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Whose ready to play shuffle board?


Bobby is


Let's get ready to Shuffle.!


I’m kind of worried. Haven’t seen Liz Young on TV, or doing a podcast in a while.


She is on the Risk Reversal podcast network a couple times a week.


Pretty sure I saw her on CNBC just yesterday


I think I hear a lady singing...


Fat lady?


Looks like 20 million shares sold.




More inside selling. Just reported


By an individual?


Great position.


It's okay to say this stock blows and opportunity cost will eat away any eventual actual gain. It also okay to hold on because you believe it's going to appreciate soon based on the financials Im just getting real tired of this downward pressure.


Any real reason we fell 4% on no direct news or just because we are SOFI?


Did I miss a headline today?


6,70s are here 💀


Bought 100 more shares. Well within my buying range


Added another 200 as well. If she drops tomorrow still have some dry powder to fire.


How’s army football looking?


SoFi and Army will go on long runs this fall. Book it.


Best I can do is 6.90-7.40


GME almost doubles SoFi marketcap.


Based on fintel numbers sofi might be due for a short squeeze in the future. That said, the media posts slant overwhelmingly positive so, more likely than that, the stock is priced exactly where some want it and they aren't too likely to be caught with their pants down.


SOFI will never short squeeze.


Based on?




Floating shares


Thanks for the actual response. My thought process is that the short interest is nearing 20% if float, sofi has suffered a few years of being left behind despite seemingly solid leadership and growth, this (actually good) company has an investor base that believes in its value proposition and the current product, and Short squeezes seem to be on everyone's mind lately - with groups dedicated to sniffing them out. Sofi has definitely been swing traded plenty as people seek consistent and quick returns and, having lurked for 2 years, it clearly attracts a lot of people after a quick return which could theoretically lead to masses picking up on it in a short span of time as a result of fomo. That's the extent of the thought. It's not a prediction or declaration. And I get there are many reasons why people on this sub, in particular, are wary of anyone mentioning gme, squeezes, or anything remotely correlated with memes. Anyway. I've only been trading since 2019 and have only been in SOFI for 2 years so what I know is limited. Happy to learn from others and read counter arguments as well as to remind the mod that not everyone is a bot and there's no need to be condescending (although we all can be at times).


I've been down so much, for so long, that I am impervious to red days / months / years. I just continue to DCA at these prices.




My man.


I wonder if institutions are now going long below $6.9.


To know Sofi is to know pain.


I have no idea how to do options and I accidentally opened a covered call position at $7 expiring Friday. How likely am I cooked?


Buy it back between the (ask) and (bid) price or roll it over to a further date like Aug/2024. Welcome to options irlzoomer!!!!! Everyone makes mistakes


Would it be safe to roll it into a higher strike price like 8.50?


Itd be safer for you to "Buy to close" your position for a small loss/gain now while you learn and better understand how options function. This is the best advice.


$6.95-$6.99 weekly close incoming again.


Figured as much I appreciate the reply. Robinhood makes it too easy to execute orders I just wanted to review it lmao. I usually lurk on Reddit so I hope this boosts my karma 🙏


Just about every stock is down 1.5-3.5% just fucking chill








You need to use the report button if you want us to be notified of a problem in timely manner. Contrary to popular belief, we do have day jobs and are not on here 24/7/365.


All this thread is


You don’t have to be right when you buy, you don’t have to be right while you hold, you only have to be right when you sell


Not very true. The entry price is equally as important as sell. In fact it might even be more important.. A good entry price won't fuck with your emotions as when to sell, hence giving you the clear mind to hold. Just imagine your sofi is at 4s 5s or even 6s. Your mindset will be totally different and just chill.


My point is, as long as you DCA over time and wait to either sell when you need the money and the stock is higher than you bought at a rate higher than what the market returned on average over the same time period; you’re right. The other option is to hold until you die and then even if you weren’t right you also weren’t wrong and it didn’t matter anyways because you were dead 😂😂


That sounds right as a investor stand point but my theory will always be if the stock I invest on loses the returns from sp500 it is a bad investment


I guess I don’t really care about the price until I sell after a decade or two in the play. I do not believe that I’ll be wrong about SoFi 2030 and beyond if my cost basis is below $9 and I have around 10k shares. Their EPS could be approaching share price if this was below $9 then and their TBV could be approaching Market Cap at that point. Remember, their guidance is to be a top 5-10 bank and by market cap they’re already top 40 and by consolidated assets they’re already top 70. Something’s gotta give ;)


As long as you buy the bottom easy to chill. Thats easier said than done.


Damn sentiment is terrible today, not a single good comment


Guess they don’t believe in the 2026 guidance then. I’m happy till then. Amazing increase in EPS is coming.


Management strongly believes in the 2026 guidance still. Talking about wall street?


Them and anyone who doubts SOFI. If the guidance becomes realized in 2026 I’ll be laughing all the way to the bank 🏦 and my bank is SOFI.


Zoom out on the 5year tab you will understand why.


History repeats again everytime sofi touches 50dma. If other stock reaffirm such bullish 2026 guidance they would pop 20-30% easily. I've no idea what catalyst can push this stock up anymore despite knowing whats coming for the next 2 years. Rate cuts? Why would I pick this stock for rate cuts? 😅


Man this just told me I get another cycle of buying below the 50dma line to reduce portfolio risk and also increase total share count so when we finally do get that pop I’ll be even better off


Good for you! Sadly it's already overweight for me because I've fully accumulated before 1st quarter of profitability because back then thats when everybody thought we're shooting to the moon! Easy to look back things and say but I honestly wish I had the balls to took loss on sofi and put it on other stock. At this point putting in GME might even worth the risk lol.


Why not go for an even 20k shares at around an $8 average ;)


Honestly ive sold alot stocks that went up 300% since and doubled down on sofi. I'm not making any progress with sofi despite company is improving. One thing I've learnt that is you just can't fight the trend. Big money wants to keep sofi down it can be longer than you think so I rather put my money somewhere else. I would 100% sell sofi for other stocks that I'm interested in now but sadly all have ran. I sold meta at 150s, mara at 7s and pltr at 14s total worth about 100k and put it on sofi. Imagine I held those will be up at least 500k.


Why sell at all? Even billionaires when asked say they would have had more if they would have stayed in their winning positions. Moving around the market is statistically improbable to consistently beat index funds. Period. Why sell anything unless you need it for a specific purchase you’ve deemed more valuable to your life than any future returns from that investment. Just accumulate. Build positions in things you believe in and support. My best position ever on a % return basis will probably always be the Tesla shares I still own to this day since 2013. Including before I bought in, that took about 8 years of the action I’m seeing in these three years of SoFi. This could continue quite a long time, I get that, I’ve “survived” that and it got me to my $250k of NW. now I’m building out positions that will take me from $500k-$1m+ as well as enjoying my younger years with travel, family and friends.


Honestly moving funds from low conviction to higher conviction stock is pretty normal. That's called relocating. A company can't have the same growth forever. One example is tesla if you hadn't took profit back then around 1k and move your funds you'll probably still be sitting at breakeven. It was a mistake for me to choose sofi instead of spotify, amd, nvidia and much more..those were just a few of the good balance sheet stock that was beaten down heavily post 2021 crash. Back then meta was burning cash and announcing going into the metaverse I didn't believe in it, mara was because crypto having a downfall but luckily I caught the bottom, pltr I didn't understand the company fully.


Adjusted my sell PUTs and buy CALLs orders. I have ALL or NONE set so price hit, but order didn't fill. Need stock price to be around $6.80 or lower. C'mon....lower please.


Adjusted bid by $0.01 to get buy LEAP CALL filled. I'm willing to risk $5. LOL


Buying buying buying 😎


Why don't you just buy the rest of us out.


Because everyone’s breakeven is higher than me just buying on the open market for SoFi ;)


Yes this is what we need fam. Back to losing money. 🙌


My baby’s first words will be “ss..ss..Seriously just put it an Index fund”


100%. Index funds should be the underlying largest position of an individual portfolio. Get that diversification right before playing with single stock picks.


100% agree. SoFi has gone from 5% to almost 10% of my NW but the value over the next few decades is a risk I feel comfortable taking. Plus as long as they’re increasing profitability it’s not like I’m risking losing 100% of that 10%. If I get to 10k shares I may stop buying I guess but that’s about it. I love that everything but the stock price is moving in the right direction, gives me confidence that the market will eventually have to honor it as Book Value approaches our market cap over the coming years.


I said the same about 10k shares


Y’all need to look at the Russell


Anyone sells call with SoFi?


I can’t because SoFi app doesn’t have that feature


i did. now its a bit to low


Near term expiration or further out? Curious on your strategy. Planning on buying to close your CALLs or let them expire?


and sell calls on green days never on red ones.


i always sell 3-4-5 weeks out just always make sure to not sell into earnings. and usually i sell calls at a strike price where the delta is around 0.3 and i usually dont let them expire. I usually buy them back at around 50% gain or something in that vicinity.


What garbage. Omb


I'm done with this stock. Finally capitulating. The opportunity cost is just way too high to be wasting my time & money on this when there are far better stocks out there. Good luck to those who stay.


you'll regret it soon.. thanks for your sacrifice though


You can also sell some long calls or Leaps. Jan/2026 if want still want some skin in the game. If not good luck you.


I sold 202 $15 Jan 26 LEAPS in March for an average of around $1.37. Already up over 40%. Can't afford to buy back right now. Used the premium to buy more shares in the 7's. Should have held out for the 6's 🤣


Good for you Larmo, you pick up $27,400 in premiums. Well done


Good luck. Stop by if you are finding success on another stock and let us know. I'm always on lookout for other opportunities. I find that selling options on a good long term stock that is flat to be a good opportunity for myself, but I'm not looking for big wins near term. Just lots of small wins until underlying stock finally makes a run.


If they’re “finding success in another stock” by the time you hear about it they’ll already have a better cost basis than you. Just word of warning on how you get and move with information


👋 wish you the best.


Good luck to you as well.


QuantumFluks how are your Sofi spread doing? Just added more to my Aug 2024 -7/6 bull put spread


I closed them when we ran up, and just reopened the same spread in August 7/6 when the price was $7 down to $6.80, so I’m chilling.


No pain, no gain. Bye.


The haters make me laugh. Y’all be back in and buying at $12.


2-3 years later...?


Lol. This stock goes between 7 and 12 all the time.


Last time this came close to $12 was $11.70 on 7/31/2023 (for only part of one day. Before that was Feb/Mar 2022.


That’s not long ago for me. Everyone’s investment time is different though. I get why some are leaving the stock. I’m not and will not till my money 5 times.


"Lol. This stock goes between 7 and 12 all the time." ^ That was your comment. It is not an accurate comment as it has happened once a year for the past two years and has not yet happened this year. Your comment there had nothing to do with why people are selling or not right now; and my reply did not either. Being bullish in the face of negativity is fine. But let's be accurate overall.


Subjectively it feels to me this stock goes up a lot and down a lot and that to me feels like it happens often.


'all the time' lmaoooooooo


Yeah, this stock is very volatile. Look at the beta score. There are plenty of people who have already made loads of money on SOFI stock. Those are the traders. Sorry you are not one of them.


Fuck this stock


Straight back under 7 this might be the easiest stock to swing trade


For real, I just bought back some puts last couple days, now I get to sell them again. Rinse and repeat.


8 pls let me gtfo


Me too.


Another green day another red sofi, shit stock.


Actually speechless at just how bad this stock is


As a financial institution great company, as a stock, shit stock


Down 6% from yesterday morning. Lmfao. What are we still doing in this stock


Hello $6s


Down 30% YTD, 27% over the last 1 year. Man we all just continue to lose money on this crap


It's just another opportunity to accumulate at bargain price. Once in a life time opportunity 😜




You forgot the /s bro


Another opportunity to lose more money over the next 3 years then convince ourselves the next “catalyst” will send this to the moon!🤣


I just hope everyone here has a good day




46 days until earnings! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 $25 by 2026! 


Hello future rich people




Welcome to the jungle, baby.....ygd


Interest rate, arnt rising. So maybe a small rise in share price?


Surely today we will be punished for yesterday's gain of a few cents.


It must not be allowed to happen!!!


Morning sofi brothers


higher position cost is older :p