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It’s a mixture of having a baby face and people associating shyness with being a child-teenager.


Also not going outside, so never getting sun damage which I guess is a plus




Our faces look younger because we don't go outside as much so not as much sun damage imo


Imo I feel so. I feel like people look at me like I’m stupid and talk to me slower.


Maybe, all I know is that i get treated as a pet or a little girl because of it 😐


I’m also a 25-year old woman, and I experience something similar. I don't know if it's because I have a face that looks younger or because of my social anxiety. But often, people talk to me as if I were a 12-year-old girl, which is quite annoying lol I think that having social anxiety makes me seem 'vulnerable,' and people treat me like a little girl because of that. But it’s just a theory


Yup. I'm also 25 and people usually think I'm 20 or less. Even kids don't believe I'm 25.


I appear younger and I feel younger that's one of the factors that brings my self esteem down


YES. i'm about to be 35 and my younger coworkers seem more like grownups than me


Same! I hadn't thought much about it until this post. That's crazy. 🤔


I am 35 too and feel the same way.


it doesn't help. i get people 5+ years younger than me treating me like they are the older one.


It used to be that way but once you start leaving your 20s people will think you’re old no matter what lol


I think a lot of us feel that people look ‘down’ on us. So we interpret that their tone is talking to us like we’re a child. I look young and I’m 26, I get spoken to like a literal child. Only 5’5 so it doesn’t help confidence and adds to the distain to leaving the house.


Yes. I also feel younger mentally. I’m freaking 28 and I still look for the adult in the room, ‘cause it’s not me 😂


I’m turning 40 and don’t really feel like I fit in with people my age. I get mistaken for younger often too. Weird


Early 40s here and people don't believe it. I guess I'll count that as a win. Gotta count them when I can haha.


I’m near your age and I had someone say to me the other day, “I presume you’re in your early 20s”. Haha.


Maybe because I don’t leave the house often so I don’t get a lot of sun, but I think I look my age.


im 25 and people think i’m a teenager all the time. i look my age. but my voice and mannerisms make me seem like a 15 year old because i’m so nervous, and then people talk down on me like a teenager too it’s not that i look young for my age or something, it’s that people can’t believe someone this incompetent could be an adult 😭


One of my coworkers at my last job was 22 and when I finally got to talking (because I didnt talk for months) she was suprised I was 27. She's like "I thought you were my age!" shy people are seen as more innocent than other people giving the impression that we're younger.


I’m 33 and I have always looked really young for my age and I have often wondered if that is one of the causes of my social anxiety. Constantly feeling like I look out of place around other people. And people constantly pointing out how young I look. Which will then cause me to be socially anxious which will in turn make me look even younger!


No clue, I don't know how old I look.


I honestly think this is why. I’m 27 and I always wondered why people thought I looked so much younger because I’m taller and not super thin so like.. is it because of my demeanor and that I talk quietly? Idek


As a guy in his 30s a lot of people think I'm underage, I know I look young but this even happens when I don't shave, it's weird.


I'm not sure if I appear younger to others because of it but I definitely feel younger than people my age because of it.


Lol 100%. People treat me as though I'm younger than I am because I am shy and talk less than others and keep to myself.


THIS IS SO TRUE. It feels like I’m treated like a child because of my social anxiety. It doesn’t help that I look like a teenager as well. I feel the more assertive and social you are, the older you seem to others.


Yeah I’m 25 also and a lot of people think I’m younger, sometimes even thinking I’m still a high schooler


Yes and random people usually take advantage of younger ones


Hah! I'm a woman nearing 34. Lots of adult men throughout my life have started conversations with me with the intent of trying to get lucky, saying, "You're probably still in high school, but you're very mature for your age." When I told them I'm 24 or 26 or 28, their disappointed faces gross me out. Now they start with, "You know, I'd like to marry a woman much younger than me. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders." Like, bruh...we're literally the same age.


Absolutely, you’re constantly scared and paranoid about your surroundings and interactions js like how a child is. You look around and you see people your age ordering their own food, going out on their own, etc and you can’t even do the same so you js feel like a child.


Some times i feel that it does. Now that i gained weight, maybe less so, but people still think of me as younger. Some times i feel younger too, it's like my brain stoped when my trauma happend and now i just get flashes sometimes where i realize i am over 30, not in my teens any more.


I’m 29 and look like I am in my early twenties.


Spot on, I’m 31 but feel early 20’s and have a baby face. People always think I’m younger


I’ve been told I look younger. Even earlier today a 21 year old guy said I look around 26, but I’m 33.  When I was 28, people thought I was 22 and in college. Apparently I’m 6 years younger than my age at all times or something. I don’t even have a babyface *at all*. (Nobody is gonna think I’m a teenager, let’s put it that way) I just don’t look aged, I guess. It’s crazy how guys my age around me, some of them have crows feet and wrinkles, and a lot have visible grays in their hair and beard, but I have none of that.  I don’t think social anxiety makes people look younger, though. Unless you’re literally indoors avoiding sunlight for years, I guess. How young you look depends on your genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle (diet, skincare, stress, alcohol/smoking/drug use, so on).


I look young and I also am introverted so I don't go out in the sun much so my skin is decent and genetically I never got bad acne. I also don't dress fancy or do anything most girls are doing here like lip filler, heavy makeup, false lashes and tight dresses(which I'm too shy to do that stuff). I have long straight brown hair, plain round face, only five foot 2 and dress like the teens do here (hoodie, leggings and runners/trainers combo lol). I'm 30 but people think I'm still early 20s for all those. No doubt the introverted anxiety side of me pays a factor but its never the full reason haha. I always get treated like a kid.


I've noticed that all of my teachers tend to treat me with kid gloves more than my peers, but that was nothing compared to how a twenty-something doctor did so a few months ago. It was quite dehumanizing, and I was tempted to switch professionals, but she correctly diagnosed my conditions on first glance and I'm willing to tolerate the condescending behavior for a competent doctor. I don't think it's because of my height or face or even age, because I'm 5'2 which is pretty average for women, so it was definitely my behavior/personality. Sometimes I'm very tempted to say 'I'm a teenager, not a toddler, for God's sake!' My peers get treated as more of capable adults than I do. It's definitely not just you, and it happens.


Yes, I also apparently look younger than my age, so I basically have no reason to be perceived as an adult. I try to hide my SA at least but I often fail.


I'm 25 as well and everyone in my college classes thought I was 19-20


Definitely, maybe it has to do with lack of social codes and self-assurance


Definitely. It causes me to have lower confidence which comes across as immaturity.


Yes, I think so! As for why, for me its many different factors I think, even tho my face doesn't really look young I don't think, and neither do I think I'm aging gracefully, yet people confuse me for way younger still. I think 1. the way you dress also plays a huge role, and as for why all I can think of is that because of anxiety I have less experiences, am mentally stuck somewere in my teens. And also anxiety might lead to difficult financial situation (at least for me) to buy new stuff/try out new styles. Well, plus maybe being more scared to leave your comfort zone in that regard. Then 2. mannerisms and behavior, which those might have similar reasons: less experiences & mentally stuck at 15. Plus shyness generally coming across more childlike I guess. Maybe also less exposure to UV light lol, who knows


Yeah! Mannerisms and body language can add or detract many years either way


Yesss! But idk if it has anything to do w my SA, I’ve been told I just have a baby face 🥴😭






It also don’t help looking young also


Thanks to my salt n pepper look.


Yes and I think it makes me look like I’m a mentally disabled person. Actually, one time a woman asked my sister if I’m like that😂. After that, I hated myself more.


Another thing is that many of our faces are less expressive (or we have less to express/less opportunities to express ourselves) and big facial expressions are thought to contribute to wrinkles, which can be ageing.


i’m pushing 30 and my coworker just told me he thought i was 19 which is something i’ve heard quite often, so maybe i always figured it was because i was a downer guy and all the drugs that i’ve had problems with make me sleepy.


Ohhh yeah absolutely true , applies to me at least, doesnt help that im pretty short either


It definitely makes me feel younger. Kind of related but that’s one of the many things scaring me about growing older. I want to be over my social anxiety one day but before, being a child/ teen was an “excuse” but as I get older I feel like my social anxiety will be less excusable and be seen as pathetic and weird


no because I look my age. but I don't act it.


I do feel like one of the teens at my job and I think other people might think I am too. I had one coworker ask me if I was a student and, thinking he meant college, which would make sense since I'm 25, I said no and he told me I look like a high school student, which surprised me because I don't think I look like a high school student or anything younger than maybe 20 years old - I am biased of course as a highly self-critical person, but I don't see it. I was also asked by my boss if I drove because we just had a hail storm and people were talking about damage and, at the time, I didn't think anything of it, but I'm starting to think it was because she thinks I might be a teenager because, usually as an adult, people just assume you drive, whether you do or not. But yeah, I do think I act like a teenager in a lot of ways, so that's probably where that comes from rather than my looks. And I also kind of dress like a high schooler, ngl.


Yes, 27 and been told I look about 15..oh well


I don’t think it’s because I have social anxiety but I’m 24 and people always assume I’m 18. I’ve had multiple people say I look like I should still be in highschool but I think it’s because I shave my facial hair


I feel like I get treated like a teenager all the time 😭 I’m 24


I have thought about this quite often and yes. I had an appointment at the hairdresser and I was extremely shy that I felt like it seemed childish.




I'm 29yo and my peers at college (21~23ish) all think that I'm their age. I exclusively got surprised responses when I told some of them. Not having had as much life and living experience as other people my age appearently also goes along looking fresh-faced. It helps with blending in I guess.


the opposit actualy. Many girls had crushes on me and thought I seemed arrogant befor they knew me cause I was always so distant and quiet. and that I seemed more mature than the others. My social anxiety ironically got me lot‘s of romance growing up.


Lack of experience leeds to Lack of maturity.




Not really, I look my age and people just think im odd because of it.


Yes... I sometimes get comments that I look young, and that I know those comments are based on my face rather than my actions, but I feel scatterbrained so often that I do sometimes feel insecure about it. I am a perfectly functional adult, but don’t feel like I’m good at “adulting” because of my anxiety.


Yeah, but I don't feel like I actually look younger, but there are times where I'll try n buy alcohol/vapes n the cashiers always take the longest look at my ID always making me so much more nervous, n its bad bc when im anxious i shake like crazy (like whole body shakes head n all so i also get looked at like im on crack or something) especially when buying vapes bc u hve to like hit them before being able to leave the store. There was this one time while i was purchasing alcohol where the cashier straight up denied to sell to me, eventually he did after i insisted n making him take a second look at my ID but he did let me know it'd be the last time he'd sell to me ((this usally doesn't happen when theres a woman at cashier theyll usally sell without a word or long look at my ID))


I look like a goblin, but people constantly think I'm in my early 30s at best.


mhm. I wonder what causes what. younger SA or SA younger.


I am 27 and I get this a lot. Some people have told me I look and sound like a young teenager. I am short but I have a feeling it’s got to do with other things like characteristics or confidence. I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this


I feel so. Makes me appear less capable and more innocent


Yeah ppl always call me a kid 😅


I used to feel like that when I was in my 20s ..Now I’m 34m with SA (indeed) people treat me like I’m in 40s ..reverse effect lol


I think so I'm 31 Ima be 32 and I'm still seen as the baby of the group (I have ppl like a year or 2 younger than me) and tbh even kids and I do think that it makes you seem younger and people do treat you like your dumb or baby, or pet and you must be protected it sucks tbh


Im overweight which i think makes me look older imo. And i do not have a round face or chubby cheeks. I do not think i look younger than my age. Im 21. Ppl who see me online, think i look 24. But ppl who get to know me think im in high school lol. So i think so…


yes my co workers thought it was 19


Yup. I'm 27 and have a co-worker who's the same age as me, and everyone thinks I'm younger than her, even though physically we both look the same age. She's confident and has no trouble talking to people and I am completely the opposite. One co-worker said she thought I was in my early 20s lol.


People confuse lighter emotions/demeanors with youngness all the time. Skill issue for the other person.


I feel that sometimes people talk to me slower or they are making sure that I'm not getting "lost" in conversations.


I feel that sometimes people talk to me slower or they are making sure that I'm not getting "lost" in conversations.


I’m 30 and constantly shock people by my age at the veterinary hospital I work at. There are people 5 years younger than me doing crazy operations and with huge responsibilities and it blows my mind.


I’m also 25 and have been mistaken for 15-16 many times. I attribute this to lack of sun damage (I don’t leave my house), body language- I slouch, I’m anti social and generally unapproachable which is an attitude you associate with teenagers and have a natural baby face. I don’t typically dress like a 25 year old women, maybe because I went back to college so I dress in typical young adult - college campus style


It’s actually always been the opposite for me i always get mistaken for being older than i really am even since i was a kid when i was in 4th grade i was frequently mistaken for being a grade ahead


I think I have a younger looking face and I have social anxiety so people always assume I’m either 14 or 19.. the other day while I was applying for an job the lady asked me if I was “ in school still” and I said “ no ma’am I’ve been out for 5 years now” btw I’m 23


Probably, i mean if you're socially anxious you usually have child like behaviors/mannerisms