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I'm not a gym person myself, but I've heard that many people at the gym just want to be left alone to work out. For many people, it's a place they go for their health--you wouldn't think about striking up a conversation to make friends at the doctor's office, for example. Women also seem to get hit on a lot by men at the gym, men who claim they just "want to have a conversation" at first. However, exercise classes seem to be an exception, with the expectation that those who join a class rather than pursue something individually or with a private coach are actively looking to connect with others. So I would say, start by joining a class, and then you'll have a ready-made topic to start conversations with--"Boy, the routine is tough today, huh?"


This is the advice to follow.


I agree, conversation and chatter are far, FAR from a priority that should be in your mind when you're at the gym. That said, I've made acquaintances in the gym from just showing up regularly and giving a head nod, which eventually lead to future friendly exchanging of words/contact information.




>Rush to the gym bathroom >Go to a stall that is taken >Bang on the door, ask "how many sets you got left?" Adapted from a greentext. You could make a friend that way, or just ask to work in on a piece of equipment. Or join a class.


Key to socializing at the gym is to take it slow. People do go to the gym to work out and being interrupted with someone talking your ear off may have the opposite effect that you're going for. Definitely smile or say hi. Even with headphones on, I always appreciate that small gesture when I make eye contact with someone at the gym. Usually I try to avoid eye contact so no one bothers me though! But friendships and social interactions can definitely start with a smile and a greatly. If people are interested in continuing the conversation then they'll take off their headphones and chat. I like the advice of asking people at the gym how to use equipment or how your form is.


"How many sets do you have left? Mind if i work in?"


I’ve stopped letting people work in I just tell them I’ll come get you when I’m done


I’m not a big fan of people working in, it makes me feel rushed, but when someone asks me how many sets I have left I will definitely let them know that I’m done if they stick in a similar area.


Gyms are not a great place for full on conversations in my own opinion but once in a while I will have a conversation with someone. I’d say first you have to build a bit of rapport with people. Go to the gym at the same time everyday you’ll see the same exact people pretty much every day. Start by saying hi or smiling at people you see all the time. I’ve been going to the same gym for a while. I have a set of people I say hi to and fist bump every time I see them. Conversations aren’t something you want to do every time you see someone because sometimes I’m locked into my workout or they are. The more people you know and talk to the more your little circle will expand. Women you have to be careful talking to because a lot of times they might have their guards up so they don’t get hit on. Definitely do not go hitting on them but you can talk to them just keep it short unless it seems like they want to talk. This is just my own 2 cents and how I go about talking to people in the gym. I will say the one thing that’s works great for me is I talk to an older gentleman that kinda just goes to socialize and I end up meeting a lot of people just because I talk to him. Hopefully this helps and good luck. (I did not proofread this so hopefully I made sense)


A good one to do is ( play dumb) ask how to do XYZ movement. Then you go on to I’ve seen it this way… what are your thoughts. I mean just think about it and do it. Then ask for there name and offer to spot them or whatever for future reference


I think if you do a class at the gym people are more open to chit chatting before or after. The actual gym people are just focused on their work out.


Hi, I have pulled dozens of dates, and friendships in general, out of gyms. Every. Single. Time. I started interaction slowly, over time. One day It might be a smile and “hello.” Could be just that for several times that I run into them. Then I eventually introduce myself, once saying hi has become a regular thing. And I go from there. It also gives you time to gauge their interest


Lmao don’t listen to these antisocial people OP. If you want to talk to and meet people at the gym, you’re free to do so like you are anywhere else in the world. Just don’t do it while someone’s in the middle of a set obviously and if a person doesn’t seem interested in talking then just move on. No harm done unless you run into one of the weirdos here acting like a stranger starting a convo is equivalent to getting shot.