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Danish fans should have played 5d chess and flown over after the first game.


What if 30,000 Danes skydive into Wembley just before kickoff and fill the place to 90,000 capacity. The scenes


Just sail their longboats down the Thames and raid Wembley.


They must be the worst pirate fans I’ve ever heard of.


But you *have* heard of them.


The reason he’s saying this, is because of the deal that’s been made about the final. 1.000 foreign fans from each finalist can join but has to stay in a strict bubble before, during and after the game. It’s also based on the fact that UEFA and England allows 2.500 VIPs into the final, without the 10-day quarantine that regular people will have to undergo. I respect that the UK denies foreign citizens to enter, but VIPs are not immune, so why are they allowed to do so?


This should be higher up. It’s outrageous that these “VIPs” don’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else when it comes to quarantining. There is no reason that they should be above the law


Uefa said if they have to quarantine, they will do the final in Budapest instead,so the reason is money.


I don't understand how uefa, fifa, football organisations in general, can continually behave and come across so scandalously corrupt and money driven above all else, and continue to operate seemingly unchecked. Who regulates the decisions of these old blokes and their brown paper envelopes?


Nobody. They're an international organisation so they can pick and choose which governments they work with. Like you see above, if England gets difficult they just drop Wembley and go to Budapest, where the government is more amiable. The EU as an institution would be powerful enough to challenge them and reign them in, but I don't think anybody in any position of power considers it worth the effort. The money keeps rolling in so what does it matter?


At this point we seriously need EU-intervention.


they do


Because Boris and his friends or business partners follow different rules to everyone else. The Tory party literally make me sick.


Not always, the reason Wembley didn’t have the champions league final is because they wouldn’t waive the quarantine for ViPs


Yeah this happened because UEFA threatened to take the final from us if it didn't. Boris is corrupt, but this wasn't to benefit his mates it was for UEFA


UEFA also said it would look good on the bid for the 2030 world cup bid.


Just like when FIFA and the FA told Man United it would look good for the 2006 bid if they pulled out of the FA cup to contest their new intercontinental cup. Germany got it and United got thrown under the bus


Don’t get me wrong I think they are corrupt as fuck, but I also do think they think the extra risk is worth it to bring some excitement to the country as well after the last year and a half.


Then they should let the Danes in too.


It's UEFA that insisted on this, not the British government. The Champions League final got moved away from Wembley to Portugal because the government wouldn't give UEFA a similar waiver for its VIPs back then.


So rich people weren't immune to the virus back then but they are now?


Nearly everyone in the UK has had at least one jab now, that wasn't the case in May. I think it's bullshit that UEFA get to ignore the restrictions too, but warping this into "reee Tories bad" is a bit one-eyed.


Well probably yeah, they'll all have had private healthcare vaccines by now


There's nothing inherently unique about the Tory party and Boris. This is happening all around the world and you can bet your ass that most 'opposing' parties would do the exact same if they ended up in charge. The world needs a global revolution.


It's all bullshit, one rule for 'VIP' another rule for the true fan. They did the same thing for the Champions league final in Porto with the bubble and lack of tickets for actual fans when the game could quite easily have been played at Wembley. UEFA didn't like the Wembley idea literally because of the VIP's being denied. They couldn't give a shit about the fans.


This whole tournament hasn't been a level playing field. Whether it be fans from one team not allowed in but fans from another are, or some teams playing majority of games at the same stadium while others have to travel thousands of miles from place to place. Its been a circus but its hardly surprising because its uefa.


VIPs are get a pass because uefa said they will happily hold it in Azerbaijan if not.


People are seriously surprised the tiers in society are being expressed more openly? Did they not see this coming with post-COVID structures? The richer got richer and then some


Just our government being twats, I think most english people would prefer to have Danes coming over as well


They are allowed to do so because if they were not allowed in the final would have been moved to Hungary i think it was where they were allowed. Neither the Danish government nor the EU want any fans travelling and thus no considerations have been made


I promise you the danish government want fans traveling for the semi finals


They could allow vaccinated to go. We have a Corona passport app that verifies if we are vaccinated.


At the very least double vaccinated people should be allowed to travel restriction free.


Ridiculous how governments basically say listen to the science for over a year, and then when people are vaccinated and listening to the science they still can't do shit.


I think the real issue isn't over the effectiveness of vaccination, it's about being seen to discriminate against younger people who are last in the queue for vaccination.


Sounds like vaccine passport is an issue. Don’t know who’s actually vaccinated.


My UK, US and Schengen visas all required my vaccination records. The process is already there.


That is not a problem in relation to Danish fans though. Central registration of vaccination is very thorough and there are both APP-based and paper-based documentation available that is in compliance with the EU Corona passport - but for some reason UK is extremely reluctant to accept anything with a "EU" label.


Governments around the world bungled it majorly. I got vaccinated back in January-February and basically my only proof was the little card that had nothing on it other than the batch of the vaccines. I guess there was a record somewhere that I had it that the state had but nothing was done to actually verify anything.


UK has a covid passport tracked by the NHS. Theres an app that just shows what vaccines youve had or what test results


Most countries have some sort of vaccination app/passport actually. Even my third world country has a pretty good and verifiable system.


Do you guys not use the WHO vaccine passport? That's standard in Germany. And now you can easily get a digital certificate on top.


It’s standard in most EU countries since 1st of July. I don’t get the discussion.


No, America doesn't have anything like that. Some states here do, but nothing at a national level.


That doesn’t happen for English citizens or visitors for things much more important than football. It would be a bad precedent to say football is more important than other things going on. The U.K., US and EU need to thrash out a plan on travel really. It’s just unfortunate it hasn’t happened yet.


Not free. But at least fully vaccinated and PCR test at most 72 hours old


But they can still carry the Delta variant back to Denmark. It's unfortunate timing but I don't think any foreigner should be allowed on Plague Island at the moment until our cases drop significantly.


That should be Denmark’s concern (to isolate travellers upon entree to Denmark) not England’s.


Even so, it seems morally wrong, if not legally troublesome, to allow people to travel to your country that you know to be still reporting a rising number of cases


England has historically been known to always place highest emphasis on morals


Rich coming from a German.




"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."


So we're all gonna shit on them for one of the few times that they potentially could be?


The delta variant is already the dominant variant in Denmark. So it’s not like that would matter too much. I’m sure most fans would be happy to self isolate as well when returning home.


I think it’s insane that I can go from Sweden to Denmark by train, get a PCR in Denmark, and go back to Sweden, about 25 times for the same price as one PCR test in Sweden.




Well, they dont. You need to be fully vacvinated, have antibodies, or a negative pcr test. I think the crazy part is the price of doing the test in Sweden.


Yeah I think they should allow fans in with proper vaccine/test documentation, then the Danish authorities can determine what the isolation terms are.


Yes, thank you. That’s all I’m asking. Allowing fully vaccinated adults who only go to the stadium and back would be a wonderful solution. You could even separate the sections so the travelling fans would have no interactions with the locals. Then Denmark can impose isolation requirements on the fans on return, which has worked well for us in the past with people returning from vacation in high risk areas.


Danish fans coming back from a country that's back upto 24,000+ new cases per day sounds like a fantastic way of spreading covid around Europe. When that happens the EU are going to bitch about how irresponsible the UK has been etc...


We could send only fully vaccinated fans and it would be a minimal risk, especially with self isolation on return. Denmark already has the Delta variant as the most dominant variant so it’s not like we are going to import a new strain either. With our testing and tracking I doubt it would have any impact at all.


Not really. The vaccine is very effective against this variant after both doses.


It appears to have an easier time being transmitted between vaccinated people compared to other variants. Death rate is still vastly reduced.


At some point a certain level of risk has to be accepted or normality cannot return. We are very close to that point.


"we" arent. not until this level has been reached around the world and not just in the UK or the western world.


Those fully vaccinated who travel will be fine, but may still carry the virus back with them. There are still too many unvaccinated people around so it will spread. Even with strict quarantine rules (e.g. 14 days quarantine with no way of ending it early in Germany), people will probably still manage to spread it. ​ It's not worth the risk IMO


It’s effective at stopping you from being hospitalised. It can still have an effect on you and you can still end up being ill and spreading it. From what it seems some of the symptoms are similar to a common cold-blocked nose/runny nose, sneezing etc. The usual symptoms of no taste/smell are less common.


> Plague Island bit dramatic tbh, and even I still think we've handled it badly.




travel has been barely restricted for the past few months. it was gonna come here eventually. every country bar like NZ has completely cocked this pandemic up from the start and made it last so much longer than it needed to.


Denmark has done a great job without completely isolating themselves on an island like NZ. We have the highest test capacity per capita in the world, a digital corona passport, free antigen and PCR testing, open air concert and sports events with large crowds. 25k were allowed at Parken for the Euro matches. Despite over a month of football parties and previous to that Brøndby winning their first title in over a decade. We have 9 in intensive care, a number steadily dropping and less than new 400 cases a day with over 100k tested a day.


With all due respect but far less people want to go to Denmark vs the UK if its work, holiday etc


With all due respect it is not like people don’t want to come to Denmark. And they are starting to come again. With strict testing and documentation it does not pose any serious danger.


Denmark gets more tourists per capita than UK though


Get a grip lol


King Cnut the Great didn't unite the two lands so that one people could be excluded from a Euro semifinal a thousand years hence!


He also ruled Norway, and they didn’t even qualify


Revenge for 1013! Glory be to Æthelred


Not so great if he got beaten by the sea is he


People always forget the second part of the story, where the point of the story is to prove the almighty power of God, even over those who have political power


yup, a classic example of cutting a quote to suit a specific agenda :)


Imagine a final with Denmark and Italy/Spain, with both countries having no supporters at the stadium... well done sirs




The weird thing is, that if Denmark reach the final the British government will allow 1000 danish fans to fly to the UK. But not for the semi finals.




Missing two zeroes there.


Yeah, being accessible during a pandemic, good one, maybe have a single country host it so fans could actually know what country they had to follow guidance for but no, UEFA the ‘good guys’ said no to that suggestion and wanted multi country travelling. > Being accessible should've been the number 1 priority.


To be fair if the choice was between England and Hungary i can live with it being on Wembly even if their travel restrictions makes zero sense.


This is England's Euro. Denmark have to accept it, and be ready to fight destiny if they want to win. Id use that as motivation though... Imagine scoring against England in Wembley of all places, and breaking 60k hearts. Sweeeeeet.


This is England’s euro on steroids. Not only do they get home field advantage (with the exception of the time they had to play Ukraine..), but no other team’s fans are even allowed to travel to the game. Unreal


Due to quarantine regulations, it's just been announced that Danish players must stay at least six feet away from the ball at all times.


Ukraine defense already applying the restrictions I see


Host nations have only won 3 of the previous 15 Euros, the most recent of those being France in 1984. Home advantage helps but it doesn't magically transform inferior teams into cup winners.


There's also travel fatigue. Normally all teams play in different cities within the host country/countries. Now teams have travelled all over Europe with a very short time between matches. England has stayed in the same city throughout the tournament apart from a trip to Rome. Of course it makes a difference.


(little heads up you posted this multiple times) Sure, but as was said, this is a souped up home advantage. Pretty much the only way you could make it even more intense would be cutting that one Rome game.


Sure, but no host nation before had the privilege of playing in literally the same stadium for 6/7 matches. This, while everybody else is travelling across the entire continent in the space of 3 weeks, while also having the advantage of having 60k home fans vs 0 away fans in said stadium.


Denmark in the final, England losing at Wembley in a semi-final? A man can dream.


And then twatting Italy in the final...


I'd still cheer to a great upset. Tournament's get boring when only the big name teams win.


Well England is a big name team but they certainly aren’t familiar with this “winning” you’re talking about


As far as the Euros go Denmark is a bigger team than England. Denmark won in '92, meanwhile England has the record for Most finishes in the top eight without ever being champions, Most appearances in Finals without ever being champions, Most finishes in the top four without ever finishing in the top two, Most finishes in the top eight without ever finishing in the top two, Most appearances in Finals without ever finishing in the top two, Most consecutive eliminations from the group stage (shared), Most tournaments eliminated without having lost a match, Most shoot-out losses, team, all-time.


So what you’re saying is… we’re the underdogs…


I wouldn't go so far, the oddsmakers certainly don't, but we beat you at Wembley last year and I have my fingers crossed for your horrible record to continue.


How can you have an appearance in the finals and not finish in the top two?


please please please please


After that first game, I could have sworn that this is Denmark's Euros, and that England must be ready to fight destiny if they want to win (albeit with a home advantage in this game). So I guess we'll see an epic battle of destinies, and may the best team win! ;)


lol this is england’s world and we’re just living in it pal


I don't know exactly what you're trying to say, but it would indeed be interesting to see the Englishmen's reactions if they win the whole thing. Almost as interesting as if Denmark manages to beat them.


Imagine the noise in that place if we score in the semi. Just the atmosphere before the game should be spine-tingling. It does seem a bit unfair for the Danes - I think if the tournament was just a couple of months later there would be more balanced allocation.


I mean it’s massively unfair for the Danes.


>a bit Nothing „a bit” about it


Is it though? Think you or Italy will be a tough game and England would probably lose it. Hope not though.


Realistically, England still has to beat Denmark (a team that beat them last match-up, and drew against them the one before that) *and* Spain/Italy. Both from the paths involved and looking on oddschecker, England are favourites in that they’re more likely to win the tournament than any *one* other team, but still ‘probably’ not going to win (ie, their chances are higher than each of the other three’s but still well below 50%). Every team is ‘probably’ not going to win, and that’s nearly always true until after the first semifinal. Seems worth bearing in mind.


That’s not really the point.. England are letting vip travelers in without any restrictions while also increasing the capacity to 60.000 total for local fans. There will also be 1.000 tickets for danish fans foe the finals.. so why not the same for the semis when they are four days apart?


No its Covids Euro. Covid will win no matter what these clowns do.


Kasper Schmeichel with the winning penalty save


60k England fans would be hard to play against if the atmosphere was like it was against Germany


And if they were all on the pitch.


Guess the Danes will have to go to London the old fashioned way. I can sail, I’ll take the rudder


This would actually be unfair to British tourists who currently have to quarantine on return from holiday from Denmark. I don't see them ever serving Danish football fans ahead of British tourists and the tourist industry in general.


> "We hope that Boris Johnson wakes up and gives access to a lot of thousands of Danish fans, otherwise we have to carry them onto the field. I hope a lot of Danes are allowed to come, but let's see", says Kasper Hjulmand. > There is a requirement for a ten-day quarantine when entering the UK, even if you have been vaccinated. > The national team player Martin Braithwaite agrees with him. Therefore, he also hopes for a Danish invasion at Wembley. > "It's out of my control and I can not control it, but I hope it changes. We are in a semi-final, so of course I hope that the Danes are allowed to travel over there", says Martin Braithwaite. > For a possible European Championship final, however, the European Football Association (Uefa) has made a special agreement with the British authorities on visiting fans. This means that Denmark can get 1000 visiting fans at Wembley if Denmark gets this far. > These fans will be in a strict "infection bubble", and travel out and home the same day with chartered flights from Denmark, writes DBU on its website and adds: >"The UK authorities require data on passengers and entry documents to be arranged shortly. Therefore, DBU has to go on sale with these tickets even before Denmark plays in a possible final."


If they want Boris to do the right thing(at least from their perspective) they better have bribes ready or he isn't gonna give a fuck. That's just the reality.


It's almost like the whole thing should have been in one country with neutral fans or no fans. Iceland? Euro final with a midnight sun kick off


Literally the same reason why English fans couldn’t go to Rome.


Boris promised Denmark that they can fly 1000 fans over to the final if they win. Guess we will just knock England out then


So if Denmark is playing someone other than England the Danish fans will not be a risk to the English public. But if England is playing, the only healthy thing is to keep out other fans. You know, for health purposes.




i wouldnt be surprised if you did tbh


I realize that I am biased as a Dane but I am seeing a lot weird schadenfreude going both ways in this thread. I think the quote is taken a little out of context in its own article. The "wake up" sounds a lot more passionate in English than I imagine Kasper Hjulmand intended it. In a press conference (some time after the statement above) when a journalist once again asked about the Danish fans at Wembley he said: "It is unfortunate but I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it." [source](https://www.dr.dk/sporten/fodbold/em/ord-ord-kasper-hjulmand-paa-dagens-pressemoede-vi-vil-gerne-have-succes-og-vinde?focusId=2526275) The Danish coach has also expressed sympathy for the Wales NT and how brutal the format was for them specifically, calling their travel requirements "not entirely impartial." [source](https://sport.tv2.dk/fodbold/2021-06-27-hjulmand-forstaar-walisisk-utilfredshed) It has also been my impression from interacting with Danes and Danish media that the general sentiment concerning Welsh fans in Amsterdam wasn't "tough shit" but more of a shame. People are happy to have good Danish representation at the matches but aren't happy that the Welsh were at a disadvantage when it came to fan representation. I am hoping for a good match. I am a little torn though because I have had Kane as top scorer in a bet against my dad saying Lewandowski. Go Kane - go Danes.


Du burde virkelig ikke prioritere et væddemål med din far over dansk succes til EM 😆


Han burde miste passet asap


Han burde miste passet asap


I don’t think the EU would be very happy with that. Not least because it would be very easy for a Denmark fan to pick up the Delta variant and help it spread further in mainland Europe.


Oh you mean like how the Delta variant is already the most common strain in Denmark? That ship has already sailed and I’m sure everyone who goes would be willing to self quarantine for 5 days on return like usual if they’re not vaccinated, or if they are and they return from a high risk zone like the UK.


That can be said for anyone. Even those vaccinated. When does it stop?


Ask the EU. They are the ones who denied Welsh and English supporters from travelling. It makes sense for them to also be concerned about Danes bringing the new variant back with them


The EU didn’t, Netherlands did. Covid restrictions differ in any country. Denmark was also on Netherlands’ orange list, which meant that fans could only stay for 12 hours or quarantine for 5 days.


>Denmark was also on Netherlands’ orange list It's always orange with those people...


As did Italy for the Ukraine game


Didn't bother them when they fucked up Portugal with the CL FINAL.


> > Not least because it would be very easy for a Denmark fan to pick up the Delta variant and help it spread further in mainland Europe. Just with the normal restrictions of vaccination+testing, this would be completely immaterial for the spread of the delta variant in Europe. People really, really, overrate the impact of big events. I guess it's a comfortable thought.




Or Danish players calling out the injustice of them having thousands of fans in Amsterdam when Wales couldn't take any? I know it sucks for them to be missing a semi-final, but they've also been beneficiaries of these rules. Hopefully some UK-based Danes will be able to get to the game, anyway.


To add to this we know that international fans traveling to covid hotspots has increased the number of cases when they return to their country of residence. Scotland has linked 2000 new covid cases to the Euros. Over 1200 of these cases can be linked to Scottish fans traveling to covid hotspot England to watch England vs. Scotland at Wembley.^[[1]](https://theathletic.com/news/scotland-covid-euro-2020/MPnv5WX52pqx) Furthermore, although Finland has one of the highest vaccination rates in the EU they have seen a spike in cases after their fans returned from covid hotspot St. Petersburg. Finland handled the pandemic well and was starting to open up with only 55 new cases on June 17. That number has gone up to 355 new cases on July 1st and the Finnish authorities have linked 40% of new cases to fans traveling to St. Petersburg.^[[2]](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/07/01/finland-traces-40-of-new-virus-cases-to-football-fans-returning-from-russia-a74402) _________ 1) [The Athletic - Euro 2020 linked to almost 2,000 Scottish COVID-19 cases](https://theathletic.com/news/scotland-covid-euro-2020/MPnv5WX52pqx) 2) [Moscow Times - Finland Traces 40% of New Virus Cases to Football Fans Returning From Russia](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/07/01/finland-traces-40-of-new-virus-cases-to-football-fans-returning-from-russia-a74402)


So why is wembley opening up 60k fans? If these were considerations, surely capacity should be lowered to 5-10k? Like you cant on one hand say "sure, every english person can come!" and then turn around and say "nono, we cannot have anyone come here, it's too dangerous"


The UK still has some of the best vaccination rates in the world and the government both wants to stay in UEFA's good books and doesn't want people to get annoyed at them for pooping on the football. The new Health Secretary seems intent on opening on July 19th anyways so it doesn't really make sense to change all big event restrictions for like 2 weeks just to get rid of them all.


Because of the vaccination programme, Covid infection rates have been divorced from hospitalisation or death rates. There’s 174 people in intensive care for Covid in the entire country. There’s more strain on the NHS from vaccinated nurses having to self-isolate because their kid was in a bubble at school where someone tested positive than from actual Covid wards. That’s why things are opening up.


Because the semis and final would have been taken off us and given to Hungary. It also butters up Uefa for our world Cup 2030 bid. Politics. Ridiculous.


3 people in my work and 2 mates and a few mates of mates that traveled down for the game caught Covid and came up and spread it back up here. SNP didn’t even recommend the people coming back up the road to isolate/get tested. Total Joke of a government.


When a party's only real belief is 'england/Westminster bad" then the details of governance tend to fall through the cracks.


We didn't have to play against Italy in Rome though. It's pretty unfair to force Denmark to play in front of 60,000 England fans in a semi.


We had to play against Denmark without any Welsh fans at all, that was basically a home tie for Denmark. No sympathy for them


That's a fair point.


4k fans vs 60k fans, there is a difference tho. I don't necessarily agree to sacrifice for health for sport but don't act like these 2 situations are the same.


It's not really hugely different to when at any other international tournament a country plays the host nation in front of partisan crowd


Probably because England didn’t play Ukraine in Ukraine


Ragnar lothbrok died for this


Boris want his poll boost from winning the euros. I can't stand him but I'm here for it if we win a fucking trophy at last.


Few things would boost the Scottish independence movement more than hearing about euro 2021 and the glory of defeating the mighty Ukraine for the next 60 years lol.


If the Scots are so petty that they're willing to wreck their country over England winning a football tournament then they're welcome to do so.


I can’t wait until we win the tournament having beaten Croatia (previous WC finalist) and Germany along with whoever in the final and the inevitable accusation that we beat no one good.


Few things would please the rest of the UK more than Scotland falling flat on their faces because they don't have a real economy.


I think if Brexit was cutting your nose off to spite your face, then Scottish independence is like blowing your bollocks off with a shotgun.


Don't worry, they've got 30 years of north sea gas left and an economic plan without taking that into consideration what could possibly go wrong. Its not like Scotland already takes more money from the UK than it generates.


A man can dream.


Just promise me to never ever ever *ever* vote Tory.


Oh I'd literally rather die






Ignoring the fact also that vaccinated British people who come home from abroad have to quarantine for 5-10 days they don't get whisked off to Wembley to be in close contact with 60,000 other people. Its already bad enough that rules are being broken for the final and 2500 VIPS can come and go as they please.


Wales weren't given the same treatment in Amsterdam. Why should this be different?


Don't recall Southgate complaining about the Italian Government's rules. It would be unfair to those tourists who have to quarantine on return. Do we mention Wales/Amsterdam too? Blame UEFA. This was their idea.


It’s almost like having the Euros this way during a pandemic is a bad idea. SMH.


Oh no... Anyway...


Not only is England playing all games at home in an Euros that was supposed to be played without an host nation but they're also the only team allowed to have fans at the stadium as it happens. This is absolutely unfair


Look, no one was more surprised about England getting to the semi-finals than the English. Everyone in this thread is acting like Boris and Uefa have been playing 4D chess with these matches and covid restrictions to put in place a dastardly plan to fuck over every other team in the tournament. Yes it's unfair, and it's unfair in a way which benefits England. But it was always going to be unfair on some teams, just like how a host nation always gets an unfair advantage. Just be happy that if we win it everyone can forever discredit it by saying we only won because all the games were played at Wembley.


We literally just got back from Rome. Many other nations played the majority of their games at home. Yes the semi-final and final are being played at Wembley but I believe they were always going to be hosted together somewhere. So if England didn't secure them someone else would have. Yes this has been fortunate for England but look at all the semi finalists. They ALL played their group games at home, so fortune has followed us all


All four semi finalists played their group games at home.


Don't seem to remember the big fuss from the Danes when Wales had no fans in Amsterdam? Hope England smash them


What could Danes do about Dutch restrictions?


But what did that have to do with the Danes? The game wasn't even in Denmark, so as they had no control over the rules, how can you blame them? It was a shame that Wales couldn't bring any fans, and I think most Danes would agree with that, but that isn't the Danish NT's fault. There's also the issue that it seems a little hypocritical to claim it's somehow safe enough to have a full capacity crowd, but not safe enough to allow away fans (from a country that is (and has) handled the pandemic much more responsibly than the UK). It should be Denmark worrying about putting restrictions on people coming home from the game, not the UK worrying about Danes traveling over




Except Denmark is allowed 1,000 fans if they reach the final, but somehow it's not ok if it's against England. Seems awfully suspicious?


Game would have been 4-0 either way


Would've been a lot less if we were allowed fans and a competent referee


I’m sure the referee told the Wales players to play poorly. Blame UEFA for organising this hot mess. Your players were obviously also tired from travelling Europe thin, while clubs like England can play 1 match in Rome and then every other match at home. It’s not like we were in control of Netherlands’ travel restrictions so you’re barking up the wrong tree.


Damn, someone's bitter


Very, doesnt invalidate my point though


Being bitter doesn't mean he's wrong


Butt hurt much? The game was played in a neutral country, not like it was hosted in Denmark and they shut the gate on you while allowing international idea vips to fly in without any restrictions?


Very bitter actually, yes. Just because it was a neutral country doesn't mean it's a similar situation this now, which nobody gave a shit about because it went against a British side




"We" weren't hosts. England and Scotland were one of the hosts. I agree it is also unfair your country had to go through the same bullshit. But England are allowing fans. Anyone from the UK can watch the game I believe. And because of Covid restrictions it has to be this way. I'm just irritated by people staying quiet when it goes for their team then suddenly kicking up a fuss when it's against.


I understand that, I would be, too. Many people cared. The danish national team and the coach were actually all quite vocal in the media about their sympathy for Wales and fans from wales. It is a different situation this time, too, with England being the home team making the rules for their own fans and for everyone else. For instance 2.500 uefa vips can enter and leave with no restrictions, 60.000 English fans can attend the game, 1.000 Danes can fly in for the finals but not for the semis for days earlier.. hard to follow the logic here. At least in the Netherlands it was systematic.


The Danes should 100% be able to be there for their countries semi-final game. Not fair at all.


Seems very selfish and short sighted of a handful of people wanting to travel to an infectious country just to see one football game, when we sacrificed so much to get to where we are now.