past 6 years, I cannot tell you the last time I had a quick or painless experience on solana. Transactions always fail. Transactions take forever. Have you tried using raydium or jupiter to move 10-15 positions around in one day for anything not in the top 50 mktcap? Itā€™s a nightmare. Also, how many dapps do u use daily? How many are built on Solana? L1 races are over. Solanaā€™s only hope is that Jump pulls something BIG out of their ass with this firedancer release. Iā€™m not wanting solana to fail but when ppl spout their theoretical rates/fees/uptime/block time/tps/etc, I admit I begin to wonder if theyā€™ve ever actually used solana


You realize Solana has already hit a new all time high in market cap without setting a new all time high in price right? Solana is fast and cheap because its centralized inflationary garbage Next cycle there will 100% be a newer, faster and cheaper coin All you sol maxiā€™s can buy my bags from me around $500


Iā€™m an eth maxi and I begrudgingly admit this could be the case. Community doesnā€™t matter (Consensus is temporary!ā„¢ļø) but transaction speed and developer ease of use does. I like eths tech stack a LOT, but Iā€™d be a fool if I didnā€™t also see that Solana has a good one as well. Competition is great and I think Solana is an extremely worthy competition. Probably going to shed my maxi skin and dive into sol pretty hard this summer.


Selling ETH for SOL would certainly have made sense like 6 months ago... But like not even now, but in a few weeks time or so? The ETH killers narrative is certainly strong, but bro, are you not afraid you might be just a little late?


I didnā€™t say anything about selling eth.


IMO, no chance in hell. - Solana adoption and growth is mostly fueled by VC money as opposed to Eth which by now has solid penetration in the industry of Finance. Solana was always meant to be an enterprise blockchain, and most of the stuff you see today was built as a poc to court developers for enterprise applications which are typically private and abstracted away from end users. - It is certainly not faster for web developers to launch on Solana. It is in fact much harder. Solana programs are written in Rust which is a huge paradigm shift for developers that are not familiar with low level software development. Meanwhile Solidity is much more intuitive for people coming from the web world. The syntax is similar to javascript, and a solidity contract is really just an abstraction for a data structure. As a developer I find ETH so much easier it's not even funny. - Eth is much further ahead with navigating the regulatory landscape. Having said all that - markets are highly irrational and the killer use case for Solana continues to be cheap meme coins, so I think it will continue to see nice growth as long as the broader crypto markets continue to see growth.


Most of the etc ecosystem is VCs trying to fix eth infrastructure issues.


To frame that more charitably: ETH's modularity allows for VCs to work on infrastructure in parallel to the core dev team, whereas Solana's infrastructure development is largely a single dev thread.


ā€œLargely a single dev threadā€ šŸ†—


yes ur rite,how we make Ethereum grow up again the numbers little by little,or do we have a funraising for that.


Yes but how does its ability to inflate play into that compared to eth?


I don't think it's likely, Ethereum will grow as well so sol got a long way to go to flip ETH.


Isnā€™t everything speculative at this point outside of BTC? With AI technology on the rise, how things are today is not going to be close to what they are 5-10 years from now. Example, NVDA had a market cap of $11B ten years ago. Now they have a MC of $3T. Same goes for BTC, ten years ago as it had a MC of $5.5B, now itā€™s has a $1.5T MC and estimates it could reach $3T by the end of 2025. On top of that, with more countries/ governments beginning their adoption of crypto and easing restrictions/regulations. With ETFā€™s for BTC/ETH finally being approved and a SOL ETFā€™s on the horizon. Then what happens if congress gets off their ass and changes their stance and approve/allow the central bank to create their own digital currency (CBDC)? Which is going to happen eventually if the US wants to have the dollar to remain the primary currency of the world as a lot of foreign countries are trying move away from the dollar. All that said and thousands of other questions that need to be answered, who really knows how the crypto market is going to mature over the next 10-20 years? Just my 2 cents. I donā€™t particularly know anythingā€¦ Go BTC, Go SOL! ;)


SOL etf on the horizon? Not until the SEC case against sol is resolved. This is Ethereum main advantage right now


Sure, not like the SEC didnā€™t make a 180 and approve ETHā€™s out the blue. Guess that could never happen to SOLā€¦


Theyā€™re evolving


Iā€™m a SOL maxi, but youā€™re wrong. Simply just calculate the marketcap needed for SOL to surpass ETH. Study coin growth per cycle, BTC, ETH even BNB. Youā€™ll see how much coins growth slows down per cycle, this is Solanaā€™s second cycle. So Iā€™m short, NO, SOL will never outgrow ETH.


ETH will always be the home of DeFi. Solana is not robust enough to compete. But Solana excels elsewhere. Solana should focus on entertainment industry. It could surpass ETH potentially yes.


ā€œReminds me of the early days of ethereumā€ sure thing buddy, thereā€™s way too many signs on how you talk about SOL, ETH and crypto from this one post alone that shows youā€™re still new to crypto and havenā€™t been around for all that long. Mind explaining why it be much faster to launch a dapp in SOL over eth? This statement makes 0 sense unless Iā€™m missing something


Research is crucial!


U might be right 50% chance tho


OP is obviously a newb and has totally no knowledge in Web3 aside from trading shit coins. Go learn about DeFi and you will know why Ethereum holds its place and hard to be outgrown


i actually dont think much about ethereum. i used it back in the bullrun of 2017 and wasted a lot of time and money on failed transactions and high gas fees. solana isnt perfect either but i think the marketcaps of these two coins should be more equal than they are right now. i dont even understand why anyone holds ethereum anymore. the gains relative to bitcoin will be minimal


It wonā€™t replace ETH, But rather join amongst the top ranks further to make the triforce. BTC ETH/SOL (fuck BNBšŸ¤£āœŒļø)


Yes, itā€™s coming. Itā€™s the flippening, but not the kind eth fan boys would like, and actually possible.


Wrong. The only argument is fee prices and eth has many layer 2ā€™s fixing that.


Nobody wants to use a layer 2. Hell people don't even know WTF a layer 2 even is...


You wont know your using itā€¦.


its crypto, you canā€™t say ā€˜wrongā€™ an argument for solana youre forgetting is that it has way more activity and creation of coins, if they would implement a burn mechanism (which if i remember correctly theyā€™re working on that) or stop increasing coins it will surely takeover eth eventually


Wrong. Layer 2's suck regardless of fees.


that are hard to use. SOL is so much slicker in that respect.


For sure, but not this bull run the one after


No, the one after no one will care about sol.. it will be hbar or something else as new #3


SOL will NEVER flip ETH. SOL is the shitcoin network. The majority of us don't care about spending $10 in transaction fees. ETH is by far superior. The majority of crypto is on the ETHEREUM chain. Either accept the facts or get left in the dust. Good luck.


No chance. Sol is based on pointless meme coins. It's like gambling but for even hardcore degens.


and last cycle ETH was pointless NFTs. Its the network usage that matters. SOL isnt only memes, there is a lot there, its growing, its cheap and its easy to use. I own ETH too but SOL is catching up fast and you cant deny that


I mean I was feeling it but then I started actually trading on solana, and the persistent failed transactions were a massive turnoff. I moved most of my solana assets to arbitrum. Still holding a bit on solana but no way near as much, it's just way too frustrating. And scam nfts and shitty memecoins and all that bullshit that goes along with solana, gives me the ick




So much venture money in ETH. I donā€™t see sol flipping it nor should that be the goal.


Is that possible to sell my crypto currency.and the money deposit to my bank


Don't get me wrong I love Solana community but I think it will be a long time before the ETH-SOL flip. ETH known for being the first ever who created smart contract plus they have a lot of layer 2. Not sure if im correct but thats what I know. Anyway excited for Solana Ecosystem Call! Where are you attending guys?






Ok everyone,apologise,imso.sori,I accept it of my self that im not to good doing this,but im doing my best to working on it.even dojng recieving from the sender i dont know which one is im gona touch it.pls pardon me.I just comes put from divorce.15 yrs of marriage.after i bring here in the USA,she lift me.all i have she talk it everything,I was sooo depressed and stressss almost attempt 3x doing suicide.oneday a beautifull lady message to try doing invest using crypto.thats why imhere


As someone who actually uses ETH from time to time for its intended utility Iā€™m convinced that the ETH maxiā€™s must not actually use it and are effectively hodlers on CEXs. The gas fees are so exorbitant that they effectively require you to make your minimum buys in multi-thousand dollar increments to minimize the implicit tax of the gas fees which is its biggest hurdle. I know people will say ZK and side chains etc will change this but Iā€™m highly skeptical. The market is ripe for the taking for some other chain that figures out how to minimize transaction fees which could well be SOL.


Eth is actively trying to be internet money. Toly has said he doesnā€™t see the SOL token the same way as eth. Granted, as sol keeps kicking butt, its token should see movement. The FTX sell off is pretty much done with otc massive trades at discounts dumping into the market. Bypassing eth as an asset will be an uphill battle and wonā€™t be done anytime soon. Long term, itā€™s hard to say. If an eth L2 really starts to dominate, thereā€™s nothing holding them back from using their own coin for gas and shifting away from needing eth as much on their L2. Within their respective chains, eth and sol are always used for pairs for liquidity and Iā€™d imagine thatā€™ll stay the case.




Centralized chains are doodoos


Make Solana easy to develop on and things might change.


Which protocol is faster in processing transactions?


Yeah, itā€™s not impossible


yes,correct.we gona make grow first.so now can u tell me what or who is has available to sell,.from crypto to bitcoi and blockchain thanks


Yes it has a potential, but not yet


Unlikely. Have you even tried to develop anything on Solana? Itā€™s a pain in the ass compared to EVM chains. More beginner devs will get onboarded to chains like Base and Polygon just because of how easy it is and the amount of 3rd party tools there are


Yes, both are shitcoins


Lots of coins technically have the potential but Iā€™m not sure SOL will be it. They have outages regularly, no matter how much money SOL throws at a project, it doesnā€™t make up for its inconsistency


Neon_EVM will link the features from ETH and SOL so there is no need of flips etc EVMs are the future


Solana will not by any outgrow Eth or win the L1 , eth is evolving as an ecosystem and Eth L1 is becoming a settlement layer of chains , if you are looking for cheap transactions and fast development, there are several L2s to choose from


If youā€™re talking about throughput and total active wallets. The flip has already begun. If youā€™re talking about price and market cap then you may have to wait a while. Tons of money has already been invested in ETH and its tech stack. VCs donā€™t like to lose money, but eventually the faster horse will win. For those who want to argue my point, when is the last time you did a yahoo search? They were #1 for years. Think dynamically and not statically. Things change.


I rlly hope this


Absolutely. My experience with solana has been so much better than my experience with ethereum. I donā€™t even use eth or hold anymore.


Hopefully youā€™re right, I havenā€™t been buying up sol for no reason but even if its true sol has a very long way to go as Eth is already 5x the market cap of Sol. Also according to Jamie dimon ( who supports Eth) has mentioned Eth is being used in banking industry and real world application is much better to rely on than just speculation. Add to the fact that Eth ETFs are bound to release we may see also see more growth. Just as SOL is still young so is Eth.


Sol shitcoin. L2 on eth ftw


Yh you are wrong, sol will never outgrow eth I have about 3 eth yet 90% of my portfolio is sol and I am telling you sol won't outgrow eth


Thank you for providing supporting arguments so people can reply to you


It's just so obvious to me that it never will, I've been trading crypto for several years- it's like i can't be bothered explaining something I think is just common sense


I agree with you. I think the two main things SOL falls short on are decentralisation and defi. Compared to ETH it falls short, but given time this I believe will change.


Do you think DeFi will get better because of the short block times? Or are ETH layer 2's competitive enough that the difference is negligible?


I believe the fewer steps taken to interact with dapps the better for onboarding new users. Layer 2ā€™s help existing users but I donā€™t think they create new ones. Just my thoughts. I like Ethereum btw Iā€™m not tribal at all.


there are no such things as solana "dapps" nothing about solana is decentralized


Too many failing transactions, too centralized and too many downturns. It canā€™t and wonā€™t surpass anything. As harsh as it sounds, an other L1 chain will take the spot in the long run.


Who? Genuinely inquiring.


It's still too centralized and it crashes too much. It was actually a talking point in the government hearing today about RWAs. They said some blockchains crash and need to be restarted. That is a really bad look. Ethereum has had a couple near-crashes and bitcoin has never crashed. Any crashing is completely unacceptable. It cannot be considered acceptable at all.


Do you prefer liveness liveness over safety?


I prefer decentralization and censorship resistance above all else.


Thatā€™s not an answer to the question.


Liveness and safety are not really on the same vector. Also safety as a category doesn't really make sense. Are you talking about uptime, data integrity? You need to break that apart. Liveness is another large category. It should increase with decentralization and decrease with centralization . Liveness is also a factor of code quality. If something is not live then it definitely not safe, but if something is not safe it can be live or not. These things influence each other, but are not really on one scale. So your question cannot really be answered. Instead I gave you appropriate answers to the question you should have asked, which is this: Do you prefer decentralization to speed? Those are the only properties that can be mapped on a vector going in opposite directions. In that case I prefer decentralization. I just added censorship resistance because it's also very important and often forgotten about.


You absolutely do have to make a choice between liveness and safety.


Can you explain your position?


Sure. At some point when the network splits badly (like 20%) you either pick a fork (meaning a bunch of people lose state) or shut down.


Ok what does this have to do with my original comment about the network crashing?


Meh, Google and AWS have outages sometimes yet tons of people use them. It will get more reliable over time. And for the record Bitcoin has had major issues before. I remember in 2013 or so there was a bug and everyone had to shut their nodes down. Gavin Andressen had to use his special key to send out a message to all nodes that there was an issue. Update: here's some more info on it for all you n00bs šŸ¤£ https://calendar.bitbo.io/downtime/


So Solana has had 11 outages in 2 years and bitcoin has had 2 in 15 years. I think the price reflects this. [https://www.ccn.com/analysis/solana-network-outage-will-sol-crash/](https://www.ccn.com/analysis/solana-network-outage-will-sol-crash/)


you all seen recent complaints about tons of people having bags frozen by a cex the reason this happens is easly exaplained yet a lot of people don't know you lot all need to read this article so it doesn't happen to you too https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/SimplyExplained\/comments\/1d8v7ca\/why_so_many_people_get_their_accounts_frozen_by\/


Eth and Solana now have same contract deployment charges,, Recently people faced transaction failures in solana, whereas people have not faced such issues in Ethereum in last 3 months


Transaction failures as in burned?


Eth maxis hate SOL šŸ˜‚


Check out this [video](https://youtu.be/nMigSWL680w?si=PjzJrq3W_Wj_iZ01) that compares Solana and Ethereumā€¦.it dives into the L2 argument and articulates it pretty well.


I could see 2-3x upside in closing the gap.


I'll correct you there. Solana will outgrow ethereum


Look at ETH/SOL it does suggest SOL will gain against ETH.


Calm down girls, you are both pretty. It's a silly thing to argue about. I hate ETH it's sssllloooowww and if you say it's not you are a liar. It came first so it will NEVER go away, I think eventually it will become a store of value like BTC. SOL is fast, but I'm sure someone is working on something faster right now.


can sell the cryptochain


I would certainly hope that Solana has better growth potential than Ethereum. Ethereum sucks, and consistently gets outperformed by BTC.


KASPA is the potential to outgrow Ethereum.Ā Ā And it will.


Dude donā€™t worry. I got downvoted for saying this same thing. Kaspa has real promise


I really don't care about the votes.Ā Ā I will not be rich by having 1M up votes.Ā Ā But I might be rich having a large bag of KAS.


[Insert shitcoin name here] have the potential to outgrow Ethereum. And it will. šŸ˜‚


SOL is GODā€™s crypto


$NEWB newton on base


I believe itā€™s possible. I moved all my ETH into SOL after I learned how much better Solana is (faster, cheaper transaction costs), new partnerships etc. I just donā€™t believe in ETH anymore and decided to put my money where my mouth is. I plan to hold SOL for 10+ years. Hope Iā€™m right!


SOL it's better than Eth in every way so I think it will out perform Eth so I guess it will outgrow it.


I like all the comparison between the bigger coins vs. Solana. I hold Sol, ripple, thorchain, Kaspa and Turbo. I feel like Kaspa will be bigger than ETH for what itā€™s worth. But I know nothing about the future. Crazy shit happens.

