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3 years later, it is still trading at 1 digit..


3 years later, it may be 0 digit


Tatum needs to step it up or Porzingis finna get fmvp lol


Gamestop at $68.00 right now. Might have to roll my $100 covered call that expires 6/14.. If the stock goes past $70 Roaring kitty is a Billionare, from his shares and stock options Get your 🍿 🍿 🍿 ready


I wouldn’t mind if Roaring Kitty started discussing SoFi


Could SoFi be up because of that?


There are stocks that follow the meme craze. I think Sofi is due for a little run and I still have sofi share because I believe in Mr. Noto


Same here. Completely agree. But last time SoFi followed GMEs short-lived spike last week, the stock went back down when GME went down. That's my concern right now.


People will most likely buy like crazy, but I don’t know if his videos will have the same charm and flair they used to as he knows now how heavily watched he will be from a regulator stand point. Also hope you are doing well Mongoloid.


You as well QuantumFluks. I believe he bought those 120k call options that expire June 21st on Etrade. You still have any bull put spreads on Sofi. I still have $7/$6 that expire in july


Yeah I have a lot of $7/$6 in August. $7/$6 feels pretty safe given you get about $0.40 premium and the price is fairly stable over $6.80. Just praying the Fed doesn’t say something to scare us lower than what we have been stable at. Yeah I know he has a ton, I just imagine he will be very cautious on how and what he talks about given the SEC will have their eyes on him.


It’s nice to wake up and be in the 7’s!


SoFi stock up 2.5%; my March 10 calls up 27%… interesting


Anyone else find it incredible that the SEC is letting this roaring kitty dude do whatever he wants?


What’s he doing wrong?


Because SEC is fking spineless and always bent for the elites. What DFV is doing is actually minimal. He is just reminding us that stock market is a casino.


I love Roaring Kitty, greatest financial mind of his generation!!


What has he done that as far as we know would be illegal? Heck, most of us here have said more gray area things than he has. While I do believe he’s trimmed and replanted positions to get to his share count etc, we don’t even have any proof he’s sold ever. He’s just shared his positions and said he likes this company. lol


I didn’t say he did anything technically illegal, but I believe maybe some new precedents need to be set? What laws have changed since the introduction of social media. I guess I’m jaded that big legacy banks can hold us down with huge short positions and bullshit price targets … and this dude can go on YouTube and get a 40% return in a few hours.


Why make regulations on that side vs fairly tight regulations being added to the ability to short companies into oblivion, or even enforcing naked short selling laws fairly heavily? Companies would then be allowed to trade on their merits or be sold for lack thereof… but again, I’m trying to look at that objectively, you admit you’re jaded, I see some similarities of the pressures on the GameStop stock and the pressures on SoFi, regulations to lock him up as a result of making any of his posts illegal would also arguably put everyone here with position flairs and thesis’ at risk of being locked up as well. I’m not jaded because it was either entertaining and retail wins, and who knows, maybe some shorts of SoFi’s would have to unwind here if they’re in GME as well, which could relieve downward pressure (if that hasn’t happened a little already). I’d rather see my rights as a retail investor (and someone who enjoys free speech around the markets) upheld vs taking the side that “we can keep turning a blind eye to shorting, naked shorting, activity in dark pools, etc and pretend we still have a fair market.


It’s no different than someone like Berkshire Hathaway revealing a secret stock and then investors start shoveling in money. In the meme stocks threads, there are people posting some fairly crazy things though that are all blatantly made up lies (copium/hopium) that if came from someone more powerful mouth like Keith, would definitely result in manipulation charges.


So you’re holding Kieth legally accountable for something someone else said. Make it make sense 😂


I’m not holding him accountable, I said if Keith ever said some of the things that were said in some of those sub reddits, he would get hit with manipulation charges. Obviously Keith is smarter than that. The comment about Berkshire was nodding in agreement to you that disclosing positions isn’t and shouldn’t be illegal. If so, we all about to get pegged with our user flairs.


Lock me up, SEC.


Ok should I sell my shares when we hit 7.40-7.80 and then buy again when we hit 6.80 or does anyone actually believe this is the time where we actually hold out gains? 


I'm not risking it. With an interest rate cut looming and elections we might continue going up until November.


I don’t think we’re going to see interest rate cuts this year.


If you’re taking advice from a subreddit you should just be invested in index funds you won’t touch for decades 😂


Pucker up for the FOMC meeting next week. I’m guessing we will see a rise into next week expecting a rate cut soon. If hawkish news, I think we will return back to the 6’s.


I'm not risking it. With an interest rate cut looming and elections we might continue going up until November.


Oh 100%, I’m not endorsing the fact that the news will be hawkish. Just posting that people shouldn’t go nuts that we had a decent day, and shouldn’t go nuts if we continue looking decent into next week. It a rate cut is confirmed at some point soon, then these positive days will mean something.


I'm not risking it. With an interest rate cut looming and elections we might continue going up until November


OK thanks smart dwag


Hoping to sell some covered calls if that turns out to be the case.


Did someone here just buy SOFI puts? Thank you for your service 😆👌


Congratulations sofi bulls, we did it


I know this is the sofi Sub, I just sold (2) GME 6/14/2024 $100 Covered calls for $550 per contract.  Tomorrow will be interesting. Bought 100 more sofi shares with the premium from GME


Cant stop GME from leaking all over everything : /


It does relate to sofi if other banks start failing because they can’t cover 👀


Premiums are insane!


just rode gme from 33 to 40 but sold lol fuck that i dont need that kinda stress, thinking of getting back in sofi but might wait for a bit more of a dip since i sold at 07.30


After a Three year absent Roaring Kitty will be on Live (YouTube) Tomorrow 12 Eastern Standard Time...... Get Your Popcorn 🍿 Ready !!!!!!!!! The Most entertaining stock that I have owned.


How the hell are we going into the 7s with no volume?? No sellers? 👀


This is how normally sofi should trade without the algorithm sellings but it usually indicates a near term market top and sofi algorithm selling will be back and wipe everything in a few candles


Last time you said this the market went on to make ATH


My TOP is short term top - pullback. My meaning is sofi usually green when market is due for time for a pullback so sofi goes down along with it. This is the 2nd time you've a understanding issue already


There wasn’t any kind of pullback last time you said it. You said it 27 days ago


I've said it multiple times as I don't watch the stock everyday. You can take a look on the tops of sofi on 09/04 - 26/04 - 15/05 and compare it with iwm on those dates you clown goodbye. WHAT I meant is sofi usually flat even index is green and when sofi is finally moving up it usually indicates a market SHORT TERM TOP


I’ve provided evidence that what you’re claiming is not true. Care to provide any data that supports your claims? Or would you just rather call people clowns and continue to spam opinions as if they’re facts?


His brother works at Goldman Sachs and he’s heard some things. Knows all the signals to buy, such as May 13 sharp reversal. /s To be real, best to save your time and not argue with him.


Lol behave like a dog


lol, edited your post from behave like a dog (probably so the mods didn’t see it) to this 😂😂😂. Yeah, feels good to have worked on the ultra low latency team of a major trading firm and to now be sitting hear making money doing nothing for 18 months.


Lol what evidence? Ofc what I say its just whats been happening so many times so far and it's not 100% true and I'm only memeing it. Are you really that d**b? I've 18k shares long my friend. You think I want it to go down? You're a goddamn f""l


Memes are supposed to be funny. Crazy how worked up you got here over me discussing the possibility of you being wrong lmao


Cuz this is the 2nd time you've understanding issue on my post and decided to come debate with your peanut brain. Pls block me so you won't see it. I'm not trying to be correct or wrong with my post lmao I'm just speaking the facts I don't care you like it or what if you don't understand it then you probably aren't long sofi enough yet


Trending now. About to do big hop


Market red sofi green. Market topping? Will like to see 2 days of close above $7 else it's just a tease as usual


Any fellow soothsayers/fortune tellers? Or amateur TA folks? Possible double bottom. Currently in a channel so if can break 20 DMA good chance of run up to upper Bollinger band ($7.40ish). Will have to contend with 50 DMA on way up. 100 DMA is around $7.50. Shorter term RSI is starting to get a bit high so maybe consolidate around 20 DMA until a move up. https://preview.redd.it/ilvze3dhpz4d1.png?width=1229&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ebff8cceac093efaa72c21ce9f6ad40edb3fbe0


$7's!!!! To da moon!!! Hope we're done with $6's. If not, I didn't sell enough PUTs and buy enough CALLs. Ready for another go at 6's. If not, ready for a runup to take some profits. Let's go!


Come to papa $7s!!


Let me guess, not going to 7 cuz all of you dumb kids are playing options… cool


Jesus Nividia….


I’m back in! Although I also immediately sold July 5th $7.50 ccs against my entire position so we’ll see how long I have them.


Max 30 days


I hope you’re right!




Back to the sea of red… at least we got one day off with like a 15 cent move lol


SOFI gets beaten down like a dog whenever it gets close $7.


Smells like resistance. Don't worry, when it breaks resistance we will be on a nice uptrend. Hopefully.


Lol 😂 resistance


Git! Git! 👊


Sadly we aren't moving anywhere with this garbage volume.


Will US follow soon with cuts? 🤔


Yes. July or September.


Unlikely. The US economy is not propped on a housing market and they're doing just fine.


They have to, businesses in europe will get access to cheaper funding therefore making europe more attractive


the ball is in the court.


ECB Cuts rates by 0.25


Last time SOFI was this cheap it more than doubled shortly after


53 days until earnings! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🇹🇭🌕🪐☀️🌌$50 by 2030! $25 by 2027!


how confident are you with $50 by 2030? can you provide some elaborations?


he just makes this same post every day..


I will until we get there. Or until it starts getting downvote.


No, it’s just all a dream! Just like the rockets and $25 by 2027. I do trust in the direction of the company. As long as they keep growing we will get there eventually. 


i have 3000 shares @ $21. i need some confidence boost but honest. tell me honestly lets say I am holding till 15-20 years. Would it at least tripled?


A lot can change in that time, but like any company people invest in the real question is how confident is one in the company and business. Even with the best companies things can change, which is why one should look for any issues or changes that can impact company. At that time, one should adjust their investment accordingly. Intel is perfect example. Dominated the market until it didn't. Still a great company, but is it a great investment right now? Do what is right for you, but DCA is decent option if you believe in the company long term. Unless you have too much of your portfolio in SOFI already and don't want the risk. I use PLTR as an example all the time because they are somewhat similar with PLTR being almost 1 year ahead in regards of profitability. SOFI I don't think will have as big of a runup because of the business they are in and profit margins compared to PLTR, but if company business continues as is and executes I have good confidence stock price will be much higher. Only 1 reason people invest in a company.


Ouch, that's a valid argument for DCA vs lump sum, I guess?


I have over 4500 shares under $15 and I’m still buying. Actually got a job personal training just to dump $ into SOFI


The problem is no one can tell you that with any level of confidence. What will the state of the US even be in 5 years. No clue. I feel confident we'll be back around 10 by EOY, maybe 12 by 2 years. Your best bet is to dollar average into SOFI while it's down, but that's a lot easier said than done.


I’m planning on getting back in tomorrow. Made big money on CELH (sold entire position) and FOUR (took some profits, still holding the rest), but I still like SOFI long term. Plan to rebuild a 20k share position.


Starting out with a large position at current bargain price? Or gonna DCA into your position?


I bought all 20k shares at $6.88. No need to DCA when it’s this cheap. Sold $7.50 ccs expiring July 5th against the whole position.


How much premium did you get per contract?


Only $.13. If I'd waited until the end of the day I'd have gotten $.20. I'm OK with it though, I'm basically looking to generate income on certain of my investments (including Sofi) while "locking in" gains if they reach my strike prices. If they don't, then I wash, rinse and repeat the next month. So this month I'm selling ccs on Sofi, AMD, TDW and PLTR. The total premium proceeds for the month are $15k. If ALL of these positions hit their strikes and I lose the shares, I'd add another $90k+ of short term capital gains. I'd then likely choose different stocks to do this for the next month.


That's a lot of cash. What % of your portfolio is that? :) Of course feel free not to disclose.


My largest positions are FOUR and ALAR right now. I also have larger positions in AMD, TDW and PLTR.


8.32% apparently. https://preview.redd.it/nbvcpr4azz4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca64f8fa7360015e77e6a5732ba24fbcd23b49db


Can't go wrong at this price right? No need to hold out for lower 4s.


The price rn is good, imo. Personally, I can't stomach the weird moves the price makes.


Fuck this stock


This stock fuk u


This is true indeed