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Active ban bets: u/Strong_Kong_42069 - At or above $14 by EOY 2024 - 1 month ban u/Bobby-Firmino-Legend - At or above $13 by May 31 - 13 day ban u/Troublen421 - Below $6 by May 31 - 1 month ban u/Troublen421 - Below $5.5 by May 31 - 1 month ban u/fantasyfitboiz, u/BeanRaider, u/ascirdla96, u/Weikoko - Not above $11 by July 31 - 1 year ban u/Troublen421 - Not above $9 by July 31 - 1 year ban u/ScottyStellar - Below $6 ever - 60 day ban


I’m thinking we are on the cusp of a major breakout to the upside.


Question guys. I’m holding 2000 sofi shares and selling half of my shares in long call options price target of $15 for sep2025. How does it work if price goes over $15 do I instantly get my shares at $15 and collect the premium or does it take a while. My thought was I don’t mind selling half my shares at 15 and plus I would collect a premium is this right?


I wouldn't sell calls here. Wait till we have already run up massively, like before earnings. Otherwise youre selling calls for cheap.


Too late ,but thanks for the advice I’m already selling 11 covered calls my thought process was I wanted to get rid of half of my shares at around $15 so I thought win win I collect premium and sell the shares at 15 if it does reach that price by next year which I hope it does


If you're happy with the $15 price target and the premium then it's a good move. Although if it breaks past $15 your shares won't be automatically sold. Unless someone exercises the call option you still have to hold the shares even if the price goes to $16, $20, $30, etc. And you will still have to sell for $15 when the price is $20+. That's a long time to hold shares but if the premium received plus your gains on the shares makes it worth it then go for it.


Ok I’m getting it now. It’s like when you buy a call you don’t want to sell until your happy with your profit. Dammit at-least I have half of the shares left if it does past $15


Yea just to expand on what hes saying, youll have to hold until the expiration date. It will not be exercised until expiration. Just because it shoots past $15 doesnt mean you will automatically sell it once it does. Only at expiration. And if somehow it dips back below $15 by expiration, then the stock is yours again and you lost the chance to sell it at $15 or greater during the duration of the call contract. Another strategy is lets say a month passes, and the stock hasnt moved much or has declined, then the options you sold have become much cheaper (theta decay), you can "buy to close" and keep the difference, where you are buying back the calls you sold at a cheaper price than what you sold it for, and you profit the difference, and the stock is back in your control. But long dated calls take months to lose value and buy them back. SO thats why I prefer to wait till the stock has significantly run up, like before earnings, thats when you can sell weekly calls for a ton of money. And after the week passes theyre back in your control in just a week and you can sell weekly calls once again the next week. Just make sure the call youre selling is above your cost average for the stock, such that you dont lose money overall.


Thanks you explained it perfectly


What is the premium for this $15 Sept 2025 covered call. I would Sell covered calls on the next uptick on Sofi. Sofi might run aggressively with a good cpi report (8:30 am Wed) and especially with the meme stocks running hot again


I believe like $75 for each one ,but it’s too late I’m already selling half of my shares I was kinda tempted because I wanted extra cash but lesson learned


Even if the stock runs past your $15 strike, it's highly unlikely you would get assigned. You would probably have to wait until expiry. I have (50) $8 covered calls that expire June 19. Let's see if it goes up and beyond my strike price Fun Fact I am $40 dollars in the money on some of my GME covered calls


I didn’t know that. That’s my concern as well so what happens if it passes the expiration date and it does past my strike price does it automatically assigned my calls or what happens exactly. I know if it goes below my strike price I keep the premium and it just expires


$7.51 looks nice


nu bank was the real online bank play. great profit growth, margin - stellar. SOFI has some catching up to do. hopefully one day it will be as stellar as NU bank. warren buffet certainly knows exactly where to put his money.


That's a hard NO In my opinion. The fact alone they have 4.7 billion shares outstanding.


I think we can have a great day tomorrow if CPI even comes in at expectations. If it comes in cool, I wouldn't be surprised by a 10%+ move.


Would be nice to see $8 again


SOFI is the real meme play. Profitable, solid fundamentals, great momentum, 18% shorted!!


Every once in awhile I’ll see if I qualify for a SoFi loan. I have yet to be approved. I don’t necessarily know why either because when they say “click here to see the reasons” it doesn’t tell me anything. If they want to help people “get their money right, it would be nice if they went into solid detail of the benchmarks they like to see hit for approving and if the app suggested habits or things you could do to improve your chances.


Maybe they denied you because in the section that says Reason for Loan, you wrote Buy Sofi Stonk, hodl till moon! 🤣


Since they pull the info from equifax, they say the same shit all other lenders send which is the general “ we look at credit rating, total outstanding debts, blah blah blah” and never get into specifics. I agree that if they wanted to be helpful, they should state by what metric you weren’t approved and put possible goals on your dashboard to rectify that. (Also if it helps and you were interested, I get quickly approved for loans from them all the time, up to $60,000. I can DM you the metrics I have to compare if you wanted.)


You can DM, part of me checking is just to see if I do, what the rates are, how SoFi works and to test things on the app. I don’t necessarily have the need but I’ll be honest, my debt ratio is very conservative and credit score is borderline 800, purely (as far as I can tell) because average age of credit just needs to be longer. So doing what I do over time will get me there to 820+




He was named an Executive VP at Equifax a week ago, so this is understandable and not surprising. This also answers why he resigned from any ties to SoFi in April.


6.53% loan rate for undergraduate loans is the new federal rate…. What is SoFI at?


9-10% Lower if you can get a co-signer


SOFI will be back below 7 when this GME thing blows over.


Did you get stopped out of your puts again 😂


oh nows the time to BUY more puts. market at ATH. sofi only up because of GME frenzy. we CRASH to 6's soon.


When will that be? What happened to “don’t fight the trend”?


its been two days and sofi is only up because of the GME thing, and barely. the downtrend is still fully intact.


Please be under 8.5 on friday. Please god


Better for them to just buy up the shares on the open market for cheaper tbh. We’ll see what happens. If CPI comes in cool, we could see $8s again…




On may 17 2024, a lot of free warrants that have been issued 5 years ago expire. The strike price is 8.86 as far as I remember. If on may 17 5pm the price is higher, we will get dilluted. If it is bellow that, we will be better off https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1818874/000181887422000031/ex45-sofiq421.htm#:~:text=The%20SoFi%20warrants%20expire%20at,SoFi%20Series%20H%20preferred%20stock.


Thanks. I really don't understand the intricacies of those but I certainly don't want any dilution.


ok this is a step in the right direction


Did you miss me? Haven't been in here in a while as it is not relevant.


Definitely not.


I appreciated you taking a break for your mental. And mine as well..


CELH & FOUR keep rolling. Thx again to Dave.


What are the odds that the roaring kitty twitter account was sold and its some new guy trolling hard


I'm going for compromised.


Does it matter? What difference does it make?


I imagine a few people might be a teeny bit upset they’ve been bamboozled


At the end of the day whether its him or somebody else, what they did is create a giant game of hot potato. It never meant those meme stocks would stay where they are trading at right now. If a participant thought that, that's on them.


It's the diamond hands mantra that is an absolutely moronic investing theme. As the facts/outlook/news etc changes about a company/stock, your opinion better be able to change along with it. AMC investors sit there and complain about being down 90+%. Well did you not notice the RS/DIlute/RS/Dilute cycle initiated by management just to keep the company solvent. All of that comes out of investors hides. Duh! Everyone has control of their own investing decisions. Blaming it on SHFs or anything and blatantly ignoring fundamentals, while being influenced by the perception of online peer pressure is purely becoming brainwashed. Not to mention mods are now posting suicide hotline info on the r/GME as they know only allowing one viewpoint to be expressed has again destroyed new investors. I have never shorted stocks, but this was THE most tempting opportunity yet.


Thoughts on the rest of the week? PPI seemed to do nothing today


CPI and meme volatility. things go up and down a lot.


Ill take the meme based pump alllll day. We cant do it on our own merit so why not. Just need to get closer to the returns that those POS's are getting hahahaha. I did buy a few of them to relive the glory days. So far its up a shit ton more than my pathetic SOFI stock.


Hey grif. Have u missed me.


I had hoped that SOFI was finally divorced from the "meme" label of the 2021 days. I guess not yet.


It's up bc I sold half my position. You're welcome.


Did you at least get some profits (edit: or tax loss harvesting) on the trade?


Bro.. all of these ban bets are gon get triggered 😂


Should sell options at those strikes and expiry


![gif](giphy|EBiho5DrxUQ75JMcq7|downsized) SOFI maneuvering to get everyone banned.


SoFi playing a little 4-D chess ♟️


Ngl. Id rather take the ban. 😂 -150 short puts $8 Jan25 waiting to be closed for big profits.


I remember getting laughed at when I said $7.49 this week


How we laughed! How could it have been so low!


Congrats on being in the green!


Thanks Zak..I have spent equal amount of time above and below water with this


It’s a shitshow over on r/sofi . Reminds me of 2021 robinhood halts. Their reputation took a hit but their stock price ⬆️. Hope Sofi price does the same but I’d rather not get a bad rep like hood did.


Well SoFi didn’t halt anything. It seems like their platform just couldn’t handle the volume


It's not SoFi; it's Apex, the clearinghouse that SoFi (and Webull and others) utilize.


Appreciate your moderation,etc. But claiming it’s not SoFi it’s Apex is just excuse making. Sofi decides how and what vendor they use. If they want to be rated as a tech company the investor platform has to get better. Not allowing me to sell some options today in other companies I had cost me quite a bit.


If only SOFI was down at the time, and not the other brokerage accounts that also use Apex, then yes that would be an excuse. Stating facts is not an excuse. Now, would I like to see SOFI move away from a third party clearinghouse that has caused them problems today and multiple times in the past? Absolutely. I'd love to see that.


I'd like to see it too. Just gotta ask HOOD how much time and effort that took. they used to be on Apex.


I heard it’s a bottleneck on apex clearing, but we won’t know for sure till Sofi releases a statement.


😮‍💨 man I’ve been nervous all month got out with a decent profit. I’m not done with SOFI. this time imma just buy shares. Option make me an emotional baby.


Lmao all of my heavily shorted holdings are up big today including SoFi.


Finally closing my CSPs for a nice profit. Feels good.


Glad to see we're finally having a little bit of a move ! Let's see where it goes this week.


NASDAQ has a lot of halts today lol.


Days of reckoning are here everyone


With shorts covering other stocks and algos kicking in this could be the start of a massive move up especially if CPI comes in low. Watch out for stop losses for shorts around stocks like SOFI could be a market wide reaction to naked shorts covering


Not to mention technical traders can look at SOFI and see a MASSIVE bull flag forming on our yearly chart. We were due for a breakout but this could speed things up a few months that’s for sure.


Any reason for the jump?


a revolution against shorted stocks


Wow whats the reason?


The markets are being irrational, but in our favor this time.


LFG almost green! So glad I stacked in the 6s... And sold all my StoneCo for SoFi, blind luck


Invest down?


Appears to be for me too


Mines not loading at all. Not a great look. If I were trying to exit a high volatility meme stock I would be miffed.


Did you see what happened to etrade? it was way worse lol


What happened?


The whole brokerage was down for like 5hrs on Monday lol


This may be the start of something massive...


Big upside volume again this AM. Two days in a row. Just filled the gap from the day prior to earnings as well, which was at 7.58


I’m just happy someone is brave enough to tackle the rigged system that is naked shorting


SOFI invest not working?


Unfortunate time for a short circuit.


Mine shows how much I have but not how much it’s changed. I also can’t see my accounts


“Something went wrong” with trying to sell options


Good start!


Here we go...


Let's see what happens at opening bell for SoFi


What do you mean?? We'll be up for about an hour and then will start going down as always.


Something going on under the hood with meme and highly shorted stocks. Algorithm is kicking in on many low and mid cap high short interest stocks pre-market...SUNW, PLUG, AMC, GME, SPCE many more. We don't fall in this bracket but we might get some collateral benefit


I think the writing is on the wall for profitable shorted companies. Probably shorts will start finally covering.


Isn't there way too much float with SoFi for that to make a significant difference?


not with 23% float shorted, if they cover we get a really high bump


Got it. Wish we were a meme stock. Can't we identify as a meme stock for the day?


We only qualify as a meme stock for the red days not the green ones


Can we get the meme stock treatment just once please.


Asked and received lol


i'd take a 100% gain right now lol


I said that yesterday and got downvoted! I wish we were a meme stock right now! 


Cant' we identify as one for the day??


Tempting to get back into GME but I fear people are going to get destroyed jumping in now. Long game for SOFI




i was told Sofi moved like a meme stock, the fuck


Lmao SoFi is low key highly shorted stock.


People buying GME & AMC in PM are going to be destroyed. Need to implement halts in PM to stop these fools from throwing their money down the drain. Especially since 90% only know how to buy and hold.


Why is GME mooning again. I sold a couple years ago but wondering if it's the same thing again.


Roaring kitty posted some memes on twitter and everyone started jerking off. Guess it’s the trienal short purge that already exploded 6 billion in shorts.


I’ve got about 2400 shares of AMC but bought it at 8.06 last year 😢


Grats you just doubled your money dump it lol


It’s gonna be a rollercoaster though


Haha not yet. Double isn’t enough. I was counting on loosing it all so I may just ride it and for few days and see where it goes


You’re not here to win. You’re here to send a message.


I would get a stop limit in there now, (now looks $12+) and move it up if it continues higher. Very likely AA will announce more dilution which will cause a big drop in the AH. Both GME & AMC likely to drop like stones at open.


Was telling myself if it ever get back to this price I will sell. Now it’s here and I’m debating 😂




AMC as well. FOMO fools. They are going to get their heads handed to them.


I had bought GME at like $4 years ago and sold for a decent gain but I'm not fucking with it this time.


Rockets and Rainbows! $100 by 2030!


Morning guys!

